FOTOFAX FEBRUARY-MARCH, 1982 Medical Notes My words about diet certainly won’t replace Mother’s Wisdom, the advice of heart specialists, the knowledge of gastroenterolo gists, or the expertise of a nutri tionist like Dr. Jean Mayer, one of my favorite authorities. But relatively new thinking about what we eat makes an inte gration of some bits of knowl edge worthwhile. Statistically fewer people are having coronaries, so we must be doing something right. It’s fair to assume that Americans in gener al are changing their eating hab its by turning to foods with less saturated fats. Our average diet is 42% fat- over 4 parts in lO! Much of this is animal fat, from beef and pork, milk, butter, cheese. Ice cream and such. We should trim this to about 30%, and replace much of it with unsaturated fats such as those of vegetable oil and mar garine. And then there’s cholesterol, epitomized by a delectable plate of bacon and eggs but also plen tiful in other foods such as red meat and milk. Two eggs contain 500 milli grams of cholesterol, enough to punch the blood cholesterol up by more than 10% of the total maximum normal level. On the other hand, eggs are so nutrition ally valuable that every healthy adult should probably have one or two once or twice a week. Of course, mayonnaise should be counted in the weekly egg quota. Moderating fat intake can re duce the coronary hazard, but a new threat is waiting in the wings: colorectal cancer. An esti mated 55,000 people will die of it this year; 120,000 new cases are expected in the U.S. in 1982. Al most unknown in some coun tries, here it’s a major killer, sur passed only by lung cancer In men, breast cancer of women. And colorectal cancer seems to be diet-related. Our society’s affluence allows us to satisfy our hunger with re fined sugars and the meat of fat tened animals, so we fail to eat enough vegetable fiber, found in bran cereals, raw vegetables and fruit. A low fiber diet, high in animal fats and sugar, seems to be a ABOUT YOUR DIET Dr. James Stout common denominator In colorec tal cancer. A corrected diet with more fiber, fish and fowl, may be a preventive measure. Diet is also an Issue in high blood pressure. The sodium in ex cessive salt can cause fluid re tention and have a detrimental ef fect on blood pressure. This can be truly dangerous in some cases. There’s more than enough salt in a well-balanced diet, even if we never season our food. We should at least taste it before reaching for the salt shaker. Here are minimum daily re quirements for a balanced diet: 2 glasses of milk (skim or low-fat is O.K.) 2 servings of meat, fish, fowl or cheese. 4 slices of bread, or the equiva lent in grain, such as oats, wheat, barley, rye or corn. 4 fruits or vegetables, cooked or raw. “Diet” is not something we “go on” for a week or two. It’s the sum, total, of all we ingest; a ma jor factor in what we are. It merits our continued thoughtful atten tion. (“A Diet for Living”, by Dr. Jean Mayer, is an excellent dietary guide. It’s available in paperback from Pocket Books.) CONGRATULATIONS TO C.B. BRANSON has been appointed Senior Designer, Projects Section. C.B. is putting finishing touches on a Line 5 windup model to be used by Les Goodwin in sessions to improve web handling safety. TOM ORR has been appointed Supervisor, Power House. WARREN BLACKWELL has retired, with over 24 years of com pany service. He plans to be busy—a first project is building new equipment for his amateur radio station, W4MJD, then planning home and garden work for the Summer. “But my main plans are humanitarian,” Warren says. “I have some things to do for my fellow man.”