Farewell, Seniors! HIGH From the Gate City of the South ahd the Birthplace of O. Henry Happy Vacation! VOLUME XIII T GREENSBORO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, r.lKENSBORO. N. C., JUNE 3, 1937 NUMBER .1 HONOR AWARDS AT G.H.S. OCCASION OF KEEN SPECULATION Recipients Will Be Revealed at Graduation Exercises Tonight. MANY PRIZES ARE GIVEN P.-T. A. Cup for Best All-Round Stu- dent Is Perhaps the Most Coveted Award. Speculation has been keen at Senior High this week regarding tlie identity of the recipients of the annual honor awards wliicb will be presented to meinber.s of the Senitir elass at tlie graduating exercises tonight. Periiaps the most coveted award is the cup to be given by the Parent- Teacher association. This trophy will be presented to the senior chosen in a secret election by members of the class as the best all-round student. The student selected for this honor must Imve the qualities of scholarship, lead ership, citizenship, and scIukiI service. The silver cup bears this inscriiition on one side, “Best All-Kound Student 11)37, Greensboro IFigh School, Pre sented by the P.-T. A.” On the other side which also carries the winner’s name, is engraved, “A Strong Arm, A Clear Brain, A Brave IFeart.” The short story award will be pre sented by the 0. Henry Study Club for the best short story Witten by a senior graduating in the siiring. The award will consist of a complete set of the works of O. Henry. The Veterans of Foreign Wars medal ^vill be presented to the senior who writes the best paper on Americanism. Awarded by the Guilford Chapter of the United Daughters of the Con- fcHleracy, the Lizzie Lindsay cup will be given to the graduating senior who writes the best English or history paper on some phase of the Confederacy. The music prize will be presented Mr. II. Grady Miller to the senior done the most outstand,ing : during the year. presented by the Guil- of the Daughters Revolution to the best paper on North Carolina Greensboro to lwC t highest scholastic**a\erage uirnii^nm high school career. The Civitan Club will also give a cup to the senior who writes the best essay on citizenship. In addition to these awards, tlite de bating cup will be given to the senior member of the club, judged by the other members to have rendered the greatest service to the organization this year. Pi QUILL AND SCROLL CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Cassie Kernodle Becomes President, Annis Hines, Vice-President, and Jean Berbert, Secretary. TWO NEW PROJECTS ARE PLANNED Cassie Kernodle was elected presi dent of the Quill and Scroll society, for the 1037-1938 school year, at a call meeting of the group, Thursday, May 27. Cassie, who is also the new busi ness manager of High Life, is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Ker nodle, of (520 l*ark avenue. She will succeed Virginia Schrock as president of the group. Annis Hinos, who was elected vice- president will replace Mary Helen Reid. Jean Berbert was re-elected sec retary. The Quill and Scroll group is plan ning many projects for next year. One of these is the home-coming to be given for all the graduated members of the organization. This event will probably oc.uL during the Christmas season. In conjunction A\'ith the creative English class, the Quill and Scroll plans to continue publication of the school magazine, one issue of which will appear this year. DUDLEY HIGH GLEE CLUB BROADCASTS OVER WBIG Closes Year of High School Broadcast ing With Group of Negro Spirituals. A group of Negro spirituals, .sung by the Dudley High School mixed Glee club, brought to a close a most suc cessful school year of high school broadcasting over station WBIG. Under the direction of Miss Logan, head of the Dudley innsic department, the Glee club sang four numbers, “Balm in Gilead,” “Ride on Jesus,” both tra ditional, and “Run to Jesus,” and “Gwine Up,” both composed by Ryder. The program featured two excellent soloists, Margaret Tynes and Marion Jones. The regular series will be continued next fall. a a Wf i i# 4 ' ' / m m: iii mii m " i ' m: iM m PAGEANT TONIGHT WILL BE FEATURE OF COMMENCEMENT "Beyond the Blue Horizon" Is Title of I’roduetion to Be I’resented by Seniors. DIVIDED INTO 4 SCENES m. Dramatization Portrays Progress of Past and Reveals Opportunities of Future. 