VOLIJJIK OXFOIII), K. a, mONLiAY; AUUU8T i), 1875' KtlMTlElt 1^4usi.oiiiik.UI Value of flascefw* The 3Tassdr/fHiieffi- rhniffhnan lias had a yerios c/t’artiido.s uu the “llahit's of Inscots” from one of -which we take the following, iu regal'd to their uses : “The Hottentots always rejo'ioe in the arrival of a. swarm of locusts, eat them in great luimliers and make soup of their eggs. Thet' are brought iu wagon loads t(» Zez, in Africa, and are preserved bv salting or smoking, d'he Moors prefer them to [ligeons, and a jierson may eat two or tliree hun dred without feeling any ill effects, '’riiey are usually, boiled in w'aler lialf an hour, after tbro^ving away the head, legs and wings, and then fried with a little vinegar. Tlieir use as fo(.)d is alluded to in Iscripture, where the food of John the Baptist is said to be locusts and Wild honey. The ancient Greeks con.sidored grasshoppers as a great luxury, and th.e Chi nese, who are unwilling to waste anything, after unwinding the silk from the cocoons of tlie silk worm, send the insect to the ta ble. The Hottentots again parch the white ants and eat them as we do corn. Mr. Smeathman tells us that they taste like cream and sugar, or almond cakes. There are many other instai.ces of in sects wliich serve for food to dif ferent nations, though witli the exception of a few individuals, as indande, tlio great astronomer, Avho was fend of spiders, tlieir use is generally discarded by those wliorh we consider the most ro- ffned. Wo say generally, for one species, the cheese mite, is often c.onsiderel a luxury even among these. “Formerly a great variety of insects were used in. medicine, and were considered infallible cures for many diseases—])owder of silkwoi'm was considered excel lent for convulsions, car-wigs to strengthen the nerves, ff^'-water for afflictions of the eyes, ticks for St. Antlionv’.s fire, lady birds for the colic and measles, beetles for ln'dr()])liobia, ants for deafness hikI weevils for the toothache. These notions are now loft to the uneducated, where some of ihoni are still in force; and a very dis gusting insect, vulgarly known by the name of the sow-bug, was, within the memory of many, and perhaps .still is, occasionally pre scribed. yoine of them, however, are still used, orat least their pro ductions. Spider-webs liave been lately recommended for the ague, and we could spare almost any thing better from our materia inedica, tliam the various species of blistering- ffies. They are quite inq)ortarit as supplying various articles of domestic economy, ol* Ornament. Some in some colin- fi'ies yield soap' and other oUs. I'll China the ladies embroider their dresses' with the wing caps of several btilliant beetles, and m India fire-fftes inclosed iiv gauze are used as ornaments for die head; “But tlfoso ai'o smiill matters, and there are others much more ihiportant; one of. those is tlie gall, or nut gall as it is cominbu- iy called, use I for the uvaiiuhict- ure of ink an 1 black dye, an 1 for whicli nog )) I s'lhstitiiteiskn iw.i. "ll!iese’galh are the h-ibitatiou of a‘speciei of hisocts, which- livh-s^- upon tlie oak cf Turkey iu Asia, from tlie i>orts of whicli it is ex ported iu great mimbers. Anoth er dyeing article, cochlnea]. is an insect of Woutii An'ierica. Jdie quantity oft.hese annually export ed from 8outh America is said to bo worth there, upwards of 500, 000 pounds sterling, or over two milUoiis of dollars, and the ])iroc- tors of the Kiiglish East India company offered some years since a reward of £0,000 to any one who should iiitrodiice the most vaiu'able species into tlieir settle ments. Aiiotlier important article in the arts, wliichis'the manufact ure of