m HIGH LIFE Friday, May 21, 1926 Finley Atkisson Is Elected President Of Class Of ’26 BOYS HEAR TALK BY MR. STEPHENS FLOOR NOMINEE t Qualifications of a Leader Set Forth by Miss Summerell. CARLSON AND MOORE DEFEATED Bob Caveness Elected Manager of Sen ior Supply Room—Wiliam Camp bell to Be Assistant Manager. At a called meeting of semester 6, Monday, May 17, Finley Atkisson was elected president of that class for the year 192()-27. The two nominees put up by the nominating committee were Mary Lunn Carlson and Beverly Moore. Fin ley Atkisson defeated Mary Jane Whar ton in the nomination from the floor. Prior to the election. Miss Jane Sum merell, faculty advisor of the class, spoke on the success of the class in its senior year and the qualities of a leader. “Per haps the most important qualifications of a class is unity. Without unity, espe cially in so small a class, it is hard for the class to progress,” Miss Summerell stated. “Another thing that is necessary to the success of the class is a division of responsibility.” Miss Summerell ad vised the class to “place responsibility upon as many different leaders as possi ble.” The three qualifications of a senior class president given by Miss Summerell were: (1) a person who knows you well, (2) a person whom you know, whom you can trust to lead you and upon whom re sponsibility has been successfully placed, and (3) a person whose scholarship is on par with that average student of the class. Bob Caveness was elected manager of the supply room for the coming year. William Camjibell was chosen his assist ant. PRESIDENT CLASS OF ’27 NEW BOYS CLUB IS RECENTLY ORGANIZED Finley Atkisson COLEMAN TALKS TO BAPTIST BOYS CLUB Stephens Quartet Renders Sev eral Numbers—Mr. George Dibble Also Sings. SPECIAL MEETING HELEN SHUFORD TO OF DEBATING CLUB LEAD SEMESTER FIVE NEXT YEAR Reverend W. F. (Bill) Stephens talked in chapel Wednesday afternoon. May 5, at the 8th period. His subject was “citizenship”. Preceding his talk the tabernacle quartet composed of Mr. George Dibble, Mr. Anton Ceaderholm, Mr. Janies Heaton, and Mr. W. F. Stejihens, sang. Mr. Dibble also render ed several solos, sometimes accompaied by “Brother Bill”, who whistled. Due to the fact that the program be gan late in the afternoon, the closing bell rang before Mr. Stephens had time to develo]) his subject very far. The main thought was “Develop your mind and body in order that you may be use ful to your country. Since Exams. Are Near, the De bating Club Has Cancelled Charlotte Engagement. Two Vital Questions of Life Discussed —Boys Plan to Disband for Summer. Get-Together Club Is Backed by Tem ple Emanuel—However, It Is Strictly Non-Sectarian. A boys club has been formed in the city drawing the vast majority of its membership from the high school ranks. It is called the Boys Get-Together-Club, and was organized a few months ago with headquarters at the Tem])le Eman- ual on Wainrnan and Fisher Ave. The Temple board has allowed the organiza tion the use of a large basement room which will be fitted up as a club room and gymnasium. iVt present the membership consists of about thirty boys, of whom all but four or five are High School students. John IJndman is president, with Bobby Scott as vice-president, and David Stern as secretary-treasurer. There is a council made up of the three officers, and Jack Wimbish, and Ed Michaels. Activities so-far have been confined to athletics because of lack of facilities for further development; however, plans for expansion including the building of a reading room, the establishment of a library, an increase of gymnasium aquip- ment, possible organization of a dramatic club, and generally, the establishment of increased facilities for boys’ activi ties and pleasures. The directors be lieve the plan gives great promise for the future. .\mong those to whom thanks are due for the successful organization and di rectorship of the club are Sammy Goode and Joe Armfield who have gone to great trouble to whip the athletic activi ties into shape. Rabbi Milton Ellis who helped materially in the organization of the group, and Mr. Herbert Falk whose efforts in teaching the group the funda mentals of boxing were warmly received and greatly appreciated. Instructors in the other branches of athletic activities will be asked to give some of their time in the future. Although the meetings are held at the Temple, the club is strictly non-sectarian There are two big questions which ev ery hoy must answer for himself iu his own heart; every other question in the world will fall under one or the other,” Miss Inabelle Coleman told the members of the Baptist's Boy's Club at their regu lar meeting Monday, May 10. “Those two questions are ‘what shall I do with Jesus,’ and ‘what shall I do with myself’. Miss Coleman continued. “I”ve myself”. Miss Coleman sontinued. “If let Jesus enter into our lives and greatest blessing that ever comes to man kind is ours.” In discussing the second question, the peaker discussed the following five points a God-given ppurjiGse for every life; not every boy made for the same work; all honest work is honorable; the importance of choosing for yourself; and the suc cess assured by planning with God in selecting a jirofession. Miss Coleman's talk was received with the closest attention by the boys, and evidently made a deep impression upon them. 