Is Your Name on the Red Cross Roll? HIGH LIFE From the Gate City of the South and the Birthplace of O. Henry Get Your Tickets Now For ^ ‘H. M. S. Pinafore' VOLUME XVIII GREENSBORO SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, GREENSBORO, N. C., NOVEMBER 21, 1941 M MBY:R () TO PRESENT 'H. M. S. PINAFORE' FRIDAY E. R. Brietz To Lead Appreximately 125 Voices in Operetta Combating the handicap of the in evitable triangle in what otherwise wonhl be a perfect love affair, Ralph Rackstraw, the hero in the operetta. “H. M. S. Pinafore,” to be presented by the vocal ninsic deparement, November I 28, finally succeeds in winning the hand | of the fair heroine, .Josephine, and will thus bring to a close the first operetta [ to be presented by the local mnsic group , since the depression. In the Gilbert and Sullivan story, \ Ralph, an able-bodied seaman, is con fronted Avith the difficulty of Avinning a girl Avho is already engaged to Sir | Joseph Porter, K. C. B., First Lord of the j Admiralt.y. Facing Avhat appears to be j an insxirmountable obstacle, the hero, ; in the grand finale, learns that he is ' not of common birth, as Avas originally supposed, but is of higher origin than the Captain Avho has forbidden the mar riage. All ends AA’ell Avith a triple mar riage and everybody on the Pinafore is happy. Two Performances Scheduled Taa’o performances, one in the after noon and the other at 8 p.m., Avill be presented by the department. F. Ray mond Bietz, music instructor, will di rect the prodAiction. He Avill be as sisted by Adoli)h Goedeken, David Wal- trip, Paul Frazier, Misses Lily 'SValker, ' Doris Hutchinson, Ida Belle iMoore, and Mrs. Blanche .Smith, members of the faculty. According to the plans of Brietz, tAVO separate casts Avill be used for the tAvo performances, Avith Edgar Sikes and Dick Kiser portraying the part of the hero. Annie Laurie Bennett and Dora LeAvis have been selected as the heroine. Josephine. Other members of the cast AA^ere announced in the last issue of High Life. The cast Avill include 125 members of the music classes. Music Avill be fur nished hy a combination orchestra from IVoman’s college and local talent. \ Snapped at Operetta Practice New Dramatic Society Makes Campus Debut To answer tlie need for an organ ization for those seniors who de sire to take i)art in dramatics at Senior high school hut wlio are not yet eligible for Playniasters, a new society will make its debut on the local caminis this year. Apin’opriately named Senior Dra matic cinb, the society will be the next step up from Thalians, junior organization. Club members, who meet every other Tuesday, will wel come all seniors interested in dra matics. Employment Bureau To Locate Positions For Student Workers ISO Scouts To Feature Big Oirlstiias Parade Approximately 150 girl scouts from all over the city Avill participate in the merchants’ Christmas parade, No vember 21. participants Avill l)e divided into groups, each suggestive of the officially opened Christmas shop ping season. Other .scout activities for the Aveek center around a ucav crafts shop opened last Aveek at the city armory for the Greensboro girl scouts. Troops may come here by advanced registration. Miss Jlae Hardin and Miss iMildred Childs, directoi's. teach the use of clay, leather, Avood, and metal. The equip ment belongs to the scout organization and is kept at old Mill camp for use during the .summer. In addition, 35, senior scouts are con tinuing tlieir Red Cross first aid course by giving’ one hour each Monday after noon to this course. Joel Day directs the group. Other individual groups, prompted by the season, have had entertainments, such as hikes, Aveiner roasts, courts of aAvards and various others. Stars Designale Rank Of Honor Roll Pupils IVearing her gold star for the sixth consecutiA'e .time, Rachael "Whiteside, 12th graile 'Jthdent, heads the list of honor roll students Avho have received stars since the first report card period. Bobby Clark is the anly Greensboro high school studeni, other than Ra chael, to Avear a gold pin. System Includes Three Stars In explanation of this honor system, j Miss Ida Melle Moore. Avho issues the stars, stated: “After making the honor roll one time, a student has the privi- I lege of Avearing a bronze star. This I he keeps until he has been placed on the honor roll for six consecutive times. He may then exchange it for a silver star. If, after three more report peri ods, he still maintains