iiiriT.r^ir^'r^'iirTr " i f i TIIK ORPHANH’ PRIP^NT). ' I^ioisdajy, .'Svily 1-2, 1^75. 'J’iiK X.—Wo ilAoj’t th“ Ii;n'al wsfoin of D.'fityj^iiL'- sabsci-ib‘v.5 oftho expirutiou of nicir r:ii!i?r’i)'ii>ir., by placing a cros.-i mark (X) on t'.cir p;!p‘)'VR'S5o, if y;Hi find th'.; mark on VMiu' iiapor you may Icnow tlmt t:u‘ fliiio y 1 ' lid iir has oxpirod; and that, uiilosd you to- lu'w tho papi'f ‘.viil bo dlsicontinucdi ho])0 riont' Will b(! olfctnlod at llavnig ti.c) papof stoj'ja'd whoti tlit-y fail ti pay tip, iis n (cjaaild'n’t imiitifili it ml (.'redit if wb would ; !Hid woiil.in’t if we could, and we can make 110 (‘xcc'ptioiii?. ‘VVliciij tbevefore, you see llii) X’bi! your papot-, Solid Ihb rnouoy tor rc- iicn al right abiiig. Misses’ Oon'Ceki*.—^We have Bioitioiicil olsevvlicre tliat the be- Ecvoient little g'ii'ls of Oxford in- leiuleJ sdOii k) give a coiicoi't for llie boiiefit of , t.lie-Orpliaiis, Wo liave siwco boon notified that the IJoucert tvill take place- d’ueaday e-i'ening, 13th iiirf., at the Asylum Oliapel. An admission fee of 25 cents will bo charged, d’lckets for sale at-the Drug Storen ai;d other stores in town. Wo hope the object of the concert and e;ood tvill towards the givers of it mav, together, bring them a largo audience. IIORBOHS OF THE Year.—It is voinarkcd that no j ear witliin the recollection of the present genor- atioTi lias been so pi-oliiie as this, in reports of disasiers on land and sea,; iniirdors, suicides, death's l)y lij'iitnina'and eiu’thi'iuakcs, storms, iluods, pests and other disaster's. We hear of these things and then pass them by as “accidents” or mere chaneo occurrences, liut is this so ? Has I’rovidenco no hand in them ; and is there no lesson to be learned fi-om t-liem i “God nu'vt's in a mystciiouB way Ills Wc'litU’rs to perforin ; IIu plUTiTS bis footsrt']ts 111 the aea And I'ides upon the tiU'r'uf,” Mid the eye of faitli Will see his waniingp, his judgments or his niercios in et'Ury dtent of his Providence. My Last Ai»i»eal. Sevenil mouths ;igo I rorpiosfed the ininis.- t'-ra of our State to iriciitbih llie Orplian work to '.heir conpre.cra'iiniH a.uO to lorward the cheerful contiibutioiis of the j'cojde. A few fiiihfut edioplnn-ds, of diflei'ent deuom ibiiorruiou f'tiiieiing'’ An Kxamri.e for Litti.e Bots. ■—Last Spring four little girls of Daw county made up a box f)f clotlimg, for the Orjthans. More recently the httS girln of ■\\’ilson gave an entertainment, the proceeds of which Were con tributed to the sUijport of (he Or- lihan Asylum; and at this time a number of the little Misses of Ox ford .are prej)aring to gite a Con cert for the same purpose. So much for the dear little girls. Samuel Vance Shelton, a little boy ■five years old, of Buncombe conhtA-, got togetlier ’sixty cents, (lie. proclucts of bis own labor, and sent it as a contribution to thij. Orphans. M”ilUe Oscar llid- dict, six years old, sends the oi- jilniiis one dollar. We print this as an ' axamiile and fl sflggestion to other little bovs. A l^’idow jvlio recBTitly lost her husband, writes in i'egit-rd to an orphan )iOw at Oxford aiid then adds: And riotV should itiv fciiihlren [ive, the Ma.soiis is all I have to look to to school them. ’Tis them I lufV'e'to thank for all 1 have. M,ay God bless* the broth erhood, My father wtis a Ho'yal Arch Mason.” Masonjc.—Tiio atteritittn of tlio Masoiiitt Fraternity is directed to the prospectus of the ‘Masonic Journal,’ to be found in another colemii. Also to the ctrcnlai* of Grand Seerctaryi 1). Mo Bain, in regard to iJigest oi' Mltsoiiio Laws &c. tbfir .