THE C A :: P u V. 2 V> 5 L D EE CLUB :'I 0 T T? I R E 3 I D E CHATS Tl'ou^ht for the eh .” I'usic rtv2-~ io ftm. "hlusic :tuc’j o::’.'lts life". Tlie nei’ibcrs of the hiecr'’. Gleo Cl'^ib of 19/;.0-l?41 v.rish t ' '-’oD.cor.c the ne- ne;:ber • of Uo’.’ our tot.-l on- rolLiont ±s fifty-five. The bo^rs ('■leo cli’.b h~- enrol]r;c-:t of tv'enty rnc’ t!'c ; irlr ' Icc club :.i”: berr thirty-five. Our v'orh is centered.’ To’n'’ .usic for the -'nnu-"! Chri'trior pro'T';i to be prcr.cnter' in th;c In‘'tit'.'.tc r.uc' riw.1 r,t . tr he •; nno’.iucoh lotor. Gloc Club r.e;:'.b'err .--ro r.lrc. ey .:n::i- ourly '.nticio ,t:uir t’lc ."nv, .1 nvic c r.te. t. 'i/o ho TO th ’t ' ll r;. -ai v •.•rEJ. bo veil proprrc'’ rat' o n caco''. hor'bcr . Lor a.i.'lloi •'toute- ;irlr' trio, biys' our.rtco :a ."'.uie.'’ f”. itot \ ill be ' electe'.' r.oat tor. '.. C peti tion for thoov. 'I' -’iirir i.- .~uitc The la t cor.cert ’f t’o 3'e 'r 'vV-l bo the uio.u i f pri'O ' Viu.oic 1. E be r. v.c^ibcr of the 'lor club. r.lT"T-r I-,').-) ’ fell')'..i'T... .... ^ DrrOR^ ' iioxs r.i The opini'jnc st.toi in ■ hof'C of the v.ritcr ) not necerE'.rDfLy 'portr .y the of the CAIPU3 HERALD. , the pc .pic in the United f)t''.to' tl o'ii'T.t.;m. 'tiornl pr-'tolc:'!, it b.' n. tion -l problea. This problen t v-r,r f'.cine the 'vorid toe y. four c. ntinont ' ..'opoEcd t') t''e ■ cr tnc )f lif.: o .::t Alcr- U- ! ic n- 'll-- -.rith tlio dcr.i.)crrtic co'i.ntrie in thu Ai.icricr.s in order tlirt i; be :blo to livlit the Ilngi in crr.c of 'n .ttc.'.ptcd. .iavrsi'in of the h&'i"ph:.rc. In concid.'erii'i';) our -national vmr pro'bl: ti e Hr.tionrl Defence proporition cnicc no fvi our c')nsider.''.tion. .lo riurt tmir n.' v.';uin ' .ur '.rned forcer; thir includo nr. n-vy -nd tl o ioriner nc '■'•ell ' Core. tl. I 3 L S CL j.,.. S. II n chcil t.hc i'lcpro pl.'y ii'i o'ur Defon re of Dca cr cy. .1) -rill c .•nsidcr the Negro ill the ray. Throu;-,)'. the c ointry, acn '■.ro beii).-- trained hy V7ar Dcpartr.icnt f'-'T r:ilit-.x’y rcirrice f.,r t!-e cTnircry. hlc f:ui' V. Vt .f our colored soldierr bclnp •■' cnt to "■nithcr-'i c -;.ips. ''■qiioh bi :.ngs hcribcrv )f the Bible Cl- r.,ro: t indcre.' t in the- co”.r studied thir • c:.e noctijif on Tuerdr.y rtudy;'aif- the Book of Enof'-a. Seniors, neot;'n Eond.-.-'s, h'ednos ’ Frid.,'.ys,aro "tudjri}-;- the Book of Lc- vie tcr both cl ■ ■ or 'ho-'-n;'.' di' crjainrtion, soyre'-atiou rn'l r-.c The J-roier Cl nd Thurrd .v'-, i o’ r. -)rcdjuice to our conntry. ns .', h.''e navy Merroee ar.., bc.-iaf used on] as ;io'S -.’lc-ii'''';rnts. In the Air Corp '.a bei”'.: tr' inc'.’ for -.cTV.icc in r. seprogate rnf -anit, ident .in ' recent addre-s to t T;ilLr tr . .1 It. for .11-out ai(’ to Engl-uic e ,'i. o o'dd th-t cvern viticus. Ncxi s study a book of the Me- ; Te ta'ient, Thi- year there . : e a n-a 'ier f rtudent^ v;h > c v Tl'ont'.rily .'■'.; both clarscs. Bee'uro of ■'rhait in V'Ci cy. Pr ay toll no h )v.- cm. the thirt schedules, ro. -.o outHs -'oro co”.'oollcd to rulli-a Norrocs :ai the United States giv withdr: r: -to take required subject.'-. Others, chooson bct-.-ccn Bible .nv'! other "activities". The cl , ’"o ,-.j e therefore sarll, but the scri-)Usno '• nf purpo' e uriviferted by the cl ■..' s . :c.:- bers, rnd the e;-iph:-.ris bciir pi co''’ upon devclopi'.ont ';>f spirit’a'l life in tl:c individual'nc; her me sh • in, •gratifsahe, Rev, J. R. Dunrec A ..--ic'-.n citizen axi t cooper .'te '..ith all .-.ip’-.t pov-or ;Ln order t'' protect de- Pray toll r ~i ■’* r.h.olchi.r'rtod support to the d.cfcn.'^e of dai)ci"-cy in Europe vhen in thir countr-' he i' bein'' diacrlninatcd ar.'-.inst, rcgrc • tij;'. and .,)pprc.'Tsed in every branch of t ,'.rned forces. Until thi.s countr*'' coiendc to the Megx econon.ic, political and social c.quality VC v'ill never be able to build rn i iprc/ nr.blw defence syrtca'hnationally or inte: natl 'n'-lly ... 30 * , , Robert K, Jones BOY SCOUT TROOP 101 The Boy Scout organization \.'a rtaited hero bj'' hr. hryo.- and iitcholl last Fcbru.arj)' v.lth so: ic sixteen ..xmibcrs, Prerent ucabcrc.hip is tv.'cnt''-four, Thi.'- a-oj'.rior .'^■cver.'l of tJ-.c boys v/ent to C a.-.p, Ten of tha.'i bccoa.inf Second Clans Scouts me: Charlie jiggetts, Nr.thcniol Hov.-rd, D.'^vid Gijnn, D.'vid Mills, ilclvin Burt, liclvli Balthrooc, Milbort Knight, Urian Shields, Arthur Ta.ylor, "nd JnJies Gro^n LcyIs Greene PORO BEAUTY SIDP APPRECIATES ACCEI'JTUATING YOUR BEAUTY COTTON BUILDING IIONTGOiHlY UTREET PHONE 957 OPERATORS: : USD AS- G.E. SCOTT and IRE. KELLY