May, 1977 Page 9 I, LINDA SIMON, leave to Alicia Neese and Bobby Farley, a ride to school daily, to Lynn Saylor, a ride out to lunch, to Barbara Bartis the joy of memories (with more to come!) To everyone, I leave all the fun and happiness that 1 have had during the past three years. I, DEBBIE SKENES, do hereby leave GHS. I leave the Junior Jaycttes hoping they have a bigger and better year next. I take with me memories and friends I’ve met here. I wish my brother Blake good luck next year. 1, ANN SMALLWOOD, be queath to Playmasters the best of luck in future productions; to Algernon people, a map of New York City for use in summer of 1978. Remember, my thought will remain always; so watch what is said backstage. I, MIKE SMITH leave my undiscovered talents to those juniors of the highest character, especially ’ol Stubbie. My hemostats, as well as my Von Schmittee shirt go to Dietary Logan. Daisies, like diamonds, will last forever. I, LYNN STEVENS being of questionable mind and body, gladly leave the fifth floor to Nancy, Jeff, and Janet; my happiness at Grimsley to my sister Laurie; Royal Villa parties to those who know; and happiness always to Nancy. I, DEBBIE STEWART, leave: to the girl with a cap who drives a Citoren, a cooperative roach collection; to Muff, wintry Sunday afternoons of dark draft pizza, and giggles; and to those who have travelled along side me, warn energy memories. I, PAUL STILES, leave: Scoop, My T.O.P.; Tom Bomar and Steve Cochran, the business number; the best of success to David Isreal; much happiness to Sharon; and the best of luck to Charlie and the evil eye. I, ANDY STRICKLAND, being of not so sound mind and body, do hereby leave to Stan and Kenan, a gold rush. To Joe P. I leave all the secrets of the living legend, and to Jello-B., I leaye^ I, AMY STAPLETON, leave behind me chaos, mangled souls, betrayed friends, inevocable mistakes, and the smalt amounts of ignorance I managed to shed as a result of these; also, love and laughter to Mollie, titanks and silence to Richard. I, JOSEPH STEEL, being of salubrious mind & peccant body do announce my last will & testament. In order for my spirit to remain I leave my beloved Teresa a Friday night session of “Pickin’ an’ Grinnin” topped off by a standing “ovation.” To you I also leave the faith with which you have touched me; to Laura I leave the “one-four-billionth theory”; to Jolly I leave a “Smith named Greg”; to Leila - friendship; and ^finally to Doc I leave Teresa-ili tnistl " ' ' I, MARK SUGG, Charlie, are you going to have another party? 1, PAUL SUH, grateful of the academic and social opportunities afforded to me, leave future students the challenge to use Grimsley to the utmost, and leave the thought that the key to the future must fit now. I, KATHY SWING, leave to Ann “the Creeper” to Scott and Eddie all the sophomore girls — Carol M. R.’s “figer-maker” to Maria I leave lots of neat weekends plus one bonus with T.M. I, BILL SMITH, bequeath all my worldy goods as follows; my green surgical shirt for Dietary Logan, and last of all my collection of bubble gum cards to Dietary Schimmittz. I, DAVE SWEENY, leave Grimsley High School, the only school that has its mascot a physical disaster, a whirlie. I leave to Grimsley some good friends and people who have more years here to enjoy and also an alias of 9 months. As my last will and testament, I, EDITH DELORES TAYLOR, leave to Mouse, Eric, Don and Keith my ability to get along with most teachers at Grimsley and to graduate in 3 years. I, CURTIS STEELE, do hereby leave my school bus 330 to my brother Todo, Bobo, Keenan, and to Stanley to “Catch a Head On: just like we did, and to Anne, Helen, Merita I leave a bowl of Gravy Train for them to “munch” on during class. I, NANCY STEPHENS, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath Williamina to Johnny Neese. To Janet Rouse I leave 3rd period English. Don’t go crazy. To Carrie Powell I leave Ron. Take care of him. I, SUSAN TAYLOR, leave Kay Janke two more years with Larry, and a prayer; to Martha (Margaret), my office as co-chairman of Edith and Junkie, Inc., and to Richard I leave a supply of “Edith Quotes: that will last forever! I, STEVE THERIOT, leave Chris Rhudy to another year of hard work, loose women, and wildparties, to Linda Simon I leave many shocking night moves. To John Caffery I leave the name: THE ZOMBIE. To Curtis Fields I leave one autographed picture of my great XR-7. To Tommy Few I leave one keg of Miller and a Drano measuring cup. To Reedy Marsicano I leave the UNC night school, a broken Pacer III, and one bronzed cinder block. I, THOMAS JOSEPH THER IOT, leave to my junior friends, all the air they can breathe and to my detractors, a bucket of water, and a cyanide tablet. I, ERIC THIES, being of tall body and dazed mind leave to Grimsley, my sister; to Mike Tilley, a fruit bowl; to Mike Boland, rubber bullits; to Howard, unlimited bricks; to Robert, a rocket; and to Dania, happiness forever. I, DEBBIE THORNTON, leave these walls which have given me all the answers to all the wrong questions. This time when I leave I’m taking all those whom 1 love with me. As those who remain - good luck. 1, MIKE TILLEY, leave to Eric Thies another year at WD! leave Mike Bloand to carry on in the fine wayward tradition of our group next year, to Howard, a F.B.l. exemption card, and a younger brother Jeff next year. I, JENNIFER TIPTON, being in a so-so mind and body leave I, ED SPEARS, leave Grimsley with many good memories and a lot of great friends. To Bill, Doug, and Tim, I leave “Ernies Egg Market.” And I leave the Mysterious Book of Revelation to the great guys in campaigners. I, KATHY WLAZLO, leave a bushel of peaches to MSOE, to Nancy M., some hot buttered popcorn, to Puppetmania, I leave some calendar and a lot of love, and to Rona, 1 leave Puppetman- As I, DAVID ZAUBER, leave G 1 leave good P times at PS Arena where 1 left JW at the doorbell and ran and found J.R. in the back seat of VW. I leave the RP Golf T. my steady’ le^. , . ,,, Chicken George (who does not know his identity) a new dance routine, top hat and cane. To spiderman Charlie I leave you my book on 1001 ways to be cool. To Chinatown’s sister I leave my collection of Swahili sheet music. I, TIMOTHY TOBEN, do hereby leave “The Fox” with fond memories of our LAST sunrise, N.R. with all the weights his cocky arms can pump, K.N. with best wishes on getting some chip, Rodney — good luck with P.G., and most importantly, my fantastic bro’ Neck — with the few good times and competent teachers that GHS has to offer, in hopes that he will seek them out and make the best of his next two years. 1, the honorable JOHN MARK TREXLER, do hereby leave my prize parking place to Larry Spivey, my outstanding Civitan Qub to Stephen Anton, and last but not least, my good looks, my and personality to David. 1, FLINT TREXLER, leave this school with nothing to give but to leave the site of all Jocks. refer to pg. 4. pounds,^nd^^Kei^^leav^n^ promises to kill C.T. 1. KELLY UPCHURCH, being of sound mind and award winning body leave Doug 120 measures ad-lib on Cookin. To Schoo, I leave a can of tennis balls that he will never need and to Martha a piece of soft velvet. 