'l‘lu‘ t'oiniiiost of new frontiers will be I'ejitiirt'il louighit at tlie Senior High Sehotil l OiuiiH'iieeim'ut pageant. eutllliHl “Bt'xiiiul the lOuo lloii'/.ou.” 'I'liif (IriimatlzaHm, whieli tr:iy .(iitl n'- veal the 'opptn'tunitU‘s of the I'ulure, is (lividiMl iiitti four seein‘s. 'i'hi* tlrst set'iie, “lljncu From D:iUgi‘r." tleplets the (‘jirly pionet'i-'s victory over pliysieal frontiers, as he atlvanees in st'areh of siifely, food, and shelter. In sei'iit' two. “I’eaei* of (’oiiscitoioe,” religious haiidei’s jire ovtaconie when lht‘ Pilgrims jn'i‘ sliown achieving their iileals of rt'ligious frt'ctlom. Itnniediiitely following this, tht‘ sciireli foi- flit! more nialt'ri.'il fi’ontitu’s of wealth iiiid ailveiitiire are sur- monntt'd. 'I'liis division, entitled tlie “Lurt' of (Joid,” .sketehe.s, In lirief, t)u‘ history of Hit' '10 gold rusli. Finally, ni;iii's triumph over social I'rontiers Is iiietured. .Vlli'iiipls to naieh l)jeeliv(‘s in scit'iiee, inedieine, li-iiiis- porlalioii, jind eoinmuniealion uvv hown in “Vistiis to Siiiin." Ill lh‘ epilogue. Suptniiilendenl Ben L. Smith will point out Oj tin* seniors that, althougli the old frontu-rs have vaiiishi'd, new ones an* eoiistiintly being I'n'eled. Despite the fact that lairriers jin* now no loiigi'r of a geogriiphiciil or iiiaterial iiiiture, men and woihch with vision iii'o still constantly in d(‘nniiid to eontinm* advanei'inent in subduing so iologb'iil liiirriers of progr(*ss. The pageaiiL cuiiimiKee of fioailty ,md .students have done a gi'Ciit aiiinuiii of defuiU'd work uiiou tin* pi’oji'eL wliieli ■ • • Muuritm 'iih-u. ‘i'i—r Aujiimr^D. unit Unnoy Wliltlvy w7io wro/e (/ic* ])oe(/ff jiortion of the lra/na. Seiiioi- teaclK'i’.s who ,sni)crvisel tJa* gronji are Walker, Miss .Mims, .Mrs. lilauela* Siiiidi, Aliss Wall, Miss Sti'iekiaiid and .Mr. 1 lucks. At lh(* eoiicliisioii of tlie jaigeani Mr. Uouth will pres(‘nt. (lie honor iiwards, and .Mr. SiiiUh and -Mj’. Kaisi'r, ehair- ni.an of IJie hoard, will i»resenl Ihii iliplomas. RHEA GAYNELLE SIKES TO HEAD PLAYMASTERS Frank Barrett is Elected Vice-President, While Maribelle (luin Becomes Secretary-Treasurer. CHAIRMEN ARE ALSO ELECTED OfTiei'i’s for llie 11I37-3.S session of the Phi.yjiiaster.s were eh'cli'd at a six'eial ciill ni(*(‘ting li(‘ld recently. Klnai Gay- iieDi* Slk(*H, who Inis |ibiyed b*ad roles ill many of tin* jiast performames, was (‘lei'led jiresident and will siircncd .Mar- jorii* Silbig(‘r as )iresident. Frank Pali'' r*tt was I'h'cted vice-president; and .Marihelle Giiiu was eleeteil seorelary- li'ea.sur(*r. Ollier otlii-es Oiled at tin* lina* were; Ja-k Ginsberg, inihlieity chairman; Virginia Vaehe, property mistress; Sue Wiiiihish, ])rogram chair man; and George Miles, .sorial eliair- man. 'I'lie relirii;g ollieers turned over a -'i; organized and firogre.-^ ive elul) to tin* iiii'oniing lieads. ^ 'Die new flramatie statT Is making extensive plans for iie.Kt yiair, wIk'ii 1L holies to present at least oiu* ojierellti .•rnd several ilire(*-aet plays. FACULTY MEMBERS ARE HONORED AT DINNER Reading left to right, top row—J. William Andrews, Lorrainf Anne Amarr, Margaret Allen, Edgar Anderson, Jai-1'^ernetfi^, Rachel L. Archer, Ear! Wilson Aydelettc, Haywood Allen, Howard B, Adair, Amanda Assa . Second row—Mary Anderson, Geraldine Bobbitt, Maurice Eugene Bobbitt, Sue Bishop, Ronald Wade Bolton, MaJonj^^f,^ Kathryn Elizabeth Bain, Sarah Corrine Bennett, Mary Ruth Brown, Mabel Blalock. Third row—} rAnccs Burnett, Mack Ballard, William Cranford Bennett, James Robert Burchett, Mr. A. P. Routh, principal, George Bran Bartlett, David Bartlette, Mayes