Vtujc Six Whirlwinds Will Engage Formidable Foes Next Fall NEIGIIBOR FIRS T Tentative Schedule Announced; Kaleish May lie Replaced By Salisbury. Ity WdUI'll IIOI.DKK Gict'nsliiu'ti Hijili sclioors firid- iidii }it:;fr«‘j;iiti(iu will f;H‘ ;i 10-j,Miiit* s hi-liil»> ol I'tirniidnliU* oiiptiUfiits, iii- cludiim Ilircc conl'iTi'ii'i' ilaslu's, with a possihility that iUioth* r hiop (’H“ will ti(* atldt’tl he- Pii-i- in'.Kt fall. 'l'li(‘ sfhcdiilo. released ycstiM'day »y Roll Jaiiiit'Soii. atlilctii- dii't'ct'ir and coach of the cJcvcn. lists Ita- Ici^li Ili^h on Sep- t(‘nil>t*r hut. nioi'c than likely the t'apitol City team will lie re- placetl hy Roydtm lli;;li. of Salislniry. Charlotte IliKir \\ildiji(s have wilh- • irawn from the Wc.'iieni conference race. Inn will h*> met mnler the lij,dits of .Memorial Stadium on tin* niyht of Octoher II in one of tin* onistamiiiij; lionie tilts of t in* sea.-on. 'I'lie tentative winds follows: chedule for tin* ^^'hil•l- COACH JOHNSON PRAISES SCIENTIFIC BASEBALL Game Fundamental.s Pave Way for Majority of Victories Scored by Whirlwinds. ••Scientitic laisehall was the outstand- in;; reason for the sncees.s if this year's liast'hall team." statt'il Coach J. Stiinloy Johnson referriiiR tti the state cham pionship I’ur|ile Whirlwind baseball team of this season. ••Knowing e.\a-tly when to use the hit-aiid-inn play, at .iust what time to pull a steal, the appropriate mo ment to lay down the sipiee/.e-iday, and at wliat time to sa-rific(*. all of that wins ball tianns." sattely commented ••Jabbo." ‘‘Imt takiny advantapr! of the oth*r fi'llow's mistakes and protitiiiff by our own, certainly can mean many a hall Kunn* heinj; placed in the winning column insli'ad of the K>sr. So actually and scicnliti-ally otir hall club is real stale cliampionship maU'rial.’’ GIRLS ARE AWARDED ATHLETIC LETTERS .\fter having earned the igamired li(K) points nec(*ssary to olifain athletic letters, the following girls recently re- • •eived C's: .Martha l)eVane, Frances Fowman. Ailene Sliorc-. Cornelia An derson. I >orotliy M«d*horson, Lundy l?(*eckcr. Ida Linker, anil Until Uoid King. Those receiving the 1. X. C., for which 400 points are necessary, wei'c* Kathryn Shi'pherd, Lois Apiilo, Sarah Ajiiile, and Susie (lorrell. Sei It ember lU Uiirlington, liere. S'jitemhcr I'k--Ualeigii at UaU*igli. S(*pri*mher ;i(i Cnrham. liere. Ocfoiier > Uoaiioke at Uoanoke. tctolier 1 } 'liarbiite. liere. Cctohor iM—(histoniu at (histonia. Cefoher l*.s -U(*idsville. here. , , ) liarhmi SiiriiiKS, 1UT0.|| GRUTCHFIELD’S, INC. I -Ndieiiiher JI W inston-Salein, here. .November IS—High Point at High Point. Drug Store The Store of Personal Service Ill O. Henry Hotel Greensboro rilOJSB 8116 Compliments of * — S. H. KRESS & CO. Foreign Postage STAMPS PIEDMONT STAMP CO. 104 Idodmont Arcade MR- A Good Shozv On WBIG! CkaIG ^ HOLUNOBfRi. 1n(.. Set'/ Rr V. Y Set'/ R/:: 'O a ?Elje Poar anb Castle West Afarkct Street Extension (j/'coishoro's Most Popular Sa)i(hcich Shop Barbecue With Our Special Sauce Sandwiclu's With Special Dressing GREENSBORO, X. C. ii r HIGH LIFE Mau 31, 1938 NETMEN WIN STATE CHAMNONSHIP Lewis Has Successful Season As New Coach of Net Squad. (’linching the state ehampionship by virtue of Jill undefeated season, the G. H. S. tennis team completed the first eaniiiaigii under the able leadership of ('arlyle Lewi.s wlio replaced Frank Jolmson as coach. 