THE C A P U :i K E R A L D ADim'JLVTRATIOil MCTE'. COITi'Ii'RrED l.Iicr; C. Terrell, nr.tivo of Ilcnfl-r: on vho previously tp.u-'ht 't Ch'oel rLll,N.C. ••nd vorhe.’ on the ■ t ff of the "Doily Report", o nCOO'-p:pur of I'f'.itc Plr.ln3,M.Y. -I'ir. Terrell roolrcu" .'r , B. C >'our ■■./lllirns -iho I-- rccupor-tin' fro;: r. recent''o, ills- Torrol.l pr.'c’u'tee’ fr )j; K Mpton T.'here '-ho noj'irv?/’ in EU'-lis.’:. rnr’ Soci'l Scionco, ilrs. Lr.r-Ic- PAcr.s, r. n tive -f Burlinf- ton I'J. C. fjr C'U'tc'’ fr'i/'. Knrn/'illo Collopc ' hero she .". 'joreo in Snelieh ; nr’ Soci'1 Studies. She i-eplocec ; .r. S, E, C'ry r;ho hr:- been c llc:c’ t ■ i.hc rrry ;nd. ir nr-r; r;t-ti-.'ned t Fort Bennin.'", ir. Hr, Jmen lIcDour'l, " n tivc of Ken- doreon "nd pri.-vi-'usly t ,u;i:t Il.'.tli;;-tie; '.t Hr.v?Idns Eirh School, clrrcnt ar, di. C., j.i'.jored in Chaiirtry -t Kn'->:cvillc Collerc. He Conor to US fullillinr, th^ previous duties of lir, S. H. Brorn. dir. Brorn i.o rosidiirr- on the c'npu'' of St -te Tenchv-r' Coller;c Fr.^'-cttcvillc, N. C, T. 'hcrc he i'- th.c Rocrc timrl Coordin'-tor of the M. Y. A, project. Hr. P.o-uluc C. Trvlor hr: returned to Hrnpton Institute to do pr- du to vror’e in Biolor-y. I’r. Julirn 3, Jordrn n h. eh. rpo of the Biolo-rr Deport, .ent. ar. Jordrn i.'^ r. n*tive of D'.'.TSon, Gr., '■ ;rridu to ")f K.-'.;.ipton In.rtitute, rnd ie director of the Bond here, Othor Frculty iie her;.- rr..: Mrs, Hr.bel J. 3ry-:nt, ^ n-tivc of Henderron, rnd rr dueto .if NortJ- Caroline Colics e -ohero ■■‘h^c ; .rn Enplinh rnd Scrir-n, this is Iv.r eventh yeer here* Hi'.. B*. I, liitch-ell, r. nrtivo of piriJrcystonc* C, end >. 'pr-dur.te .f Knoxvil loIi^olljQCC, Thx^ir IrLs Vccond ye- r r\p History"nl2T5^frctfciwW»*~herc. Urs, Helvinr. Sinjon-'-iSulli&olc, n native of 'Kcndcroin ‘nd r of Colu'ibio Vni-veruity T.’hcrc -rhe .'’t. .jor;jd in French, This ir her foiuith'ycr.r-idLth us, Ilisr Clca P-eonlcs, n nrtivc of Ren- . dare .in rjid 3, pr-'-’urto of Kn^tTvillc GolLcf;c viicrc rha-anjored in Historjr, This is her fourth yeor with us. Hr. Jorso J. Hryes, r. nrtivo of Enporir, Virrinir., r. pr, du.'tc if Flo- rdir. a . nd LI, vherc he urjored in— ci.Xftics rnd v s ''J.l-Ancricm end on the footb.-l 1 hxx.- - there,. Here he is hend footbrJ.1 conch. lERDERSON Eh Tirin’E I'm El Arc you intoro^'tdd in ■'.■ilar,. your old och") j1 r-tcr -nd friend - .re end T'h:.t they re doinr? Here i.- tliu inf :>r.'-ti .n f .>r you. Hi--'-e.- S ;vnthr Ly'xch, R--o-.^ :.j Jord 'n rnd Adclo Rod^o r . rtt.ridin If'irth Cnrolin.' Colle; c Durlo-.ri, M. C.. Hire Con-1 'nee C'.rtcr is ot'’iio.- Bennott C-)llo."c Greensbor x, II. C. ^i.o.' D-orothy '.'illcr is rorir.inin'--; .-t in Loxin.'ton, Virrinir., His.~ Ell.- v-ill ronoin in Severn N. C. durin ■ the Hi’ f’O-' Bronv..t'u'. Scott -nd /JLir. Shicl Me.’-.sor;- C’-corpe Ste-p,''ll^ John HcD.i’iy:.' /nd Chrilic EdT.vrds r,re rtte.ndinr Knoiarillc Gollepe Ir Tenner.'-eo. His- Louieo People.-: is in h.,.r fourth "...•r-.r .one’ J-iio- D".vi- i;-: in his third ye r : t the rbovc n.n'icd c.rllepe. .H'is.'ic.'-/ Lizoic Bullock, Ele-rnor Re.-ru. . nd Rutl' bee inlrr their p..cond yc.-r r.t Nort!. Crrolin.-' ColloJ:.- Crlvli Thippen h.-,s r, chc-.uff„ria Hi'-r:.- Glndys Ropero, Viryinir, Knic-ht rnr’ /n’ric 3. Boylcins entered F'-.yett cvlllc T e- chorr Coller o. Hr. Go -drich 3rmc ir berininp his .-ccond yerr "t Kno.xvilLe. Hi Inez Tjcl.-r i- r.ttondinp Shr.w, Hi;.r Goldie Tyler is in Kittroll, His- Dorothy HcGhee Is r.ttondinp ’..Irston Srlei.i Tc-.-ch-er;- Gollepe. - '.r, Julius Knipht is rn r.ctive c-'.r;ocnter. Hr. Eorl P.-yrton, native of Green ville N. C. r. rr.-du.ite of A, -nd T, Collore has headed the npriculturrJ. here for t.hc p.ast sire years, Mrs, Hre S-'d '.Villirns, a n.-tive of, /tL.''.b.Tia, a pr 'duatc of Knorcvillc C->llepo and a student of S.-'j'raci.’.': c l^ivcrsity is head if the nusic departnent, By Grrondetta Pratt EDITORS NOTE: Notus na other acribcraniiLJiha_,,. f-.culty rnd str.ff shrll appear in a future edition of the "CA'iPUS hSAR.lD".