•.'Wiliiil and uiauiU'iHtod that “fL'l'liAv^bij) (>f which the Sci'ipturoii depcrihc* as a uocesyary jil'i'parathui fer the duties iff this life and for IhP «nii(iyii'.f’Ut.s of the next, f'onu' still iiitoud to (•i>dperatu wlieuj liki’ FeliJ:, ihi’j’ shall liave “a convenient season.” Ihlf tlm grciifer part hiivo shown no inclinalioii “to Visit the futber- lo.se In tlieii- alHictipn.” Aiul,- ?ifranj;d to tell, tlu' sterne.'tt refu.'^als iverff nlitde by some v.'lio.sf c.linrehos arc represfutud on onf roll- book', and in some casus, .'uy the very men vVho have sent the most piteous appeals for the itiluiission of members of thhit owft ran*- gregatlons. Even promitivh'Ht took the liberty of sending an orjsjiah to Oxfi>nh but refnsetl to take the tronh‘16 id' ?etid thb riilinc.'' of five ])er.sons who wisluKl itfSfibaehbo fi>r the OuuHAN«’ Fuihni). On dne side I am (ippt'essud by tb.e large number of Orphans iiow Knifering and asking help; f»h the^,)the I am fthilh'd by the freezing coldness '.:ith which Hid tvoth is treated by many wim claim to be .(and in some eases are) our bent mei Vv’biit eimil l do *' When the people of a great Stdtdj u’j'j their loadev.s, anemid. to throw the respriilsibility of their benevolet:! work upon .a single' iudividuiil, his duty b not to acc.ejit it. but to step ftRide and let it rcboiind upon tlic people, I have therefore detetiniuod to retire from tiie Orphan work at the expiration of my jireseiit ullicial term, .and sotnier if a suitable successor can bo scoured. The Orphans have rights which all good people are bound to de fend, and the people shall stand face to face with their duty tt> the needy sons and ilaugh ters of the dead. I now make one final re quest of ministers and of the presidiug officers of Masonic Lodges and otller btuievolen't soci eties. 1 risk them to inform me by lelt- r when and whore the claims of poor and prom ising orphan? may be laid before their people. ' J. H. Mills. CO^ftinUTTIONS TO THE OKPH.-\X FliO.M JULY 7ti1 tO JULY 12Tii INCLUSIVE: IN Paid S3(i 00, Fairvie'v'.L'.dye, No. illlf)', and M. E. Sifruhiy Scho'.d at KiugA Mov.nMiif!, “ no on, St. jf'hn’d Lodge, No. 1 “ 18 00, Good Templars, Y.ii'-ceyv'Mc, “ 15 00, Concord ^.lotlge, No. 53. “ .5 0.), Jersey Baptist ClOfrch, “ 3 10. Stom-wall Lo.l^,' Nh. “ 2 17, Gi'itnito T..o(ige, No.' 325; “ 2 (K), Orphans’ Friend. “ (iO cents, Samuel Vance Shelton'. IN KIND. Nothing received. There were several errors in the li.st of con tributors of tiie large box of ba«-,on received from Raleigh last week, we therefore give a e.orrectetl list, as follows'. Wm Woolcott, U 11 Wratlun-f'', L D & W R Woiiible, Jno. B Hill & Co':, L M Yuarby, J Womblo & Sons, F C Christophers, Up church &- Bagwell, Leach Bro:, ikad &- Mtoi'iiig,' Adams & Moore. Wyatt, Biugluim & Co., J D Whitaket, A C Smiuib.'rH & C B II Woodellj Parker, Barb'be Latit, A II Temple, R JI ^Vomblc; Marcum & Alniril, :iud J Osborirs Grain :tijd Feed Sti'io, T II Briggs, Jr., Juo. Artlfstrovig, Gov. litdden, J B Neiithcry,- N. S. Harp. Tl'ie folltiwfbg persmrs li.lve paid fb'r Tun 0uPH.iN«’ FftlfcND far brio your frotrii this date; .. _ W T Wyatt i Miss S HJcinTari.' it Pa^'i Tiu c' ('Vr'pt tu oftlie Oju>h.