■THK (jltl’IiANS’ FlflKSi); ' Woduo^dsiy, jifoc 2d. ,/ S^H'F^'.”—I’Ik! Kalisljii- 'y.: tli;i{ one iiier- bitaiitMif tlo'if tdOtii sOH;!; aniniallvi time! tlioOsiiii'l .iii'lili's tvoi'fli of hyrtilf; airti j'V-f iliefo is more siiittf used ill (lie State of Maine than tliSve'is in North Carolina; ■JOiix Cifi'Toi', of Keiuttcky, is a ^yi(•,ked laau. Milieu the late friis'f (tiunad'eil liis yohiig- (•ro]), he (ai.VSP'} CtocI for it: the aaiiu! (hu: he was s ftken witli paralysis ami has not been able fii Speak since. , ,Ax ,.1xTK1£ESTI.\(! IIlSTORIO.trj llnijc.—Some time since) ivliile fiitgrtgetl ih tleaniiin out the trendies of tlie Petersburg- Aqne- (I'uct Company, on tlie liill.s across the river, one of fl(e workmen dug- up, some .si.x or seven feet hehi.'v. tlie surface of the ground, a small gold locket, of antique make, iqion the back of wliich ■\viis.inscribed tlie name ‘dlOiVe.” In the loc'kef, tvell presdfveil un der the g-liiss eiiclosur'ei -irns the likeness of au officer in uniform. As the Kritish had their liead- tjuarters on this hill lit one time during the Hefoltitionary war, it is-.siqiposed this locket, Which is believed to coiitaili (i ininature pamting of (feiiefal Howe, may ha\'e been drojiped bt' Some one liaving it in poSscs.-floii.- At etiri- Oiis circumstance tliat it .sliould htt found at tliis hitfe' day; tttitl so fartiiideT the ground. T vM'd'k t-t’i'frf-.n,,—c-AVe ffnt'ft' stiw a young man ga^^ift'g at. tlife' *r^- }teaveii.s,- witli a f W 1 ibi/d a Of p?,iftol.s ill till! otiier. AVe •‘iidea'-Ored to.attract lii.s attention by ■hig'.M It. H in a paper ire held hi oui'-'t-'y-; fdftfiiig -J ft A-oiing Allan ill tliat.^ of the county, wlio liad left liome in a shite' of inpntal deriingemelit. He dropped tli6' f pistols from Ids witli tho-l ‘I'l.t is' c rif iffiffiii C read. 1 left liome bed mv friends knew of my design. I had sO tlie r-g=" Of a girl irlio rofn.sed '2 lisKI 2 Aie, but siiiiled bbly on aifothcr. .iji '1 ed 'madly front tlrd Itonsc, nlte'-iiig a wild ’ 2 love, and willi- Aut- rqpi'-iiig to the ?:f of mv I'rioiid.s. (':«!!■,' lier, with tliis f it !ii.sfols, to vui a . 2 mv f-.xi-aS.ticc. My c.i'se lias no |.| ffl t'hi.s §. ’ . .. Hoses oai *ti# ojiwltch,’'* The “rod wreathed with flow ers” iS; often liftmed as the poet ical symbol of antliority at once firm and tender ; but we heard it quite .so neatly literally put as here. , A bright little hoy in Nashville, just three j-cars old, is, like most little clftips of his ago, sometimes refr|t?l'ofy. In order to curb him find'infike him a good little boy, Ids ihbthef often threateu4'd hiiir with' -,a' peach tree “persuader.” The little felfo-W has Cotne to uiiderstand .Miy alliudoli fi the lionch tree, and usually sulisides ■vflfen it is sjiokeu of. A few days ag-oj siii'ce the flbWeriiig of the fruit trce.s, a slight reference was niade'to'tins’same ti-'ee, when the little fellow made pbaco. for that diiA' b\' looking- up- and saving, “Wry ,■ mamma, the switche.s are coverci'S w'itlf roses.” A miiHb'ii' Monroe coimtcq Ikl. roused to'froiizA' hv the iteu-s from A liJNlVC lioj^ 15Y MYKY never or so CoiH'oi'd and j-iexintst^/li^dias just taithtul to liis little brother. declared^ liis indei>eiidenco by flo(jrii*^^lijs niothe.r-ii'i-laSv n’ith a li6t (’'i'ldtlie;'' neig’libors, libwever, re.