fTl THE CAI'.!PUS HEKALU Pa^A- 6 h. SQMG OF THAIIKS (Continued) Froai the Gulf and the Lakes to the Oceans' banlcs,- lord God of Hosts, ne liive Thee thanksi For the farmer reaping his whitened fields, For the bounty vdiich the rich soil yields. For the- cooling uews and’refreshing rains. For the sun v;hich ripens the golden grains, i'or the bea.rded v;heat .md the fattened sv/ine, For the stalled ox and the fruitful vine, For the tubers larj^e .'ind cotton vdiite. For the kid and the Itimbkin frisK arid blithe. For 'the swan which floats near the river banks,— Lord Goa of hosts, we give Thee Thanksi i'or the lov/ly cat and the mansion fair, For the pechce and plenty together share, For the Hand which guides us from above. For thy ti;nder mercies, abiding love. For the blessed hoiae with its children ' For the returnings of Thanksgiving Day, ' For the bearing toils and the sharing cares, be lift up our hearts in' our songs and our praj'^ers— From the bulf and the Lcakc to the Ocean's banks- Lord God of Hosts, we give Thee thanks! V.HEfiE. ^RE THE SENIORS OF "42"? 1. iliss barbara Cooper is attending bennett College in Greensboro, N. C. 2. ivir. James ri. Hi^ndcrson' is p. student .t ilajD^^ton Institute, Kaiipton, Va. 3. i'Uss Ruth mason is attending North Carolina College, Durnam, N. C. 4. «Ir. Jessie Cr^nvs is with' Uncle Scui's forces. 5. i'.Iiss Hattie Gr^en is a member of the stuQc:nt' body of Bennett College; in Gre^nsboro,-N, C. 6. I,ir. Jimios E. iw-uderson is in Phila., Penna. 7. i/iiss Dardanella bryant-is a student at *!a.cto eeauty College in Greensboro,N,C, 8. ilr. Vv'illiam T. Henderson is attending rt. u T. College in Greensboro,N.C. 9. .-liss Ordie B. Shields is v/orking on ijontgomerv Street in the tailor shop. 10. Fir. Simon Christmas is a big help .iround his home. 11. iiiss Carrie Pnschall is residing at home on Adams Street, 12. Miss Susie H. Howard is still home with mamiaa. 13. iliss Mable'Massenburg'is working in Greensboro, North Carolina and attending Maco Beauty College at night. 14. Miss Sue b. Bullock is residing at her home in Townsville, North C-.rolina. It is stated that she intends to go to DeShazo's beauty College, Durham, N.C. 15. x.'Ess Amerial Brodie is ^vorking in a cafe in Henderson, N. C. 16. Miss ..-lary Ttiylor is home, 17. x&ss nnnie b. bur‘ton is v/orking in Nem/ Jersey, 18. ilis’s Josephine Kittrell is a student at Shavf University, Raleigh, N. C. 19. iliss Gladys Sraall has decided to try home life awhile, - - 20. .Miss Dorothy Roberson has let cupid guide her he;irt. She is now' Mrs. Dorothy Parker, 21. ^.liss Bernice Allen is a student ?.t State Normal in Fayetteville,N.C. 22. ilr. Edwin alien is attending Shaw University, Raleigh, N, C. 23. .liss -Mary E. nnrtrove is in b:tltimorc. 24. -Ir. Isa c Rowlo.nd is a student .t Howard University, lE',shington,D.C. 25. I'liss IdOu Lilliams is home, 26. wiiss Edna Fieavis is in New York. 27. --liss Ada bullock is home. 28. .ir. billirini Holtz is attending blubfield Teachers College in' Bluefield, L’c st ^ 'Virginia. 29. i/iiss Alice Freeman re.nains home in Townsville, N. C. 30. i-iiss Louise Gibson is going to school in her own home town, 'Cincinnati, Ohio. 31. i/iiss ii-.rion Reid is a student at Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia. 32. iliss Catherine, bullock is home. 33. The tvains, ..-lisses nlimi and Edna Johnson are hOi.ie in Henderson, N. C, 34. Miss' Dorothy/- Hayes is- going to St. Paul in Lawrenceville, Virginia. 35. air. Richard Ro’Oerson was attending school in Baltimore, FAwDUS SAYINGS "One page digested is better than a volume hurridely read"-Macauly. "No svrord bites so fiercely as an evil tongue"-Sir P. Sidney "It is well to think well, but it is divine to act well, "—Horace Mailn, "Speech is groat but silonce is groater" Carylc "Character is much easier kept than recovered"-Thomas Paine. "True friendship is' a plant of slow growth.-t^George iwishington "On rumor's tongue slanders ride."- ‘ Shake'spoare "To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance,"-Jeremy Taylor "Be not merely good, be good for some thing. "—Thoreau. "Money is a good servant, but a poor master."-B. Bourbours, "Cast d6wn j^'Qur buckets where you are." Booker T. Washington _0 "If 2''our business isn't a pleasure to you—than it will never be a business for you. "-Douglas Fairbanks