16 Volume X, Number 1 The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics September 27, 1989 Director has high goals A tmak pttk in tht mm gya Inner gym Revealed by Danielle Defant NC8SH if Maring the coMpletion of ite non gya. Tht gya, coiting $2.7 Million, comiista of a baikttball and volleyball »Hirtf and leate 600. Tht gya ilio hat facilititf for an atrobice etudio, nith airrori and Nood floore. There are aleo tNO gaae rooat and a clafirooa. Without theft facilititf in the paet yeart, the Unicomt have had to r^ or borroH apace for practicing and playing aatchea. They played at the Durhaa City Recreational Building, at Mtll at other local fchoolt. The fchool it alto Morking on itt outdoor landtcaping. In recent yeart, Much of the Money allotted hat gone to the buildingt, but thif year aoney it being uted to put in treat, thrubbery, and nea tidtHalkt. The iaprovaaente are aainly betNaen Wyche Houae and Mary land Avenue. A fee treat Mere lott latt year due to the renovatione, but they are toon to be replaced. In all, the landtcaping and ncM facilititf in the gya Make the tchool More efficient anH beautiful. Wailtown Attack by Kristi Young Three NCSSM ftudente Mere attacked as they proceeded through Wailtown toMard Northgate Mall on Saturday, August 26th. Derek Brown, Maurice Dobson and Josh Huaphreys cut through Wailtown around 6 PM. Turning on Earl Street, they passed five to seven aen lounging in a yard. Without giving it Much thought, the three continued on their route, soon to find the aen following thea. The students increased their pace to get away, but the aggrestort, who had begun throwing things and waking provoking reaarkt, surrounded thea. Om of the attackers By Beth Crawford Serving at our new director this year it Mr. John Friedrick. Friedrick is very excited about the opportunity to be our director. Om wight wonder what attracted Friedrick to this tchool. He believes it to be the preaier tchool in the United States. The coabin- ■tion of teachers, students, and facilities provides an ideal environaent for learn ing, he tayt. Friedrick considers NCSSM people to be serious arid hard working. The opportunity to iwprove this already wonderful learning center and to wold good students into better students beckoned Friedrick. He hopes to achieve the highest quality student and the best quality school. In order to achieve these this, he has toae daring and aabitious goals. In order to understand Friedrick's goals, om Must coaprehend his way of think ing. He sees the students as cuttowers and NCSSM at a pro duct serving the custoaers. Just as an unsatisfied custower gets a refund for a faulty product, the NCSSM student gets a refund for the undesirable aspects of the school by being allowed to change thea. Om way in which all students way discuss probleas and solutions is during lunch with the director, held every other Wednesday in the cafe teria. These sessions allow Friedrick to get inforaation directly frow the students. He way then adjust the product to satisfy the custoaers. Sows positive changes have already coae about froa thqse Meetings, such at obtaining now vacuuM cleaMrt for the doras. In addition to listening to student coaplaints, Friedrick has soae specific goals for the upcowing year. Ho is investigating weans of obtaining new uniforas for the athletic teaws. Also, the Physical Activities arid WellMtt goals are being re-exaained. Friedrick has an aspiring plan to obtain an early working relationship with Mxt year's student govemaent president. He hopes to hire the president for a two to three week internship the suMwer preceding the president's year in office. Friedrick wants the students of NCSSM to better appreciate the privilege they are given by being able to attend the school. To that end, he hopes to iaprove the school to the best of his ability during his stay. And Now... Representing NCSSM juaped on Brown, and the others foraed a circle to contain the scuffle. During this tiae, Dobson was also hit. Huaphreys Managed to escape and run to the aall to get help. A policeaan and an aabulance arrived at the sceM shortly thereafter. Brown arid Dobson were treated and released. The police investigated the sceM but case up with no definite leads. Because of this attack, Wailtown is now off liaits to all students. Associate Principal Joan Barber has iapleaented this policy for the safety of the students. In doing so, she is strongly supported by Brown, Dobson and Huaphreys, who helped her write up the policy. by Leigharm Pake Seniors and juniors recently elected four weabers of their respective classes to serve as their represen tatives to the Student Sovemnent Association (SGA). Out of 12 candidates, the senior class elected Lisa Sitek, Andrew Lewis, Mike Fernandez and Eric Stevens on Aug. 2S. Out of an original 31 candidates, Julie Cheu, Taylor Hinshaw, Darius Russell and Darice Witherspoon wore elected by the junior class on Sept. 6, after a priaary election. *1 was surprised to be elected, but I aa ready to take on this big respon sibility," Lisa Sitek said. According to the SGA coMtitution, the respon sibilities of these representatives include coaaunicating between SGA and the student body, attending and participating in all Meetings of the SGA, and serving in any role delegated by the president or the Executive Coaaittee. *1 want to find out what people want, and relay these wants in the Meetings," Darius Russell said, concern ing his goals as an SGA representative. The SGA includes the Executive Coaaittee, the class tatives, and the dorw repre sentatives. SGA holds open Meetings Wednesday at fli30 p.w. in Hill 19. EveryoM interested is welcoae to attend. r' >1 n President Nora Gardner displays l-shirt froa Director'i