The AC Phoenix January 2005 Page 19 How to Attract More Money John Raye By John Raye You can always make money by (1) working for someone else or by (2) working for yourself. However, serious people understand that big money or real wealth does not come by working for someone else. You can also work real hard for yourself and still end up broke and despondent. Money, like an idea, comes to the person who attracts it. However, chasing after money, struggling for money, begging, stealing or maneu vering to get it, is a sure indication of a poverty consciousness, and a messed up mind. Money does not favor skirt chasers, booty shakers, depressed individuals or individuals of ill-repute. Money favors righteousness, and faithfulness. And it comes most readily to people who are prepared to receive it. The overwhelming majority of people, however, prepare themselves to work for money, not to receive it. Most have never been taught how to receive anything, and consequently, never expect to receive anything. More often than not, such expectations are granted. The average person, having worked forty-plus years, reaches retirement age, broke, nearly broke, or dependent upon family, friends or governmental assistance for survival. Many such people cannot even afford to retire. Why do most people continue to live from paycheck-to-paycheck in a land of plenty? And why are so many tip-toeing on the edge of poverty when approaching retirement? The answers lie largely in our culture norms, environmental patterns and educational system. Early on, the child is taught and prepared to satisfy cultural expectations, educational norms and peer group relationships. Self-actualization, on the other hand, is seldom taught, seldom encouraged, and almost never required. The child, therefore, grows into adulthood with limited possibility. He is, in fact, a trained organism, unable to recognize his own potential, chiefly because he has never been taught, in the first place, that he has any such potential at all!! The average person, therefore, holds a firm belief that the only way to earn more money is to (1) get a good education, (2) get a good job and work extremely hard, and (3) then get connected to the right people. For most, this version of the so-called American Dream is now an American Nightmare. The wolf, not the boogeyman, is knocking at the front door. Money Is Magnetic Money is a form of divine energy, delivered to you in the form of a paper transaction, for services rendered. Service is the rent you pay for living on this good earth. If your desire is to be in possession of more money, then do the obvious; render more in the way of service; receive more money by serving more people! If your money supply is tight, slow or non-existent, increase your rate and frequency of service. Get busy serving more people, not things, and begin your service apprenticeship by serving with an attitude of gratitude. People will favor you with more money once they realize your service is genuine and sincere with no hidden or secondary motives. Understand that money is a mere tool to be used for the upliftment of humankind. It is a medium of exchange, and to get more of it, you must be willing to exchange something of equal value. You exchange your time for some money. But we all know there is only so much time that you can exchange. Your time, like life itself, is finite. Therefore, you must learn how to attract money by invoking the law of magnetic attraction. First, money is a form of magnetic energy. High energy people are seldom broke or without money. On the other hand, slow or low-energy people are prone to attract money in the same fashion; your money reflects you current mindset! If your money supply is low or slow in manifesting, this reality reflects the nature and condition of your spiritual energy. You are not doing very much, and consequently, will not earn very much in the way of addition al income. In other words, God does not move until you move! If you are sitting still, your money will continue to sit still! Money follows action! Allow Money To Serve You You can earn a considerable amount of money by allowing it to serve you. To do so, you must become a master of money; it must not become your master! Unfortunately, when it comes to earning large sums of money, most people become, hesitant thick-headed and corrupt, allowing money to become their master, and they end up, sadly, chasing a rainbow that has no end and, really, no beginning. In dealing with money, most available options are limited. You become master or slave! When you allow money to serve you, your honor is enhanced because you have become a master of money. You become a slave, however, when money is allowed to rule, shape and govern your life. People, who master the money game, are usually those whose first order of business is self-mastery. The substantial man or woman is never entirely motivated or seduced by the appearance of large sums of money. The substantial individual is very much aware of his own personal powers. He knows that money, even huge amounts, can never buy true happiness, true love or true freedom. Decide what role money will play in your life. Will you be money- centered, things-centered, or principal-centered! Will money influence your behavior or will you influence money? Money will never serve your needs unless you take dominion over it. By divine authority, man has been given, “dominion over the earth”. Now, dominion means to rule, to subdue, to control. In other words, you must control all earthly things or such things will surely control you. And the first act of business should be to rule, subdue and control yourself! Once you define the role money will play in your life, it then becomes your servant, and you, its master! Declare right now that money must become your servant, and you its master. See It Before You Get It Like a sweet lover, money has to be wooed and caressed. It must be nurtured and cultivated with much tender love, care and mercy. And again, like a sweet lover, it is not something to be played with. To be effective, it must serve a useful purpose. You come into possession of large sums of money only when you can feel it, and see it before it man ifests in your life. And you must have a bona fide reason for wanting large sums of money. You want to become a millionaire ? Why ? What will you do with so much money? Now that you know that money is magnetic, you must balance your own personal magnetism in a manner to attract more money. First, you must fix in your mind the exact amount of money you want. Then you must hold this amount in your mind’s eye until manifestation takes place. However, if you can neither fix an exact amount in your mind, or hold it until the vision becomes real, you really do not want it badly enough. You are not serious about having large suns of money. There is never a shortage of money, so do not fret or despair by assuming that you will never get enough of it, or that someone will take all of yours away. There is no need to entertain such thoughts because what rightfully belongs to you, will always belong to you. We live in a universe of abundance so there is never a shortage of real abundance. You can attract more money by (1) visualizing the amount you want and (2) holding the vision until ,manifestation takes place. Remember the rule; fix it, then hold it! Any dog will respond when called by its proper name. The same holds true for money. Never refer to money as “cabbage”, “benjamin’s”, “bread”, “dead presidents”, etc. Call forth with great expectation the amount of money you want, and always use the correct and proper name; money! Because it is magnetic and never static, or idle, money must remain in constant circulation. It can never stand still. The greatest circulation of money ,therefore, is found among people. Never forget that people, all people have money, some more than others. So, you expand yourself and your money supply by connecting with more people. And know this much; when you connect and serve more people, more money will show up. Start serving more people, and watch your money roll in! —John Raye appears on PAX-TV every Saturday night,SOpm.He is the author of “Make Yourself Great: Inspiration For Dark Days And Long Nights”, and director for the MATAH Network, Dudley Products and ComproTax. Reach him (336) 996-4704 or john- raye®matah. com.