^uru the afikiv simp ly as a family broil. “ I liifi,” tlnoight !i buy while ]jeiiii>; trumicod by lii^fbuJ i'irp.i, -‘is very lil-*j'irwhitk‘.’^ lie rS'-ftS only eight ycftf.f old, blit 1 think, when I tell yon tlie •story, yon ivill agree that lie de- Sorved tlie title. M'o were in tlie coinitrv, sitting- aroiintl the dinner 'lahlO in oiir quiet old farm hou.se, when sud denly there burst upon us sound.s of shouting and liallooing, whicli vapidly increa.sed Until, to onr a.s- tonisiiinent, we saw a powerful liitrso; attached to it lumber w-ag- im, teiiriiig down the lane on three logs, d’ho fourth leg- was su3])ended in sometldiig over the dish b'la.:- an.l witli this lie tvas kicking furum.sly. In the wagon wliere two mites of hoys j tlie smaller one tvas clinging desjier- atelv to the seat, whild the other, clutching- the reins, shrieked as the kicks of tlie iiifiuiated animal fell iqioii him! “Whoa ! whoa !—-oh oli-oli !’* Wo ruslied out to rescue tlie little fellow but at this moment the fi'igliteiied liorse succeeded in frcfe'ilid Ids entangled foot. Once more upon all fotirs, lie .seemed to recover his senses immediately, and brought Up in a mo.st resjtec- Mhle nuifilier at the gate apposite, I'lie ffiiigulei- runaway being- ,so suddenl\- terminated, we took the little one.s in to comfort and con sole thOm. l£ix ye.'lrs-old lleili-, palid witli terror, his eyes dibit- ed to the .sizO of .-'mall moons, Iiad not uttered a souii'd though lie liad escaped without a s-CratcIi, or so lUnC'lr aS the j-uffliiig of a cui-l on hi.s .sunny little he.td. Ihit Freddy, the little hero, who had ill .spite of danger, liold his reins witli tile grip of a true liorseman, was not so fortunate. Me was Iialf frantic witii pain from his to-n'iset I aUd bloody sliinS, and na;fii*ridly tli-iUtglrt IrO'wa.s ncarh- killed. Jhit his injui-ies jiro.vcd not soriims as we feared, and at last he -liokel down Ids’ sobs to tell US’the'story of the riiUaw'ay. . '’‘Padsoii never run awa vlK-fore in filt Ids life,” .said he. “lie is file best old felloiv in tlie W'lrli!,- but coming-down tlie long hill, something about tlie hariiess was wrong. Idle wagon pitched foi'- wai'd and hit him (‘very stop, and lie began tb Kidk awfiilh-, and got h’i‘.s-toot caught, wiiicli was a groat itcal worse, and tlien lie ran .awfry' as fast as he could over the bridge and all. lint I just hold on tight, and reined liiiu into the lane where we were coming to geJ our dog cart. He got his foot loose then, and stopped jits't a's A'ou all came ou-t.” Freddy'’s statement quite' re deemed- I’ltt'son’s chai-acter in onr estimation; we could not believe that such a respectable sleok-coat- ed, befio-felent looking beast, would iiavo run awnn- out of mal ice. “Ihit, Freddyrye said, rvliy didn't you dro]) tiie lines and jump out wlien old J’a.r,son rva.s kicking you so ‘Oil/ I couldn't ma’am,.’ said Freddy, nodding towards jiertie. ‘1 couldn’t lear'c him, you kmiw;- I rvouldn’t liave left him-for an\-- thiiig.' The ansrver had the true i-ing to it, and rr-'e'blessed fhe maiilv little fellow w ho rvas not only coin-ageotTS ill the midst of dangers This story is true in cr err'p.frfkT- ular, and I am sure the r-oung liero'deSer'.'es hebe put iqiefi ■rec ord.—.Ijittle Corporal. IWiii-t rvord'is" alvV-iiA'S' pro nounced v. roiig, er-eii by 'the best acliohu's'?