Page 18 May 2010 The AC Phoenix Sexual Enhancement Product For Men Arrives In Triad by John Raye A new product designed to help men maintain or regain their sexual health has arrived in the Triad. However, you won't find it in any stores or retail outlets.The product, an all natural, Chinese herbal stimulant, has been around for years and is widely known for its invigorating impact on male sexual endurance. Most often, it is sold through distributors like Curtis Neal, a Greensboro-based entrepreneur, best known for his merchandizing of upscale ladies apparel, shoes, clothing and handbags. Neal, who has been selling ladies apparel for over 25 years, says he has never seen anything sell as quickly as his all-natural male stimulant product. "I am amazed, simply amazed, blown away really. In my ladies apparel and cloth ing business, I have a re-order rate ranging anywhere from 45 %to 50%. But with my male stimulate product business, my re-order rate is almost 97%!" he said. "In other words", Neal said, "7 out of every 10 clients who try my product for the first time, will re-order". According to experts, client retention is the golden key, the life blood of any business venture. Neal knew he has something special and unique on hand when clients started calling him for more product, often late at night. "I know the prod uct works because I started using it on myself first. After getting favorable results, I did a test marked for about six months, mostly with family and close friends. And most of them would just say to me... Neal, just don't run out of it", he said. Neal has a quick answer when people ask how his product differs from similar male stimulant products that are sold and advertised heavily on television, and in magazines and newspapers."First, my product is plant-based. It is all-natural, 100% all natural, and made from several Chinese herbal plants. No chemicals or artificial fillers in this product. It's the real deal. Secondly, there are no known side effects. When you see similar products advertised in television commercials, they give you a laundry list of all possible side effects. You don't have to worry about such things with my product. It's natural and so there are no side effects. And thirdly, my product is safe. And when used as directed, we guarantee you will experience not only good, but outstanding results" Neal said. It is wildly known that many men suffer from erectile dysfunction and other problems that may interfere or inhibit normal sexual activity. But having tried and seen how this male stimulant product has worked on himself and other satisfied clients, Neal has become a devout believer, a crusader for a natural herbal product that has stood the test of time. "I like this product because it does more than improve a man's sexual health. It works on other vital organs; it cleans the prostate, colon and bladder. Now, this is very important because 3 out of every 5 Black males, as they age, will have a prostate issue. Now that's one of the many side benefits of my product, helping men keep a healthy prostate", he said. Currently, research shows that Black men have the highest rate of colon and prostate cancer in the world.. These are the most preventable and treatable of all cancers if detected in time."In the past, I've had to deal with some prostate issues. But I'm doing fine now, thanks to my regular use of this male stimulus product, lean be real upfront with this because lam a product of the product", he said. "And my repeat business lets me know that its working not only for me, but for hundreds of other men as well.", he said. Neal said his product can be taken with water or juice or eaten with food. How ever, he said the most efficient and effective method is to place the product directly under the tongue and allow time for it to slowly dissolve. "This is not sdmething you have to take every day, although you can take it every day. I have clients who take one a day, then I have others who take it once or twice a week", he said. "You can take it as needed", he said. And Neal quickly adds that his product is purchased by both men and women. "My product is formulated to improve a man's sexual health. It is designed for the male, not the female. However, I have quite a few women who purchase the product for their husbands or significant other", he said. "And if the ladies are happy, it makes everyone happy", he said. When it comes to age, there are no restrictions. He says he has clients as young as 20 and as old as 80 using his product. "I am really surprised and amazed that so many young people are using my product. I thought it would be men in their late 40's, 50's and up who would be ringing my phone. But to my surprise, many young men, some just in their 20'sare ringing my phone. Well, I guess they just want to impress the ladies", he said. Because of diet and changing lifestyles, more and more men are looking and turning to natural remedies to deal with sexual dysfunctions. Erectile dysfunction and impotence are among the many sexual health challenge facing some men. "I know some men simply don't know what to do", said Neal. "And some may have just have given up, but that's unnecessary. There is a better way. And I can show them that better way", he said. Neal said in this 30-plus years in business, this all-natural, male stimulant product is the best thing he has even seen."In all of my 30 years dealing with people, I've never seen anything like this product. Its the best thing I've ever discovered and I wouldn't'trade it for anything", he said. Neal says he always keeps his customer base in strictest confidence. And much of his business is by word-of-month, satisfied customers spreading the word. "Such good word of mouth advertising has helped me to offer marketing opportunities to other men or women who want to earn additional income. This is a good business, and best of all, a good, repeat business", and you can make a pretty good income, he said. Neal says he's aware that many men are very private and very guarded about their sexual health. But some, like one client, who couldn't hide his joy after using Neal's product, exclaimed;"! buy it by the case. I just love it. It's the best thing since they invented the wheel!" Something must be turning because Neal's once all mighty female clientele has undergone a rapid rebirth. But the calls are no longer exclusively for women's clothing, shoes, handbags or accessories. Increasingly, many of the calls are coming from his rapidly developing male clientele. When asked to describe exactly how his male stimulant product works, Neal's answer was descriptive, precise and direct; "think of a pencil that didn't have any lead in it. Wouldn't be a very good pencil would it? My product puts the lead back in the pencil! Makes everybody's happy", he said. Neal's all-natural sexual stimulant product can be obtained by calling (336)707- 7742 or ^ Neal's Sexual Enhancement Male Stimulant!! • Improves and empowers sexual functions • All natural Chinese herbal supplements • Increase sexual endurance • Eliminate sexual dysfunctions • Restore sexual energy • Cleans prostate, colon and bladder • 100% guaranteed to work; • Safe and effective, no side effects ...Orderyour supply today! Feel like a Real Man again! (336) 707-7724 or