r r r r r Friday, May 21, 1926 HIGH LIFE Paae 5 “BILL” STEPHENS DEAN MITCHELL ^ “LANKY” HOLDER I ACTIVITIES OF YEAR SHOW GREAT TALKS TO GIRLS: T E L L STUDENTS I DISAPPOINTS KIDS i ADVANCEMENT IN MANY PHASES Defines the Real Woman Puts the Test to the Modern Girl. and At the Girls’ Forum, Thursday, Mr. Will Stephens, or better known as “Bro ther Bill"’ spoke on “What it takes to make a modern girl a Real Woman.” Mr. Stephens read a selection from the Epistle of Paul to Timothy. Each girl becomes attached to certain things in life, and sooner or later they are put to the test; it will take courage to over come these temptations. Everyone has to make a choice in life; why not chose Jesus Christ as your leader. If you choose Jesus, and follow in His foot steps, you will have freedom, joy, and liappiness in your life. The primary thing in our lives is to be willing to be led in the way that Christ himself lived,” challenged the speaker. • Mr. Ste2:)hens comimred the life with a jewelry counter in the ten cent store. “Tlie devil will try to temjit all of us and if we are strong, and liave the love of God in our liearts, we can overcome these temi)tations,” he concluded. MPORTANTFACTS MASS MEETING HELD AS AID FOR COMING ELECTIONS (Continued from yage one) high school; the students of Greensboro Fligh School will not be able to com- 2iete with the standard high schools of the state in athletics or any other inter- scholastic events; all students graduating will have to 2)ass entrance examinations in order to enter college; the standard of efficiency of teachers will be reduced; the extra-curricular activities will be limited, resulting in all probability in High School Graduation Re quires Two Years of Some Foreign Language. SCHEDULE CARDS MADE No Credit Given for One-Half Course —Colleges Give No Credit for Less Than Two Years of Language. Freshmen Days Reconstructed When Stately Youths Come Forth in Short Pants and Windsor Ties. Miss Fannie Starr Mitchell, dean of girls, in a recent interview, wishes to call to the attention of G. H. S. students the following statements: 1. All students must com2ilete two years of some foreign language for high school graduation. 2. If anyone 2dans to take a second foreign language, he must start it at the beginning of his junior year (when he has 18 credits), so that he can com plete two years of if in high school. Colleges do not give entrance for less than two years of a language. 3. 'I'he best college entrance credit is four years of I.atin and two of any mod ern language. 1. The next in 2^reference for college entrance credit is either four years of Latin or two years each of Latin and modern language. •5. No credit will be given for one- half a course. Schedule cards for next semester will be made out in a few days, announced Miss Mitchell. Every student is urged to fill in his card before the end of the S2iring semester, in order that there will be no delay at the beginning of the fall term. the dissolution of the band and orches tra, the school 23aper and magazine, and the disorganization of the other 25hases of school work in which the school has attained great distinction. On the other hand, if the bill is 2^assed the result will be an increased efficiency; a high school of which the citizens will be proud; the continuation of the present nine-months term; better and increased teaching facilities; an athletic develop ment unequalled in the state; a bigger develo2rment in outside activities which will attain wide recognition; and better means for 2)rogress mentally, 2ihysically, S2iiritually, and socially. In res2)onse to a request to call off the election, Mr. Broadhurst stated, “We may be beat off', but we’re not going to be called oft'. We want to give the best school in North Carolina a 2'’lfice in which to live.” Chairman of school board, 2^rincipal, and faculty were not the only ones who 2Darticipated in this two-hour mass meet ing. Marguerite Harrison led the stu dents in yells for “Better Schools.” “You have gone home from school and asked your mothers for a nickle, now go home, get down on your knees and beg them to go iqi and register and vote.” Sarah Mendenhall im2ilored the students to go home and kee2T the kids while their moth ers went to register. “Do anything, only P. T. A. HOLDS ITS FINAL MEETING MAY 5 Dignity, poise, grace, charm, and all those features which characterize the highest class in Greensboro High School were rudely cast aside Wednesday, May 5. All these distinctive qualities gave way to the “don't care’’ attitude. Wide spread grins wi25ed away all traces of serious dignity. Graceful 2^oise wilted to slouchiness or made room for ski252ung and jum25ing. Freshman days were re constructed and reenacted when stately youths came forth in short 2^ants and Windsor ties. Fair lassies (and all oth ers) a2ipeared in short dresses (?) and socks. Greensboro High bubbled over with merriment and laughter. Critics declare tliat Henry Goodwin and Lolo Micheau.x made a “real 25air”. The only disa2^25ointment of the day came when 'T.anky'’ Holder blossomed forth in long 2iants instead of the abbre viated S2:>ecies. “Kid Day" was a suiqirise to everyone but the Seniors, themselves. Classes were run on schedule time, although animal crackers strewn throughout the halls made it hard to walk, and dolls cried “mama” so loudly tliat the teachers could hardly be heard. It is re2)orted that many cameras and kodaks were ruined while their owners were trying to sna2i tlie comic feature “kids”. For some inex2)licable reason all the “Freshmen’’ walked home the back way when school was dismissed. Several New Courses Started in Journalism