—Wrongr TIm! EAilf'ci-.iut nl' thC '.I'cuiii- fcr.' A gentlemali tiiok Id.s' .%n fli ii dfmlkeii I'orV ill a taverii; where the inmatCH were tigliting and .swearing, Kiid .Said lie : 'Do YOU knorV whiit iuis cau.sed all tills'?’ ‘No, sir,’ His father, )iointing to tho de canters, said : ‘That’s the cause. AVill r oxr take a driiik I'he lioy started back rvitli hor ror and c-vclaiiWed : ‘No!’ Then ho toolc tho child to the cage of a mail with .delii-iuiu tre- mens. The h',)}' gazed upon liim affi-ightened, as tlie drunkard raved and tol'd, and tliiiiliiig the' demons rv.ere after liini, cried: ‘J.eave me alone ! leave mo aloH! 1 see’eiu ! tlidv’re coming !’ ‘Do you know tlie cau.se of tliis, my boy ?’ ‘No, sir.’ ‘Tins is ean.sed by drink j-oii have some ?’ and tlie boy shrank back with a siiudder as he refused the enp: Ne.xt tliey called at tiie ini.scr able hovel of a drnnkard, rvliero rr-as squalid poverty, and the drmikeii father beating Ids rvife and, ivith oaths, knocking' down his cliildren. ‘Mliat lias caused thi.s ?' siild tho father. Idle' soil was silent. M’heii told tliat it was rnni, lie dechircdthat he wouldiievertoiich a drop ill his life. But .suppose tliat the lad should be invited to a wedding' feast whei-e, witli fruit and cake, tlie wine cup is pii.sscd, amid scenes of clieerfnhless aiul gayety, wliere all the friends are respectable, lieloved and kind to eacii otiicr, and lie should lie 'asked to drink, would he refuse ? Or siqipose him walking out with Ins father on'New A'car'-S' day to ca'H mi Ids yoi'virg lady friends, to enjoy the ferfivitv of ushering in' the New Aliar. AA’itii other tidiig-s, wine is handed to liim by a smiling g-irl. His nolde-hewted fatlier, whom lie loves, fitesses the wine- glrisV. tbliHlips, and eom])liments the young lad}- on the exeellem-e of its (|uality ; ivhat wonder if the sou follow ills examples ! A €ib uii'ims Witness. Nobody knows, who has not been on tho witiioss-KtiiiKr, how difficult it is to testify iii a court of jus'tiee/ especially when tlio lawyer.s doteniiiiie to puzzle and confwsB the unfortunate witness. The following- good stoi-)- of Ad miral Bailey is related in the New A'ork Kreninij Vuol ' Jteifey v^as once sunmrbiVed as ft witne'ss ill a civil suit—a posi tion altogether new to him.- .His aiixiot}' was increased by the warning- of liis friends, who- \kere constantly telling him to be On Ids' guard, as the’hnvyers Avoiifd bbtl'.e.r’him.'aiiil makd him coiitrif diet himself mid appear to be a liar. I’ho' old- man liiid'a sleep- les.s night before the day of trial, and- when lie'eirtered the ivitness- box it Avas Avith a uen-onsness’ such as he had nevhi' expdnencod* hi going into battle.' AVlreii the first questii'lf, “AVhat is }-our name Avas jiroposed to him, his hrtndsfwlgefod tromliling- ]y about.- ami the perspiration broke Ont On his hroAV. He Ai as evideiiH-y 'i-'n deep pei-jjloxing tlmnght, and-f'emained silent. The question Avas repeated'Vith' cnqiiiasis,' “F ask,-what is' your name, sir *” With a. iiviglity effort, tho old- Admiral jerked out the result of Ids deliberations'^, “The-o-do-riiS' Bailey”—adding itiijji’eSsiv'ely ivonk-to that rfvot.' ('ON'i'Hnu.'Tibxs id the (ii;i>ii.\x .