The AC Phoenix December 2002 Page 25 Special (Juidod Candlelighl Tours of Old Salem offered in earl> December Special guided candlelight tours of Old Salem offered in early DecemberOn December 5,6, 7 and 12, 13 & 14, Old Salem will offer special guided candlelight tours of the district for adults and children.Tours will begin at the Old Salem visitor center at three times: 6:30, 7 and 7:30 p.m. Registered tour participants will start with an audiovisual program showcasing the historic traditions of a Salem Christmas. After the program, a costumed guide will lead the group into the decorated historic district, sharing a portion of the unique story of Salem, North Carolina. The candlelit tour will culminate in a visit to the John Vogler House on Main Street, where visitors will experience an early American Christmas in the year 1840. They will learn about traditional Christmas decorations and customs in this town and participate in period Christmas entertainments, such as car ols, music and/or dramatic readings. As guests leave the house, they may refresh themselves with hot cider and Christmas cakes or other treats from the Vogler kitchen, prepared and served on site by costumed Cld Salem staff. Pre-registration for a limited number of spaces for each tour will be available by calling the Cld Salem Visitor Center, 9-5 Monday through Saturday, or 1:30- 5 Sunday, at (336) 721-7352. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children, and may be pre-paid with a credit card or paid by credit card, check or cash on the evening of the tour. Cn the day of each tour, reservations can also be made starting at 9:30 a.m. at the Visitor Center. A discount will be offered to persons purchasing an Cld Salem tour ticket for that day. Call (336) 721-7350 during the day for more information. Reservations may be made by calling (336) 721-7352 or visiting the Cld Salem Visitor Center in person. Black Population Continue to Grow (Special to the NNPA)—The African-American population has grown 16 percent over the last 10 years, according to a report from the U.S. Census Bureau. The report indicates that the num ber of African-Americans has grown three times as fast as the White population between 1990 and 2000. The nation’s White population increased 6 percent over the last decade. Blacks still are 12 percent of the nation’s residents. While 3 million African-Americans live in New York City, 19 million of the nation’s 35 million Blacks live in the South’s 10 states, which each have more than 1 million Black residents. The majority of Whites live in the South and Midwest. “We expected the numbers in the South to be high because that has been a general trend over the years,” Jesse McKinnon of the Census Bureau told reporters. “Blacks tend ed to reside in the South at least over the last 30 or 40 years.” Gary, Ind., has the highest concentration of African-Americans with 85 percent, followed by Detroit with 83 percent. The highest proportion of Whites is in Livonia, Michigan where they comprise 97 percent of the residents. The Census Bureau has previously reported that the nation’s White majority will diminish in numbers, with Whites becoming a minority shortly after 2050. Star! GUIDES THEM HOME A Prayer For The New Year By: Roy Anthony Borges May the peace, love, joy and happiness of life be with us throughout the new year. May all our suspicious doubts and fears be erased so that Your light may shine forth in us all. Give us the strength to stop blaming other people for our problems and the wisdom to check out ourselves first, for then we will discover that a majority of our problems, suspicions and wrong deeds are our own fault. Teach us to remember that we pay a price for the lessons that we learn in this life and that no matter how smart or tough we think we are, we can be had. The race of life is not won by the swift and the greedy. Let me be able to be the same whether I have abundance or poverty. No one owes us anything and no one in our life is going to be totally true and faithful to us. So let us stop looking for it and recognize that no one is perfect, that people are human and. make mistakes. Add forgiveness to our ways and rid us of all bitterness. Replace in our hearts a desire to know You and a longing to please You, for we know the rewards shall be great. May we always be grateful for being alive and realize that no matter what the problems or circumstances may be that You will carry us through them. Let us think positively about today, for tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. Life is too short to waste time on the things we can’t change. tV&e sount^s Oixiristmas fill air, rains of peace and joy are every-w^lrere. .And 'we*cl lil^e to add a l^ood nrxeasnre of clieer To all of tlaose wKom we Kold dear. "We Itnow it's more ^Iran coincidental tTiat yonr l*ind patronage fias l^eerx instmxnental in malzin^ our year a , resounding success. So to CtJI oj- t^OZA-, ive: ztyfsPt iJze ifGst! FROM THE STAFF OF THE