Page L'our HIGH LIFE ^pril 18, 1941 Purple Nine to Encounter Wave For Second Time in Schedule Hopes For Title Dim After Salisbury Loss Physical Education Students Prepare to Play tJrcciislioro's (if'fc'iidiiiK stiifc* chjiiu- pious were imrliiilly ‘liinina('(l from any cimiKH* to rocaiitun* top honors yeslorday as th(‘ Yellow dackcts of Salisbury dowiu'd lh‘ Tiirplo Jiiiic, l)-(5. I'liis is the tliird consecntive (b'feat that the Whirlwinds have experieneed in a losing str*ak that start(‘d wlxm tli(‘ Tli^rh Point eoiiibinalioii beat llio locals by oiu* point. Itrou'ii, llohirs Hit Honiei’s Pj) to tlu‘ pr‘sent, the local nine has not la>en doinjr much Inaivy liitlinK- H(»wever, two Johnson - coaelxvl men Av-r‘ ald(* to snm-k home runs. Ilar- r)ld tSkinny) Mrowii. [U'omisiiifr short- sloj). hit the l(‘alli(*r for tli(‘ lii-st homer, as lh‘ Plack Hisoii of IIif;li Point iowm‘d llu‘ locals. 5 (o (5. Willaial Hobbs hit th(‘ ball for (Ii‘ other run in anothei- losinj; jianie. as th(‘ f’aro- lina frosh d(*feat-(l the Pni’pies 7 to d. Th(‘ Pui'iile nine will ‘nt(*rtain the }r('(‘n Wav(‘ of (lastonia this afternoon on the Senior hij;h field in a return eonf(‘r(‘nce ‘nKay;*m(*nt that will not have h(>avy bearinj; on the oufeuiu' of the west‘rn loop. (iottsfhalU’s .\rm Ti-ouhled (i('n(‘ (iotlschalk. ('oaeh .lohnson’s number oik* hurU'r and a state out- stand, piilh'd an arm cartilage last summei’. Pp to this lime, however, llu-injury has not hindt'red (Sottschalk’s })itching. l)(‘spl(e this fact. Poach Johnson is slightly worrical ovi'v the situation, and. in case (iottschalk’s val uable limb slKUibl g‘t a ‘'bug,” the lo- ‘al mentor is iu'('])aring for tin* by getting Withers, llolibs. Winner, or .lolinson reai • in an (“nH'i'gency, Ttu' Whirlwimls \vi l''or(‘S( tomorrow to Ibiby l>emms. Hutchinson Announces Program For Play Day take the mound II travel tangle \ o ^^'al^e ith the Senior Hi Nine Downs Salisbury in Loop Meet fiene Pol1sdialk pitched tin* Purple ^\'llirlwinds to tlu'ir se-ond conference victory, .\pril 11. wlu'ii the Yellow Jadels of Salisbury f(‘ll befoia* the Jenior high nim*. to 2. .\rier allowing Ihi* (iastonia team a hitting sinve. (Jottschalk came back to pi(-h one of his best games, 'riu= ac(“ hnrier pitched the entire nim* inn ings, Finds (’alclier PeniH'lt .N(‘we11. shifleil from first to the mitti'r's position, solved 'atching problem that has bet'ii trem bling Poach Ktanh'y Johnson, as the nt'wly found catcher stayed bi'hind the bat niiH' innings without an error. ’I'he missing link in this year's I'di- tion is ih(' power to hit. ’I'herefon*. -according to Johnson, the locals will -oncenlrale on bjittiug practice. Hard a1 work on the Play Day program are Edith Kiimley, chair man. atid the Play Day (‘omniittee composed of Lolene Harrison, Mar jorie Sparrow, i^hyllis Trutt, Marjorie Hums, Doris Futrell. Linna Crawford, (iladys Crawford, Barltara Kitcliie, Virginia Davis, Anne Newton, -Isabel (fillie. atid (floria ^'’alentine. Girls absent when the I)i('ttire was ttiken 'were ^drginia Davis, Gloria Valentine, IMarjorie Sparrow, and Edith Hundey. (Staff photo by Thirnell Kennedy.) Greensboro Threat In State Golf Meet With a tories ov>t pects for Preeiisbor( team are record of four d(*cisive vic- high scliool opponents, ju-os- a state championship for 's Purple Whirlwind golf ■ed-hot. Th(‘t(‘am has whipped Reynolds high of Winston. Durham. (Jray high, and Salisbury consecutiv‘ly. and when the state toui'iiameut opens in Phaped Hill. April 22, (he (xix'ensborians. under the leadership of A. P. Routli. are expected to be a consist('nt threat. Tin* squads' greatest victory came last Friday when the group routed (Ji'ay high of tVinston-Salem. tS to 0. other major victories listed !i 12 to o win over Rc'ynolds and a 12 to lefeat of Durham. .Mr.Matnis. Taylor Lead Locals tutstanding pltiyers on the varsity includ* Roger McManus, number three man and medalist in both the Reynolds nd (Jray contests, and Ray Taylor, semi-tinalist in the Parolinas' Junior golf tournament In 1040. and medalist in tin* Durham match with a 75. FEMININE ACCENT ATHLETICS I-'ew Wolfe. IK'ople physi-al now that Rebecca d student, ha.s been doing exceptional work in tumbling classes. She has learned several more than the re(iuired ten stunts and h;is maintained a higher average on these acrobatics than any other student in the class. Miss Doris Hutchinson, adviser, and the Play day committee have completed jtlans for this event which will take place Friday, April 25. The program is as follows: 1:30-3:00—Registration. 2:00-2:10—Assembly in team lieadquarters in gymnasium; wel come by Phyllis Fniitt, president of local physical education associ ation. 2:10-2:10—First activity hour. 3:10-2:40—Mass relay; Student- Faculty relay. 3:40-4:40—Second activity hour. 4:40-5:30—Social hour and re- freshmentvS in gym for participants, their advisers, and hostess com mittee. Sport Saws by Sol WE MADE A STATEMEXT i„ o„t last colmiin i-esartling the poor posture seen aromiil the campus. Ilotvever, since then. Miss Doris Hutchinson has in. formed us, much to our surprise, that the girl-s athletic association has beeu conductiiis classes in posture correc- tiou for the past several weeks. More power to .vou, Miss Hutchinson. 