'I'here will be only three more meetings of the dill) before it disbands for the summer. Plans are in process of the formation for a final get together and social before disbanding. “How did you get that lump on your head?” “Oh, that's where a thought struck me.” SECOND EXTRA OF HIGH LIFE MAKES APPEARANCE Wednesday, May 12, the second “Ex tra" of the year was published by the High I.ife staff announcing the election of Willard Watson as president of the student body. The issue consisted of an entirely new front page containing twelve news articles. The same second, fifth, and sixth pages were used as issue number fifteen i)iiblished May 7. Editors of High Life sold cojiies of the “Extra” from 8:25 A. M. to 8:45 A. M. Wednesday morning. A total of 250 co])ies were sold, which will cover the expenses of this extra edition. COLETRANE TALKS ON THE EXTREMIST RANDOM REFLECTIONS Continued from page two ) the theatres tonight. But right down on Greene street will be unfolded human drama—tragedies, comedies, such as no theatre has ever seen. All the pathos, all the sorrows, all the hojie and hope lessness, in the trenches. Greensboro’s gold star mothers were added to every day. Some of them are back in Greens boro today, hut do they sjieak of 1917-18 in France? No, for they would have memories of dying, butchered buddies, of the sickening twist as their bayonet was jerked out of the heart of that German that time, and his life blood spurted forth, called back to them. They have seen the hideous monster. War, face to face. 'I'hey want no more war. Will we high school boys who marched down Elm street so jauntily behind our band see the Monster too? Will we wear khaki and bear a murderer’s gun on our shoulders? Will we go out to murder and he murdered, for war is nothing but legalized, false-hate-insxiired murder? Probably. Due to the fact that examinations are so near at hand and the members of the debating club are worked unusually hard, the club voted at a special meeting Friday, May 14, to cancel the Charlotte debate which had been planned. Char lotte wanted to debate there and here before school assemblies. This could not be arranged here. They could not fur nish an aft'innative team on the triangu lar debating query and the club wished to take the negative. Since the plans could not he carried out in accordance with the challenger’s request, it was thought best to not debate. However, the club hopei to debate some city next year before the triangular debate comes off. BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR GREENSBORO’S FUTURE Hi-Y Club Plans Supper for Those Selling Chautauqua Tickets—Party Tonight. The Hi-Y Club held an important meeting, Wednesday, May 11, at which time business was discussed and Mr. W. Homer Coltrane gave a talk on the “Extremist.'’ Guy Hill outlined a plan for sponsor ing the sale of Chatauqua tickets and the boys exiiect to put it across. A commit tee will canvass all the schools in the city also .the non-credited schools around the icty. A fine supper will be given the idividuals who sell as many as five tickets. Plans were also made for a best girl ])arty which will be given to night. Mr. Coltrane closed the meeting by a talk on the “Extremist”. He stressed the im])ortance of not going to extremes and that doing so would cause one’s downfall. He illu.strated this by lines of great men who went to the exremes in their work and suffered a miserable death. The boys were urged to take warning from these men and stay within their bounds. George Stephens Nightly thousands sit on the hard rows of benches under the big wooden taber nacle and thrill to his words. For he packs a message that can come from no mortal source, does that man. When he goes on the platform he seems to be come consecrated and moved by some great and unseen Force, for his every action, every i iflection of voice, empha sizes and drives home his words in a manner that is beyond the human power of mere mortals. A truly great evangelist, such as George Stephens undoubtedly is, can sway a crowd, can play upon them, as no great speaker, no talented musician, of golden melodious-voiced singer pos sibly can. For George Stephens is not alone when he walks upon the deserted platform, under the bright glare of the lights, and a tense silence settles upon the multitudes. No wonder that we mere mortals are silent-—for even the most indifferent of us sense the wonder, the love, and the eternal greatness of that other Presence. “Yon High School students are the I'utiire citizens of Greensboro, and it is light here in high school that you should jirepare yourselves to take up the heavy burden of responsibility that will be yours as such,” or something to that effect, is what the majority of speakers in chapel have tried to impress on the student body. If those speakers could liave witnessed the fierce political battle that was waged in chapel Monday, May 10, they would feel confident that the future success of Greensboro is insured. The young politicians advanced splen did arguments in support of their can didates for Student Government Presi dent, and showed a marked ability