Friday, September 24, 1926 HIGH LIFE Page Five -W A m- rel Last year the stndeiits who have SradiTated from (L II. S. were the ■,shiiiiii.2c Ii,ihts of the school—the ■seniors. Now they are only insignifi- (cant freshmen again. The folloAving have entered N. C. C. W.: Ange Applewhite, Gladys Bow man, (ilenevieve Boyd, Alice Campbell, Elizabeth Cami)bell, Sadie Ciement, Margaret Crews, Eiizabetli Crews, Alice Davis, Alice Dillard, Dorothy Dillon, lluldah Dixon, Helen Felder, Margnerite Harrison, Irene Hester. Adelaide Hilton, Gertrnde Hobbs, Mar garet Hood, Frances Johnson, Mabel LaBarr, Alary AVade Langhlin, Cecile Lindan, Mildred Little, Mary Lyon. Mary AlcCollnm. Glenn Boyd AIcLeod, Lola Alichanx, Lois Mitchell, C'landia AInrdock, Inez AInrray, Elsie Palmer, 'Sarah Pearson, Ehainor Petree, Alary I’rice, Alattie Both. Charlotte Ser geant, Carolyn Siinnmns, PIvelyn Stew art, Helen Stock.-U'd, Alargaret Stock- ton. Ruth Stout, Alary Tilley, Plliza- beth TJmberger, Dorothy A^anneman, 'Charlotte Van Xoppen, Ruth AVatson, and Jewell AA’augh. Those entering U. N. C. are: John Betts, Guy Hill, Glenn Davis, Shelton Dry, Joe Faulkner. Louis Glascock, Glenn Holder, AAtilliam Homey, Ben Kendrick, .Toe Alarley, Jimmie Alans, Julian Aleadows, ,Tohn Alebane, Pid- Avard Alendeidiall, Alaleolm Aloore, James I’eterson, Ihiul Scurlock, George Stone, Tjeon Stone, John Thornton, James TidAvell, P. B. AA'hittington, and Ernest AA^illiams. Dorothy Jjea is going to Goueher and Alargaret PTu-gnson and Louise AIcCul- loch have entered Agnes-Scott. Tioy Smith goes to AA'ake Forest and Itobert Bishop, Robert Beacham, Hen ry Jobe, Ernest Aliles, Ph-ed Singletary, Aladdry Solomon, James AA'atson, and IIoAvard AA'imbish are going to State. Sammy Goode, Lattis Johnson, Na poleon Tmfty, Chester Strader, Aliriam Tuttle, and Troy Ziglar, are going to Duke. Davidson Avill claim Henry GoodAvin and Bobby AAJlson. Alarguerite Alason Avill attend Alere- dith. Hayward Gatbings Avill go to Fur man ; Josephine Abernathy Avill attend SAveet Briar; Edna Carlson Avill at tend PJora AIcDonald; George NeAV- nian Avill be at AAModberry Pi'orest; and Joe Armtield at AATstOAvns, Pa. MR. PHIUIPS TALKS AT CHAPtt EXERCISE ON SEPTEMBER 15-16 u We Expect You to Play the Game,” Principal States in His Talk. MENTION SCHOOL MIX-UP Explains Public Speaking, Home Eco nomics and Chemistry Courses— Urges Students to Join. CONTRACTS GIVEN TO M’CULLOCH & SWAIN High Life and Homespun Staffs Se lect Local Printers to Pub lish Publications. HIGH SCHOOL P.T.A. HAS FIRST MEETING LOCATED ON ASHEBORO STREET WHERE OUR OLD FRIENDS ARE Air. PT-ank B. Aycock is studying laAV at Carolina. Aliss Gladvs Boyington and Aliss “AAT' erpect yen to plav the game right," said Air. C. AV. Phillips in the opening chapel exercise AA'ednesday and Thursday, Seiitember lb and Id. "Aon know the right and aa’c expect vou to do it. AA’e want you to arrange your courses so that when you get to college you will not wish you had done differently. AA"e are ready to hel]) you at all times and all Ave'ask is tiiat you play the game fairly and s((uarely.” Air. lMulli])s then sjioke of the school troubles and mix-up in the courts. ‘‘AA"e do not IniAm a new building noAA',” hecontinued, “and the prospects for get ting one are darker than they Avere last si)ring. AA"e are sorry to think that all oiu' efforts last spring went for nothing, but Avhen another oiiportunity comes we Avill work harder than Ave did before.” Here he said that the school reminded him of a little poem he once read. As the story Avent a soldier had a broken SAVord and threAv it aAvay saying he could not tight Avith it. Another soldier came along, saAV the broken SAvord, grabbed it up, turned his men, and savtal the day. “AA'e’ll forget our handicaps; Ave’ll do the best Ave can; you have the half- SAVord—the opportunity. There's a spirit about this place better than any tine SAvord. There's a spirit here Avhich Avill carry you ou. Take Avhat Ave have. Take the thing that comes to you and make something of it. Use AA'bat AA'c haA'^',” he (‘oncludep. After the reading of the 15th chapter of Proverbs, Air. Phillips explained the ncAV courses. Among those he mention ed are Home Economics, Public Speak ing, and Chemistry. He urged all those Avho are interested and can join the coTirses to do so. The High Like and HomeHpiui staffs have both giAmn their contracts to AIc- Culloch & SAvain, printers, located on Asheboro Street. AAhirrcn AIcCulloch Avas connected with the printing firm Avhich printed High Like in Burlington in I!)2i2-2M, and in l!)2;!