the re(iuired average, he receives the distinction of the gold star.” 19 Pupils Wear Silver Stars The follOAA-ing 19 students have re ceived the silver star. They are as folloAvs: Martha S. Koontz, Ann Ed munds, Joan Holleyman, Earle Holli day, Virginia Hunter, Melva Foster, Ruth Winterling, Lolene Harrison, .leanette Stephenson, Virginia Stoffel, Alice Tros])er, Billy Donald, Alyne Roseberry, Oscar Sajip. Anne NeAvton, Martha Pearson, Bob Perry, and Billie Jean Phipps. In addition to these named, around 70 students, the majority of them jun- iei’S, have secmred bronze stars. Forensic Society Plans For Local Tournament To prepare iiiexperieueed mem bers for the local debate tourna ments, Martha Ann Moore, program chairman for Ihe forensic society, anncnnced yesterday that approx imately 10 contests between indi vidual teams Avill be held during the ne.-:t three weeks. “At the present time, only seven debaters have had necessary train ing in speeeh technique, six of whom engaged in the National Fo rensic league tournament in Ashe- vi le, November 15,” Chairman Moore declared. “Twelve local teams will enter the Senior high school practice eon- tests Deeember 6,” Martha Ann said. Industrial Art Students Do Construction Work Members of the industrial arts classes Avill be available during the next feAV months to aid other departments in the school desiring to have woodAA’ork pro jects constructed, . according to an .an nouncement today bj’ Adolph Goedeken, director of th^w^hop actlAuties. - a i Eaglish Five Students Start Work in Creative Writing Fnder the supervision of Miss Jean Edgerton, a student teacher from Greensboro college, members of the sixth period English class in room 10 began Avork in creafiA’C Avritin.g, November 10. They Avill Avrit(‘ original compositions and stories as Avell as revieAv punctua tion and study proper use of pic turesque AA'ords for their Avritten material. For the past tAvo AA'eeks, the pu- piLs’ have studied social letter-Avrit- ing and various types of discus sions. Amon.g the latter, the panel proved most outstanding. The class ' enjoyed an informal discussion on “Movies as a rec'reatiou for school students” and a panel de- bate on the question, “Is it AA’orth- Avhile to continue school-sponsored I!, 'dances?” Hulchinscn Asked To Serve On School Slsidy Program Olydo ErAvin, state superintendent of public instruction, last Aveek asked Jlis.s Doris Hutchinson so serve on a central committee to study the broadening of the school’s health and physical edu cation program in relation to the neAV tAvelfth grade addition. The first committee meetin.g Avas held in November 13, in the neAv state cilice bAiildin.g. K. R. Curtis, of Wilson county, presided, and Dr. Ger ald S. Craig, from Columbia university, led the discussion on science. Jleet- iiigs Avill be held at intervals through- oirt; the year. Other physical education people on the committee include Charles Spencer and Miss Olive BroAvn, from the state department of public instruction, and Miss Ethel Martus. from W’o’.nan's col lege. MA 39 Hew Books To Library Shelves Thirty nine books have recently been added to the librai'y shelves, Airs. Beat rice Hall, librarian, stattal in a report to the otlice this Aveek. In ansAver to a plea to find lost books, the school libra rian also stated that 20 had been lo cated and returned. Imliule Wide Variety Included on the list of recent addi tions are books of a Avide A’ariety— history, fiction, encyclopedias, and sev eral trail-blazing novels. One of the most popular of the recent i additions to the library shelves is “Noli- chucky Jack,” a book filled Avith adven ture and .suspense, Avhicb traces the ex- 1 p-loits of -lohn Sevier American hero of the early Revolutionary period. An other favorite, “The HoIIoav Reed,” .gives the reader a neAV sense of enjoy ment in reading poetry. It includes models from great master poets as AA'ell as experimental Avork by apprentice writers. Book For Every Interest A partial list of iieAv books folloAVS: Assigned to Adventure, Hoav to Be a Fashion Designei’, Introduction to American Forestry, Northanger Abbey, Houseboat on the Styx, The Fleet To day, What Every Worn,an Kiioavs, Hoav to Be an Army Officer, Men of Mathe matics, Jane Eyre, Martha Berry, Dol ly IMadison, and Ocean Gold. To solve the employment i)robleni of Senior high school students and to help them make the projAer connections Avith local industries and bnsiness houses, George