Page 6 THE LEXHIPEP December 16, 1949 Stoner *s Snitchings I walked up to the door and I shut the stairs; I said my shoes and pulled off my prayers. I cut off the bed and jumped in the light, All because you kissed me good-night! Comic Characters Blondie—Carolyn Koonts Dagwood—Tommy Snyder Pug—Eve Hargrave Dick Tracy—Ang Lindsey Bugs Bunny—“Beetle” Craven Little Lulu—Betty Lou Whitt Smilin’ Jack—Jimmy Redwine Maggie and Jiggs—Janet and Bobby Denny Dimwit—Don Hege Sad Sack—“Troubles” Beck Joe Palooka—“Muscles” Hill Ozark Ike—“Choo Choo” Carter She took me to the bedroom And laid me on the bed, “Just a wee bit tight,” Was all her mother said. And now I’m at the party. Holding her still tight, ’Cause I’m the pretty formal She tried on last night. -Bur-Mil News Tune Twisters “Lavender Coffin”—South Carolina’s team when Carter finished. “After the Ball Was Over”—“Teen” and “Tim.” “How Come You Do Me Like You Do?”—Rainey fans. “Ain’cha Ever Coming Back?”—Sue and Rob Canup. “Once in Awhile”—^ “Kitty and “Herbie”. “The Woody Woodpecker Song” — Typing classes. “I’m Just a Square in the Social Circle” leKimatryi “A Little Bug is Gonna Find You Someday”—Biology Classes. “A Little Bird Told Me”—Mary Jane. “Mule Train”—Football Team. “Feudin, Fussin, and Fighting” — Carroll and Jo Ann. “I Can Dream, Can’t I?”—Shirley Ann Dreyer. “Rudolph, the Red Nose Reindeer —Jim Redwine. “I’m a Little On the Lonely Side”— Barbara DeLapp. “All the Way Choo Choo”—Sam Mc Bride. The Dairy Bowl Float didn’t float, and the L. H. S. Queen’s picture is lost in the mail between Lexington and Salisbury, but Jo Ann Perrell wishes everyone “A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year” The Squealer By TWO BATS Roamin' Round Christmas is just around the corner. Has everybody been a good little boy and girl? It won’t be long ’til Saint Nick will make his appearance, you know. >»!*** This year the .Dairy Bowl had the smallest crowd it has ever had. ’The cold weather kept the fans away from both Lexington and Gray Hi. For all of those that stayed away, it was a thrilling game despite the fact that everyone nearly froze to death. » » » * Did you hear about our band being in the movies? Moving pictures were made of them in full uniform march ing and playing. By the way, tonight is their Christmas concert. Be sure to attend. # * * * Did you ever see anything so beau tiful? The intricate maneuvers which the band presented at the Dairy Bowl not only added to the interest of the game but left the spectators with then- mouths gaping. It was a fine per formance, band members. Each of you deserves hearty congratulations for a fine piece of work, and especially the director! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Ever try to debate on the subjects, “Which is the butt end of a billy goat?” “Why is the ocean so near the shore?” or “Why does a fly leave home?” It seems as if Mrs. Hedrick who has been teaching a unit on ar gumentation, is good on any one of these subjects!!??! Belvedere —Jack Evans ’Twas the night before Christmas, And all through the house. Not a creature was stirring. Not even a mouse. MOUSE??? Out from the corner—over the sheet Came a short, stocky mouse—I’d like you to meet. Belvedere is his name, and he’s quite a chap; When you’re lying there sleeping, he’s probably in your lap. Twisting and turning and raising much And there you are dosing, thinking all’s well. When all of a sudden, right down your back. He feels like Santa with a well filled pack. Running around all under your arm. Now don’t get excited, he’ll do you no harm. Call for father! . . . Call for mother! There’s a mouse in my bed, under the cover. My face is getting white, my puise beating fast, I beat the cover. I’ll call my cat, alas. Mother and father rush into the room; It looked as if Casey had lowered the boom! They shook me and shook me, even ■slapped my face. ®ut there I lay, like a viictim of “Arsenic and Old Lace,” When finally they woke me. With wet towels on my brow, 'The bed and I looked like Florida After a hurricane, somehow! When asked what happened I told them in full. That there’s a certain little mouse Whose tail I’d like to give a pull. With Thanksgiving and the dances, reunions!?), and parties past, we sho have picked up lotsa gossip. This was one appreciated holiday, huh, kids? We know two girls who sure did enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays. Eve and Kirksey had a full week end at A.M.A. (Augusta Military Academy). Who’s this “Poppy” we’ve been hearing so much about? Eve will surely be looking forward to the Christmas holidays when he’s coming home with “Bud.” What’s this we hear about Doster giving Betty Block a rush? Betty, you had better take advantage of this; Doster is one fine guy! Who are those