insects, is lac, which is used ill the making of sealing wax, spirit varnishes and Japan ware, the cementing of cracked cliina and in dyeing, in which art it is found to bo a good substitute for cochineal. “There is still another article for which we are indebted to in sects, which is yet more valuable; •it is silk. This is the staple arti cle in many large provinces of tlie world, gives employment to tens of thousands of the human race, in its first production and transportation, and furnishes sub sistence to hundreds of thousands more in its final manufacture, thus becoming one of the most impor tant instruments in the circula tion of national wealth. The meth od of procuring this valuable ar ticle was kiJewn to the Chinese and Indians some thousand years ago, but was never introduced in to Kurojie till about 550 years af ter the Christian era, when the eggs of the silkworm were brought by some monks from In dia to Constantinople, where they speedily multiplieil, and were thence introduced into Italy itsid afterwards into France. The common use of it is comparative ly late in Great Britian. Queen Elizalieth was among the first wlio ^vore silk stoclcings in Eng land, and James her successor, when king of Scotland, was ob liged to borrow a pair of the earl of Mar, to appear in before tlie English ambassador ; exclaiming when the Earl hesitated “Ye would not, sure liave your king appear as a scrub before strang ers.” When we consider the abundance and comuion use of silk at the present, we are apt to consider ourselves far iu advance of those times, and it is not im probable that future generations will find themselves as much iuad- vaaice of us in some similar mat ters.” Tlrere is an old .‘rtof}’’ of an oarsman who taUghf a couple of belligerent divines a good' les'Son. Their controversy uponAhe'real merit of works and faitli, as relia ble means of salvation,' newed every time they crossed the river in his boat. One day they found he liad scrawled. “Works” oh oiieOar, and “Faith” on the otheE They smiled'at his whim;- biif wlieii they found-otlt what ho'mcant,-whdn,'in tlic'mid- dlo of the stream, ho dixqiped “Works” arid jiidled' only at “Faith” gfolng round and round; getting on never a' rod; Then, taking “Works” alone, he had no better success. Finally, with “Faith” in one hand, and ‘Works’ iiithe otlicry he shot across the" s-horb;'- of Classical PJ!ia.ses. ruNicA fUDEs; Punic faith; ddiis phrase was u;-ed by the romans to denote the treacliery of the punics, or Cart.bagenians. It now moans’ bad faith in a national sense. RECTUS IN CURIA, Upright in the Courts. When any one c.ame into the courts of. justice with clean hands, he was said to be “rectu.s in curia.” p’s and q’s. The origin of the phrase, “Mind your P’s and Q’s, ’ is not generall}' known. In ale houses where clialk scores were formerly marked upon the wall, it was cus tomary to put these initial letters at the head of every piiaifs ac count, to show the number of pints and quarts for wliich ho owed ; and when one was indul ging too freely iu drink, a friend wo'uld touch him on the shoulder, and point to the scores on the wall,'Saying: “John, mind your P’s and Q’s” That is, notice the pints and quarts now charged against you and cease drinking. NOVtTS HOMO. “A new man.” A man vvlio arises to distinction without famil}’aid by his own efforts. Cicero uses HGvl homines tlie plural of the above, to signify, “the first nolylc- iiian of their families.” A nVan springing out of an obscure ffimi- ly and becoming famous, would be called by the Romans 7iovus homo. The novl homines of Amer ica are quite numerous. EABOR OMNIA VIN'CIT. “Labor conquers all things.” There are few difficulties