L. Sandvig and A. S. Proctor, of the school faaailty, began last Aveek to organize a bureau to secure jobs for interested pupils. Student, Employer To Beiietit According to Directors Sandvi,g and I’roctor, the ucav placement bureau will be of mutual benefit to student Avork- er and employer. It is exiiected also that OA'ery school student Avho de sires to Avork Avill be .given an oppor- (unit.v to do so. To determine the personal character istics of each pupil, the directors had members of the student body suppl.y necessary information on blank forms early hist Aveek. From these cards Mes.srs. Sandvig and Proctor Avill en deavor to find a job that is suitable for the individual personality of each Avorker. According to present plans, local firms Avill secure students to Avork in the afternoons, on Saturdays and during vacation periods. To Be Decided Asset “Through this iieAA’ set-up a central employment office can be maintained at Senior high school.” Mr. Proctor ex plained, in commenting on the plan this morning. “We believe that .such a bureau Avill be a decided asset to OA'ery bo.A’ and girl Avho seeks emplo.A’- ment. Also it Avill provide local busi ness men Avith employees of char acter and ones who, he knoAvs experience, have received proper tech nical training,” he concluded. At the present time 18 student Avork- ers are engaged in the local diversiflwl occupations pro.gram, Avhile20 niori' now work the distributive educa tion department of the cit.v schools. According to Mr. Proctor, the pres ent demand for student part-time em ployment has increased steadil.v during I the year. Author of ^Merry Go Round^ Reveals Early Experiences Dramatists Seek ioles k Plifiniiferi Produdicin “Second Fiddle.” a farce in three acts by Guernes.v Le Pilly, Avill be pre sented in the near future under the auspices of I’la.vmasters, senior dra matic societ.v. announced Paul Frazier, dramatic coach today. A number of girls sought one of the feminine parts of the cast AA'hich in cludes the parts of Minnie, Aunt IMir- iam, Joan, Janet, Dorothy and Mrs. Keeler, Avhile the male dramatists tried out for the roles of "Wilbur, the butler, Harold, the hero, and Mr. Crouch, a laAAWer. "' ' ' “Success as a journalist means hard AA'ork at the office b.v day and ])oundin.g a typeAvriter at ni.ght,’’ DreAV Pearson, Avorld-fanious Avriter and co-author of the nationally famous "Wbishington Merry-Go-Round," a syndicated iu'aa'S- paper column Avhich is printed in 30') papers in the Fnited States and Can ada, told a Life reporter in an interview recently Avhen 5Ir. Pearson visited Greensboro. Talks to CTib Pearson talked at a recent meetin.g of the Executives club, and granted an interview to Bill AndreAvs, junior mem ber of the school paper staff. "While in school Pearson became editor of his school paper and I'-epeated this job Avhile in college. Beginning his actual neAvspaper career at the age of 14, Mr. Pearson desired to enter the diplomatic service and to fulfill his early desire to travel. In preparation for his Avork, he entered the editorial room of a Philaddphia paper; how ever, as he became so imj)ressed by his job he abandoned his earl.v inclinations and began to devote himself to being a good neAvs reporter. , Finds Partner . , t WTien Pearson met his partney, Rbl?,', that they lioth ert 8. a'/'f A:iM» ‘■’n’* :p . o J'o 'I Allen, he found , ■; Up had Avorked :n comiicHtive ])apers in Washington. Their famous column Avas first Avritten as a book. Mr. Pearson declared. At fhe beginning of the Nazi upris ings in Germany, .Mr. .Mien Avas sla- tioned there, and. as a result, gained a cpiick and coniiiletc'- iiicture of fhe c'arly conditions Avhich led Hifh'r rise fo poAver. Bolh Pearson and Allen are ccnsidcu-ed authorities on political af fairs and because of their Avide exjieri- emee, the.v are frecpientl.v in demand as lecturers. Dr. Hudson Vaccinates Students at G. H. S. Approximatel.v three-fourths of the student bod.A' Avere vaccinated for small pox, November 13, b.v Dr. C. C. HiuLson of the city health deiiartment. Jlrs. Margaret Dolan, school nurse, assisted Dr. Hud.son Avith the A'accinatiohs. ' As innoculation for smalliiox is nec- ('ssary every five years and since a per son must be vaccinateij before enter ing college. Dr. Hudson rt'lid Jlrs. Dolan mkde a Special visit to the school to give Injections-.ty members of the grad- jyating .senior .cka^sv.,, -ipany juniors also receiA'cd the treatji»|^|:,.