Friday, November 5,1926 HIGH LIFE Page Five ati 111' jei AYANTED —“My Sweetie.” Mary AAAieeler, Room 200. AA^xVNTEI)—Daily extension course.— every day and Saturday, too. To be taught by Itrofessor Jackson. Peti tion signed by Aliss AA". T. Hall. AVxVNTED—xV couple of grandfather chairs for the Publication room to comfort the old men on the staff Eor instance: Judge Biggs, Carlton AATlder, Dr. Burroughs, and Paw xVtkisson. LOST, STRAYED or STOLEX^One dark-skinned hero with black hair who is moderately tall. Answers to name of “Dearest,” “Darling,” “Honey.” (His teachers call him Edwin). If found call 1100 and re ceive reward from D. Hogan. POUND—On the stopper of a vinegar cruet in the cafeteria, a wad of chewing gum, at least a qiiarter’s worth. Toothprints indicate that it may have once belonged to Beverly Moore. If the owner wishes to re deem his valuable wad he can call by the publication room and receive same by matching toothprints. EOR RENT*—A large, red fountain pen, which leaks slightly and has a knock- kneed point. Still good for 2 years of duty. Owner regrets to say that same has been carried to the furnace room, but can be secured by applica tion to AATieeler. CALDWELL AND M’lVER SEND NEWS OF SCHOOLS A.rt Exhibit Held At Caldwell'—Girl Re serves of Mclver School Have Halloween Party THEY CELEBRATE WITH VIGOR Mclver The 1‘arent-Teachers meeting was held in the Mclver auditorium Friday, October 22. The program included a play and music by the violin class. The Girl Reserves had a Hallowe’en party in the Y. AA". C. X. hut Friday niglit, October 29. The Mclver girls defeated Caldwell Otdober 26. The score was 4-2. On October 26 Caldwell won, 2 to 0, A'er the Mclver boys in soccer. Caldwell Caldwell hockey team was defeated by Aycock October 28. x\.n art exhibit was held at 8 o’clock November 3 and 4 at Caldwell school. Thursday night, November 11, a play entitled the “AA'omanless Wedding” will be given in the Caldwell auditorimv s. 1 Men of the city will pla^, LUe leading roles. The admission will be 10 and 25 cents. MISS MARION BLISS PRESENTS PLAYS AT N. C. C. AUDITORIUM (Continued from Page One) quettish i-ole of Nancy, who was greatly loved by Hugh, played by Louis Brooks, and Ralph, impersonated by Joe Mann. Hugh won her affections by finding the lost fan. The realistic kiss at the end brought storms of applause from the audience. Leon AA'ells, as Lancelot. Briggs, in “The Trysting Place,” was in love with Mrs. Curtis, taken by Page Howard. Mrs. Briggs, Tullulah Matheny, was secretly in love with an old sweetheart, Mr. Ignolesby, J. D. McNairy. Ernest Searboro, as Rupert Smith, made love characteristic of the modern boy, to Jane Harris, as Jessie Briggs. Henry Weiland, as the Mysterious A'oice, caused much excitement. It was a complicated plot, but the players acted with unu‘ual skill. Qjembers of the cast, with J. D. Me o-foi*. a® stage manager, did the bad. ge work. Harry Gump and Mr. ^ Blair were the business inan- lec s^gers. Miss Marian Bliss coached the plays. Ten years ; My Doll. Eighteen years : My Darling. Forty years : My dollar. TEACHERS OF NORTH CAROUNA MEET HERE OCTOBER 29 AND 30 Dr. J. H. Highsmith, Dr. J. H. Cook, Dr. A. P. Kephart and Others Speak N. C. C. HONORS TEACHERS Miss Laura Tillett and Miss Daisy An derson Elected Officers of Their Departments—Many Attend The fourth annual meeting of the northwestern district of the North Car olina Education xVssociation was held at N. C. C. October 29-30. The first general session was held in College Place Alethodist Church Friday after noon at 2 o’clock. B. C. Newton, of Thomasville, is chairman of the high school teachers and principals. This department met jointly with the city superintendents on Friday afternoon. Saturday morn ing at 9:30 a separate meeting was held in the Students’ building. Dr. J. Henry Highsmith talked on “High School Organization.” Miss Flossie Foster, of High Point, talked on “The Library ATtalizing