\ns’ FiokNi) lias reached a .point, in .veirart.l to niunbcr and extent, to make it a.n advantagooibs mediiui] of atlvortivsing' to biiainc^s men. Onr tei'in.s nrs2 moderate, and avc sliduhl like, to I’eceive a few evhort } dvertisementa, believing the hen- efits would he mtitiml to the ad- vertiaer and the iinper. Orii Livi:?g and (>uk Dead for July itas been received, ftsllis- tori'c.al, Tdtorary and Et.lucational flopartment.” are well sustained. This Magaydne has not as many pictures as some of the nottheni ]iublicatif>ns, but it is behind uoiio of tliem in literary merit. This is- tli-e first nnrirber of the third volfnnc,- aid is enlarged by the addition of sixtc^cir pages. Kow is a! good time' to subscribe •^jirice 83.00 a’year in advance, thus giving,: foj'liiat a^motmt, 864 ]'.'';gevS C-f ehofe UeadiTtg. Stand tij (fd^f SMe.- E'^^ourage home en- terpvisc. Eos^ev Southern literature. Sustain native antfwrsP The ■ Monthly J[essenger.— have recciA^od a copy of a re ligious pajxuV published at Mon V CV itnOier'•fbn above title TliP Grand Secretary has issued the follow- irtg iilfcular to the Lodges. The Digest will fee' a valuable work and slnmld be in the hands of Lodge officers: Grand Loi>g- (■*!•' North Carolina, ) F A.-. M.-. , . . Oiuce of Grand Kecrefary, ) liALKloH, July, 187.5, III compriaiice with the request of the Grand Lodge, at its late Anmial Cumimmication, I have jirejiared-and expect soon to issue fruin the press, a Digest of Masonic Law; in this juris'lictiuu. It will embrace the Coiistitutiofi, By-Laws, and Standiug Re.^niiithrns of the Grand Lodge, ami approvt’d j)ocisions of Grand Masters | also the Ancient Ckm.stitiilions and Chiurgos, all neceasary blank f.irma for use by Lodg- s, a copious and convenieut Index, and Side Notes. The work is designed to moot ftift Wants' and demands of the Lodges and individual M.'.sons in this iarisdiction, ami much care bar been taken in its preparation With a view to make ft entirely relitihle. After consultation wiHi the Grand Master and the. Committee I'.pi'oiated by tlie Grand Lotlge to examine the Digest, it M'as decided to fix its jiricc at one diillar per c'lpy, Avliich will includo the co.st of printing, binding; and ’ postal- or express-expens'e. I tntarmnt tlwo circular to the I/odgos and indi'vid'aal Maaims with a view ti> stilicit siib- scriptiontt from* them. I v.'ill bo glad to re- ceivo a response »Vmn you ar. soo'U as praeli - cable, indicating the number of copies desired by yonr LodgC; ov' mfrvidual.s. It is neCessa- A Motiieu’s Homis.—‘The most perfect homo I ever,saw was in a little liouso, into tlie sweet iifeeii.sc of whose tire went not costly tilings,^-Sis ImndreJ Joikirs serv ed for a year’s living ol, a fathp*, a mother and throe cliildren., But the motiior was a creator ot home,, and her children were the most beautiful I have ever seen. Even a dull and common place man lifted lip and enabled to do work for souls by the atmostphere wliieli this woman treated.—‘Eve ry inmate of her liouse involiin- tlirilv looked into iiov face for the keynote of the day-, and it always rail"- clear, Fri-ffl the rosetnfd Bo tiot swift tfi trtkb afftmeb/ Let it piiss! • Anger if a f»o to, sense, Let It prts-! Brbotl rif4-Jufkly o'^fr it wrong,- Whrcfi will (iktippoaf ere brig, RiithiY sing th?