Page Two HIGH LIFE Published Semi-Monthly by the Students of Greensboro Senior High School Greensboro, North Carolina Founded by Class of 1921 Senior Superlatives \v.' Uiues Fill Urpwcr Most I'cautiful jliil Haiidsoinost boX --- Cutest irivl *' ^ , -\i(.rriinon Lt'IJrimd .Most iKiimliU' lii)\ nest fiKUi-e r.i’st iihysiciiic r.cst (Iresswl !-'irl llartj l>(‘sr hn's.sed '>oy Most Mtlllotic girl Beaux, Belles, and Wedding Bells etotorial staff Editor-in-chief—^iarty Cockfield. 1 Associate Editors— \ Jean Yates, Paid Pearson \ (Sports Fditor—Holder Copy Editor—Nolle Bookout Assistants— Rae Schumann, Dorothy Hendrix ExchanoG I'ldUor—Priscilla Guthrie Assistaiits— Jean Wolborn, Doris Carr Feature Editors— Annis Hines, Catherine Paris Staff 1‘hotographer—James Mitchell BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager—Jean Herbert. Associate Laura Jane Liles Assistants—KUzabetJi Newton. Kebocca Forsythe Circulation Manager—L. M. Clymer. Reporters—Jean Wclboni, Bob Byrd, liae Schumann, Doris Carr, Eliza beth Newton, Tom Wilkinson, Dorothy Hendrix, Rebecca For sythe, Dorothy Hall, Geraldine Norman. Faculty Advisers—^Mrs. Betts, Mr. Hucks, Miss Pike, Miss Sledge, Miss Moser. Lib Holt Charles P-akor Most dignitied girl Ltbel 1 ope Most diKuiliod l.ojy-EU'i-iod IViinokmini M.,st studious S-'ii-l Ruth H.'Hjw Most studious l.oy ciu.vios I.euN Most taloutod girt Most talented l.oy James Dodson Most liaiieer Kioise lUaekueidei ;t fourte.,us l.oy _„-lVi-riue Bilyenlj^ ■ivl Dot Kllingtoiij Ed M(1>ow4i1 ■the s^veetest -^mie Havas Itiggest talker Bol.l.y I’err.', M-ittiest girt Anne ■ Most fl.arn.iug Sue M'iml.isl, ( Most original Carolyn ISall.av svuceed ^al Ilil Cupid has been fairly successful re- rciitly ill his match-makings at Senior lligli. As a result of his good work, Howard Moffett a notain seieuc-e teacher uiU relieve Virginia l'«,j|'|W minds ol many, when he and Ins yciiarles Ilhiii|lnic lo''*' to the altar. CoektieUi' I Tv.-o other memhers of the faculty M-atson Suggs | in both engaged, tliough not to each r, and it is rumored that a certain Iig Englisii teacher has high hopes the future. inning the students, there ! of a secret marriage, secretive is .the romance Itthison, whose engagement was an Itced recently, as was the marriage Adelaide Hendrix and Kenneth Alost courteous gi: Tile wittiest l.oy .Most likely Ic I are there MORE LEFT? Iiigratulafions? For what this time? nonerciai contest! On Atarell -.i, ml 27, tlic menil.ers of tlie com- L department were given a test. typing, shorthand, entered in the The Scrap Bag winnprs their papers " Of the recently an- froni G. 11. S. accuracy in ir vdU r*nl‘rs will (‘xplore those ]);igo.s :i bit. you'll (li.-covor flic idoii- (ify of Vors Trooly. If any of you I young ladic'.s think Fvo botrayod your ti'u.xl or a't(d as a traitor to tlio cause (Don't iiio what cause), fo'give iiH‘. It was all for tlie sake of art?) However, if you liiul ,l!iat revenge would l)e too sw!‘(‘t to r(‘sist. send all time bombs in care of the High Lite staff. •ontest. (1 winners, si-x were were Kdna Elkins, Trts-. Ilolderfleld and Carolyn shorthand; Bill Hemphill, l.ook- Alaek Lackey and Alarie Coe, business. his ability to sell that Sub-Deb Lights Graduation is gtuiig to untie (piite few lov(‘ knots this year. We wonder what will ha))i)en to such well-known knots as Merrimon and L. E.. Grosse and Marilyn. Ruby Belle and ll*rman. Virginia and Fred, and (.’harlie llinii ainl Sue Avht‘11 tli‘y ymi ii leaves goods. V; .Tames Dodson declares Ltic talent is left to Branch Irst. Eebec'ca Hines leaves her I figure to Miriam Smith. IteM.O: To Bhorty Russell Thomp son, Fulton bequeaths his ability to phpiiasketball. Broadus Troxlev loaves his talent y- P.y MARTY GOCKFIELD Hello there: I just called up to say, -Goodbye." M’heii 1 walked up the chapel aisle ihis morning and the trombone to Jessie Os- V- H old iruhviduals together under high standards. S eparate the worthivhUe from the worthless and promote the highest interest of students, teachers, and school. What College, Senior? A\ liat to bp, and wiiere to be next fall i.s the bif; question eonfronting the frraduatiiig seniors. In order to decide, a careful studj- of one’s