8 LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I. Lucy Adair, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my ability to spike a volleyball and my love for a certain person to Pam Kelly; the upcoming senior guys to the upcomlna senior alrls (May you love them with all your hearts, or at least let them think that!); and my regrets that I .cannot bequeath my Pink Lady image to anyone (I feel I should keep it to myself). I, Karen Aippersbach, beina of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my "muppetness" to LM; my unmade bed to Snookie; and all my patience in dealing with roommates to Kelly. I, Jeff Allen, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath all my love (and then some) to Elizabeth; the. couch traditionally passed from senior to rising senior to Tom and Ravi (may you have as much fun as I did with it!); my hunting cap to TGK (stay cool, you slick dude!); and some peace of mind to Barry (you deserve it!). I, Toni Allen, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my calculus book, college aps, and my wonderful case of senioritis to my roomie, Beth; Tuesday nights at the movies and a new bridge partner to Jeff, George and Chuck; some privacy and a tux for the prom to Rat and Barbara; and a happy senior year to all. I, Michael Allenson, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the title of "Honorary Jewish American Princess" to Heather Shaw (she deserves it!); my ethnic propensity for financial creativity to Jackye Meadows (I'm sure she will find some way to use it!); and Love to all of my friends. I, Wanda Anderson, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath all my love to the 3rd Bryan gang ahd all my other friends; my dancing ability to Darryl Belle; an arm full of friendship •and love to William Turner; and all the love in the world to Karen Kinsay and Cool who made me laugh no matter what. I, Phillip Antoine, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my turntable and tape deck to SAB, since they're too cheap to buy some for the •lances; and the ability to know a dirty joke when she hears one to Felecia Mosley. I, Pamela Armstrong, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath ali of my good times at NCSSM to the girls on my hall and to ail my other junior Irlends; my place in chorus and my love of singina to Paula Nance; my friendship to Suzanne Kuo; and our incredibly small room to my roommate, Elaine Tseng. I, Beth Bailey, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my Pink Floyd poster, extra balloons, cotton balls, all my fond memories and good times, and my job at Rossini's next summer to Spi. I, Brian Bailey, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath hair and long-sleeved shirts to Dr. Kolena; food to Michael "raylor (the bum); •non-plaid clothes to Lisette; criticism to NCSSM's next president; scholarship success to Michael Orozd; and good luck with girls to Ty Lowry, in aopes that next year he can find a girl who can love him back, as Elizabeth and I do. I, Tarus Balog, being of sound mind and body, io hereby bequeath five dollars to Robyn and lynthia; Shroedinger's equation to David Gray; a nonth of Saturdays to Beth Hinshaw; my love of ■lusic to anyone willing to open up their heart and isten; and to Laine, I leave ail the stars in the miverse. which can be found in her eves. I, Donald Barnes, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my smelly shoes and my clean room to Daniel Kemper and Neal Henderson; my love to Katie, Gina, Anna, Christina, and K.B.; and my grades to Neal Henderson. I, Keith Bazemore, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my hugs to Michele and Apryle; my smile to anyone who has a bad day; my 17-inch arms to Daniel Kemper; Harry to Shari and the Baby Sun; a kiss for Brenda and Belinda; and my heart to Cherryl Floyd. I, Kathryn Beasley, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my appetite for chocolate to Chuck to gain some weight; a block of ice to George; more great cafeteria food to Jeff; and my German "talents" and "abilities" to Snookie. I, Noelle Bennett, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath 1000 aspirin and my clothes rack to Laine; my GQ bear, "Pysics" and Cal notes, and a messy desk to my OBLEO's; my backstroke blues (and green and purples) to Paul I; and my "backrub ability" and lots of love and thanks for her support and friendship to my roomie. I, Eric Benoy, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath control of the Bible Study on campus to Tony Lester and Carmen Worley in hopes that they will continue with and expand it; and the best of luck to them and the other juniors. May God bless you all. I, Monica Bhattacharyya, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the COUNCIL account on the VAX as well as the other fringe benefits of the Vice-presidency to Robb Winters; my excellent taste in friends to Jill Wright; and my love to all the juniors on the greatest hall. Ground Floor E. I, Terry Blankfard, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath my nimble envelope stuffing fingers to next year's Litle and Wilson "work slaves"; "bagging it" to Suzanne K.; “Famous Quotations" to Seema G.; my reality to Dr. Kolena's 84 astronomy class; and psst, k, smooch to Laine, Sharon, Jennie and Gaye. I, Mike Brown, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the good fortune and happiness I have found in having such a wonderful girlfriend-best friend to share both the good times and the bad; the title of 3rd Bryan DA and all my extra check sheets to whomever gets the honor; and an incredible senior year to the Class of '85. I, Sheryl Brown, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath all of my Durham city bus schedules to my little roommate, Shawneille Campbell; and success with Pernie and all my love and best wishes for the upcoming school year to Monk and all the other WTP boys. I, Ingrid Brunk, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath "the Shoe legacy" to Steven Cole, who will not understand, but will perhaps become enlightened in his senior year; and many fond memories of the Beatles, Arlo Guthrie and Bob Dylan to Chris Dumas (Keep it up!). I, John Buie, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath the "excessive" volume of my stereo and an ounce of tact to Phil Marsosudiro; my total disregard for authority to Eric Peterson; my penchant for sleeping through Physics lab to Jason Dlmsdale; my discriminating taste in German beverages to Frau Mitchell; and “The Spirit of the Party" to Joey Gottman.