\SYH-M PUd.M M.vve-,.;.,, to ji:ne .1st iX(.'Eust\';E. , , .IN'CASU; Piii't ill t'li'iitifiH “ .Mt rtt'jliUl'.Ull Loiliru, fl'j",' ‘* U'r|>liuii'’s Fmauj,, “ (.'miuhu Luilji-f,' iS,r)i), Ruck Funl I.udj«',!45i; “ ~,'')0,(.’uutribu;iou bu.'C uf (..iisxVUo Lulr', KR. “ J,nO&icli, JaiHoti IJ W«bb, Mr« if A ytnutlcyy J if i.-susiter/ Kodor Viuii ^ 11 \ (•iddullti; IN KINIh' 'J’hruugli Kliistuu Ludgf,' SIO—viz. A 8 (JOiihiger' 1 bmVdff.’ Jiiu Ri'iiAvn, 2 lbs cuA'ci’,’ 2 lbs siiijav. 8 II Abbott, 10 yards \vu!-st(‘(Tgoods. ('Ittiii Ibiib'y,' 1 hiit. lie iry Hjtilt'v, s;ilt a'lid ^u/t;V.' i\ (* Fields, lOviHds Ciili'eo. K Striekliii, 1 bar soiijii (-• KhV;?, 2 towels;' Tf'jiVf.s t toni‘1. F Cl Clriifin, 10 y:trd.-. slH?etiiir.'’ W I) Riiyner, 10 viirds ealiN>.' A' U ilillei-, ,f bundle. H FieltVs, 0 yii'nls 4 bars soap. J U Cuiiuniiiirs, 1 bundle. (.' liiirper; 2 ]):iekjig‘Si .1 8 'Htimiiiittj.s, 1 biiiidk', I liHt Soup/ . r A Hai’vlw; .t bbl Jl.mn S Kiiisteiii, 2,^ia\vls, 2 iiiiruns,- (J IiiOs. Ale.v Nieli ils, 3 saek fl'iiUr. Henry Rryant, 2 Idtis Hoar.’ Some S'-h(dl lfrls/2 -loiik,*/f ifrdss, psiper.s. A I> Clie^ntit, 41 yjird’sslH'eting. ('eutril)itfiojis t( .MiCrg Hill iVom M:iy iOtli to iliiy llf.sti IN Fiiirl .'?28 -JO; Yunnr J>adi(‘s of Aslievjlk'. “ R V Mi/kst'(.ci;-7 “ J.50, ^’;lnee I.od^-e, 204. IN' Iv’tND.' 8 R Carter 2-1 Hu Jb.iuis;' ’/j I Cirrter .X giit;^ .Mobiuses.’ .John L (loi'ii, 2 ffak iiiolie^'kftS,’ J 33 Raniiihl/ li^.OO irrCiiRett; •Mrs R \V 8aiiis; 0 duz Jhj^as. '1 lio lolluwjng pc'rsoiis Ihivo pjiid for Tin-; (.tui’HAN.s’ i'liiKNH fur uHo yeiir from this djite : tleor^re 81ielliin (jidditioiial .six inontlis,) J Ii (.1 min, .Miss Lucie Ihmdersoii, ICi li di Xasi >’ .lames A Jordan, ‘Wiliiam Loekliaif,. Capt 8. 'r, 'W iHiaiitet, Mrs Wi'fffetV Joliiismi, FrankR^’L.^ F/Oson. TI?R [i rut/f ffiO 8|!'am,s|i of Lnni.s I'uiice do Leon] HV Wll.I.rAM ( I'Ll-r.N HRYANT. (loud 81u.j)li«Td, wilt tliou b'ave In tills low vale the llodv tliat Avas tliy care Aiune to pine and f^riuve/ iVliile tliruiiirli the jnirer air I Iiou ri.'-'csCs ii^’ to fields /irevor fail T They AA'lio. supremely blest, Until thfl dawn of tliis tinlmppyiUy 3.iean«(l on vhy loving broiwt, To whom on e;wth shall they ifoarkon or look, when thou art far away ? hat eomelinesa or grace Can they whose eyes la-ludd thy beauty, see In other fonii or face? "What music Avill no^ bh MaMh'to the dfi?£-t'hht liYitYlyeh'oVee fo ^e? Wlio d'oM'' d'potl the dbcp’ 81iall locdv, aTA'd’finrlV its fiiry i' lay Tiie' .stormy winds a.-Ieep ? "Wlmt lode-star’s friendly ray, \\ hen thine i.s hid, shall guide the vessel’s way. Why cliahgo onr happy sta!e.- O eiiviun.s cloud,’to lielplessnes.s^ind fear? lloAv proud of t]i‘.*ir freight 'I’liy shilling fools aj)[H*ar ! I'loAv hlhid and'’wotctied thou dost'leave us here! The 'Lri'Ti.E Fi.oaa-ei!—One (lay, two A'bung girl» Avenfr to town. I'l«5y tft-ere BotTilaugliter.'f ot a gartleiibf. Fiu-h of them car- rioff ft ba,shet-fiil of fruit or floAV- ers. As tliey Avent along', ojte of tliteln- bfeeaine (lisKatisfieil af tlid Aveiglit of her biL^-ket; the btlief A'teiit easily, sliighig all- the time. *'‘1 catiitof unHcfstiiiiil AA'liy you sing,” s.'itil'tlio first to lier sister ; “yon are not any stronger tlian I mil, anil yb'iir lia'Skfif i.s .just us lieav}' ifTiiuiie.'” ,. , “.Th't I'eason i's;” saitl'tlie- bfirif,- smfl’iiig', “tliaf I liiivct put a" httle iloAver in my bask-of;' AMiieh'SeeiAs me front-f/Aiing" itk AA'eighf' Ho' A'OU' likcAVis'ev” .iSefliiitioii of Tci'-ins? A ttiiy’s jouin f wai ihii'ty^,' tlireb iinit oiie-fiftii miles. A Siih'ti'afh (ia} ’s journey 'ifal about ail Ihiglish mile. Ezf kiel’s feeil Avits oloA-en leeij nearly. iV culiit is fweufy-tAVb iitchh^ nearly.' A naitil’S b'feaitfh i.s equal to thrbtj ami five oightlis inches. A tinger’.