page 3 ThS STUDENTS SPEAK Melvyn Burt Question? In view of the present intor.national conflict, do you think that h.igh school graduates should go to college this fall? ^dvrevs; Annie Belle Brarae I think that the best possible thing for a high school graduate is, by all means, to enter college if he can. The reasons are many. One of very much importance and with which all tlie graduates of today are concerned, is the great tenptation of the high-salaried defense job furnishes. But Uncle Sam is going to need educated you:ig people to carry on the work of the nation after we have slapped the japs, sc why can't you be one of those who^re destined to ENTERED IN SOj-I}’, 3EANCH OF SERVICE, YoB would have re^uk-cec^ your country that much more ser .■'.lee, I'herefore, in view of the ao.-ve facts, high school graduates should '.aot go to college this fall, DORIS POOLE Wiien the questibn was asked me, I was confused as to what to say on such a conplicated topic, A number of I'.lgh schc'l graduates will be lanabl? vo attend -’ollege because of rendering their services and because of financial conditions. The j'’oung men will be draft.ed into the armed forces for the p^irpose of serving their countpyi, Soae d!’e given only enough time to coia^^Iete their high v-^-cnool course^ If tiury do have the time te attend college, they should do so in order to hv^.lp than when ^ ^ , , they return, to secure 1obsc Vlnen. .•n they do reoum, from all probabilities, they will have lost ;'Tlerest and vd LI haver scart to college. Those girls who are capable of joi.ning the ’YAACS, the WAVES, or becoming trained nurses should do so. Those vho do not intend to do such shouLa actend college, if no more than to ieari to do skillfully a trade. Since the wo;nan has to take the man's place, she might as well lea^Ti to do it well. Since the women as a whole would not ward to marry with the world in the cendation it is in today, going to colleg;e would be a way of occupying their leisure time while learning. in an address to a graduating class of nineteen hundred and forty -two, tjeat "Only young people who like to st%dy should go to college. If you do not rank in the upper third of your high school class, you do not like to stedy". Boys should not hesitate to enter college because of the war. Leaders of the armed forces are actually encouraging college attendance. Defense jobs are available—^with or without specialized training. Some of our people must work in defense jobs; they are essential. These are good jobs today. But they will not exist tomorrow, V/hen peace comes, millions will lose the jobs they now hold. After the wMr. mt, . a. • 4. • 1 .1.. ’ , „ Through their future is very uncertain, competition will be keener than ever beforej,. u- t. u t j 4. v, ^ 4-w„ r> ^ TO I 1. 7 . , these high school graduates who can because the Federal Government hastrained 4. n should by all means enter college, millions of workers at purlic expense. C Unskilled workers will not survive in this fierce competition, WISE WORDS I should think that we would be of, much more use to our contry acquiring additionalHave patience and the mulberry leaf will education, and to ourselves. Then if the become sabinir Du'.'vee emergency does arise that you have to leavn college to work in a defense factory By di].igence and patience the mouse ete the college that you have already into the cable. Frank.i.i received will be to your advantage, and when the global turmoil has ended, we can Sorrow, like rain, makes roses and mvd.-- continue our unf'.nished collegiate course, O'Malley 0 William Quinitchette Due to the present international cnnflict, I think high school graduates should not go to college. This is a total war, and we need the cooperation of every able body person to help win this war. Therefore, if high school graduates devote their time to going to college, they will not be serving their country to the best of their ability. There also may be a waste of time, because you may start to college and be calldd in selective service, but if you had already V:iTH THE ^CqUTS Field Executive, Vv. D. King will preside at the March Court of Honor of Troop 111 1-lanj^ promotions and merit badge awards will be at that time, is all geared up to follov/ through oo the nineteen hundred and forty-three slogan of "Toughen up, buckle down, and carry on to Victory",