cute boys from Greensboro we’ve been seeing around the playhouse? We hear that Phyllis isn’t the only girl interested in these Greensboro boys! , Anne Meachum seemed to be happier than usual over the holidays, ana we can surely see why. Don Bishop doesn’t get home too often, but he seem'ed to make the best of the holidays. Even though we didn’t win the Dairy Bowl game, -everone had a tine time—almost everyone, anyway. There are more triangles around school than there are in the Geometry book—Dillon, Mary Jane, and Jimmy Dan; Ross, Peggy, and Pete; and last but not least, Mac, Amelia, and “Dimous.” Oh, these new kuddling romances are the sweetest things, especially when they look like Marie Stokes and Harry R., Betty Hunt and Bobby (3rubb. Sue Everhart is one happy lil ole girl thes-e days, but who wouldn’t be? Not every girl gets letters from at fellow as cute as Robert Canup at State. I bet some people wished that all college boys got home as much as those at Carolina, and that Carolina was in Lexington. What’s this we hear about Flossy Abernathy being married? Congratu lations; we hope you have a happy married life. Did you notice the gl-eam in Henrietta’s eyes over the Thanksgiving holi days? It sho is nice for those college boys to get home. Don t you agree, Henrietta? Joan Besley (or maybe you know her better as “Yankee”) sho is crazy about Nookie. Come on, Nookie, let’s stop playing hard-to-get and give the poor girl a break. Delores Hutchins has been dating Bobo Carlton right often. Now isn’t Bobo lucky? Pat Streetman keeps the line busy calling Hayden Hooper almost every night. That’s one way to do it, isn’t it, girls? To make a long story short, here are all the new eighth grade couples: Nancy Allen and Harold Beck, Rochelle Thomason and Jimmy Lee Bates, Helen Thomason and Bill Lee, Nancy Ann Leonard and Lester Hill, and Ann Goodrum and Tony Goss. There surely have been a lot of parties around lately. (That sho do make it nice.) The football team and cheerleaders enjoyed the banquet after ' the game. (The trophy may be found in the LEXHIPEP room, and all the team has little silver footballs.) Betsy had open house before “Teeny’s” dance, and we heard a lot of people ate breakfast out, and a crowd went out to the Evans’ farm and to the lake. 'Then there were a lot of slumber parties after everyone finally got back and the boys left. Don’t believe we’ve ever seen so many pretty evening dresses or gbod looking tucks as were floating around at the Country Club Saturday night. We were glad to see Bobby and Janet back together and having such a good time. ’The Club was packed with college folks, home for Thanksgiving. Some of these were Bill Hedrick, Hubert Olive, Jim Dillon, T. D. Stokes, and Ronnie Gordon from Carolina; J. L. and Jack Lancaster were home from Wake For est, and looking mighty sharp. Duke was well represented by Nancy Hunt, Becky Smith, Bill Blalock, and Bill Eanes and three very cute freshmen whom he brought home. And last but not least was “Hardrock,” Charles Williams, Charlie Price, Biil Cook, and “Jay-Bird.” In case you’re wondering who that good looking coupie from out of town was it was Nancy Powell Vauuhn (one of “Dimous”’ old gals) and Dickie Ogb’ern from Winston; also looking very dreamy were Peggy and Ross, Sid and Barbara, “Kitty” and Sam, “Hinge” and Charles, Nona and Jerry, Joanie and “Cootie,” Martha and Carter, and last but not least. Teeny and Sonny. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas vacation, and that Santa is good to you so that we’ll have a lot more gossip next time! We’ll see you at “Kitty’s” dance, if we’re lucky! Ho hum . . . Well, what’s a gossip column anyway?? Just a lot oi names strung here and there, rumors and guesses that should never be printed . . . But we write it and you read it!!!! Talking of debates, you should have seen “Salisbury” Harris hurrying around third period study hall trying to prepare his debate which he had to give fourth period!! » » * » Miss Weast certainly had a new and different type assembly for “National Book Week.” It seems as if everyone present enjoyed it thoroughly. * * t « Prom all reports the Hi-Y boys and their gals had a good time on their hay ride. Since it was held at the police cabin, you can imagine it was well chaperoned. ♦ . ♦ * ♦ Although the basketball game with Erlanger was a good one, it doesn’t quite compare with the[ Key Kage Kontest. Beamer Barnes, you cer tainly did heap praise upon yourself after scoring all those points in that praiseworthy style of yours! Congrat ulations to all the men who played. ’The games were spectacular, to say the least!!! N-O" Merry Christmas to all the Students of the High School from First Methodist Church &hrisTmaf \lDistwf Greetings From Mrs. Yokeley’s Homeroom