BREVARD PLANT ego®) »I1 U. S MT Off CRorex 2 FOTOFAX ONEX Vol. 9, No. 5 E.l. Du Pont De Nemours & Company, Inc., Brevard, N. C. DECEMBER, 1976 Count your blessings... With the Christmas Season coming up, we all have an opportunity to look back at the things that have meant most to us in life. The employees below told us what they consider to be their greatest lifetime blessing . . . Clemitis Killian Coating 1B Service Step 6 Operator "C" Shift "I'm just thankful for being alive and being able to spend another Christmas with my family, especially my daughter Nancy." Ken Lewis Line 5 Casting Operator "B" Shift "The greatest blessing in my life happened when I accepted Christ and made Him Lord and Master over my life. Since then my life has changed completely and I have many wonderful things to be thank ful for." Jerry Moore Control Maintenance Control Mechanic "B" Shift "The first thing I think of, it being Christ mas time, is that I'm thankful for the birth of Jesus Christ. He is the most import ant thing that has ever happened to me." Fred Pressley Finishing Service Operator "C" Shift "The first thing that comes to my mind is what a great blessing it is to be able to worship God as a free individual and to live in a country with the freedoms we enjoy." Marshall Johnson Power Operator Power "B" Shift "I consider my greatest blessing my won derful wife and three children. Every thing I do, I do for them. My life belongs to them. Without them, I wouldn't care about anything." Joe Light Grounds Utility Operator "B" Shift "I feel that the togetherness I have with my family — my parents, brother, and sister is a great blessing. I am also thankful for my job here at Du Pont that enables me to work with my father and brother and also offers job security." Paul Patterson CP Service Operator "Days" "I think knowing Jesus, the Christ of Christmas, as my personal Savior is the greatest blessing in my life." I Bud Hunter General Maintenance Machinist "Days" "The greatest blessings in my life are my wife, my four healthy children and our Christian home." Bob Loffredo R & D Emulsion Chemist "Days" "My greatest blessing is my personal relationship with Jesus." (Continued on Page 2)