w May, 1956 THE OWL Page Five Owl's Eye View of O. H. S. 1. Alvin’s bags 2. Gene Krupa 3. Mae’s Man 4. Early tan 5. Big Four 6. The Rose Tattoo 7. Drum Majorette 8. Where is he, Twin? IS. Serious Seniors 22. Ain’t she sweet? 9. Dig ? 16. Watch outj Guy! 23. Down on the farm 10. Kill it with a stick! Royalty 24. Sophistication 11. Youth in Bloom 18. Between acts 25. Keeping clean 12. Find Averett girls! 19. Four Stooges 26. Resting their weary 13. Weird assortment 20. Too young to go steady ? 27. Off the job 14. Kiddies 21. Warpaint