TXPED BY EMILY BORGUS^ ROBENA DANIELS AND-GERALDINE lORGAN. W"' V Boy Saouts of America ' Troop # 101 Holds Court-of Hp-ncJ On March 23rd-, ..the Henders'oh Bo'V Scouts Troop-.lOl held its ^ periodic Court of"Honor,. The Court was presided over bj?" the [I/' B,_V/estbrook, chairman ^ t the'' the Troop Committee, Seven Scouts Swo^JIceived the^StrSt^O? badpd, ^HIS PAGE V.AS TYPED BY EJHLY JANE BORGUS ana twenty-th^ellto?? Badsts wefi® ShleM^anf toeir^eoeived d“f flvP • The Troop now has Gwendatta Pra^tt live Otar Scouts cjore .than any other Northern^arL°^f^ TYPED BY ElfTLY BORGUS, Council? Oconeechee . jqhNNIE TAYLOR BEATRICE DAVIS. The new charter was predented at thig^^GE 5^S'"T?PED'’B?GERALDIl'/rmGAN meet ing. Also, the new Assistant % ? BY_GERALDINE x-mGAN. Scoutmastter Lloyd L. Peace was invested Selected drawing by Delia Scott ??'^g?l?ed''up t?"?ar??®out Ihl BY .(^.LNDETTa PRATT slop-an nf ftmono-hon Selected drawing by G. Pratt and "carry On tI Victorv® ^ ^ WAS TYPED BY B/ DhVIS aI® LONIWE “ PEAQE— Selected drawing by Delia Scott ”We are Fighting, For L'hat?” Uhat are we •.fighting for? It is very easy to say what we are not fighting for. ' One thing I do know and that Is that we are not fight- , 3-ng for the v/hite man's supremacy. If thej^ think are inferior to them, the3^ thr3»" have, another thought coming, Thejr can tell you v\/hat thej’- are fighting for. The3'" have said over and over since V/orld V/ar began that thej*' are waging a v;ar not only in self dsfense, butifor freedom from fear freedom from wants, freedom to worship and freedom of soeech. In short, the noble proposition that. 'all men are created equal and'free. But do the^; think we are created equal? H- KoL If so^v/hy was, a troop of Negro soldiers from Fort Lewis used to clean snow from the streets of Seattle V/ashing^i*,while none of the white soldiers at near- bj'’ Fort Lawton was detailed for this work? VJhy can^t negro avia tion cadets be trained at all air bases and in all branches of the Army Air Force without discrimi nation? Why must Negroes be segre gated into 300 units of the eight mj.lc Road Housing Project in Detroit and run entirelj^ from the V/'illow Lodge Project at Ypsilantic? if we are created equal, whj'' must W3 be dragged out of jails in the and shot, hung or tied on backs of cars and dragged up and .down the'' streets? Whj'’ must we ride in the backs of buses and trains when we pay the'Same fare as our white brothers? So, this is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave? The only free ^nd brave thing I see about it is that thej?’ are free to do wh^t' the'''’ want and have enough bravery to do any un- justlce that come to their minds. justice that come ..to their minds. Are we supposed to be men or beasts? They tell me that a man is distinguished from a beast in that man's brain is highly developed. And if they.don’t, think our brains are developed, let them do a little research * work and they v;ill see such men as Brigadier General "Benjamin '1* Davi highest ranking Negro officer, Mrs. Bethune, president of Bethune Cookman College., Justice Paige, a member of the court-of special sessions in New York, congressman., Arthur Mitchell of Illinois; k. Lester Geager, s-ccr^tar3'- of the ■Nat‘ional■'Urban League, Willard ■Townsend, head of .the United ^ Tra-nsport Eraplo3^ees,. Hugh Nulzac, captain of the new 10,000 .ton Lib erty vessel, and Hooker T. V/ash- ington, educator and orator. l could name many more. OhJ no, it is not because we are not educated, it is that the3'- think we are infeiv ior to them. The whites condemn Hitler for persecuting the Jews, but iff they would onl3’’ look at '■it&emsb'l-Ve''S,"- "First, -smite the note from thine own eye before smiting it from th3ifc.brother's eyes, Joe Louis doesn't talk much, but he- talks' truly. He talks for 13,000,000 Negro Ainerican citizens. Joe_sa3^s and I agree with him when he sa3rs, "V/e are goir^ to do our part and we'll win ’cause we’re on God’s side." Di|vid Oj,Harrison Harmon Henderson Institute ■He nd e r son,,, HQ? t h^I Gar ol i na