1, RON VAETH, have procras tinated once again. Here I sit with four minutes of my homeroom period to write my last will and testament. All I have to say is that the students of Grimsley should enjoy high school life now because you will never see these years again. Good-bye for now and always remember, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” This leaves you a great deal of freedom, but don’t tell anybody. "aMli^^each. To Zoober,^Tea^ I, MICHAEL “TEE” TROUT MAN do leave: To bookie thoughts of what could have been; to Prince the spirit and unity of OASIS: To J.B. my entire RO'TC uniform: To naive souls excepting AP English invite, all lockers in Old Science building. I, BILLY TSINTZOS, hereby have a few things to leave. First-off, I wanna leave Fesmire, Dempsey, Apple, and all the other youngsters on the baseball team, the memory of MICRO, I know you liked it, especially when you it. To Frankie La Fire 1 leave the superb talent of munchin’ down at Head’s House, to Dan I leave without once going fishing with you, to Rod I leave my nudes because you’re sure going to feel them sometime soon, to Peanut Head Terri, I leave not knowing whether you’re gonna put your lips to use, and for Patti’s lips, I leave an excellent target for them. I also leave Patti that activist she digs, to Joe Franks, I know you really enjoy slapping on the rub, so I left you an exact replica of Micro just for your very own, to Stance, I leave without once going to town on those 40-D tickets, to Gail I leave knowing that you’ve got a good “shake” to go along with those fries, to Tree I leave knowing you are a professional Lip-locker, to Levern I leave Louveez, to Diane, I leave not knowing whether your 6’9 or 6’10, to Kelly I leave not knowing whether you’re 3’5 or 3’6, that goes for you too Peanut head, 1 leave my Benchwarmer article to whoever has the special ability to “cutdown” and finally I leave the students of Grimsley Sr. High School, the poisonous, toxic, all-life consuming, if not deadly...GEEFER...start pray ing. I, FELECIA TYLER leave to Linda Johnson her beloved Dick G. To Vanessa Harris 1 leave 10 I, JENNY WRENN, being of insane mind and body, do hereby bequeath to “Friends Like You” My BO to Brun, my modeling career to Cyn, quiet times to Doophu, my accent to Sayra, my altheletical ability to my Gym- Sophs, my absentmindedness to uh, Chairoteers, pancakes to Melanie, Knit-White to Roone, and love to campaigners and Terrie. 1, JUDY WOODARD, leave Vanessa thirty pounds, Johnny a book on setting traps in my locker, rising seniors and juniors much success and the fun and warmth with' students and faculty that I found during my stay at the “Rock.” I, Kalen Vaughan, leave Amanda Stephens and Amy Lore as replacements for Jenna and myself, providing they swear to uphold chaos, plague Chuckle, pick on David Young (to whom I leave Helga), debate ail tests, master all animal faces, and winn all bonbons. For this service to German, they will receive our miniature hopscotch board, bus tickets to Old Salem, and an 18 X 24 glossy of Kalen’s Angels, consisting of Charlie Kelly, Mark Kronenfield and Mark Leitner in swimsuits. I, ALAN WAGONER, leave our notorious and beloved Baritone section to John and Flash, to carry on our tradition of raising havoc. To Danny Dillion, I leave a dozen reality signs and to Ferg I leave a Hardee burger, heavy on the horseradish. To P.J., I leave a paper towel dispenser and an empty quart of duck. Finally, I leave Tim Fickling with a wooden post to use over again. I, MONTY WALKER, leave to Seadog and Nate all the keetus they can handle, hopefully. I, ANDY WALKER, being of unsound mind and body hereby leave to “pooch” limousine service to school and another year of Betty Ann, to John: you stink! and to Ashley I leave Betsy and finally to Betsy I leave Grimsley. I, DEBRA A. WALLINGTON, leave Brenda James my estate at Grimsley. I leave the teachers! I, DANNY WALSH, being of sound mind and questionable body do hereby will all of my basketball abilities to Bill L. in hopes that someday he will achieve excellence in some sport. And Tim, 1 leave you my scholastic abilities. I, DAVE WALSH, leave my two motorcycles to anyone bad enough to ride them. I, REY WALTON hereby leave my dirty locker to Yonnie and Brian. 