and Dramatics “High Life” and Homespun Win Honors—Music Takes Big Strides—Boys and Girls Have Outstanding Athletic Season. BENNEH AND HOOD VISIT HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Broadhurst Explains Bond Elec tion to Be Held May 25—Mrs. A. L. Thompson Elected President. Mr. Bennett Com2Jliments Orchestra— Never Has Heard Such Precision, Finish and Spirit. AVithin the next two weeks the school year of 192.5-26 will have come to a close, and the records of the year’s ac complishments in Greensboro High will be com2)leted. These records show the year to have been probably the most successful in the school’s history. Probably the biggest advances were made in literary fields. A school maga zine, nomespitn. was 2’uhlished for the first time. New courses were es tablished in Creative English, and Jour nalism I and II. Through these classes the student body was given opportuni ties for self-expression and literary de- velo2)ment such as it had never had be fore. High Life, the school newS2m23er, was inqiroved and brought up to date in all de2iartments. Seven members of tlie staffs of the two publications at tended the Scholastic Press Convention at Columbia .University, where “Fligh IJfe’’ and “Homespun” won first place in their classes over hundreds of contest ants from all over the United States and three foreign countries. Dramatics have made rapid strides during the 25ast year. Classes in Dra matics I and Dramatics 11 were taught. An original one-act play by a member of the Dramatic Club was presented at Cha2iel Hill in the finals of the State Dramatic Contest, but lost the decision to Winston-Salem. Six very successful plays were presented. About fifty stud ents took the courses in Dramatics, and 2)robably three times that number took 2iart in the plays. Music, also made a good showing. The band, orchestra and glee clubs were larger than ever before, and more stud ents were enrolled in the music courses. All three organizations made splendid showings, made the State Music Contest, although they did not win any first comedy the Belle of Barcelona was 2iresented by the glee clubs and orches tra. All forms of sport enjoyed successful seasons, although no cham2)ionshi2')S were won. The football team swe2)t through all opposition to the finals for the AVest- ern Chcam2)ionshi2i, when they were elim inated by Gastonia in a heart-breaking game. The season’s record is looked iqjon as a distinct trium2)h for the new coach, C. C. Fordham, as he had in different material to mold his team from. The basketball teams, both boys’ and girls’ had better than ordinary seasons. The track team, with only a few men out, developed into probably the best cinder 2^ath aggregation in the school’s history. 'I'he boy’s baseball team had a fairly successful season, although they were eliminated the second round of the championship series. 'The girl’s team had by far the best season it ever had, winning every game 25layed. Certainly the year has been far from a failure in all school activities, and the school has 25ros2iered in every way. STUDENTS RALLY TO CALL OF HELP MANY TEACHERS TO RETURN HERE At the meeting of the Parent-'I’eachers Association of Greensboro High School held AVednesday, May 5, in the high school auditorium. Air. E. D. Broad- hurst, chairman of the board of educa tion, ex2ilained the bond election to be held May 25. He anounced that the registration books would be 02)en Saturday and urged all the 2iarents to support the issue. “Our 2^1an, if this election carries,” Mr. Broadhurst stated, “is to add the necessary rooms to Aycock school and to com2)lete Caldwell and Alclver schools, and to build a new grammar school in the western section where there is a great need. As regards this architectural mon strosity, we expect to erect a new high school in this part of town, as nearly modern as 2^ossible, with an auditorium and gymnasium, and a second high school in the o]i2iosite side of the city. “A\'e ho2:)e to finish the high school 2Drogram one year from this September. AV'e have the best possible teachers and now we want some teaching equipment.” \\'ednesday. May 12, the Greensboro High School was favored by a visit from Air. Bennett, of the H. AV. AVhite Band intrument com2iany, and Air. Hood of the Grensboro Music com2)any. Mr. Bennett was delighted with the {haying of the orchestra. After listening for an hour to the orchestra he paid that organization a very high conqiliment; he said that in his visits to the high schools of twenty-three states he had never heard a high school orchestra 2^1a-y with so much 2irecision, finish and spirit Margaret Ferguson Speaks Be fore Civitans—Over 100 Stu dents Advertise Registra tion on Street Corners. At the business meeting which followed get them down to the 25olls to register I Mr. Broadhurst’s talk, Mrs. A. B. High, and make them vote for the schools.” Alargaret Hood, Charlotte A^an Noppen, Miss Leslie, AVillard and James AA^atson and others offered their cars to get the 2:)eople down to the polls. Margaret Ferguson again emphasized what the failure to carry the election would mean and assured Mr. Broadhurst of the 100 2‘>er cent co-operation of the senior class. Alany other students urged the student to go out and get everybody to register and vote. The Junior Reserves offered their undivided support. “You students are the ones who can put this thing across. The responsibility is at your feet. If you do not come through, be content,” Mr. Broadhurst told thestudents . The enthusiasm was brought to a finale when the entire stu dent body jum2ied to its feet in a pledge to bring at least six people to the polls to