.’•tr- >■*? ill i 'W Is a HIGH LIFE GRADUATING CLASS HOLDS EXERCISES IN ODELL MEMORIAL Small Class Presents Unique Program of Life at Greens boro High School HAVE IMAGINARY PICNIC Willis Hargrove Writes “Last Will and Testament”—Annie Hogan Reads Letter Telling Class History The class day exercises of the mid year graduates of Greensboro High School were held in the Odell Memorial building Thursday, January 27. The exercises took the form of a play di vided into two scenes. The first scene took place in the hall of Greensboro High School. The class met for their final get-together, a pic nic. Before going on such a danger ous adventure James West took inven tory of the things the class had to leave their school and friends, while Willis Hargrove wrote “The Last Will and Testament.” They willed Miss Mitchell a schedule which would satisfy all. To the pupils of G. H. S. this class left a tVestern Union clock, guaranteed to keep the right time and not to ring until every scholar is in his desk and ready for class. George Donavant’s “Baby Face” was bequeathed to “Pete” tVyrick and “Chuck” Burgess. A let ter, which Annie Hogan had written to Elsie Palmer revealing their history, was read by Annie. The lunch was col lected, and they started for a picnic place with Banks Simpson and Elsie Palmer leading the way. In the second scene they arrived at the unknown spot. In looking over this place George Dohavant found a mys terious paper which disclosed the fu ture of the class of ’27. Mildred Nash, the class artist, drew a word picture of each graduate. tVhen “all the good things had been eaten” they sang their school, class, and farewell songs before returning home. PRELIMINARIES FOR TRIANGULAR DEBATE HELD IN AUDITORIUM Miss Mary E. Blackmon, Miss Marian Bliss, and J. A. Far thing Act as Judges MANY STUDENTS ENTER Rare Recipes By G. Todd “Resolved That Congress Should Enact Curtis-Reed Bill Providing For a Fed eral Department of Education” Friday, February 4, the preliminary contest for the Triangular Debate was held. About forty students from the Debating Club, Public Speaking and Dramatics classes participated. This number was divided into two groups, one speaking in the afternoon, the other in the auditorium Friday night. The query, “Resolved, That Congress should enact the Curtis-Reed bill pro viding for a Federal Department of Ed ucation,” was hammered pro and con by the youthful followers of the forensic science. Miss Mary E. Blackmon, Miss Marian Bliss, and J. A. Farthing acted as judges. The final contest, at which time six debaters, two affirmative, two negative, and two alternates will be chosen, is scheduled for Monday, February 14, at 7 o'clock in the high school auditorium. At that time each debater wifi have six minutes at his disposal. The work will be judged entirely on an individual basis. The fourteen students who will par ticipate in the final elimination are: Hilda Davidson, Herbert Jones, Henry Weil and, Louis Brooks, Harry Gump, J. D. McXairy, Elizabeth Boyst, Jane Harris, Ernest Wyche, Ernest Scarboro, Edgar Kuykendall, Henry Biggs, and Margaret Neal. STUDENT COUNCIL GIVES PROGRAM OF WELCOME Visit Eighth Grades of Mclver and Cald well Schools, January 26 and 27 PROGRAM VERY MUCH ENJOYED In order to avoid confusion when the students entering high school for the first time came over, the Student Coun cil of G. H. S. visited the eighth grades of Mclver and Caldwell schools, and gave a program both of welcome and instructions, 'Wednesday and Thursday, January 26 and 27. Willard Watson, president of the stu dent body, was in charge of the pro gram, and after he gave a few words of welcome and advice, Betty Brown talked on “What You Can Mean to the High School.” “What the High School Can Mean to You” was the subject of a talk by Henry Biggs, in which he declared “The high school will mean to you just what you mean to the high school, plus just twice as much more.” Zaidee Smith told the students about the elective courses, and Walter Peter son and Earl Harlee discussed the music offered at G. H. S. Charles Rives and Bill Petree told of the sports of Greensboro High and the benefits derived from them, and Mary Lynn Carlson concluded the program by tell ing the freshmen about the publications. High Life and Homespun. THE GROWTH OF MISSIONS TOPIC OF KILTIE CLUB History of Missionary Work is Dis cussed By Entire Group—C. T. Boyd Speaks MARY ELIZABETH KING PLAYS “The Growth of Missions” was the chief topic at a meeting of the Kiltie Klub January 26. Everyone joined in this discussion. These were some of the ideas brought out: The first great movement of missionary work in mod ern times was the colonization of the new world ; the second was when the individual began to declare himself, as in the French Revolution; the third was the industrial revolution. The men who did the most for the development of the cause were also discussed. The meeting of the following week, January 2, was a continuance of the discussion on “The Growth of Mis sions.” A talk was made by C. T. Boyd on this subject, and Mary Elizabeth King played several piano selections. (I) How to Live Without Working. This may be done in any one of many ways. You might marry a rich “old maid.” Be sure she is ninety-three years old, or older, that she has no distant relatives to whom she may will her fortune, and that a conservative estimate of her es tate’s value after her death will be $137,376.97. At her death you should mourn very loudly, tear your hair, and say that you cannot live without your little rose. Place an inscription on her tombstone which reads, “Here lies my little tootsie- wootsie, whom hath been taken from me so soon.” If, however, she lives six months