1 leave my love to Brenda and Lori. Best wishes to ail my campaigner girls. I leave my sewing to Cindy and to Y-Teens I leave! I, RUSS “SNORKLE” WAL TON leave; Swanie stilts so she can see over crowds, Leigh Anne common sense and lastly my pride and joy, the treasures, gold-plated, fur-lined, snorkle, I entrust with Jim Hardy to use when he deems necessary! I, KIM WAUGH, leave my nutty friend and neighbor, Linda Byrd, all the luck with her many “men”. Take care Linda! To the Charioteers I leave many memories of our fashion show — Thanks Joy and Christy! 1, KATHY WEBSTER leave my brother the car and a lot of luck. I leave Paula good wishes in finding the right man. I, JOHN WEEKS, leave Tail the Sports Arena and I leave Freddy Petty my bad rag. To Prpfes^r Veeter I leave the sophs that Greek girl, and to Seal I leave my back seat and God Squad. I, SHARON WELKER, leave to Ann, a dozen peanut doughnuts; to Christie, Ten Thousand Reasons to Smoke; to Cessy, a night out to dinner at Paul Rose; and to Amy, my little red box and the manin the tree. 1, MIKE WHARTON, leave to . L.L. the school bus stop and my seat. To A.P. and the boys G.M., J.W., R.L., C.H., R.P., to take care of the bus. 1, DAVID WHITE, “To all B’s, P.S. is G.” 1, JUDY WHITE being of sound body and mind hereby leave: Cjrossu Brppks 101, to Lance Leake my friendship, to James Bedling a sponge to clean up coke and to Cribit the Little McDonalds Man. I, RUSS WHITE, leave to theatre underclassmen... my triumphs that you too may enjoy them, my failures that you may learn from the, but most of all my thanks. To Mark, Tony, and David, all the .success you can find. I, LOU WHTTENER of sound mind and body leave: to Mary W. all of Mr. Whitaker’s jokes, to Cribit I give little (Jeneral, to Mary Arthur the remaining years at Grimsley and with Toby, to Cindy C. one last year here. I, ERIC WILSON, being of unusual mind and sound body do hereby bequeath my worthless possessions to the following. To David Cox I leave my better grades and my long lost locker. To John Neese and Scoop Magee I leave my ability to stay out of serious trouble. 'To everyone else I say goodbye and “study hard.” 1, JEFFREY L. WILSON, feel that this school, should offer a broadcasting course as an elective for those interested. I have found while I have been at Grimsley that more students are interested in radio broadcasting. Please offer I, SUSAN WILSON, leave Margaret 2 qts. of Richards, and a night at the Econo-Travel, with a creature. To Suzie, I leave, EJ, SH, SR, RC, DL, JD, KY, JV, LW, RB, etc, etc, etc, etc,... I, ARNETTA L. WILLIAMS fto Michelle 1 leave my ability to attend school often enough to do enough work to graduate. To Grimsley I leave “behind.” I, JACKIE WILLIAMS > leave Grimsley with everything I can with the exception of my brains and the ability to think strait. Hopefully it will fall in the hands of Shell Spruill and Rita Barrett maybe they will be able to use it. I, REBECCA LOUISE WIL LIAMS, hereby leave: Cribit, a ride to lunch everyday. To Undecided I leave a ride to school and lots of love; to Herr Nich, a quiet German class, four dozen doughnuts, a cup of coffee. I, SHERRI WILLIAMSON, leave B.V. a future in which both of us will enjoy, all the fun times he brought to me plus all the love in the world! To all my friends I, LAURA WINTERS, leave this thought: Today paves the paths of yesterday, leading to a new and different tomorrow, which holds dreams and a future for all...P.S. Miss ya Dusty and D.P. and Sandy. I, JOYCE WOOD, leave my sister the book Ways to Avoid Intrusion, to the sophomore Campaingers (Barbara, too), I leave lots of love (and lessons in al-fal-fa growing). Keith (fishl—), I don’t leave you, but give you bunches of mush and a waiting hammock.