character, interest, and ability niust l.e made, iind tlien the college se- leeted. It i.s necessary to attend a college that will give something more than a dii.loma. Next, it .should always he kept in niind that \'on are going to college at your parents’ expense to learn how to make a living, and not to lea I’ll how to become a socialite or an athlete. r/.c: ■ collipiexhTii I„ (f jj .s . l-anra Brown's . . , .Vnd don't liiiuk studont conncil mcini.ors oseaiie tiie de- (onfii.n Iinil, d'lioy're nmning a race to .SCO Wlio can stay out of it Didn't Ed Grosso ;iiul Jloliart .Mi Keever make cute giris .stunt night? Tiiey do rigllt well as boys, too. Alnst lie great lo Ijo so versatile! I'. S.—If yon reeall that I mentioned inyseir in lliis eolnniii .luring the year, it was done to tlirow tlie revenge- seolters oft' Hie scent, so I could last niitii graduation. Juniors, How Large Are Yout Feet? In a few days, the hig green dooi-s of this school -will swing elo.sed to a large numher of stu dents. A hig part of them 'ivill he soiiiors who will leave the shoes of responsibility to he filled by someone else. •liiniors. how lai-ge are youi’ feet ? Can you fill these shoes left by the seniors? Gil the other hand, have you some ideas for the future ivhieh will necessitate the enlargement of these shoes? If you have, bring them forth and put them to the test. Bring fame and fortune to G. II. S., and when you leave it, Iciive it knowing that it is better Ilian wlien you found it. the last will AND TESTAMENT M’e, the graduating class of June, lii.'iS, of Greenslioro Senior High School, i.eing of sound mind and iiiemor.v, do make pnlilic and declare this our last will and testament, liereby revoking an, and all wills i.y us iieretofore made. Item 1: We direct tliat all our just del.ts acquired during tlie jjast three years lie paid as soon after our depar ture as may i.e found convenient by our apparent licit', tlie .lanuar.v, 1P39, class. Item 2: AVe give, devise, and be- queatli to Mr, Routli a popsicle stick counting macliine to be used on rainy afternoons or on any needful occasion. Item .I: To the great studont body and seiiool we leave stop and go lights to regulate traffic and some cradles to l.e placed in the clinic for the incom ing sopliomores. Item 4: We direct that Harold Gins- lierg l.e left to Mrs. Hall, as we know she couldn't get along without him. Item .A; Alary Patterson leaves her Florida accent to Frank Heiny. Item 6: Minnie Lyon i.equeaths her Iiomerooin conduct to Alarvin Orrell may lie talk in peace. Item 7: To Pinky Sewell. Arnolif . soinc of iii.^^jlrlinous lieight to DoroHi, .lane -TOBTii. Item 14: Bruce Young leaves his drumming power to Otis Brown. Item 15: J;ick Dempsey is to inherit Bob Denny's secret of getting by with out doing any work. ..Item Ifi: To Carlyle Groon, Howard Aloffett leat'I's his way of talking much and saying nothing. Item 17; A ilia Jean Hayes bequeaths her debating talent to Martha Ann C'londenin and Vi Johnson. She hopes. they Avillj)e better able to argue them selves out of the tiglit s]>ots in which they continually find themselves. Item 18: Bill Hancock is to receive Ed iTcDowcirs dramatic trend. Item 19: Frank Xlastors leaves his I mathematical excellence to Jack Thom as. Item 20: Carolyn Rallnw relinquishes her creative ability to .1, B. Webster. Item 21; pTd Hipp directs that Hobart McKeever receive his many muscles. Ho may need them in the next golden glove tournament. Item 22’. The graduating cornet sec tion of the band leaves to Mouse A. alias Rat tipensor, the first chair posi tion in the G. H. S. hand. Item 23: Bob Mason leaves his won derful phjsique to Yates Crabtree. Item 24: Merrimon Le Grand wills L. E. Dempsey to everybody in general and nobodv' in particular. Item 25; The graduating class leaves Joe (Drip) Leak to Professor Hazle- man. Item 26; Virginia Boren surrenders her art of making GOO-GOO eyes to Carolyn Coker. Item 27; Christine Allen leaves her Shirley Temple curls to Killer S. Smith. Item 28: Frances Tx)man leaves her naturally curly hair to Frank Barrett. Item 29: Charles Baker is making the supreme sacrifice. He is leaving Jane Webb to the rest of the Tuk club. Item 30; To Max Hendrix. Charles ■skipped” out to breakfast, I felt like a girl witliout a eountry — a Faculty Frolics in Forest sation was some- tiling like the feel ing yen .get when you'.:' e:iteii sonie- tbin* that didn't ” , neitif agree _w'^tL I'll 'live tlu'oiigli it. oHiers liaro —• bill I ]| iiin-s (!. ir .t;, a„(i overybody in ir Ii.r a long time to eoine—a few weeks at lin-it; I'werybody's in :i “.'jimiiy'' mood ('oven tboiigli some of the .seniors' dispo.sitioiis ■:itlier sour right now) and “ole Sol" is surely turning on tlie lient. To look .