'riie members of the t‘am and ti brief resume of their pa.'^t records follow.s: Stokes Rawlins, who played number one man tbrougbout the year, lias been a ni(*inl)er of ilie team for three .vetirs and lias held down the toil jiositioii for the jijist two .‘^(‘asons. He was deleated in three of eight conference matche.s. tint this is tin Jidiniralde record in vii'Av of the fact that Ins opponents liiive been the best in the rciilms of high school tennis. Jay Shepherd, miinber throe man. and Ed Gehrke, niniiher two man, have only one blot on their conference rec ords. Tliey are to he commendod for till* splendid tight they gave in the doubles limils for state ehaniiiionshlp :it Chapel Hill. ('Imrlii* Bake)-, who holds doM ii num- her four iiosition, 1ms li(*en a member of the team for two years. He lias the same record as Stokes, with throe losses iigaiiist live wins. Glyde Fields and John Tate, who roiiiid out the six players on the team, have also been very snocossfnl in their tights Avith other players, dropping onl.\' one match out of eight. Altliough this season has been one of the most successful in tlie history of tennis at Senior High, the prospects for next year's team tire not as bright as might be hoped for, .since three of the six lettermoii will be graduated. How*ver, with Shepherd. Tate, and Fielils returning to vie for berts. Coach Lewis will have a tine fouiidiitlon for ^next yetiv’s net nggrotfation. Get ills Graduation Gift at •Johnson-Cornatzer and Aulbert Greensboro Drug Go. C. M. Pordham Dewey Farrell Prescriptionists 230 W. Market St. Dial 6147 [K For All Occasions Phone 2-1125 210 Price Street Greensboro, N. C. ‘Shop at Sears and Save SEARS. ROEBUCK ' ANO CO. Always First to Show the Newest BETTY LOU HAT SHOPPE 120 S. Elm Street SILLS IS 7^ WORD FOFk SHOES in QR.e€nsBORP IFc Offer Our I Congratulations j To the Boys and Girls t of the I G. H. S. Senior Class I Wliether yo;i continue your | prej)arati()n in the College of j your olioiee (as doubtless many ? will) or, through preference f or necessity, outer upon what i may lead to, or prove to be, I \'oui* life's work, we extend to ? you our very best wishes. I Wills BOOK AND STATIONERY COMPANY For Best Photographs Mannings Studio Salesman Sliown hero is "Loadie" Glenn, avIio was vot‘d b.v one of Mr. Mtithis' voca tional 'lasM s jis the hoy who gave the most porsimsivu sales t;ilk to ;i prospec- tive cnsroiner. The mereliaiidise in question is a quart of oil. which the salesman, “Loadie." is attempting to s*Il. SeA'eral students from the I'ark High sclmol. of Greenville, S. C., were at G. H. S. rs’cently inspecting the library. The Home of Quality Furniture AND EASY WASHERS HMAfTsFuRHirO^g We Sell for Less 324-32B South Elm Street Bocock-Stroud Go. Sporting Goods, Toys G.-E. Appliances 121 X. Elm Street Compliments of Reich Funeral Home Ambulance Service DIAL 7115 Congratulations, Seniors Come in and See Our GANTNER, JANTZEN AND RUGBY SWIM SUITS For Ladies and Gents i Coble Sporting Goods Co. 344 South Elm Street > 'it,-' For Gay, Carefree Days, Buy Catalina Lastex Swimming Shorts for Boys Glove-like Smoothne.ss in Catalina Lastex Trunks The Choice of Athletes .4 Catalina to Fit Your Figure at a Price You Want to Pay All Sizes $2.95-$3.95 STUDENTS' SHOP MEZZANINE Congratulations, Graduates WE WISH YOU The Best ot Luck BELK’S I ‘ • Li'