the AAMrk of High School Students.” Dr. X. P. Kephart and Dr. J. H. Cook, of Greens boro, spoke on “How to Get Real AAMrk From High School Students.” Saturday morning at 10 o’clock the English teachers had a meeting in the training school. At this time. Dr. A. C. Howell spoke on “The Problem of Parallel Reading in High School Literature Courses.” Miss Laura Til lett, head of the English department at G. H. S., was elected vice-president of the State Association of Teachers. Aliss Daisy xYnderson was elected sec retary at the meeting of the State As sociation of Latin Teachers, held Sat urday morning. Besides the regular meetings, on Fri day, from 5 to 6, the teachers of the training school gave a tea in honor of the visitors. The college was hostess to their guests at a dinner at 6 p. m. Friday. About 1,000 teachers were entertained. HI-Y’S TO AID ‘‘Y” IN BUILDING FUND DRIVE xV joint meeting of the two Hi-Y clubs was held Thursday, October 28, in room 101. The purpose of the meet ing was to disemss the Y. M. C. x4. drive. They planned to assist in the campaign for funds for finishing the new “A”.” An organization similar to that of the business men of Greensboro was mapped out. These boys will work the school just as the larger organiza tion will work the city. Finley Atkisson was elected colonel. Captains for the separate divisions were appointed, as follows: AAdllard AAbitson, Cecil Bishop, Jack Coble, Bill Latham, John Gillespie, and A'ernon Patterson. OLD CORNERSTONE IS REMOVED ON OCI15 AT LINDSAY SCHOOL E. D. Broadhurst, Former Su perintendent of Schools, Opens Box OLD NEWSPAPERS FOUND Prominent Citizens Are Present At Opening of Cornerstone—Some Former Students and Teachers KILTIE KLUB HOLDS TWO MEETINGS THIS MONTH C. E. Boyd Leads Discussion On “Is It Right to Do Wrong?”—Weiner Talks October 27 MUCH INTEREST IS MANIFESTED Idle Kiltie Klub had two meetings Octobei, 20 ”nd 27, at the First Pres byterian Church. 8upper was served at both meetings to abOv)' 3‘1 boys. The subject discussed at the UrPt meeting was “Is It Ever Right to Do AAT-ong.” C. E. Boyd led the discus sion and it was decided at certain times wrong would be done. At the second meeting, Edwin AVei- ner. Boys’ Secretary of the AT. M. C. A., made a short talk on “AA^hy One Is Called to the AAMrk of Christ.” “There are two reasons why the Christian Religion needs helpers; first, is that Jesus is popular today, and sec ond, is that for the people that do not know Him, someone must make them acquainted. xAnyone is picked, who is willing to give their all to rich or poor. To become real Christians and have proper fellowship with oiir friends, we must respect Jesus as a great leader and as our personal Lord,” said Air. AA'einer in closing. In an interview, Alonday November 1, Aliss Alitchell, dean of girls, said that the course of studies for the spring term would be completed within the next two weeks. During the week of November 1, the juniors went to the office at study or lunch periods to ar range the schedules; the week of No vember 8 the sophomores will go ; and the following week, the freshmen. The juniors >yill have their courses planned for the rest of their high school years. LOCAL GIRL SCOUTS HOLD RALLY WEEK Present Pie to Mayor Jeffress. Trees Planted At Aycock. Girls Win Merit Badges ORGANIZATION GROWING October 25-30 was National Girl Scout week. The Girl Scouts of Greensboro celebrated it as a rally week. Alany plans were made for fu ture work. Troop 1, of the First Pres byterian church, the oldest troop in Greensboro, celebrated the week in many interesting ways. Thursday aft ernoon the whole troop had a float. A rally, held at the Smith Alemorial building of the Presbyterian church, came as a culmination of the exercises Friday night. xAt the rally, merit badges, gold and silver stars and silver stripes were awarded to the girls who had earned them. A pageant was given representing America from the early days of