5 Tracksters Reach Finals in Competition WE HAD A WONDERFUL TIME in the rain last Friday trying to- watch Greensboro open its baseball campaign, That's one time rain was an advau! tage—for the visiting team. Central high of Charlotte again cap tured the western conference track title, Friday, April 11, for the seventh time in the past ten years. High Point was the runner-up, Greensboro Senior high -was repre sented with ten hoys, five of whom were able to reach the finals. The fol lowing Gi-mishoro contestants placed: Ruddy Mulligan and L. Loy. lOO-yarcl dash; C. Frazier, 120-.var(l high hur dles; P. Frazier. 200-yarcl low hur dles : P. Frazier, shot-put. Only one record was broken. Jim Reid, of Central, ran the half mile in 2;P(i, to better the previous mark ('HAELES TEAGUE, Bniest Me Le.m. Hay T.uylor. and Hogec McManus composed the golf foursome that de feated the so-called power house from Durham high. of 2;(i!).L Purple Whirlwinds Reach HeighI ol Golf Campaign 'riu* physical education classes will begin the study of archery and horse shoes next week. When they complete that eourse, they will take up .soft- ball, which will be followed by a course of folk and social dancing at the end of the year. Vernon Lamb Selected Head of Local Nine Afti'r having liiiished tin* dillicult lask of wt'avhig an American tlag into H wall hanging, .lot* Rogers plans to Work on a copper rose vase. Excellent Seri ice Ai King Cotton Hotel For a complete line of SCHOOL SCPPLIES WOOI.WORTI I’S •lusr liel'ore the Furplc AVhirlwiud nine engaged Winston-Salem in it.s opi'iiiiig conference game, the local liascball team I'lectcd I'crnon (Shccpic) l.amh as the sca.son's captjiiii. Ljiml) is fully prcpari'd to till this liositiou, as In* is cxpcricnct'd in all three of St'uior high's major sports, 'riic captain-(‘hct now holds down third hast*: however, he is capable of playing bt'himl the hat or on th* tirst sack. -Mar.iorie Rums, North Carolina jun ior golf champ and student of l(n*al high school, played an exhibition match with Fatty Rcrg, national wom an golf chami)ion. last week. Only students from physical educa tion classes who have signed up from G. H. S. will represent this school in the Flay day t*vents next Friday. :\Iis.s Doris Hutchinson would like to remind the student body, however, that they will have!! similar opportunity tt) enjoy a sports contest on Student-Faculty day. May S. With the arrival of Reynolds high golf team of Winston-Salem today in a return engagement, the eight day program of the current Furple Whirl wind golf campaign will begin. The event calls for three dual matches and two high school golf tournaments. Slate Tournament, April 22 As an aftermath of today’s match, the scpiad will participate in the Mid- Atlantic tournament at High Foint. to morrow. After a day's rest the link- sfers will invade Lexington, and from there will .journey to Chapel Hill for the state high school golf tournament. April 22. Dll April 25 the team will pla.v host to Salisbury in a heme match. JOE WINNER. Senior high's three- letter-man. has recently signed a con tract to go to the Ibiiversity of North Carolina next fall. ACCORDING TO Miss Doris Hutch inson, 160 girls from various North State schools will congregate in this fair city, April 25, for a field day. Well, gentlemen, there might be a few good-lookers in that crowd. Keep your eyes peeled. ON EASTER :\IORNING a gray 1939 Dodge stopped in front of a local church and out stepped a young man in what could he a new spring suit and his wife, who, of course, was all fitted out in those things women call clothes. The two with their small daughter strolled up to the door, only to find the building packed. So, rather than stand up, Coach and Mrs. Bob Jamieson turned around and went to commune with Mother Nature. It's time to plant a irnrden with Purity Brand Seeds from Scott Seed Co. 225 N. Greene St. Shampoo and Finger Wave 25 cents King’s Beauty School .k. Elm St. I'lKiiii, Why not bring your date and get a soda WesI Markel Pharmacy KEEP OFF THE GRASS signs, pre pared by various art students, will be placed at strategic points on the cam pus in the near future. Suininer weather requires smniner pictures Buy your ('amora and Supplies at The Standard Foto Supply Co. You break it and We’ll fix it. Rierson Brothers Select Your Graduation Watch KAir E^very Watch Guaranteed E.rtrii ('linri/r for (’rvdit SILLS IStJfewORD FOR. SHOES m QRBetisBORp Wholesale Produce CRITERION Mon.-'rues.-Wed. AFRIL 21-22-22 MASTER SERVICE 101 S. Gropiu' SIriH't I'hono 41117 Kisk Tin's—Willard Uattorios—AAA Itoiul Service ARIZONA Mightiest of All Outdoor Dramas with Jean Arthur William Holden M arren William Tilt* imtst memorable and breatli- tjikiutjly thrilling frtnitier picture all. them OptAi U Matinee 15c — Night 20c © fe till FRUns&VEGETABLES 111 W. 1. Anderson &Co.

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