& cheery song,— •fjct It jia'tTs ! Let it [wsa ' If fef goad they’ve rondef’d Ilf, Let U O, be kbid aifd gentle «trl?; I.A‘t ft puss! Tfina a-? last nmkeerifl' thing?? Lot '.fs-botTi'Sent, -but wah, And our tfiuin'ph’ sliitif bo groat/- Lei it pus^ I J/et,itpaks! I'oe, N. V, iindto-f' the above title, "published-in'the- ifiterost of f-he M. E. Chiii-di,- Softth,.”' mont'hry,- at 50 confs' a y^ear. It is- yei'y weaf ail'd' secnVtobe'*w®ll otSted,- but bv' ivh&m- is- fi'ot; statedi- I'E is* piibiisiied'.ati tli'o jitiipih'er office,- Now that fasliionablo skirts (u''wot1i so tight fliat the fiiir wear'crs.thereofcan ueit-li^Lstoop nor sit down-it would a- grand thirig^ for some ing'CBious upholstoi to devise a eliair i-y to know at an early day' how niffi-vy snb- or the clover leaf, ivhioh, in spite of her housework, she always found time to jmt by oiir jilates at' breakfast, down to the essay or story she liad on hand to read or discussed in the evening:, there was no iiiteniiissioii of her iiiilu- cnee. She always has been, and always will be, my ideal of a mother, a wife.—If to her cjuick brain* loving heart and'ertfjuisite tact had been added the ajipliaiico of wealtii and the enlargement of wider culture, hers would have ‘ A'y'otrng,' n'lother at; Coiiwa^ Mass,, leaving lior clitld in a shiidy pluco wliile she jiicked black- berries, called to it a while' after and receiving no reply',- ret'ume'd to find the little one flolriplotely ehannod by a brown mmke,- and unable to* speak or move/ With a screajm- *die caught her Child in her arms-, but it (|uiyei-ed and cried fob an hour, and it was soi -* oral days before it passed out of .■soriiUiouH ;iro obtiviueil, sw thirt the woH? may be issu-tM without tlekiy. FrutcvmiJy yours'. D. W. BAIN, fha.nd Secretary.- ■jpoacltsuirl^y Exampltev' suitetl to'the'p?tR>li.ai' exigency.—ExcicaVCgt. But suppose- the fsss.kion sliorrld- change before lie got his cha-irs- into market, which is more tiiaii probable,, wouldnit it prove a bad specuratibu./,' “M'ary, itliat c!o y'oti wish to be wbon you grow up 'f'as-ked a IMe girl of lier companion-, "I want' fo bo like my foaclier,'’ wasr the quick, earnest reply'. My irtt'erest was awakened, and drawing nOa'ri, I said : “Why do y'ou wish to-be like yottr tefscher, my dear'?’, ^ ^ “‘Oh ! besaitse' sl'fO' is- so- felnrt and good,- ISr® krityW-s- tS great deal, a-nd she takes s-nch pains to teach fis. Then -she' is' always trying to mitfec' (W happy. I am sure she do'cs* good wherever stre gOSS/”' “Like teacher!” How much is expressed in those words! ts. S. Workman. been absolutely the ideal home. the intl’uonce of tlio baneful spell. the institution and Solicit edir- tributions' for Its .siippdrt fedu! all classes b'i >m- jie’ople; . . , •li Tl.’at or'pliaii chihifc'i Vri thei ■ [aid Asylinn sh-.-n *' .1 find- cluthi-u,'auil siidi ii-w-' .'- such ' nreparatory training an'd odd-' cation Hs Bill .prepare them for usOfttl occtfpations unit for the ■usudl busiiifiss tfp-nsactioiis of life; A .-O'ple'd T)(ic .fiti.i 18T'2 ; Jiesolvetl, 'riiiit the Siqterinten :lent of the Said Orphan Asyluftf .shall report each at Aitiuiai tkmi- munication an aCeount of liis offi cial acts; receipts, disb'tfr'seme'flts, iiumber of pupils; &c., fogethc-r with such .sfeggestions' as ho may' see fit to offer; , “Resolved, That, fbe Master of each subordinate Lodge appoint a Standing Gommit tee ftp-oii raisiirg funds for tiie Orpliaii Asylum,- and require raid Comniiftee to' i-opt)ft ill -Writing each month,- and that .s'aid roporte and tlto funds received be forwarded, monthb/ id the Superintendent of the Asylttm said that tlio support of file Orphan A.syiuni bo a regu lar order of I'li/sitieSs in each snb ordinate Lodge' at eaeli Commu--' nicffltion! 