-s bt-eailtli is cipuil to one inch,' A .shekel of silvoi- Aviis about fifty cents,' A Sbeket ofgoTi't Avas 88? A fa(6'nt of .?il\'ef Avas A fii'lcMif of gohl Aviii.s $1.1,80!). A piico of silviAr, or a penny,’ wa.-i fffirfeeii cents. A fiirtfii^'.'r aVIis three ceiit.s. A’ nVife Avas le.-s i hiii ij quiVrter of a cent.', A geritli Avas pne|Cent.', All ephiili,' oi' bath,’obii'tlinis soaV eit gallons ami fii-e jiinfs. A Win Avas one g-A'Il'en! iiiVd two pintsy , A fi'tkin Arils fevfetj pints. An/iji'tef ■ Ava's .ST'S pi'iit.s.' A. caf)' Vv'iis three jiinf.s'.' A BKm”1-1 FIT, J..VAA-.—It i.-s a genet'.ft) hiAV of I'lathre fl'iat Ijy heat lyotriks' .'Spand', ai'iil in coolf ing they cbut/Vc/;' Tii tliis' biio' exception exists—water,' iiV eoli-' tradistinetioii from all other sub stances, expands or groAvs ligfi'tei*’ IS it cool's tnaceftain j'loint. Hence Ave often Avake up in t'lii) ftnirning-'" and tiiftT oiVf ealtflieif iiiteWers l,fo-' fieri after a night’s freezi),' and' great rocks and blocks iSf iroif have been split by the saiho poAv-1 (‘r. Nature ucA-er does anA'fhing.1 for mere pastime, lier freaks ftr# not freaks, her -Anr-i' ffict is found ed on a good purpySe,' beiiefieencej eiitel's iiitn the SfEifit' of nil Wed , opera'tfVii'i's:' Hi tliijf being of ijiytiafls’o’f livihg' irea-'’ ture.S was kejif in' vi'bAAq for if tliis^ hiAv did iKt ex'i.sf on onr lakes and'; fivers when the AA-ater groAvs crfkP it Avould sink anil the ice forming' from the bottom Avonld fill fhom,’ thus de.sti'oying thft life', e.fisting in tlie'nt.- ^ H'l-f tlie othAAl'iiiud, the’ waiter as it cools tisbsj' a'.Vdthe ic'd' forms on fhd sViVt'A'ik),''leaving , a snug*,' AA-ftfin hqmO for tho (-reatiifes’ th.'tt itifiiibit the submarine AA'iirld.' The Office. The printing office has iridoeif proved a better college to many riFnlbre intellect' out and' frirned if iii'to’ practical,' nsetnl channels, aAvakened mdrb' :minds ge-nerated'm‘bre active and. elevated' thduglifs';.' difwi Tiny of the literary edllege's'' df t!id coiiii-l try. A boy Avho coiniileniied in' siu-li a school as the printing of-,, fice,-’ At’ill liiwe Inis- tatents and* ideas bronglit put; and if he is a" careliil obser\M7-' qxporieficeil, in his profession 'ifill ^ coiiti'ibnte ’ niore tOA-i'aftls an eitucafiou tliaii fciit ud dlrtained iii' lilnids't' aiiy' othef nWihii^r.'' A'ffditi.p saw,-for the firs'f time,’ a school girl going tliroitijW .somo’ ot her gw'iiitnistic e'xMx-i.it's'fdr tlin’ amnseiuchrof the’ liftle ones at ' I'omy M'tfter gaz.m'gd ;it her AA-itli; lo'ok 0/ interest'funICAimmi.seration for a Avlule,’he asked' a' Hoa' near bv if that gat liiitf tits'? No, ro” iilied the lad, contemptnoiisly,, thatjs gAy-miiastics. fth, ’tis hey t .siiid the A-'erdai-rt ; laov idi.g lia.s* h'lie had ’em 'h A Jkutdimftir lilfiiga'.sked Iioav often be .sliltvcd; replied': “Dree’ dimes a v'eek; offery tay but * .Soontav; den T slutveis ''effer-/' %■” . *

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