to think quickly in order to break down points of their oiiponents, and in reply ing to the pertinent queries of the op posing side. Although, in the heat of enthusiasm, the ytouthful campaigners lost sight of the fact that “a word spok en can never be recalled,” on the whole they aquitted themselves in an orderly and creditable manner. Several “silver longued orators’’ as Phil Shelton for in stance were brought from most utterly obscurity into the limelight. If the student body at large continues to fight for what they want and believe to he right with the same spirit that was disi)layed at the Primary, there is not the least shadow of doubt that the chil dren of the “future citizens of Greens boro’’ will not dream about a new school as the children of the present citizens do. Is Scholar of High Standing And An All-Around Student. FINANCIAL REPORT GIVEN Treasures Reports Ninety-six Dollars in Treasury—Decide to Sell Candy At “Just Out of College.” At a meeting of the semester five Juniors, Monday, May 17, Helen Shu- ford was elected President for the com ing term Helen is at present, treasurer of the class. The coming President has all the qualities of a leader. She is a scholar in high standing. She is an active charter member of the new De bating Club. During the past year she has been a member of the I^atin Clubs and secretaary of her room. 'I'he treasurer in her report stated that there was $9() in the treasury. The class i)ro]K) :es selling candy at the ]ilay Just Out of College in order to raise more money. The remaining oft'icers will be elected at the beginning of next semester. KILTIE CLUB MEETS WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 Members Were Entertained by Piano Selections by Mr. A. T. Rowe of the High School Faculty. Mr. A. T. Rowe of the Greensboro High School faculty, entertained the members of the Kiltie Klub with several jiiano selections at the First Presbyterian Church, tVednesday, May 5. The club joined in and sang a few of the numbers. Preceding the jirogram, the debaters to re])resent the organization gave a re port of their challenge to tlie Baptist Boys’ club to a debate. The meeting \vu; closed with sentence prayers. Mr. Wunsch, club leader, was absent at the meeting of May 12, and the club was dismissed immediately after supper. THE WORLD COURT DEBATED BY CLUB At the regular meeting of the Debating Club on Friday, May 7, the World Court question was debated according to the rules and in the manner of the United States House of Representatives. A roll call revealed the assembly to favor the minority report. The majority report of the standing committee on International Relations was made by Re])resentatlve Norvell of Illinois, who ]iictured the whole world thirsting for peace while the United States stands by with disconcern. It was stated that the minority of the commit tee desired to file a report which was ])ermitted by the sjieaker. Representative Brooks of Ohio led the minority forces, Re])resentative Wilder of Kansas was one of the outstanding o]i])onents of the bill and the center of several warm tilts and disconcerting questions. The Kan sas spokesman’s cheif antagonists were Re])resentatives McNairy of Washington and MeSwain of Missouri, Congressman Moore of California was the target of many of Mr. Wilder’s sharp questions. Congressman Cates of Connecticut also ujiheld the ])osition that the United States should take a ])lace in the World Court REV. “BILL” STEPHENS COACHES FOOTBALL Under Captain Lipscombs Leadership the Team Has a Good Chance for State Championship. Due to the fact that hot weather and examinations have arrived football prac tice for this year ended May 7. Little was heard around the school about this work that was going on but, neverthe less, a great deal was accomplished. The men were taken out on the field and taught enough football to enable them next fall to have a better chance to make the team and to give Greensboro High a smooth running team. In fact Coach Fordiiam is confident that much has been accomplished in the preparation of a championship Team for next year. Many new ]ilayers were out for prac tice besides several veteran players who are: Cajitain Ned LJpscomb, Willard of International Justice. Following a \'ote the House adjourned. In the brief business meeting which (ireceeded the jirogram, George MeSwain was elected as the toastmaster for the forthcoming Debating Club banquet. Watson, Bill Petree, Ray Henderson, Le Grand Johnson, Charles Burgess, Pete ■W^yrick, and Willis Hargrove. There are also several of last year’s squad on the track team, so this prevented them from being out for spring practice, but they promise to be on hand when prac tice begins next fall. Rev. “Bill” Steph ens helped coach the boys one after noon in running signals, returning punts, tackling, and other fundamentals of football. Under the leadership of Captain Lips comb there is not any reason why next year’s team should not give some one a race for the state championship. “Dear !” MTth a glance she tried to cow him. But he only looked sheepish. “Dog!” she exclaimed. He choked. There was a frog in his throat. Then realizing he had made a monkey of himself by acting like a bear, he ducked. ai 9 P( F, fa ar Pf II