Bchrman. f ourth row—Ruth Boyles, Annie Lee Cable, Mary I.lizabeth Coble, T. J. Cates, Betty Marie Cromwell, Bob Campbell, Elizabeth (2ouch, Bryan Clemmons. Fifth row—George ^,,^0 Cooper, Evelyn Cox, Gilmer Cheek, Joy Cann, Roberta Cowles, Frances E. Carter. Sixth row Margaret Curtis, Elizabeth Cassidy, Harry Creech, Helen Craven, Ora Virginia Crutchfield, Bobby £ce Clegg, Evelyn Cook, Cagle. Seventh row—Helen Eli zabeth ^onovant, Robert I.ugene Dicks, Georgia Decs, Wilton I.vans Damon, Peggy Douglas, Janice Gertrude Dickson, Richard .Boyd Davis, Virginia Nell Dick, Rebecca Davis, James Davi$. J ^|y„^TJj«odore Dixon, Ralph Dowhcll, Elizabeth Davis,. John Davis, Eileen June Dorseif, I.abon l loylc - Drum, Hughes Davis, Eleanor Louise Echols, Armstead Estes, Keith Fleischman. Ninth row—Sarah Prather ^eet,ir\hT*^Friednian, Helen Rose Fondren, Juanita Rivers Fuller, Rachel Flinchum, Frances Foster, Shirley Eloisc Faucett, Margaret Helen Glenn, NLiry Elizabeth Goodwin, Rebecca Goss. Tenth row—George H. Glass, Jr., Willi^n^^^j^ Carncr, Hugh Elkins Gerringer, Winabcl Esther Gibbs, James B. Gwyn, Jr., Edgar Monroe Grccson, Margaret Rebecca Greeson, Robert l*p£e_Garrett, Mary Jane Goodwin, Cora Lee Greeson. Eleventh row—Jerry Crq-Q*, Alici Irene Glass, Virginia Gabriel, Amelia Mae Gibson, Louise Hendrix, Sara I-lizabcth Harrison, Norma Elizabeth Heath, Madeline Hyams, Robert Hare, Ernest Charles Hcpler. Twelfth row—Gwen Holler, Robert L. Hyman, Robert Hines, Myrtle Louise Hopkins, Rigdon H. Harris, O. James Honey cutt, Frances Gertrude Manner, Clyde Sampson Harward and Clara Adrienne Hunter. ^ ' Mr. and Mrn. A. J. Dorn«t*if and I'hoir Daughter, Eileen, Are HohIh at Delightful Function. SUPERINTENDENT SMITH RECEIVES M.A. DEGREE Mr. Ben L. Smith, superintendent of Green.sboro Public; Schools, will receive Ills Masters Degree thi.s June at the Duke finals. Mr. Smith wrote his thesis on the “Basis of Distributing State School E'uuds.” Love and Mitchell to Hold Open House Maurlne Jxive and Ehlsabeth Mitchell will hold open house for tlie Senior Chus.s EViday, June 4, at tlie Country Park clubhouse. Swimming and danc ing will be enjoyed from 5 until 8 o’clock. This party i^ being held on the day after commencement and will he the last of the social affairs given for the graduates. Reserved Seats Parents of senion j ])e admitted to reserve seats on 0r8t floor of the G. H. S. auiiit{„j’„n^ for com mencement tonight. Seniors have .;i,pplied with cards which they gire their parents. These card^^.jij be honored up until 7:50 o’clot^^ English Students Display Models A display of Shakc.spcarean charac ters and period costumes eauseil much comment by the students and faculty members this week at the exhibilion siKmsorel by Miss Louise Smith in room 302. Ilier students in English 8, who are studying Shakespearean plays, designed and dressed the models. O'he costumes were authentic and attractive. DEMONSTRATION GIVEN BY CHAMPION TYPIST Miss Horl*nHe S. Stallnitz, ehiimiiion typist rei»resenting tlie International TyiM'writing company, gave a d(‘moii- stratioii to all the tyjdng classes O’hurs- day, May 27. Miss Stallnitz holds an endtiraiice record in this work. Mr. and .Mrs. A. .1. Dorns*if and daugliler, J0ile(*n, gave a formal, live- course diniK*!* for elev*n members 'of Ibe (L 11. S. fai'ulty at tin* I>nrnself home ill 410 Sontli Aycock street on May 20. 'flie color solienm foi* the affair wa.s yellow and wliit(*, yellow flowers lieing used as a e(‘ntcri)leee. 'I’lioso ju'esent woic; Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Boulh, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smitii, .Miss Fannh* Starr Mitchell, Mis.s Lily Walker, Miss Louise Sinitli, Miss Mary Stewart. Mr. ('liarles Kesth-r, Mr. Ib-r- bert. 1 lazlcniaii, and .Mr. Uaymoiid Itreitz. Geraldine Bobliit asslsteil Eileen in (*ntertaiuing the guests. Afl*r dinner, wh(*ii games W4‘re iJayed, Miss Smith and Mr. Itoiilh were awarded prizes for Idgh .seore.