Page Four G. H. S. GAGERS WIN FROM RAMSEUR IN A WELL PLAYED GAME RAMSEUR PLAYS WELL While No Single Player Stars, the Whole Greensboro Team Plays Superbly Throughout Game The local Pli cagers shook off a long losing streak Tuesday night, February 15, at Caldwell Gym by defeating Rani- seur in the first game of the cham pionship series. Taylor and his boj's fought hard for the victory. The game opened with one of the most furious starts that has ever been made by the local squad. Ramseur was also playing stellar bas ketball. The half ended with the score 18 to 18. Greensboro opened the second half with a fast passing attack that baffled the visitors. The locals took the lead in the early part of the second half and led throughout the remainder of the game. When the pistol cracked, Greensboro had the big end of the 44-31 score. No one man could be given more credit than the other members of the team, for the team worked as one ma chine. Brady was high scorer for the visitors with 17 points, while Taylor, for the locals, had 16 points to his credit. Line up: Ramseur Pos. Qreenslwro Brady Wyrick R. F. Chisholm Sockwell L. F. Stout Taylor Center Hodgin : Sampson R. F. Holt Gardner L. G. Substitutions: Greensboro -— Lips comb for Sampson, Caviness for Sock- well. Referee—Mangum. CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES FOR GIRLS ARRANGED Basketball Coaches and Officials Attend Meeting and Make Many Plans for Future Game Saturday, February 19, representa tives from the North Carolina high schools met to arrange for the girls’ basketball championship. A large number of coaches and officials attend ed the meeting and many plans were made. The school teams were divided into two groups. There are thirteen teams in each group. This arrangement is a new one and the winner of each group will play to decide the champion ship. These first elimination contests will be played Thursday night, Feb ruary night, February 24. The G. H. S. girls meet Trinity High at Caldwell at that time. If the Greensboro girls defeat Trinity, they will probably meet Winston or High Point next week-end. THREE BALL PLAYERS SPEND DAY IN CITY Three well known baseball players spent Saturday, February 12, in Greensboro. Thomas Zachary, the Guilford College product, who is pre paring for his coming campaign with the St. Lonis Browns. “Pete” Sessions, former Durham player, and Francis Shay, centerfielder for the Patriots of several seasons ago, were the other two. Francis Shay married a Greensboro girl several years ago, and is planning to make his home here. Said Jane Harris, after dieting for a week, “What a falling off was there! HIGH LIFE February 25, 1927 Game Opens With Fast Playing by Entire Greensboro Squad. Locals Take Early Lead GIBSONVILLE GIRLS DOWN LOCAL TEAM No-Star Game Ends With Score of 20-10 For Gibson- ville Six MANY FOULS ARE MADE Friday night, February 18th, a scout rally was held at Mclver School. Many parents were entertained at this an nual meeting. Stunts were given by each troop in the city. This was the largest rally ever held in Greensboro. Six troops were there one hundred per cent strong. Among the stunts presented by va rious troops were: rope-making, knot- tying, the campfire seat, pyramid-build ing, artificial constellation-making, and drilling. Each stunt was followed by the troot) yell. The audience showed its appreciation by loud applause. MEETING OF TRACK MEN HELD TO PLAN SCHEDULES Coach Urges Boys to Run a Little Every Day and Keep Strict Training ARE PRACTICING AT FAIR GROUND On Monday, February 14, a meeting of all boys interested in track was held in room 106 at 3 :45. Coach Lam bert urged all the boys to start train ing and to run around a little every day. He asked every boy to try to get another boy out for track. He out lined the schedule for the spring meets. The first meet is to be held on March 19th at Davidson. As the boys are unable to get the stadium to practice in until March 1, they are at present training at the Central Carolina Fair Grounds. Prospects for the year seem to be very good. There will be more candi dates out when the basketball season closes. PLAN HIGH SCHOOL CAGE TOURNAMENT Duke University is completing plans for a Southern High School basketball tournament some time in the near fu ture. Invitations will be issued to all state champions in the southern states. The teams will be kept at Duke Uni versity while they attend the tourna ment, and the only cost will be the railroad fare. The games will be played at the Durham High School and at the gymnasium at Duke. This is something new in the South, and officials at Duke say that if it is a success, they will try to make it an annual affair. The southern colleges hold a tournament each year in At lanta. Spring football has been progressing rapidly and with the summer weather which was enjoyed during the past two weeks as an aid. Coach Coletrane has had 'a group of hoys for a workout every afternoon. The new' material has been initiated into the game and are brushing up on the fundamentals so that they will be able to fall right in line wdth the old members of the squad at the first call next season. In a recent copy of Pine Whispers, the Winston High publication, w'e find that Winston now boasts a w’-restling team w’hich is dated for a meet with the Carolina freshmen. It is a great step in high school w'ork w'hen the indoor sports are developed along with the outdoor major sports. We wdsh Winston a great deal of success in this new' venture and maybe, someday, wdth a new' high school and a gym, Greens boro may also have a try at this sport. A new' high school reminds us that the good new's has come that High Point is scheduled for a new home in the near future and that the plans are now' w'ell on the w'ay. With all the celebration of King Cot ton, we w'onder if someone couldn’t start a cotton game so w'e could be pa triotic to the old south in our sports as W'ell as the social w'hirl. Strange how' styles w'ill change; have you noticed the decrease in the num ber of knickers around the academy? The