The AC Phoenix January 2007 Page 7 THE SECRET MOVIE WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE Continued from Page I teaching and preaching about for years. You need to see it!” Finally, way past midnight, one Thursday morning, last month, I clicked on my computer and started watching the link sent by the young A & T grad uate student... What followed was a watershed event, a defining moment that did, indeed, change my life. I was blown away by what I saw! The Greatest Power Is Within I sat in front of the computer, transfixed, glued to my chair, unable to move. It was ‘‘shock and awe” in real time. I saw and heard an echo of my own voice, talking back to myself! The “secret” that I first discovered some 40 years ago, was now, no longer a secret. My joy and happiness meter jumped off the scale. I could hardly believe what my ears were hearing The first light of dawn saw me still hunched in front of my computer. I was bone tired but refused nature’s call to rest. For a very long time, I have known about the amazing powers of the human mind and the spoken word. For years, I have been teaching the phi losophy so brilliantly choreographed in the “Secret” movie. Nearly 40 years ago, I discovered my God-like powers. I knew one could speak and decree a thing into existence. I also knew, and was very keen on this fact: thought power is the greatest power in the universe! When you learn how to control your thoughts, you have mastered the game of life. You can be, do, and have anything you want out of life. When you control your thoughts, you control your life. So what, you wonder, is all this buzz or fuss about? Why are so many people talking about this movie? If you have not heard or been asked about this movie, just wait your turn. Sooner or later, you will hear about it. The Law Of Attraction This law is, to put it mildly, unexplainable. You will have to experience it yourself. However, I can tell you that it is based entirely on the great univer sal law, ‘The Law of Attraction”. You have, in other words, the capacity to rule and regulate your life. You can bring anything and everything into your life simply by tapping into the Law of Attraction. The movie didn’t tell me anything that I didn’t know; but what it did do, and in a most excellent fashion, was to bring confirmation. I understand the power embedded in this law. And I know when and how to use it. The Law of Attraction is an intangible concept. You cannot feel, touch or see it, but it def initely exists. However, the average persons is so miss-educated or so dis connected from reality that a clear understanding of the law is often ignored or missed. then don't think it! If you don’t want it, then don’t say it! Above all, flood your mind with good thoughts, happy thoughts, and pros perous thoughts! When you keep enough “good stuff’ in your mind, the “bad stuff gets crushed; it cannot work unless you allow it! For sure, I focus on my good day in and day out, 24/7. My good comes to me because I call for it!! Good stuff can only bring good stuff!! That’s the Law! And mortal man can’t do a thing about it; no one, in other words, can delay or deny your good from coming to you. So here is my gift to all of you; go online to and order this powerful DVD. Then you will know what I know. If you need me to share and teach you what I know, then contact me or tune into my “Dynamic Thought” class every Wednesday night. Next secure a copy of my CD, “Dreamtime: Finding Success In America”. This has been a great year. I am giddy with excitement at this new-found knowledge called ‘The Secref. And I am pleased and delighted to share it with you. Much love my dear friends, the best is yet to come! —John Raye is the host of the National Black Alliance Network, heard nationwide every Tuesday night, 9pm. Logon: or dial 1-212- 990-8000 pin is 1102#. Reach him at: or 336-782-8383. Raising Noncy'Smart Children Keep in mind that most people have been conditioned or socialized to think outside of themselves. Society does not teach tolerate, or embrace self validation. You are not supposed to certify or validate your own self. That’s the job of our religious and educational institutions. Our legal system, state and federal courts are supposed to formulate certification or validation requirements. But allow me to share this good news, this godly news, with you. Whatsoever you allow to linger on your mind, sooner or later, will show up in your life. In other words, you bring about what you think about! This is real ly the essence of the law and I’ve known it for years. Now, I am so happy and so excited to see so many others being exposed to it. Now here is the real secret; the real secret is that it has been deliberately kept away from you! For real, the powers-to-be never wanted ordinary people to have access to such knowledge, or to learn how simple it really is. You become empow ered the moment you embrace and begin to make use of this knowledge. The Law of Attraction is what I live by these days. I know how to decree or speak things into existence. I know howto attract certain people into my life. I know how to attract and create opportunity, even when it is not suppose to exist! Oh, my dear friends, it is so wonderful to be free! When you know that you know what you know, there is no reason whatsoever for you to worry, become stressed, or to engage in struggle or strain for anything. The uni- ■ verse will deliver once the thoughts have been crystallized into your mind, and once you have activated the righteousness that lies dormant in your spirit. There is nothing complicated about this law. It works, but you will have to work it! You will have to rid or eliminated all bad or negative thoughts already lodged in your mind. All of us, me included, have minds that are loaded with “stuff’. Remember, the Law of Attraction is non-judgmental; it will deliver whether your “stuff is good or bad. If you want more good things, more good opportunities, more good peo ple to show up in your life, then fortify your mind with good thoughts, godly thoughts. Read good books like ‘Think And Grow Rich”, “Who Moved My Cheese”, “Dynamic Thoughf, “The Holy Bible” “The Mis-Education Of The Negro”,etc. Raise your level of thinking. Associate with more good people! Eliminated unproductive words from your vocabulary. If you don’t want it. By: Michael Shinn, CFP “Too many of our children are growing up in circumstances where they don’t understand the value of money,” comments Debra Milton, outreach consultant at Faith Community United Credit Union in Cleveland, Ohio. If they don’t understand how to manage their money, someone else will do it for them at their peril.” Money-smart children understand that money is a power that helps you achieve your personal and family goals. They under stand that money is green and does not have a race, religion or sex. Their parents teach them about the value of money, through an understanding of the exchange of time for money. For example, if you make $10 per hours and buy a Jay-Z DVD costing $20, then you have exchanged to hours of your life to see and hear Jay-Z perform. Money-smart children understand the old saying that “time is money.” Money-poor children only see money as a medium to buy material things that end up additional liabilities. Are we teaching our children the value of both time and money and the necessity to use both wisely? Money-smart children understand that it is not how much money you make, but how much you keep that’s important! They understand that the secret is to pay themselves first and that their financial future is as important as their landlord’s, the grocer’s or clothing store owner’s. Their parents insist that they save a portion of their allowance, summer job money or monetary gifts. Saving becomes a habit. Money-poor children spend first and plan to save what is left and usually there is nothing left. Money-smart children are taught to make money work for them. They are taught about markets, how to save and invest and how compound interest works. They understand basic accounting and the negative impact of taxes. They are encouraged to read books and listen to tapes about making money, because they understand that their financial education is a lifelong process. Money-poor chil dren end up working for money. They get a job (Just Over Broke) and a lifestyle that matches or exceeds their income. Entering into the New Year is a good time to reflect on what we are teaching our children about money. Do we explain the differ ence between working for money and having money work for them? Are we guiding them to be money smart or poor children? Finally, are we practicing what we preach? (Michael Shinn is a registered representative of the Financial Network Investment Corporation. Visit for more information. Questions and comments may be e-mailed to