Plan Now To Attend Dance October 16 HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of O. Henry First Rating, C. S. P. A. - All-American, N. S. P. A. - International Honor Rating, Quill and Scroll See It And See It First In High Life VOLUME XVIII GREENSBORO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N, C„ OCTOBER 10, 1941 NT MBER 3 Prize-Winning Essay Captures Sdielarship For J. H. Hattaway “What the Greensboro Fair Means to this Community” was the subject ot the prize-winning essay for which Her bert Hattaway will receive a $150 scholarship to the International Cor respondence school. Hattaway, circulation manager for “High Life” and ex-student council rep resentative, wrote the essay as an as signment in Miss jMozelle Causey’s sec ond period English class and entered his paper in the local fair contest. Jane Morrison, member of the same group, received second place in the judging, although no award was given for honor able mention. According to Principal A. 1*. Ilouth, 36 papers from Senior high were entered in the competition. To Be Annual Event T. L. Davis, local manager for the I. C. S., served as chairman for the contest committee and supervised the judging. Norman Y. Chambliss, director of the Greensboro Fair association, or iginated the idea of awarding a scholar ship as an incentive to literary-minded high-school students in Guilford county. According to Chamblis, the contest will be an annual event of the local fair. At present, Hattaway has not selected the course in which he will study. How ever, he said this morning that he was considering radio. He will graduate in June. All’s Fair in Love, War... And Writing a Term Paper “Lock all doors, bolt all windows, nail all chairs and tables to the floor : they’re here again!” That is the current warning issired to the patient workers at the public library regarding the horde of students that infest that institution from Octo ber to May : terni-ites—beg pardon,— terni-paper-ites. Toward the end of September a few lads and lassies wander through these magic portals, the doors to learning— in an effort to avoid the rush, and take their notes early. But by the middle of October, the invasion is in full force with the mass army maneuvers being- directed V.y the mighty heads of the history and Fnglish departments. However, Greensboro’s library cus todians offer little resistance to the occupation of their once peaceful do main. They smile wanly, bring out their lists of available information, and resign themselves to another crop of grav hairs—all for the sake of learn- Essay Winner (lassroom leacliers Naica Plans for Education Week ITans for the observance of American education week, sche duled for November 9 -16, were formed at a recent meeting of the executive council of the classroom Teachers association. Poster s, chapel programs, and movie shorts will call the attention of the stu dents to the occasion. Representatives on the executive council include Miss Dorothy Mc- Nairy who is the official represen tative from this school. Miss Agnes McDonald is chairman of the tenure committee. Miss Cathleen Pike heads the social group, while Miss Amy Caldwell leads the constitu tion committee. Miss Sarah Leslie and Yliss Mozelle Causey hold posi tions as corresponding and record ing secretaries. HERBERT HATTAAVAY. winner of the .$1.“0 scholarshi]) to the Interna tional Correspi iKhmce .-school, giv(m by tlu' Greensboro Fair association. (Photo by Flvnt.) igage ir II Kill Looming large on the local debater’s hoi'izon are the three tournaments to be sponsored this year l)y the debat ing clubs of Greenslioro, AA’inston-Salem, and Reidsville high school, announced Miss Alozelle Causey, local adviser of forensic activities and chairman for this district of the North Carolina de- i bate union, Monday. 75 Teams Expected Between 70 and 75 teams are ex pected to attend each event. Awards will be made in the form of certificates, and credit will l)e given towards the grand prize, the cup presented each year at AA'ake Forest to the most prac tised debating group. Senior high's group, which has just welcomed 13 new members, including juniors and seniors, into its midst, plans to enter four or five teams in each tourney. Elect Committee Chairmen From the group of 13 new meml)ers recently admitted to the organization, the vice president and all committee chairmen were elected this week. xYs a part of the initiation, new meml)ers will be re(iuired to learn one well- known declamation of an.v famous orator. Tills will also help in the organiza tion work of the speaicers bureau, one of the new features of the society program. Seniors to Play Host to Juniors At Tea Dance Next Thursday Garber, Lewis Named Social Co-Chairmen; Appoint Committees “For the first time in tlie recent his tory of Greensboro Senior high school, members of the senior class will play host to the juniors at a tea dance to be held in the gym Thursday, Octolier 16, from 4 to 7 p. m..’’ Jean Garber, student cliairman for the social affair, revealed today. Big Affair “This is really going to be a l)ig event,” Jean said in an interview this morning. ‘YAt least the beginning of what the student council and the P. T, xY. hopes will lie a successful year of social activities at Senior high has begun,” she exclaimed. Jean, who, with Airs. Harry Lewis, co-recreation chairman for the Parent- Teacher association, is chairman, has named the following student and faculty committees to prepare for the social: floor. Chillies Edwards; door, Nancy Dobbins; decorations, Daisy Belle Anderson; music, Alartha Sholar; and refreshments, Ruth AATnterliiig. Aliss Alargaret Aloser and Aliss Doris Hutch inson are faculty assistants. To Charge SmaiJ Fee According to Jean the seniors will be charged a nominal fee of JO cents per person, while their guests, the juniors, will be admitted free. xYccording to Chiiirman Garber, the dance will be a strictly informal affair, with both boys and garls wearing school clothes. Radio Station Schedules School of Air Programs Radio station AAd’IG will present through the Columbia Broadcasting- system a series of programs designed to enlighten school students on the histor.v of the xYmericas. This feature, which began on October 5. will run through the month of xY]iril and will place special emphasis on the countries of the Americas. Variety of Siib.jects Offered Also, throughout the broadcasts, inan.v other subjects will be taken up. xAinericans at work, Alusic of the xAmer- icas. New Horizons, and Taies from Far and Near represent a few of the groups of programs scheduled for this year. DeLancey Joins Glee Club AVhen the glee club of AA^oman’s col lege begins its busy season this year, Elizabeth DeLancey ’41 will be among the group. Elizabeth was, a member of .the high school glee club last year. Al ice Duer Miller, Speaks at Aycock Famous Authoress, Auditorium Tonight xYlice Duer Aliller. internationall.v known as the author of “The AATiite Cliff’s of Dover,” a stirring tribute to the British, will he the initial speaker on the AAYmian’s college lecture course, and will address that audience tonight at 8 o’clock in Aycock auditorium. Wrote ‘Manslaughter’ Although she had attained some suc cess through her novel, “Alanslaughter,” and her play, “Come Out of the Kitchen,” the crowning point in her writing career came when Coward-AIc- Cann published her liooklength poem, which tells of the love, adventure, and sorrow' of an American girl w'ho lived in England during the Dvo great w'ars of the twentieth century. The hook describes the sorrow of a w'oman who loses her husband in the first war and is asked to give up her son in the second. How’ever, she over comes her grief and the stor.v ends dramatically with the, "I am American bred. 1 have seen much to hate here—much to forgive. But in a world where England is finished and dead, I do not wish to live.” Other Speakers Aniiouneed The bulletin, which says that Aliss Aliller speaks as heautifull.y as she w-rites, describes her as having, “a lovely voice, graceful wit, and shining lucidity of mind w-hich combine to make her an outstanding platform personality.” Other speakers scheduled to appear later in the season are Thomas Alann, famous author; AIcClelland Barkley, noted illustrator; Eve Curie, dau.ghter of Aladame Curie, the discoverer of radium;! and Alargaret Bourke—AA^hite, photographer of Life magazine and wife of Erskine Caldwell. Routh Reported Better; Expects to Return Soon Enooiiraging word was received this morning that Principal A. P. Routh, who was injured in an au tomobile accident last Saturday mcrning on Westover terrace, was improving and would proliably be released from Wesley Long hospital tills week. Though Air. Routh continues to have a little fever, mixed witli a cold which set in Tuesday, lie is reported to be feeling better. No serious injuries have been noted as a result of the accident, physicians reported today. Mr. Routh has asked tliat a word of thanks be given to the members of the student body and faculty for the sincere interest they have shown in him and for the many flowers and gifts sent to him by both students and teachers. Air. Routh said that he hopes to bo back to school sometime next week. 