-24 he had charge of print ing High Like at Cliristian & King's in Durham. Last year, hoAveA’'er, as High Like Avas iirinted by the night shift at the Durham imblishing house. Air. AIc- Cullocli did not liaA’e charge of print ing the Greensboro High School jmbli- cation. .1. AA'’. SAA'ain Inis been associated AA'ith the (jrcciisbaro lU'cord and the (Ji-eehs- boro Xcics for the past 10 years. “AA'e certainly are Amry glad to Inure our pubiiiations printed in Greensboro tiiis year. In the first ])la;e, it Avill be much easier for the staffs to get out the magazine and High Like, and, too, Ave are glad to keep our dollars at home,” said Air. Philli[)s in regard to letting the contracts. OF NEW FALL TERM Teachers Introduced by C. W. Phillips—Several Speeches Made by Others. MRS. THOMPSON PRESIDES Make Plans for Coming Year—Urge Parents to Join Associations— Social Program Follows. Teachers’ Names and Addresses MISS BUST IS HEAD OF DRAMATIC WORK She Will Give New Course in Dramatics I at Eighth Period—Course is Prov ing Popular Among Students. SHE TAKES MR. WUNSCH’S PLACE This year the course in Dramatics is being continued at G. H. S. under Aliss Aliriam Bliss, avIio is taking Air. AATinch's place as dramatic director. 'She is not giving a Dramatics III course,but is starting Avith Dramatics L and iiresenting if in n maimoi’ gome- Avhat different from last year's Avork. The class, composed of around tAven- ty-tive members meets at the eighth period in lOd.^ The beginning of the Avork is getting a background so as to MISS M’ALLISTER TOURS EUROPE THIS SUMMER Jane Summerell are teaching at N. C. C. AAh Aliss Boyington is an instructor of history at the training school; Aliss Summerell is instructor of English. Airs. Kenneth Brim is at her home in the city. The First Baptist Church has Aliss Inabelle Coleman for Young People's AA'orker. Aliss Nina Cooper and Riciiard Thorn ton Avere married in June at Aliss Cooper's home in Oxford. C. C. Fordham, Jr., has gone into the drug business Avith his father Glenn Gildersleeve is teaching and studying at the Teacher's College of Columbia UniAmrsity. Aliss Elizabeth Hench is in Carlyle, Pennsylvania. Aliss Elizabeth Jeffries is staying at her home in Gaffney, S. C., this Avinter. Our former mathematics teacher and faculty manager of the Athletic Asso ciation, 11. E. Johnson, is selling insur ance in High I’oint. Aliss Alinna Pickard, AV. R. AYunsch, and Alvin T. RoAve are teaching in Asheville, N. C. This summer Aliss Grace Pullen and NeAvman Alexander AATide Avere mar ried in AVashington, D. C. They are making their home in Fredericksburg, Aid. Aliss Julia Ross is in Asheboro, N. C. Trust men, and they aaJII be true to you; ti''eat them greatly and they Avill shoAV themselves great.—Emerson's Es says on Prudence. Her Foremost Impressions, of the European People Were Their Pleasantness. LOSES CROWNING GLORY IN ROME Aliss .lean AIcAllister. a member of the history department, spent the sum mer touring Europe, visiting England, Scotland, France, Italy, SAvitzerland, Germany, Holland, and Belgium. She sailed from Noav York on the Tuscania and landed at Lallarve. Paris AA-as the first stop of any length. “There AA’e saAV the Louvre, Josephine’s home, ATrsaille and all the other Avondei'ful and interesting filaces that Paris contains. I have never been so completely overcome by a feAv beau tiful things in ali my life,” iMiss AIc- Allister stated. “After Paris aa’g visit ed Alonte Carlo and, of course, lost all of our money.” Aliss AIcAllister said that ou the continent they travelled on the funny little foreign trains, Avhich are divided into compartments. “It Avas hard to get used to them, but after Ave learned to lounge around and be comfortable, Ave found them as nice if not nicer than our oaaui trains.” Rome, Aliss AIcAllistei; found, Avas very different from her expectations.