Volume X, Number 2 The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Uctober 2b, 1989 issuing Privileges by Jenny Gardner After Mny hours of hard Mork last year and this year, Student Swemeent Associa tion has issued a nett set of junior/senior privilege guidelines. They are as follOMSI 1. Students mst apply for privileges nith his/her RA. 2. Privileges are subject to RA approval. 3. Privileges coee into effect Mhen the RA signs the card and issues it to the student. 4. An RA May revoke privileges teeporarily on the grounds erf f^ing grades, poor conduct, etc. 5. Seniors May apply for privileges Monday Oct. 9. 6. Senior privileges Mill be issued on the basis of 4th quarter grades until 1st quarter grades com out. 7. Juniors May apply for stage I privileges at the end of the 1st quarter, and stage II at the end of the 1st seMester. The neN stage I privileges are as folloMs: Signing' off caepus (eith an M's signature) until 10>30 p.M. Nonday-Thursday. To receive this privilege, you Must have no pimding judicial hearings, no level Ills, only one grade belOM C*, and no Us on residential life report. The new stage II privileges are as follows! Staying in dom, but out of rooM after 12 a.M. Honday-Thursday and Sundays for phone use, shower, socializing, etc. Also included in Stage II privileges art having two 2-hour curfew extensions per quarter. To receive this privilege you wust have no Level lls in the past four weeks. No wore than two unexcused absences in the last quarter and no wore than 5 cuwulative unexcused absences. You Must also weet stage 1 criteria and have no sort than one grade below a B-. When asked how she felt about the new guidelines, SGA president Nora Gardner coMwented, *Ue've worked hard with the residential life staff and found out that they're really cooperative. S8A has done its best to cater to the needs of the students and the staff and I feel that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.* Qofting Together with the Director by i_isa Senzel At the Director's Retreat, August 16th arid l7th, faculty, staff, administra tors, and studerits charted goals for NCSSM's second decade. Resident Advisors, Housekeeping staff, twenty studerits, and many others boarded activity buses at 6 AN each day. In the Durhaw Arts Council building downtown, Director Friedrick urged everyone to consider group interests over personal ones while defining goals for the school. Brainstorwing sessions and intense discussions resulted in a draft of ‘ a Mission Btatswent for NCSSN. The statewent includes the interided good effects, the clientele, and the restrictions for the school. In sMaller groups, participants suggested five-year and ten^ear goals in the areas of outreach, residential life, and acadewics. These goals specify how NCSSN can accoMplish its Mission. "1 thought it was two days well spent. It helped to get to know the people better, and to put everyone's ideas together about how to better the school," said Hattie Evans, a Mewber of the housekeeping staff. "Since the retreat 1 have seen an overall differdnee in the school," she added. The students were drawn p « froM the Dotm Assistants, Peer College Counselors, Student Government Associatiori officers, and Orientation CoMMittee weMbers, who caMe to school early this year. "The idea of the entire coMMunity cowing together, including studerits and parents, was refreshing, and it gave we a great outlook for the year," said Associate Principal Dr. Joan Barber. According to the Director, weMbers of various departwents at NCSSN are riow reviewing the program goals and Mission statcMerit. This winter, students and staff will, vote on approving these doeuwents, which will then be submitted to the Board of Trustees. . /" % Cowing next issue: Relieving fishtank overflow. Jr. Reps Chosen by Leighann Fake Juniors Harjot Singh and Derek Brown were ele^ed by their class as repi^sentatives for the Honor Code CoMMittee on October 27. Currently, the coMMittee IS reviewing the work done by the coMMittee in the past, getting to know each other, and Making adjustMents to oetter represent the different groups within the NCSSN coMMunity. "Although reviewing and redefining the past work of the coMittee way sees like a waste of tiMe, I think we're waking some real progress in analyzing what the honor code should be," coHwented Ross Little, co-chair of the coMwittee. "We want everyone involved to feel that they have been heard," Dr. Jon Niller, chairman of the coMittee, said. "All of us know what honor Mans, but we have different definitions," Hiller said. The coMittee Must find SOM coMMon ground and create something that everyone can follow enthusiastically. Ideally, the Honor Code coMittee would like to COM up with scm fina proposals this year. Niller said he would like the coMittee "to get further down the road" from where it is now. The coMittee will not be able to progress beyond the self-analyzation point until the Mission statewent in completed sometiM in January or February. This way be a set back, but Dr. Niller sees it differWly. He fNls that it will take that much tiM to truly understand each other’s views of honor and define what the honor code should hold. To that end, anyone is 'invited to attend coMittee Meetings, which take place on Thursdays at 3:30 pw in the Watts board room. Speak - Students, faculty, and staff debate at the Director's Retreat. by Lisa Senzei At the first speak-up of the year, students and resident advisors discussed the PA/Wellness program, privileges, and the new gyM with Dr. Youngblood, Dr. - Barber, and Branson Brown. From 6i30 to BiOO PN on Nonday, Septewber 2S, the open foruM occupied New Lobby. Dr. Barber passed around copies of the old privileges and listened to suggested changes. For example, the old privileges included restaurant runs, which have becoM outdated; state law now requires van drivers to be over 16. Several RA's coMMfited on the old privilege system. *I felt like the grade require ment for being out of your room after midnight was too low; everybody got it," said RA Nike Sunzenhauscr. "When I would try to encourage a student to go to bed, 1 didn't have a leg to stand on." S8A Vice President Alan Cline announced a meeting for anyone interested in writing the proposal for the new privileges. Students suggested expanding the Physical Activity program at NCS^^/to include wore than just testing every quarter. Coach Brown brought up the idea of holding seminar classes in racquet- (see page-8)