school changes along w’ith the rest of the w'orld; this is sho'wn in the absence of sports at the lunch periods. Any of you old-timer students remem ber the thrilling volley-ball games un der the direction of Ponzi Dorsett and Mr. G. B.? Another radical change has taken place along this line in the last year. In February of last year, barn-yard golf w'as starting into public favor and to w'alk across the campus meant dodg ing a horseshoe. Times have changed. Now' you try to dodge the crow'd and wonder how' far it is to the street so you can get out of the mob. This problem of traffic is getting se rious and the one solution that w'e see is to install a subway and elevted sys tem. Each student w'ould be provided with tickets at the opening of the day and for a small price get a guarantee for a safe and prompt delivery to his class. The basketball season is fast draw'- ing to a close and all of the high schools in the state are preparing to turn to the great American game of baseball. Greensboro as yet has not seen any signs of baseball, but on a lit tle investigation it is seen that the prospects for this year are much bright er than they have been in recent years. GREENSBORO BOYS DEFEAT HIGH POINT G. H. S. First Championship Game Proves Successful. Closing Score Is 29-13 GREENSBORO GIRLS WIN EXCITING GAME FROM HIGH POINT HI Local Girls Surprise Visitors and Fans With Excellent Passing and Shooting M’FADYEN HIGH SCORER TEAMS EVENLY MATCHED G. H. S. went one step further and w’on the championship of Group 1 Sat urday night, February 19, by defeating High Point 29-13. Having been beaten tw'ice by High Point in pre-champion ship games, the local team w'ent on the floor w'ith determination to w'in and W'ill they did by a great majority. The teams seemed to be very evenly matched in the first quarter, but after this the Greensboro team forged ahead and there w'as never any doubt as to w'ho w'ould be victorious. G. H. S. put five men on the floor w'ho completely out-passed, out-shot, and out-generaled their opponents, w'ho furnished a very good team. John Sockwell proved to be the high score man for both teams. He caged fourteen points, including six field goals. There w'as, how'ever, no out standing performer on either outfit. By margin of their victory, G. H. S., W'ill meet the winner of another group to decide who w’ill go to the semi-finals in the w'estern half. The outstanding opinion is that the locals w'ill go straight through to the semi-|finals, finals, and then, the State champion- ' ship. Both Teams Fight Hard For Claim to Victory, Keeping Score a Tie Most of Gam* The Greensboro High School girls’ basketball team defeated the High Point girls w'ith a 16-14 score in one of the fastest and hardest fought games of the year. In several instances dur ing the game the score w'as tied, the Gate City girls usually gaining the point to break the tie. McFayden, Greensboro forw'ard, w'as star player for her team, making a total of 13 points. Jennings w'as high scorer for the visitors. Line up and summary : High Point Pos. Greensboro Homie Thacker R. F. Chappelear McFadyen L. F. Jennings Webster Center Totty Harris C. G. Caldw'ell Stinette R. G. McAnnally Walker L. G. Substitutions : High Point—Fritz, Hunt, Askew'. Referee—^Plenry. GIRLS’ HIKING TEAM ON LONGEST TRIP OF YEAR Walk Eleven Miles Out Summit Avenue and Eastward Toward County Home MORE GIRLS WANTED FOR HIKING MONOGRAM CLUB HOLDS IMPORTANT MEETING Club Will Endeavor to Raise Standard of Girls’ Athletics; Will Act as Host ess to Visiting Teams The Girls’ Monogram Club of Greens boro High School held its regular semi monthly meeting Thursday, February IT, in A2. At this meeting Carl Lane Brow'n read the constitution and Mr. Phillips gave helpful suggestions for the w'ording of the constitution. The Girls’ Monogram Club is quite a new' organization, not only for G. H. S,. but also for North Carolina high schools. There w'as once a Monogram Club for the girls in our high school, but it W'as disorganized several years ago. There are eight girls here w'ho have monograms and so belong to the club. At a recent meeting, the club elected officers as follow's: President, Evelyn Rives; secretary, Marian Cur tis. The purpose of the club is likewise new'. The eight girls under the leader ship of Miss Nellie D-" are going to try to raise the standard of girls’ ath letics. They will serve as a reception committee to all the visiting teams, and they w'ant every team that conies to Greensboro to feel at home here. Friday, February 18, the girls’ hiking team w'ent on a hike out Summit Ave nue. Evelyn Rives, w'ho is captain of hiking, supervised the affair. There w’ere more girls on this hike than there have been on any other one this sea son. The girls and their captain left the school a little after 3:30, and walked straight out Summit Avenue. At the end of Summit Avenue they changed their course and w'ent toward the County Home. Then by a roundabout route they made their w'ay back to Greensboro and their respective homes. The team hiked eleven miles in all, and this is the longest trip on this semes ter’s record. The hiking team this year has been more “Quality than Quantity.” Miss Reynolds, the faculty head, is anxious to see a great many more girls inter ested in this sport. 0. R. I. TEAM DOWNS HIGH SCHOOL CAGERS Wednesday night, February 16, S. went doAvn in defeat before the Ridge cagers by the score of 32-1 w hat w as said to have been one " best games of the season. The showed quite an aggressive spirit, passing attack and floor w'ork out ing that of the Ridgers. The C AAere able to make their shots how ever, and by a large margin the game. The w'ork of “Skinny” Pierce Ridge center and captain, w'as standing for the victors. Fie cag points besides playing a very goot game. The entire Hi team playec W'ithout an individual star. Tw'o former Greensboro players seen in the Oak Ridge lineup: “T Scott and “Pug” goloman playe same brand of ball w'hich they lu play for old G. H. S. If you would know the v mony, go and try to borrow Benjamin Franklin. ■i