history through the present time. The troop quartet gave several Scout songs. Pies were made by each girl and the best one was presented to Alayor Jef fress Saturday morning. Alary Lyon Leak’s pie won first place. xAfter the presentation of the pie to the mayor, a tree was planted on the grounds of xAycock school. Troop 2, of the First Baptist Church, being a newly organized troop, did not celebrate very extensively. Diaries were kept of the things done during the week, and given to the captain, Aliss Inabelle Coleman. The window of the Book Shop was dressed by this troop. G. H. S. GIRLS INTERVIEW STUDENT PRINCE ACTRESS SOUTHERN audiences PLEASE “ ‘The Student Ihince’ is a :lww that you never tire of giving,” said Ilel,?!! Nord, leading lady in “The Student I’rince,” in an interview AA’^ednesday, October 20. Aliss Nord was in Greens boro for the performance of “The Stu dent I’rince” given at the National Theatre AA'ednesday night. “AAT^ have just come from A'irginia,” she told the High Life reporters, “where we played all last week. AA-e are delighted with our Southern audiences.” Seated in the dining room of the O. Henry, Aliss Nord graciously answered the many questions put to her, and seemed most anxious to please these representatives of the high school part of her audience. She told of her education at Sullins College, and of her musical training. She entered grand opera when she was only 20 years old. xV book of clippings told of her many successes, and contained many things of interest. “I think the music in ‘The Student Prince’ is lovely, and I believe we could have tun two nights here,” said Miss Sylvia, the comedienne. The reporters found both the ac tresses full of “pep” and most enthusi astic about their work. The cornerstone of the old Lindsay Street School was removed Friday aft ernoon, October 15. Edgar D. Broad hurst, chairman of the Greater Greens boro board of education, opened the copper box found under the corner stone, which had been placed there at the time of the erection of the school. AA'hen the school was built Air. Broad hurst was superintendent of the city schools. In the box were found several newspapers dated August 1, 1887. In one some of the food prices w’ere quoted. At this time eggs were 10 cents a dozen, spring chickens 10 and 15 cents a pound, and bacon 10 cents a pound. In another 1887 paper. Judge Schenck is quoted as follows; “The United States government completed the postoffice building this year. A great ornament to the city.” The pres ent postottiee is the one completed in 1887. At that time there was a popu lation of a little over 3,000. Alany of Greensboro’s wmll known citizens w^ere in'esent at the opening of the cornerstone of their former school. Airs. Hiram Bell, president of Greensboro’s historical museum; Aliss Lizzie Lindsay, long a teacher in the school, and Admiral Archibald Scales and his brother, Alfred AI. Scales, wmre among those present at the opening of the box. EXCITEMENT RAMPANT AMONG NEW REPORTERS Miss Nord, Leading Lady, and Miss Sylvia, Comedienne, Talk About Their Work Get Interview With Members of “Stu dent Prince” Cast—High Life Rep resentatives Are “Thrilled” ACTRESS INVITES THEM TO DINE Supper of Seven Colors “And wain’t you have dinner with us?” Gee, was this really so? AAbis the leading lady of “Th e Student I’rince” honestly asking twm High Life reporters to dinner? Gracious! It wais an honor to be allowed an interview^ and to be invited to dine was to» much. The reporters couldn’t think of such an ordinary thing as food at such an exciting time; so the invitation was declined. Aliss Helen Nord and Aliss Sylvie DeFrankle were cordial, friendly peo ple, who seemed as anxious to please tw'o young, but aspiring, reporters as if they w’ere really important. And yMdn’t it seem wonderful to be here at the O. H.'iTiLV interviewdng them! Just think, they A^re real actresses, the height of everydream. “Remember wheiT wt. ^^sed to inter