® Instead of a city of ruins, it Avas a very live modern city AA'ith only a sec tion of ruins. It aa'US there she had her hair bobbed by an Italian Avho spoke no English. “By AA’ild gesticulations,” said Aliss AIcAllister, “I made him un derstand that I Avanted him to cut my hair.” One of their most interesting and beautiful trips, Aliss AIcAllister relat- be able to understand and appreciate the AA'ork on the plays. AA^hile plays share most of the Avork, quite a bit of the time aaTII be given over to literary interpretation and pantomine. The instructor is trying to develop the in- (liA’idual more than anything else. Each person has different possibilities in the dramatic field and these are being brou.ght out through instruction and training. While no definite schedule of plays has been made out, it is expected that there Avill be a good many programs— more than last year, perhaps. AYork is soon to begin on the first play Avhich Avill be presented around the middle or latter part of October, if possible. To love her Avas a liberal education. —Of Lady Elizabeth Hastinys, in "The rattier." ed, AA'as the one to the Island of Capri and the Blue Grotto. “The guide led us to just a bole in the ground and told us that AA’as the place AA’e AA'ere go ing. Rather dubiously Ave entered ; all of a sudden from noAvhere, it seemed, came lots of little roAvboats.” In these they Avere taken to the Grotto. At the entrance the roAvers Avho had gotten there first Avere sin,ging, Valencia, San ta Lucia, and others. The Avails of the Grotto, she said, Avere of blue rock, and the Avaters Avere blue, too, giving a poAvder blue effect to everything and OA’erybody. The bodies of the men Avho Avere diving inside Avere as blue as the rest. “During the trip Ave Avere many times Avithout an interpreter and guide. AA^e had to place ourselves eii- tirel.y in the liands of the natives of the country aa'o Avere in. In eA’ery case they AA'ere as nice, as pleasant, and as helpful as could be. The fact that they Avere so ]deasant Avas one of my foremost impressions of Europe.” Friday night, Seiitember 17, at 7:30 o’clock, the parents of G. H. S. held a meeting and a reception for the teach ers in the high school auditorium. TAventy fathers and a hundred and thirty mothers Avere present. The meeting opened AA'ith a prayer by Rev. N. AI. Harrison. Fredrick Archer, superintendent of the city schools made a talk in AAdiich he said iie hoped that the parents and the teachers Avould get to knoAV each other iietter. “AVe Avant the parents to cooperate with us in ail our activities. AVhen they do aa'o Avill come nearer having an ideal school,” said Air. Archer. Charles AA". Phillips, principal of the high school, said, “There are three divisions in the activities of the school in Avhich Ave need the support of the |)arents; the classroom, sports and dra matics, and the school publications. We Avant the parent to visit our class es, come to our games and plays and subscribe to our publications,” Air. Phillips concluded. Airs. AAh H. SAvift, president of the State Parent-Teachers Assocuation, welcomed the teachers on the behalf of the mothers and Aliss Fannie Starr Alitchell, .dean of the girls, responded on behalf of the teachers. Airs. AA". J. Homey, fourth A'ice-president, urged that eA’eryone should subscribe to the Child AA'elfare Alagazine. The neAA' officers of Lhe association Avere intro duced and the meeting closed AA’ith a prayer by Dr. E. E. Gillespie. FollOAvin.g the adjourment punch Avas sei’A'ed in the hall. The officers of the G. H. S. Parent Teachers Association are: Airs. A. L. Thompson, president; Airs. AA^. L. Ab bott, secretary; Aliss Sarah Lesley, treasurer; Airs. E. AI. Sellers, first vice president; C. AA^. Phillips, second vice president: Airs. H. P. Leak, third vice ])resideLit: and Airs. AA^. J. Homey, fourth vice president. Clara Allen—-O. Henry Hotel, (tem- pora.ry). Daisy Aiiilerson—515 North Gaston— 87!)I-J. Alary S. Ashford—215 EdgeAvorth —H40I-J. Elizabeth Bayer—215 S. Alendenhall —25(;5-L2. Bessie Behney—210 S. EdgeAvorth—■ 2313. Alary Ellen Blackmon—814 OliA’e—• 95-AV. AV. AV. Blair—f)17 Asheboro—.3013-J. Alarion Blist—103 Lake Road, (tem- l)orary). Alargaret Brid.gers—Ill North Edge- Avoi'th—130. Lena E. Bullard—120 South Alenden hall—052-J. Amy CaldAvell—511 Stirling—333.3-AV. Jo Causey—1400 Asheboro—^.3470-AV. Homer Coltrane—Y. AV. C. A.