The L exhipep VOL. III. Published by the Students of Lexington High School LEXINGTON, N. C. MAR. 23, 1925 No. 1C HIGH LIGHTS OF 1925 PROVES “A KNOCK-OUT” One of the best and most success ful home talent productions ever pre sented In Lexington was the one given by the Senior Dramatic Club :n March 6. The cast was composed entirely of members of the Senior Class. This play was produced under the direc tion of Misses Lula Walker ai,d Steph anie Bragaw and Mr. Dick Walser. Just before the entertainment Her bert Waters rendered several selec tions on the Xylophone. The first thing on the program was the black face act, “Hard Hearted Hannah,’ Pearl Wright proving the ‘pep’ of this feature. The old-fashioned girls made a ‘hit’ with their pret'y dresses and smiling faces. Dwight Johnson showed himself to be a magician of most excellent ability presenting many original tricks. Frances Thompson made .a beauti ful portrait and displayed just hovs perfect an a Senio.- can be. Dick Walser and Cloyd Philpott were the ‘sheiks’ of the evening Every ‘Dream Giri’ was new and different and their act was very interesting. Madge McCarn and Dick Wai.ser were profusely applauded after both of their numbers, “All Alone”, and “Romeo and Juliet’’. The most unique featu'-e of the pro.gram was “The cross word puzzle". Their costumes were very attractive and they were “ chorus girls”. To “cap the climax”, eveiy mem ber of the Senior Class and t ie east black faces, aid-fashioned girls, ma gician, cross word puzzle nuts, dream girls, beaux and Romeo and Juliet— came on the stage singing, ‘ We love you tonight ’25!” Great North Carolinians On March 12, 1925, at our regular chapel exercises, we had a very in teresting talk by Mr. Don Walser. His subject was, “The Three Great est North Carolinians”. His idea of this subject was that one came from each department of our go-.-c-rnment. Prom the executive branch, he nam ed Governor Vance, our governor during the civil war. From the legislative branch comes Charles Ay- cock, to whom every school child is indebted. From the judicial depart ment comes Mr. Clark who was in deed a great North Carolinian. The talk was enjoyed by all and we hope that Mr. Walser will visit us again. TRIANGULAR DEB.VTE DAVIDSON GLEE CLUB CONCERTMASES ALL Everyone who attended the David son Glee Club Concert was well pleas ed, and liked their program very much. The whole glee club was good, but the jazz orchestra made the hit of the evening. The black * face acts were good and everyone en joyed them. The quartets and solo’s were fine, and the violin solos were beautiful. The program was well selected, and did not become monot onous. The whole glee club was splendid and those who heard it un derstand why it is considered one of the best of the State. On Friday night, March 27, the preliminary for the annuai triangular debate wdll be held. Mt. Airy sends her negative team here to contend with our affirmative, whicu is com posed of Dick Walser and Louise Thompson, the latter having taken the place of Ham Hargrave, who was prevented from taking part by a case of the mumps. Lexington’s negative team, composed of Cloyd Philpott and Stephanie Briagaw, will debate against North Wilkesboro’s affirma tive representatives at them home. Much time has been spent preparing the debates, and we feel certain that our teams will be victorious this year. Two of the debaters, Cloyd Philpott and Dick Walser, displayed their excellent ability in this field last year, and we are sure that with the help of their colleagues, they will not only reach Chapel Hill, but will come home bearing the silver cup. A NOTE OF appreciation The members of the Senior Dra matic Club wish that it were possible to personally thank every one who aided in making their \audeville, “High Lights of 1925,” a success. But since that is impossible, we wish through the columns of The “Lexhi- Pep,” to express our appreciation to every man, woman and child wo loan ed his aid and cooperation. Especi ally do we wish to thank the Parent- Teacher As.soclation; Kirkman & Peninger; Arnold, Holman A Leon ard; Mrs. Zeb V. Wal.ser. ,lr,; those who made candy, and all the mem bers Of the student body who attend- or helped in any way. baugaix day Weep, and the world laughs at you; Laugh and you laugh alone. For you’ll find, as a rule. That no darn fool see any joke but his own. —^Selected. A boy named Woodrow Wil.son, v/hile visiting Davidson College went to see his old room. On knocking at the door, he received this reply. “Who are you?” He replied “I am Woodrow Wilson” The boy on the inside: “Well, I am George Washington and I’m shaving, so you can’t come in”. He—“I’d give a million dollars For just one kiss from you”. She ■ Well, Old Dear, produce thq cash And then I’ll make It two”. GIRL’.S BEWARE, IJttle AIice-.“Why do you grease the chickens heads, mother?” Mother ,“To kill the lice, darling.” Little Alice (after a moment’s hesi tation)—“Well then, I’m going to stay away from Bill”.