A V R T I S ^ :: E N T.. I'W ..K ' l-!^\ m\ I V“' '5i YD UR BU^IIE' 3 /R^R.ECI.:TED E. A. BiXLOCK V SIAEi SERVICE CT.ITIO!! T'E VILE/' SCUTE OF I’E:TDERS0II ON TIT R'LEIQE RO 'D MISS HENDERSON INSTITUTE- By Deris Poole Miss Annie Belle Freeman, who is by popular vote Miss Henderson Institute arrived at the Cotton Stadium of Henaerson Institute in riond^rson. North Carolina at 2L30 on a wagon pulled by Boy scouts. She was accompanied by her attendants, fiisses Delia Scott and Louise Gibson and cheer leaders Barbara Cooper, kildrc-d Stridor, Lucille Goode and Lillian Harris, Miss H, I, was attired in a black skirt and yellow sv eater over v;hich was a cape of yellow and black. Her hair was nec.tly arranged and decorated v/ith a bov/ of yellow ribbon, ( ( Miss Henderson sat and watched the ^ajne very attentively on her throne which was decorated with Orange and black, until the half when she descended to publicly acknowledge the honor bestowed upon her, ^fter the half she ascended her throne so the numberous Camera fans might obtain priceless menentoes of this memorable occasion. Photos also were made of her, and her att^ndemts, and the boy scouts by Tyler. When she was not on the throne she was accompanied by her escort, Mr, Jessie Crews, ’■’I xco:: j i'>EH?icE rt/t ion • 1 ::n.E norte of it tot ci E ',0 -^lODUCTG ' A. K. .to;:/;, PXPRisroR- OXFORD « TTTOER3GE FiriERTO ITOI E, DiC, id: e of id::i BSTFir : ton to B'toi to a'bociation PIDHE UniDER/ON 371 EE’T TO T^TO C II’UU ITR TOD fro: I jord;to» pui'Iitlto id.ee TOID TI-TO CITO3TNUT STREET ORCCERY D0UGL.-3 DRUG S..'0RE 118 Momer Strv>.TO IIcntTOrc -n, M.; RE.'.VIE GROCERY TOID il-RIGfl' 212 Ford Stro -• Henderson, N, C, _/■