QUEENS BLUES Page 3 A. D. Pi I Kappa Delta Chi Omega Exams are at last over and we We are all so excited over the Last Sunday at feed the Chi O’s resolve to study harder this semester, houghts of our new house that we had a number of visitors—Jean Dulin, After exams most of us packed up can’t see straight. They started Vibez Daolez, Ferg’s sister and Lap- and went home. Nina Brown and learing down the old one Monday tam—and our pictures were taken Lulu Lowrance had a nice long week- and it will probably be finished by by “that man who (finally) comes md at home. March in time for our initiation. around.” Mary Maynard is already 0 4-1 • » Tri-rirr nf pniirsp weiit Some of our girls went to the"^°^*‘y^"S which dance she wil Catharine King, or course, went h 4.u„ « i i i i«i 1 • 1 il Dfl-vidson IVTid—wintprs rind tlipv i«p_ I ^htcncl liic iirSL \vc0k~cnd in IVlHrcii to Winnsboro which she is slowly ^^viason xViiu winters ana tney , ^ ^ n -/i t surely making her liome. | ® wonderful time. The ones | Club of Davidson. Imag- Alpha Gamma Delta We w^ere all glad to have Virginia L^|. ..v,. .. . Morrison as a visitor at the feed lasU Mitchell, Alice Clark, and T^ho went were Aileen Long, Marie I , , ^ I 1 1 I I Pons tTfl-Hp TCirlv'Tjfif’nplc T tIIt. ATat*-! A.iiionff tliosc wlio went to JJciVid” Sunday night. Betty Elmore had to go see homc Kons, Jane rvirkpatricK, i.aiia iviar , .. j 1 4.1 „ riT ’ 11 1- iw-irif Kntherinp Martir Nancy Walker, Dutty Jones,dances jlast we|elc-end were Brooksie Folger attended the Da oiks, too. Mary Katherine i Mauier Dot Brannon Cpnnv Smith vidson dances last week-end and went home with Yvonne Williams, ’nd Tiny Waddill. This week-end ^“Jer, Dot Brannon, Genny Smith, • 1 I 11 nyT 1- 1 I /Vilccn IS i?oin£? down to C'lemson fori etc. Frunnie spent the she is to attend the Clemson mid- Snoodie Matheson, Margaret Dicker, I ^ m a f V z- n f week-end with Sara Kellv and renorts 11 Li 1 Ti^k.-ncnn Tc-ihpllp Mcnowell Mid-w'mters and Ginar Baxter witn oara jveiiy ana reports winters this coming week-end. ^arolyn Robinson, Isabel ^ rc.-i.ci-k ui-ii^ a fine time Hickv snent the week 4, , HiiJ nd Gldays Hartzell had fun at home, s going to Spartanburg for the J^«P-1 J ^ ".“"Y spent the week Sybil Eppes had as her guest this I I gig banquet and dance. Here’s I with Dot and says she had as visliing them luck. . I time as room-mate, h rannie. Rita Clary, wl,o went to Queens - , , . , I ast year, was here for Davidson Mid. ““'■y S. C. Isabelle Rogers, Betty Burgess, hell came to see us last Kyi^ters and w-e haven’t stopped the Duke- and Carolyn Williams are going to with her she brought Edith Tinsley Carolina basketball game in Durham. week-end her sister, Kathryn Eppes Elaine Suber plans to spend this I This week-end Mary Katherine i.‘ week-end at her home in Whitmire, going to Richburg, S. C. IMary Rus yet, cause, as usual, Rita got in her spend Saturday with friends ^t hnd other friends. Snoodie Mathe ‘ a 1... /> .cw. 1 a . Ixin •' Tabie, between the wedding and “Gone Winthrop. Keller Young is looking h,on is going to Columbia Thursday I c i * • • VVith the Wind”, is still in an uproar forward to spending a delightful hhe is taking Mary Jane Goode home Sunday night, since we mid-winters at P. C. week-end in town with her aunt. vith her for the week-end to Ben Louie n t have the feed down at thcL^^j grand. And Mrs R L Miller Mary Ellen nettsville. Frances Marion O'Hair ouse, we ecided to have a dutch Mrs. R. L. Miner, ix ^ c...., “rw-rw” ^-itnrrl-iv nr popper at the lavern. It turned out vr„i.„i;,. r,„iv jj- ■ Miller, and Jeanette Hite are cominghame tp see GWIW , Saturelaj, anc j 11 ^ [Natalie and Cals wedding! from Wlntmire to spend the week-1 visited Catharine King, end with Julia Miller. Alpha iota Meets Annie Carr Powers, Betty Bloom, An enjoyable social hour was held ^ Alberta Setzer, Mary Mason, Ann Ly the Alpha Iota president, Ann Cleveland,'i.rc Golden, Frances Truelock, Margaret Wednesday, hebruary 7, in the to pay us a visit Glenn, Sarah Holleman, Ann Miller Vjarious games were played, and Janes, Billie Pickett, and Kitty Sue | the Alpha Iota songs were practiced. The business meeting was icd b, IRoMnSOTl the president, Ileita Caldwell. Dif ferent ways of making money '^*^^^\EntertainS StsteV [discussed. I to be a great success. Butch Harden went to Columbia IPan-Hell Meets last week-end to help the new chap- The regular meeting of Pan-Hel lenic was held