view people when w^e .. ■” in hi^^li school?” No, it couldn’t hi j^,>_,osible that these delightful beings had really been through the toils of high school. “Don’t you love their southern drawd?” And this w-as the star in “The Student I’rince” speaking of two hum ble reporters! It wms all more than the twm could really take in. They left after these few" heavenly minutes wfith hearts a-fiutter. “They really are human, and weren’t they just lovely?” they exclaimed ex citedly as they left the realms of ac tresses and turned reluctantly home ward. During the AA'orld Series, members of the Boys’ Athletic Association of G. H. S. handled the selling of the reserve seats in front of the Daily News build- ing. Half of the net receipts wms turned over to the Athletic Associa tion. Patched Breeches The story is told of a North Carolina mountaineer who always w’ore patched breeches'—patched at the knees find patched in the seat. Economy is not the explanation that his neighbors gave for the condition of his trousers. It wuis generally conceded that the knees w"ere worn threadbare by fervent spirits of prayer, wdiile the seat was entirely wmrn awaiy by much back-sliding from the heights of religious ecstacy attained during such periods. Alany students are like this moun taineer. Figuratively if not literally, their trousers are patched before and behind.—-The Gmlfordhin, Guilford Col lege, N. C. Ixittle Boy—Oh, Alother, guess what! I just saw^ a lady w’ith great long hair gathered up on a bump on top of her head and held there with pieces of bent w'ire.—Polaris Wecklu, Alinneapo- lis, Alinn. Into Historic Crevices Alany of us believe that Betsy Ross made the first American flag in 1776, but the AA"ar Department has verified the statement that the American Idag w"aved for the first time over Fort Stan- wix, afterward named Schuyler. The fort w’as built in 1757 on the Alohawdc River near the present city of Rome, New’ York. The w’hite stripes were cut from am munition shirts, the blue from a cam- ulet cloak taken from the enemy at Piekskill, w’hile the red stripes were pieces of stuff obtained from the men at the garrison. These various ma terials sew’ed together resulted in the original American flag.—The South erner, Alinneapolis, Alinn. Shakespeare On The Gridiron “He shall have nothing but the pen alty.”—Alerchant of Venice. “No, I’ll not be your half.’'—Love’s Labor Lost. “I fear these stubborn lines lack pow’er to move.”—Love’s Labor Lost. “Hear the shrill w’histle which doth order give.”—;Henry Ah “Aly lord, you played once on the university, you say?”—Hamlet. “I bruised my shins the other day w’ith playing.”—Alerry AATves of AAand- sor. “Our slaughtered friends, the ta ck 1 es. ’ ’—Hen ry A" I. ‘‘The center is not big enough.”-— AVintre’s Tale. “Holy Joan w as his defensive guard.” —Henry AH. “There’s but one down.”—Alacbeth. “He is not so big as his ends.”— Love’s Labor Lost. “Passed over to the end.”—Henry VI. “I should kick.”—Comedy of Errol's. “Your grace, like power divine, hath looked upon my passes.”—Aleasure for Aleasure. “I saw’ him fumble.”—Henry AHI. “Through the great bulk Achilles be thy guard.”—Troilus and Cressida.— Orange and White, Orlando, Fla. VISIONS 1 V. C. R., ’27 If we b ie no bright visions, — above the earth ; If there arPAe-^^cisions, To show the w’oi^tl our worth. Then life is but a pretense, A dead and show y Devoid of duty’s higher To every fellow’ man. A’isions make the road of liic^’^ Far brighter every day; ATsions bring us rest from strife. And point a shining way To w’iiere each one may realize The dreams our souls conceive; ATsions in our hearts and eyes, Alake all in us believe. —Chatterhor, Danville, A-a. “The blest work of helping the w’orlcl forward happily does not w’ait to be done by perfect men.”—George Eliot. “As a man thinketh, so is he.” AA'hy not try advancement in thought and actions’?—27ic Technician. -

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