-It some of tile current G. II. S. ■Iieat wave" day.s, you'd l.e iii- ■liiieil to Iliiuk tlie .swimming pools bad been Oimi for several months instead of .just a little over a week—niiyliow, we like !o be "dark-skinned brats'' even it our ]i;irents do refuse to recognize us as their own. Seriousl.i' rliongli. don't drink in too Him ii smisliine at one time—you'll re gret it. so lielp me 1 tried it! Election time at G. II. S. is over and ei-erl.ody's liappy al.ont tlie wliole tiling — even tile losing eamlidates tliey know, and we know, too, tliat a grander l.nin-li of student goveriniient "iticers Conldii't be laid: whotlier win ners or losers, ever.i liody lias come out on lop; Do yon mind if I back to the sub- .iact ol graduation? I can't seem to think about anything else. AVouidn't it scoop the town if: I.aiira Brown had gotten tlie snper- latii'e, Iiiggest pest, I'omiie, most dignified. Jean Y'ates. most talkative. Bolil.y Perrin, sweetest lio.i'. V irginia 'i'aehe, Iiiggest flirt. -Andy Goodwin, liest dressed. No M itli tlii.s Iiati-ii of nonsense. I'll elose my last colnnni in tlie last issue Ilf limit Lifk ever to earry my name as Editor and take tliis opportunity to fell eacli and every of you “G. H .s ikes," ' ■ ‘ ■, Good liii-k, and 'iliaiiks a iiiillioii for cverytliing! Playing liorseslioc and swimming are good, boating is better, and cliicken supper—yum, yum! AViio engaged in tins glorious affair? AVIierc and when was it? The hungry participants were none other tlian the so-called dignified teachers of the entire Greensboro city school—er suuip'n. I school system. Iloiu’Stly. I don't yfiss 'Virginia Fuller, ri'om Central know just how I Junior high, was in charge of the ar- did feel: the sen- i.,.,„geiiieut.s. The teachers met in the natural surroundings tion park, and all time. (They say of the Eecrea- liad a marvelous sure.) SCHOOL’S OU^p ' BEOlV.s .Tt:?-- - - t ..sec-ntcA, sTflalwits: that’s Jii.-it another way of su.i'iiig', “Sunimor and cuds Jiilv ag scluiol begins Juno 19.’ •Viiy .snh.jcct tor which us many live stmhmts register will be offered, ami a fee of .'tip per sutjject will he ciiarged. Re.i-dstration will ho held in room 1()(> oil i-’riday, .Tune 3, at Senior High school. The fentatli'o list of faculty mem- i.ers i.s as follows: Miss Sara Alims, English; Mis.s Lily Walker, iiiatli; Aliss Estelle Afltchell, French; Aliss ,Sarah Lo.sley, Latin; Air, Stanley Jolmson, scieiic,..- AIis.s Mary Ellon Blackmon, hi.story; and Mr. A. P. subjects will lie defcrmiiied later. Bennett wills his shyness. Item 31: R„the O’Connor leaves her poetic talent to L. E. Dempsey. Hem .32: Elfiied Peiinekamp’s spe cial honor roll privileges are to be bestowed upon Charles Grubbs. Item .33: Jean Davis and Siidio Clark invest Abiry Belle Marsh with their ability to do Froiu-h. Item ,34: Stokes Rawlins leaves his left-handed serve to Baniello Earn- hardt. Item .35: R, D. Apple rehictaiitlv re linquishes his long-held position on tlie mound to Hampton Sliuping. Item 36: Xeiie Bookout leaves the pleasure of making appointments for senior pictues to Gloria AIcCall and ‘Jack Ginsberg, Item 37: Bill Hempliill liestows his power of concentration on Tom AIcLeod Item 38: Bob Dillon leaves his sunny smile to Bill George. Item ,39: The class of June, 1938, leaves Jean Yates’ spirit of coopera tion to the cliairnian of tlie commence- ment of June, 1939. Item 40: M’e hereby nominate and appoint the Class of January, 1939 of Greensboro High Scliool, its successors and assigns, as the executors of this our last will and testament. In Witness AVliereof, AVe have here unto set our liand to this last will and SEXIOR CLASS OF AIAY, 1938.