wliich will not }’ield to persevering la bor. Continuous toil surmounts every difficulty. It makes the wilderness of nature blossom as the rose. HURRAH. The original of this' Slavonian word, used fVotn the coast of Dal matia to Behrings Straits, belongs to the primitive idea,- that . every man dying heroically foi’ bis country, goes sti’ffiglit th Ileai'en. It is derived from IIu mj, whicli moans Heaven, Hurrah^ i. e., “to Paradise” you will go, if you fig'lit bravely. In the shocks of battle, the Turks' cry “Allah,” which has a similar meaning.' Hurrah lias degenerated to mean' no more in common use fliaU fo' liurry, or aa exclamation of joy or triumph. ESI’RIT DE CORPS. “The spirit- of the body,” is a French term meaning that broth erly feeling, whicli pervades pro fessional bodies, such as the gen- tleniGil of the bar, soldiers of am army, clergyman, &v,. NIL DESPARANDUSI. “Let Ilk despair of nothing,^’ is an expression found'ill tMe bbok of Motace and often' liked'aV a niattei' of heroic detefuiiuatioii: M. M. Poineroy, editotofPdi?fk- ro^-s Bemoerdt,, lias pfo'^fodJiiniself a propliot Ht} pfedidted before the close of last ydad that r^Y5’ would be remarkable for the num ber of its disasters on land* and' sea, murders,' suicides and'- dtlier startling events.—With the earth quakes, storms,- ih)ods,' pests';- deaths by violence and' dtlidf- wisG, this prophecy has'beeii'sin gularly fulfflled:- A‘ fe^V years siuCe in a Urge prison, tiie convicts w(U'o gatliered for Sabbath nuAuing service in tlie ch'ap’el, -vvli'Ch a (‘dergyman’, wild wns pfovideiitialh' in the city,' occupied the chaplain’s' place. In his appeal to their hearts,' he moiitioned tli'e case of a waywafd boy whose pi6us mbflier was in heaven, and who, a'ftCr the suC- ee^ivo steps of early depriivif}'-, \Vas arrested by tlie Spirit of God recalling the liailo'wed counsels and tlie prayers of the departed pai'cnt. He became a Christian,: and entered the gospel ministry.' The i>rcaclier added; ‘And 1 am that wicked son, Oh, how much I owe to a mother’:^ prayers.’ The religious exercises closed/ and the convicts went to their cells; Ill the a,ftornooii, tlie chap lain walked, as' was ids custom/ along the corriders, and looking' through the grated door of a cell, saw a prisoner sobbing as if Ins heart wore broken; Sevei^al nnu- utes passed before the prisoner looked up and discovered the chaplain. When he was kindly asked what was the matter, he answered, ‘Oh, it was the story that minister told us about his mother. I had just such a m’oth'- er, and it brought her memory back.’ Then, falling down upon Ids face again, with convulsive grief lie said, “It has alnyost kill ed me ! I had just such a in'b'th- er !” There, uhthin the cold walls of a pfison,' Unaffected by sermons or prayers, the outcast became as a weeping child b'efore the hua'g- iiiai’} presence of a' pious mother -^condUg \villi iit’.r fainilliar tear ful faCe,: and voice of maternal love, to his dismal abode. Moth ers ! ymu exercise a solehin res- ponsibilityx The inffueiice of your example and' pfayei’s may be felt long after you are laid in the gi’avG.—Church Union. One’s Self,' “Wlien I was a boy,” said an old man, “we had a schoolmaster who had an odd way of catcldng tlie idle boys; OiVe day lie Called' out to us, “Boys, I must have elosef attention to your books. The first one that sees another idle I want you to inform me,'and I will attend to the Case.’ “ ‘Ah !” thought I to niyself, ‘tlieue is’ Joe Simmons, that I d'on’flike; I’ll watch' him,' and' if I see him look off his books, riitciL' “It wasTibt lon§- before I sa-vE Joe look off Ilia book,' and’ iinme- diately I infofnied'tllb master. “‘indeed'!’said he/ ‘lloW did’ you know he wa-s' idle f “ ‘I saw him,’ said 1. “‘You did? And were your eyes oii your book when you saiv him V “I \Vas' daiight, and' J: never watched for idlo boys again.” ^ If we are siifficicmtly watlichfnl' over our own cifudUct we sliall have nO' tune tO find ffuilt' witli the Conduct of others. There are but tlifee .waVs'of living,'as some one has said; by ■d’orking, by begging or by Steal-' ing. Those iVho dO liot' ivork,- disgiiise it in whatev’eiGn^etty lUii- .giutg-o A'e pleas'e,'' ale dbiiigfoiie' iOf'tlie otheU tSYo.—Bxehangc. I\)O.L'S(’A.t PaUeR--ItS (jRldlN.—' ‘fjie term’. ‘.‘Foolscap” to desig nate a certain size of paper, no doubt h/is ]j)iizzled inahy an anxi- oUs iiKjuirer.' If appears that GhattSs' I;; of Eiiglahd; gfante(i numcrons monopolies for the sup port of the Goven'nent, a'rnong others the niffiiuf^ctufe,oT paper/ The Aater-mark of tfie, finest ^sort' \vas the roval arms of Eng^ Tlie Consunififiou of fins ailicld was great, find large foftiUies Avere niade by those iVho purchased' the exch'Uivb right t6 vend it.' This^, aiiun'T"' otiioi: ftjonopolies, ivas sent asicic by the I’iu-Jiaiiieiit' tliat Ijro'.tg'ht cliai-les I.' to the' scafl’oht, and by -iVay of sho-wiiig- contempt for the king' they or dered fh6 foyal arhis to be taken' froi'i the f)ap6r, and & fool -with' his cap aiid 1)611 to be Sub stituted.' It is Iioiv over two hundred }-ears Sfnde the fool’s cap waS' taked frofn the paper,' but still the paper of the .siz^ which the Kunip Parl.’alnien't ondered h i. theii' jotmtals bears tlie name of file watef-maitk',placed' there as’ an indig’nity to King Charles. The now tn’entj:-6e’ht‘. silver pi'eCe K ifoi-v, ready for distribu tion at th'C iVfini The obverse is’ smii'lar to tlie quart'er dolilar, with' the ex'cepfioh of the word' “Liber ty” is raised and the , design is’ smaller in jsTOpql'tioTi' to’ the size of the cdiVi.' On the reverse is an eag'le hdldi'ng in his talohS the ol-' ive brance and fliCCC arrows. At each Old of the mScripti'dn, “Uni ted States of America,;” i's a six-^ poinfed star. BCheatlf the star are llie words “T-iVebt}’ Cents.” Th'e edge of the coin is not milled,! d's in (he Ca’S'e of all; pflier United' States silver coh'is,' tins difference prohaby b’ein'g in'tend'e'd’ to dis- (iiigiiisiy the new piece from the qn'a'tter dollar. ..The , words, “In' (jfod aVe Tr'iisd,” •s^hl'ch have dp-, peated pn most' 6b the national' coihk of late veats are’ ohVitted! The TV’ord “tote” (carry), so’ universally in use at the South,' has a classic origin ciaitn'ed for it.' , , ,, The other dtij) d G'edi'gia paper said tliat Mr. A. "ll. Stephens could not have made a certain remark, because lie understood tlie En-' glish'language (66-well to make; use of such a siting w6rS&i “tote.” "lyc fdsent the indigiiityt cast upon' “tote.” We cling to “tote” as the' Anglb-Saxoh natibhs cling’ to Mag-i nk Charta. It reminds' us of our descent from a Kbertyloving people, arid preserves' the niemorv of ju'stice. The writ by 'ivliich a peasant’ aggrieved in’ the Baron’s’ Court was uiiahlb'to'carry (toilere)' his case up to the County Court" was known as the writ of foK,'prof' n'bunced commonly foii, 'I’liiS' privilege which tlie' hiiinble farm er had' of tiVtiilg his cfise up from his' o-vihi landlord to a less- jireju- diCed court was dear' tb every En- glisliiiian/,, The people of the' South' -sViir not siirr'ender that word. It’ is" as” dear to our yen-' men as the' common law itself.' r—‘Mobile (Ala.) Iteg&tSr. The iiitegi'it'y of the upright shall guide them ; but the jier--,' v'er'seiiess of ti’ansgrcssOrs shsJf’ destroy them.’

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