4 All cliurc'hes EiriJ benevolent organizations are requested to fcijiiporato with iiS ill the orphau work arid to fOllcftt stud forward conti'ibittions tlifoti'g'h their own proper cfiicers. Hero afe the res olutions : llesoUel, That the sincere thanks of this Grand l/od;.'0 avo' iiereliy' teiKlefe'd toman ybenev-' olent ladies and gentlomen, to the ministers o'f 'ihe gOfqlel, to church-' ea of '^‘arions dcntfmiinrtian.s, to Odd Fellows, Knights Of Fv-tliias, Good Teinpterk, Friends of Tem- lyerauft'O; tifid other benevolent so-, (tie-ties, whose b'cavty codporatiou* and -iberal contributio’ns have run dorod tim.ely and valuable assis-' teiico in. the" groat nyork of ameli-' orating the condition of the or- iplian children, of the Siiile. : Ikstilved, That id! benevolent itociefic's M'hd individuals are here by corcliall in'y'tited and reijuest-’ o-.l to cooperate rfitlf fik' in pi-ovl-' ding fmids and stijrpiKes' for feed-' ing clothing',- and cffdtfa'fing iVidi- g'eirt arid pfcinisiiig orpi ahs cliil-' dfou', at the As-vTiito itV Oxford. Some hearts, like primroses; open-most boa-n'tifM-lly in the ,“h-ad- ows* of life. . Ffowe'i’s are the aljiiiabet of an gels, ■a*h6rewith they evrito on hills and plains mysterious truth. From tlK ^vocooditisf I.olgcv ©rand As it was, it is the best I iiave ever seen. It has been in-ore than ttrenty' years since I cross ed its tlireshhold. I, do net know whether she is living or not.- But as- I. see house. after house, in wliieh fivthers,. mothers and chil dren are di-iiggang out our lives i-n a haoVtazard alternation of list- iesB- routine and unpleasant colli sion, I always think svitli a; sigh- of tliat little cottage bj' the .sea shore, and the woman who was tlie “light thereof,” ahd I find in fho face of many women and cliil- dren, as plainly wr.biteiJ and- as sad to see as in tire newspaper columns of ‘Personals’—‘Wanted* —A llomQy.'-^Exelhanefc- of A|»i»!iBcation for dlw!sslo«’ tO' tli-C jiS' . .vW- c:,- -.---AST ‘How liid you leara-tlmt g.r'ace-*' fed .attitiwk f said* a- gentfema-n to a folloiv leaning iir a uriiudlin fash ion against a post. ‘I have been practising at a glass” was the i*o- lilj'-- ‘ ‘Tlie desigif of the orphan Asy*- !mn shall be to profoct, train and oditcafc indigent and promisimg orphan cliildren, to be received between'the a.ge of six and twelve, who have no parents, nor proper ty nor- neaa-'relatives able to assist (iliem. Tlioy' shall not Ik) receiv ed for a shorter time than tw-fV years. In extraordiuaty Cases the I'iuperintenderft may rective chil- d-rei-i! oiftside the ages specified. IBcSolsBticjMS of tiac Oraeaad Ivadgo. .Adopted Dec 3d, 1872, Resolved, I, That St. .Tolm’s GollegS shall be ntade an asy lum for the protection, training and education: of iKdigaiit orphan children. fe' That tT«* Grand Lodge will appfbpriwSe 8 -rmnu'aHy for the su?|ijict-t' of #.te instifutlon -, but’ will not assume any additloi'ia? This is td‘ (ortifjf that - .,., -is d« di'phcm, iviilwiit' estate,' and:.-.. . yemS tf dgi. JI. -• father d'^ed: fit 1%:.t h.-.'.nMief ....... if ikirif h. . .- , - ■.■hercbfntaMdfplicaHon' for h:.-. .adnti.sshW ■tiftff tM Asy- tum, at.. ----; and /also'rfi'iriiUislf dnd coinxf,- f& the sffe'ers of tlie AstjlmS,'the manage -nierft cMd cduirol of the said orphan:: for. ----- - - yeaJrs, -eii' Order that. — may- he trained' and eilneaied ac cording' t& the regulations prescribed' by tire' Grand, Lodge of North- Gui- eHivd,' pecun 1 ary responsibi I ty'. 3;- That-this Grand Lodge elect a'-SuperiiiteiideutwhoshallcoutiX)l' Approved by.