—2727. Elizabeth Donald—117 South Alen denhall— 581. Nellie K. Dry—018 North Elm—420. Lula East—423 North Ed,geAA'orth—- 4150-AV. James Farthing—002—AA’est Gaston -722. SCHOOL PROGRAM HALTED BY ISSUE OF INJUNCTION (Continued from Page One) case, an early hearing before the -Su preme Court Avas sought. AleaiiAA’hiie the S])ecial board of di rectors, assigned by the county board of education to control the operation of schools in the proposed Greater Greensboro School District, are infor- m.all.v conducting their operation in the iieAV area. The board Avill continue pending the Supreme Court's ruling. Superintendent Archer is directing the schools Avithin the old city limits in the same informal manner. The ])laintiffs do not contend that there Avere any irregularities in the conduct of the election itself. Their attack on the validity of the election is made on tAvo grounds: First, that no (*ounty-Avide plan of organization had been adopted prior to the election; and, set'ond. that the deed conveying the school property to the county board of education Avas not made at the proper time; that is. it should have been made before the election. The defendants contend that a county-Avide plan of or ganization had been duly adopted prior to the election, but they admit that the deed Avas not made until after the elec tion. As to the latter, tlie defendants contend, hoAvever, that the making of the deed after the election Avas a sub stantial compliance Avith the hiAv. Should Judge AAmbb's decision be up held, those outside the old city limits Avill continue to have to pay tuition for their children to attend the citv schools. liachael Freeman—211 Tate, (tem porary)^—522. Ruth GreeiiAvaldt—002 Alagnolia— 1073-AV. lone Grogan—010 Greene—1194. AVillie T. Hall—Arcade—20. Edith Hommaud—324 South Edge- worth—3372. Alary Hai-rell—345 orth Elm—.344. Catherine Hight—AA'est Alarket—591. Sarah Hodge.s—^117 South Alenden hall—.581. Stanley Johnson—Beaclnvood Street —Lindley Park. Ina Alae LeRoy—411 EdgeAvorth— 430. Sarah Leslie—511 Stirling— EA’elyn Alartin—001 North Greene—- 1172. I.ucille Alercer—204 BLjiidAv(>o,4- - 1473-J. Grady Aliller—^133 East Smith— 2708-AV. Estelle Alitchell—515 AA’est Gaston— 3701-J. Liu^, Alo^.gan—215 South Alenden hall—350.5-L2. Ida belle Aloore—1410 Asheboro. Alary AIorroAV—BenbOAV Arcade—26. Jean AIcAllister—Iiwing Park—040. Sallie NeAvman—510 South Edge- Avorth—2313. A4va Playfoot—N. C. C. AA3 Julia Potts—Stone Apartments, North. Alendenhall—1892-J. Rutli Reynolds—311 Spring—2173-J. A. P. Routh—1'. AI. C. A.—2727. Laura Sumner—510 North Alenden hall—3175-J. Laura Tillett—010 AVest Alarket— 310. Lily AA alker—401 AA'est Bessemer A A' en u. e—3527- J. Alary AAJieeler—401 AIcGee—2998-J. Emily AA right—215 South EdgeAA’orth —24‘1-J. George AA’ynne—410 Alorehead Ave nue. Alice Zoliman—N. C. C. AA". PUBLICATION ROOM OPEN TO STAFF ONLY The Publication Room is uoaa' open for business AA’ith one neAA’ book case, tAA’o tables, one desk, and txA’o antique tyi)eAA’riters. There are plenty of chairs and tAvo big AvindoAvs. The “pride and joy” of this room are the cups aa'oii by High Life and Homcsyun. All that is needed to enter this room of AA’ritiug, air-castles, and dreams is to be a mem ber of the High Life staff. A little sign on the doors says : “No one allOAved in this room except editors. All others must stay out.'’ For the benefit of these editors there is a AA ire basket on the long table AA’hich Avith outstretched arms Avelcomes all material for High-Life. In such an atmosphere as this there is utmost confidence that the former lionois of High Life aa’III again be ours.