'Camoiflag®' Chosen h Chapel Predudion Y'outh created by surgery, ami the false impressions, joys, and heartaches caused by such skill, is the theme of “Camouflage,” the first fall productionn of Blaymasters, which will ho given October 21 in chapel. The play, a comedy, tells of a great actress who, since her failure on the stage when she was younger, has re vived her beauty and youth through surgical means. The griefs caused by being in love with a younger man, the encounter with the man's young sweetheart, a girl of 18. and the final (-onfessions of the actress and her lover’s response, add excitement and interest to file liroduction. Cast Anncuuced The cast wiil consist of Ruth AA’in- terling, as Patricia, the actress; Della Alae Trottin-, as Dorothy, the young- girl of 18; xYlice Trosper, as Nora the maid: and Dan AAhi.gomn-, as Gordon, the hero of the plot. Tlu' play will be directed by Paul Frazier, dramatics coach, and the pro duction and stage management will be handled by the club and stage crew. Principals Appoint Teachers To Ad As Pyblicilf Heads Represi'iiting every school in the Greensboro district. 13 faculty mem bers, appointed last week by prin cipals cif their respective schools, will serve as publicity heads to aid I’aul Aliiler, part-time reporter for the Greensboro Daily News, in gathering items for his column. City School News. The teachers, wlrom Aliller will con tact regularly, include Aliss Frances Johnson, New Peck ; Airs. Linda Hodge, Old Peck; Airs. Nellie Schuyler, Ay cock ; Aliss Estelle AIcDonald, Cald well ; Airs. Alary Aladlin, Gillespie; Aliss Carrie I’hillips, Central; Aliss Janie Christian, Alclver; Aliss Martha Kiser, Lindley Elementary; Airs. .lose- phine Sisk, Lindley Junior; Airs. Daisy AlcSorley; Simpson; and Airs. Daisy Kendall, Irving Park. Students To Receive Holiday October 17 For District Meet “Because the ninteenth annual session of the Northwestern District of the North Carolina Education association will lie held Friday, October 17 at AAbmian's colh‘g(\ this day will be de- clari'd a holiday for all Gri'cnsboro public sclioid students in order that the teachers may have an opportunity to attend the meetings,’’ declared Superin tendent B. L. Smith, yesterday. Alain speakers for the morning ses sion of the association will be Fred Greene, sei-retary of tlie State Educa tion association, K. G. I’hlllips, iiresi- dent of the state organization. Dr. Ralph AlcDonahl of North Carolina univin-sity and Clydi' Erwin, state superintendent of pulilic instruction. S. C. Deskins of Sumnun-tield is iiresi- dent of the group. 15 Counties Iiieliuled Representative pedagogues, iirinci- pals, and superintendents of schools from the following 15 counties will be present: xYshe, Allegheny, Surry, AA’a- tauga, AA’ilkes, Stokes, Forsythe, Davie, Davidson, Yadkin, Randolph, Rocking ham, xYlamance, Guilford, and I*erson. Climaxing Friday’s events svill be a night session of the assembly, where memlier.g will hear Dr. D. AA'. Daniel of Clemson college. South Carolina, and Dr. Sydney B. Hall foi-mer A'irginia state su])erintendent of education, now pro fessor of education at George AVashing- ton university. Afternoon meetings will i>e divided into groui) gatherings for teachers who teach the same suliject. Tcaclieis I.ead Groups Aliss Chrystal ISachtelle, director of Greensboro city school music, will lead the musical grou]). Aliss Sara Alims, chairman of English teachers, will be in charge of tlie English division, and Aliss Gerti-ude Farlow will liiaid the Latin department. Tlie last two teachers are mi'iiiliers of the Greensboro high school faculty. The chief puriiose of the meeting will be to discuss in-oldenis of teaching, new idi'as for tlu' (-lassrooni, and recently published textliooks that will provide pedagogical information. Southern Business Meeting To Be Held in Greensboro xYnniial mei'tiiig of the Southern liusiness Educational association for all business teachers in North Carolina, Sonfli Carolina. Kwi- tucky,i Tennessee^, G.tirgia, Aia- bania. Ark-ansas, Florida, Louisi ana, AA'est Adrginia. A’li-ginia, and Alississippi will be held for the first time in Greensboro at the O. Himry hotel during the Thanks giving holidays. xY platform discussion will be conducted by xY. J. Lawrimce of the T’niversity of Kentucky, and Aliss Frances lliimphre.v, chairman of the iniblic school section of the S. B. E. xY., has invited teachers from four of the states to par ticipate in the panel. Si.x Teachers to Take Part Those invited to take part are Bert E. Ix.vons, Senior high school, Greensboro; Aliss Dorothy Boone, Parker high school. Greenville, S. O.; AA". D. Parsons, Supervisor of Business Education, Roanoke, Y'irginia; Aliss Ernestine Alilton, Georgia State College for AA'omen, Alilledgeville, Georgia; Bill Dil lingham, Senior high school, Dur ham; I. Carl Brown, State Super visor of Distributive Education, Raleigh.

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