register and vote “For Schools.” retiring 23resident, presided and the fol lowing officers were elected for the com ing year: President, Airs. A. L. Thompson; first vice-president, Mrs. E. AI. Sellars; sec ond vice-president and child welfare chairman. Airs. AAh J. Homey; third vice-president and program committee, Mr. C. AV. Phillips; fourth vice-president and publicity chairman. Miss Inabelle Coleman; secretary, Mrs. AV. L. Abbott; treasurer. Miss Nina Cooper. The members of the typing team gave a demonstration of speed and efficiency. Certificates were awarded to the girls who had passed the Red Cross course given at the high school. SUMMER PLAYGROUNDS WILL BE OPENED SOON 'This summer, immediately after the close of school, summer 2ilaygrounds will be 02ren under com23etent leadership. Several new wading 23ools will be opened at the 2)laygrounds for the smaller chil dren, and someone will be stationed at each {lool to watch the children and to direct their games. Tennis courts will be in good condition, and baseball bats, basketball, and volley balls will be fur nished. NEW GAME OF “PEG” MAKES APPEARANCE Nellie Irvin was crowned May Queen at the N. C. C. AV. May day fete. Bob Mosely, city attorney, spoke in chapel AVednesday, May 5, in connection with Citizenship Day. His talk was on the manner in which a community may incorporate itself and become a town. The speaker stated that this was particu larly directed to the civic classes present. Latest Fad and Favorite Past-time for Boys At Lunch Periods—Simple and Very Interesting. The latest fad, and favorite past-time for the boys at lunch 2ieriods is peg. The game is simply to play, and it is very interesting. First, sides are chosen, hav ing an even number on each side. Then a large size stick is placed on the ground and a peg, sharpened at one end is laid across it. A stick, something on the order of a golf stick is used for hitting the peg. The pointed end of the peg is hit first, knocking it into the air, while in this position it is again hit. A boy on the opposite side then counts the distance the peg was knocked; if he can reach it by the number of steps alloted him, his side wins the points. The same process is repeated as many times as the teams desire. Greensboro High School students ral lied to the call of Mr. Broadhurst to hel2i 2’ilt the registration across both Friday, May II, and Saturday, May 15. Immediately after the two hour mass meeting the work began. Alargaret Fer guson, who made such a stirring speech before the student body, was taken to the Civitan Club luncheon to make one there. Fannie Rockwell and John Me- bane wrote an article for the Greens boro Daily News. Friday evening. May II, Sarah Men denhall ap2)ealed to the people at the Tabernacle to register the following day. Elizabeth Rockwell effectively told the 23eople at the Temple Emanuel why registration was essential. 'The 'Torch Light society and other mem bers of both the student body and fac ulty offered their assistance in many ways. All day Saturday, May 15, the people of Greensboro were reminded that reg istration was final that day. About 100 students offered to stand on street cor ners and hand out bills explaining the election and showing the location of the 2iolls. They worked in two hour shifts from ten o’clock to six o’clock. From ten o’clock to twelve o’clock practically every office building in the city was can vassed. Those who helped tried to per suade passers-by that the only way to vote was for the issue. Mr. Broadhurst called on the Junior Reserves and he praised their work. Some Wait for Results of Elec tion Before Making Decision ■—Different Vocations. For various reasons several members of the faculty will not return next year. A Few will pursue further courses of study, some will go into other work. However, many teacliers have signed contracts to return in Se])teml)er. Many of the teach ers are awaiting the result of the com ing scliool election before making their decision. For this reason Mr. Philli2rs will not state definitely who will return and wlio will not return. DRAMATICS H PLAN CLASS DAY FOR ’27 Temporarily Called “Fine Feathers” Showing That Clothes Make the AVoman—Gorgeous Scenes. COMPLETE PLANS FOR ALL SENIOR CLASS AFFAIRS (Continued from page one) mon will be given at the First Presby terian church by Dr. Meyers. All the seniors will wear their caps and gowns. Commencement will be at the Odell Me morial Alonday night, 8:00, June 7. There are 109 in the present senior class. All these will receive their diplo mas if they pass their work. Dramatics 11 is 2)lanning a play temp orarily called Fine Feathers. Its theme sliows that clotlies make the woman. 'The first scene opens on a fashion show at an exclusive “Shop2)e’”. A bored young man is present with his mother. He comes to life, however, when he sees and loves at first sight one of the models. Later, at a cabaret, he meets her dressed in clothes borrowed from the “S:ho2i2>e”. One can imagine the difficul ties arising when she is discovered and the boj'’s mother learns the facts. 'I’he fashion show and cabaret scene will be gorgous not only in scenery, but in lighting and costuming. A num ber of S2iectators at the fashion show, chorus dancers and groups at the cab aret. Dramatics 11 is very much interested in its new project. 'The class ho2:)es that “Fine Feathers” can be given as the class play of ’27. Does that new hat of Bernard Shaw’s remind you of the song beginning, “Did you ever think when the hearse rolled by—”? Even Charles Amole has not forgotten the old school. Charles, how do you do? '■

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