after her ninety-fourth birthday, the rules say that she may be poisoned, specifying that wood alcohol should be used. Any policeman will direct you to a wood alcohol station. II Another method, quite effective but not quite so satisfying, is to stop work altogether, and to cease taking any pains to gain a living. Depend entirely on charity. The one drawback in this method is the fact that its executors cannot eat. III Probably the easiest way to gain a luxurious living without work is to teach school in Greensboro High School. There is no work to the job, pay is extremely high, and a “dizzy” social set of teachers set a pace which makes a tutor’s life one gay round of good times after another. Since this subject is so very close to all our homes, let me expound through some hard and fast examples. Mr. George Baker Wynne, (some mis understanding pupil thought that the “B” was “Bagga” ’Wind) on arriving in our fair city, Avas nothing but a bunch of skin and bone from the tide water section of North Carolina. He had been a member of the old southern aristocracy who “tea-ed” in the after noon and lived on crackers and water. At present and ever since his school teaching occupation was begun, he is, and has been a natural jolly old rascal of round proportions. His is a work less exis'tence. He is envied from one end of “campus” to the other. ■When Miss Mary Wheeler first came to G. H. S., we even feared for her life. Now her width exceeds even her pulchritude. Look around you—^there are other illustrations of this astounding ease of a school teacher’s life. Minutes are to hours what pennies are to dollars—and he who saves both wins.—World Heirs. The Book Shop BOOKS GIFTS PICTURES GREETING CARDS 110 South Greene Street Greensboro - - - N. C. .*e»>#»«#«*o**o«*o**#*««**^*«0**c*««**o* February 11, 1927 three SEMESTERS ADOPT NEW DESIGN FOR STANDARD RING “We Want G. H. S. to Have a Ring of Its Own,” Says Miss Wheeler G. H. S. UNANIMOUS FOR IT Ring Will Have No Enamel or Stones— Committee Believes Ring of Future Will Be Plain Semesters one, two and three met Fri day, January 21, to discuss the propo sition of accepting the new standard ring in G. H. S. The ring design has already been unanimously selected by semesters four, five and six, and was accepted by a unanimous vote of the lower classes. Miss Mary Wheeler, the faculty chairman of the ring committee, made all points clear about the standard ring. “We want G. H. S. to have a ring of its own,” said Miss Wheeler. She plain- GREENSBORO’S newest HOTEL FORMALLY OPENS J 1 Greensboro’s new hotel, located on the corner of Davie and East Market streets, the King Cotton, was formally opened on Thursday, January 27th., The opening Avas featured by a delight ful dinner dance. The hotel Avas opened for business on Monday morning, Jan uary 30th. The building itself is 14 stories and contains 250 rooms Avith baths. The ball room is said to be one of the most beautiful in the South. “This will make another good story,”' said the journalism student as he fell off the roof.—AUlene Booster. ly shOAved hoAv the ring Avould look The seal has no enamel or stones be- couse the ring committee belieAms that in a feAv years the seals Avill be plain. Miss Wheeler said; “We are trying to give to you a ring that the freshman eight or ten years from noAV aaTII be proud of.” Diagonally across the seal, G. IT. S. Avill be inclosed in bands. At the top of the seal there is a small torch. The shank is originally designed bv the committee. Greensboro Book Co. ^’The Book Store That Appreciates Your Business’^ 214 South Elm Street : I G. H. S. Boys and Girls | \ I 'We can supply you with all your needs in our line, and will appreciate your patronage. t GREENSBORO HARDWARE COMPANY Phones 457-458 221 S. Elm St. RADIO HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS i Ellis, Stone Company Greensboro’s Best Store for High School Girls We Have It, Boys and Girls Everything In Hardware Line •• Wharton-Medearis EVERYTHING FOR FIIGH SCHOOL BOYS Exclusive But Not Expensive ♦V- You need The Supplies We have them for you SENIOR SUPPLY ROOM ♦♦♦ and a special price for yon on all ( French Fisherman: Any luck today? Ditto: Nope, all I caught in my nets Avas two channel swimmers. SCHOOL AND OFFICE SUPPLIES i AS7ILLS BOOK AND j i STATIONERY CO. | C. H. McKmicmt, Prb s- & Mqr. J CREtNSHURO c I GOOD CLOTHES for HIGH SCHOOL BOYS Right In Style Low In Price Long or Short Pants ( Athletic Supplies COBLE HARDWARE COMPANY liniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiis I GREENSBORO I COLLEGE ( \ \ -for silver pencils -for fountain pens f —for gifts of silver or of j I I gold —for watch repairing I I Bernau’s 180 S. Elm St. ( ( Our Creed I "All that’s worth printing is worth printing well” I Give Its a trial—ive ask no more I I McCULLOCH ^ SWAIN Paramount Printing p O. Box 1193 Phone 2348-L2 Corner Asheboro and Trinity Greensboro College is a mem ber of the Association of Col leges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States. Chartered 1838. Confers the degree of A. B. in the literary department and B. M. in the music department. In addition to the regular classical course, special atten tion is called to the depart ments of Flome Economics, Ex pression, Art, including Indus trial and Commercial Art, Edu cation, Sunday School Teacher Training, Piano Pedagogy, and to the complete School of Music. For further information apply to SAMUEL B. TURRENTINE President : GreensbboRo, N. C. ! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE PILOT CAN GUARANTEE YOUR COLLEGE EDUCATION Ask Dad to see the Pilot Agent and find out what the plan is. Pilot Life Insurance Co. GREENSBORO, N. C. A. W. McAlister, President