in Burwell Hall at :er with second semester rushing and| she came back with very pleasant,., „„ , „ , -vy . , 7:30 on Ihursday, Febryary 9 news. Next week, our providence | . . Harvin. A very interesting program was coming . j A , ; presented. A member from each so- J rority told something of the history of Her sorority, and of the people in the different chapters who had been outstanding in some field. Nine Initiated In Alpha Kappa Gamma The Olympian circle of Alpha Kap pa Gamma, honorary leadership fra ternity, held initiation ' u services on Words of Class Song Presented New Plans Alter On Tuesday evening at 7:00 the college dining liall was the scene PmVer MeetUlgS of one of the most delightful social o ^ b. C. A. Cabinet has planned Phi Mu Exams! What could be a better let-up from them than dancing! At Davidson Mid-winters we were rep resented by Jane Rankin, Nell John son, Jean Neu, and Helen Wester- field. Next week-end our No. 1 jit terbug, Billie Harmon, is going to sponsor at Wake Forest Mid-winters. We’re proud of you, Billie. Have you heard all the good music coming from our house lately? We want to thank the pledges for the beautiful turn-table they gave us for Christmas. Hilda McManus spent the week-end with Libba Harms. The seniors are coming along just fine with their practice teaching. Betsy Springer visited Alene Ward in Tryon last week-end. She also went to Columbia recently to attend a wedding. Visitors at the feed lest week were: Mary Virginia Zieverink, Jay Thomas, Mickey Phillips, Sara Par dee, Bobby Jennings, and Jane Hix. We’re glad to have Jane back in :own again. She’s here finishing her aboratory training. deft'erent program for the jirayer meetings during the rest of the schoo The Boarding Student body events of the year. The occasion was a dinner party given by Miss Grace Robinson in honor of her sister. Miss There have been many re(}uests|Qiivia Robinson, of Philadelphia. Aft- Fridav Februarv 2, at 4:00 in P^lfor the words of the Sophomore songLr dinner coffee was served to thel ^ een (i\i e into groups of two an dso here they are printed he- faculty and Miss Robinson’s guests ^ ea er or each group . j 1 ii r.Pnnlp low'. This song w'as written by Jane ja Burwell Hall. The initiate inciudecl a Lnlaoraerv and Eli.al,ell, Isauca in who were honored at the iast lapping Mo,itgom fi fppiiltv Dean connection witli the theme of the rrrs.aJn”:,D“ — D^jLoSopho.^^^^ The worda are were honored '■'l-e seven girls chosen „l]egi„iiee, dear Mother] from the student body were h raiic« Riddle of Columbia, C-. ‘ t|„„„g|.„,.t Stoner of Elberton, Ga., Elisatet | Musical Artists T oAppear Soon On April 21, the Queens Clioral the groups in The theme of this program is hasec on the verse: ‘Where two or three are gatherec together in My Name, there am in the midst of them.” These groups meet witli their roup leaders on Monday nihgts, anc on Thursday nights there will be a Brammer of Christiansburg, ^^’’1 ^pvays w'e honor, protect, and clier-jclub will sponsor the appearance of|t*’‘^ Hut. Special jirograms will be Alice Barron of Columbia, S. C., or- McCrae, baritone. ’ othy Longenecker of Belgian gtandeth for. McCrae is a student artist at Jul-r^^'^t.'’ Idle cabinet hagussseeg dt Maujer Moseley and Caro in( miide throughout I Hard School of Music in New York, I ^ cabinet has suggested wards of Charlotte. I eternity Alpha Kappa Gamma, which Our steps shall not falter, ognizes outstanding leadership |^j[ hail, Alma Mater, to thee. first Other the Uni-1 service on the campus, v as ^ organized at Farmville State Teach ers College in Farmville, Va chapters are located at versity of North Carolina, University of South Carolina, and Queens Col lege. Virginia Smith of Charlotte is president of the local chapter. February Optimist Dainty prints of a rabbits foot a damp eartb. A cozy chair—a floor lamii. Bvron’s “Prisoner of Chillon.’ An English tea room. V^alentine chocolates. A grandfather clock. Pessimist arranged for the meeting Hut.'’ “Hut.’' and a native of Columbia, S. C. ItL^'*’^ other days of the week is said that he has remarkable talent devotionals he substituted for one so young, being only 23 nightly dormitory prayer years of age. Last summer he wonr^Y*^”'^**' an appointment to the opera com-| group leaders are: Irene Me ^ " Kitty Sue Harvin, Call, Jean in on Monday, February J Hall. in pany at Chatauqua, New' York, where he spent the entire season. AfterCookie Scoggin, Dot Ray- his appearcince in “Naughty Marri-r”*^”^^’ Miller, Mary Gilmer etta'’ the follow'ing notice appeared: \ irginia Cothran, Maur- ine I.atta, Frances Prter, Mary Mar “His rich baritone woice contrib-L,,., Louise IBue, Mar'v Jean uted some of the most enjoyable I Houston, Frances [singing of the evening.” Hunter, Sarah Hifileman, Carolin --The Columbia Robinson, Ida iMae Walkup, Louise At jiresent Mr. McCrae is on ^biry Lyon, Mary Gunn, AI [southern tour. The Queens ChoralStezer, and Ann Golden. Cluh feels that it w'ill be a great [privilege to have him at Queens. What’s In A Name Another important musical event “What’s in a name?'' An old of this spring is the visit of Mr. Wornout phrase, hut read these and Ralph Dobbs to the campus, Mr. find out Which of the tw o is your calendar? I Dobbs, a well known young artist Harriet means “mistress of the Qitkkn's Bi.uks. ’35.1 pianist, w'ill appear under the spon- house: sorship of Miss Mary Wharton. He Laura is a “smyhol of victory.” will present three informal programs] Edith is a “rich gift” or “pros- Propaganda Dis^ cussed By I>R>C. The International Relations Club held its last meeting at p^^^'l^Lanobile that won't start. Boxing matches. . I Galoshes Jean Neu, who had charge o ’^jyjore rain, program, planned a very interesting panel discussion on jiropagan a. Propaganda in European countries, especially Italy, Germany, and Rus sia was discussed. Also discussed, j^giis entertained th in Miss Wharton’s studio on March pering and happy. were what place propaganda has >"1 in the commercial depart 4, 5 and 6. The first of these pro- Benjamin signifies “fortunate.” a democracy and how to detect it i"I ,Hio started practice teaching grams w'ill be one of classical inter-] Frank means “free.” America ‘After the panel had I an informal tea at pretations; the second, romantic; and spoken 'the discussion was opened^ ^ „„ Saturday, February 3. the third, untra-modern. Mr. Dobbs| gjj tea was given to acquaint the is considered one of the most out 1 . , -M, fitiA critic teachers under standing young American pianists Those taking part on the panel girls "'■ >> J' Lnd it is felt that his appearance with Jean Neu were Lucielie Gwa Iwliom lej here will he of interest and benefit ney, Judith Killian, and Helen Coc i __ | only to those w'ho are actively “light.’^ rane. I worry if you’re green; you'll engaged in the study of music, but An important part of the program o . . are also to all w'ho enjoy really good was the initiation of Julia Edwards,|grow. Jiut if ,v • a new member of the club. ripe, you’ll rot. Helen is Katherine is “pure.” Ethel is “nohle.” Edna is “pleasure or delight.” Ruth is a “friend or a beauty.” Claude means “lame.” Sarah is a “princess.’’ Eimly is “industrious.” And good old Martha is a “lady.” —The Johnsonian. Guests Are Many During Week End Queens W'as gay this week-end with many visitors. Mary Martha Nixon liad as her guest Margaret Ramsaur from W. C. U. N. C. Miss Robin son’s sister was a guest ta dinner Sunday. Frances Prater’s mother spent the week-end witli her. Kay Coan from W. C. U. N. C. visited Virginia Goode. Annie Vivian .tones enjoyed a visit from her sister, Mary, who teaches at Orrum, N. C. While we were entertaining guests this week-end some of the Queens girls were being guests. Plenrietta Mclver visited Nancy Raley in Ruby, S. C. Anne Fuller and Marjorie Poole attended a tea given by Miss Inglis for the busine.ss students who begin their practice teaching soon. Lib Porter, Marjorie Poole, and Harriett McDowell attended David son Mid-winters. Botany Clubbers Discuss Project The first meeting of the Linnean Club in the seend semester was held Tuesday, February (i, at 3:30. Sottie McNulty of Pocahontas, Va., president of the organization, pre sided. Tlie purjiose of the meeting was to discuss old and new busi ness, dues, the annual picture, the ;mll, a picnic, and the project of the year. Miss Sarah Nooe, advisor for the cluh, talked. ' The largest school in the world is Columbia’s American School of the Air. 8,000,000 boys and girls in 200,- 000 classrooms attend through their radios every weekday in the school year. The Qukexs Bi.ues staff and the student body extend their sincere sympathy to Miss Ann Vann and Miss Margaret Flo we in their recent bereavements. r I it . t '■ > ■ i ' : ■ I ! ; P !' ) i' I' pi ' I !-•. * iu 1:^ 9 ! i)«;

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