THK OIli’IIANS’ FK’lKNn. StsiStJilJx'^' 8 . iS'/.s. The X.—Wo adopt tljo idaia!^ oa.dom cj^iio^iou subsi'iptiun,, by nlac-iiiu'v* croa;? niavk (-.i.) 'ni tioii ii^RCTS-if yo'a Siiiktho .inark on yi.ur I'aiKT you inny know that tnb lime you pnia for has expiroa, and that, uukv^s you ro- upw the pa]ior'\vi!l be disconlinued. >Vo kopo.nfouo will kc offeudod at luivrn.c tbo luper stopi'od w,}u;u ttlipy fail to pay up, as wc couldn’t publish it on credit if avc would.; imd v/uul.du’t- if wc could, tuid we can make ,10 exeeplious. Vv’’hon, _ thevefove, you s-ee tbo X on yyuv paper, send tin- itio!K;y tor ro; iicwal njilitalon^. Cpw Astray.—Some two or tlii-ee weeks ago a large red cow with lier calf, strayed away from the Orpliaii Asyuin'.. The ear iiiarku are not recollected. She was a present to the Asylum from Jlr. .Rufus Bohbitt, living on the south sulo of the river, and alie niay be trying to got her old hoiiK'. All}' information in regurd to her. will .bo thauljluily received. Gr-vitpying.—Wo arc glad to say that, for sonio weeks, niany of onr larger children here have mauifesh'd a deep concern on tlie subject of religion,' and vsitiiiu tlie last few. days |&o;iie five or sis liave-inado a profession of saving faitli iioQiuisl, , Tirol d is no uii - duo oxoitemont coimoctod with the matter, but a very gTatifying evidence of ea.ruostiics.s, which is spreading to others and having a manifestl}'goodinllueiicot!iroiigh- ont the institution. Fass.«’kas Foeiv'—Wo took out a eoinjiany of oi'iihans to Sassa fras Fork last Saturday, for tb.c pnrp'oso of giving a concert there, liut*o* tlic, fact that the no tices of oiir coniiiig did not reacli the. nyajliborhogd in time to be ustribufiid;"we‘ had'a very "fhiii audience and made but a small collection for the benefit of tlie AHvhnn. We had, diowever, a ■oioitRant-drive cut. and back, and the children enjoyed it hugely. Besides, wC- got an excellent din ner, prepared by some of the nearest nk'gh.bbfs' and taken in plcfpic-style . and were highly gratified at the expression of ap- jrrollatioa>>H -ihe. P>n’t those present, of the performance,, .of trtfr liMlft tend: -■ ■ . _ ^ ■ dVe'afe imt satisfied rvith this fii-st expeiTineiit of getting’ ac quainted in that section, and in tend, if iiothiiig' occurs to pre- ■ \-ont, to i-erieat the' visit oiv the second Satilfday in October, at , which tiine the friends have ' jiroinised hs a rousing reception Fire.—Our neig'libor, L. A. Paschalh.Esq., lead the misfoi-tuiie to Ipso his dwelling house by fire on Sunday iiig'ht. dive liaines origiiiate'I in tlie Lpf.tliebuilding. ur.ed' as -a cook room. Moot of tlie furniture was saved, but con siderably damaged in being. re moved. The building’ was par tially insured. . lir. Ikiachall has tlic sympath}’ of the entire community in" this his liour of adversity. - The, 'citi zens generally, white and color ed, ’Aero streiiuou.s in their efforts to arrest the flames, but it was soon a’pparent tliat all effort in that direction was futile', and at tention was turned to saving the furniture. COX'l’r.IlillTIONS TO THE ORl’llAX AHYLllll FROM aEFTEMUKlt 7tii TO SiEi’TEMBER Wtii INOI.rSIVE. IN- CA.SfI. P.iid 50 OOl Mis ty \V Avery .nid dtlii’r liut'u's ’(if iloi'H Aiit'.'n. “ 17 7i), Orpbi^ii^’ Frioml. “ Hi SJ, (’ollivtMl.ul. Si I’mil (ho iiaiiw) “ 15C5, Colk’cU’.lat l-H Unuigc by 11 S Graily. ' 10 00. A Fi'ifuil in Rah-igh. ■■ G 50, QuHi'tiirly Oulli’cti.m at IlocVylHi’k C-llUl'cll. “ 6 00, Hannony Lodge ^o 340. “ 4 00, CullefUoii at S«>M^>. Fork. “ 4 00, Ferqniujou/i No KMi. •• (iO, Fottiioke. Lodge ki>:k “ 2 2i>, ilouijtibiiejgy Loiii;'o_X*’ “ 2 00, ilattiiinufckBi't Xod^fe Su32B. ) {}.'), ColliTTioti Hi FelhcV.' “ 1 .:0, ("oiktuiitnc RDA-nakoLi) Vge XoQ0:l I'tidiviuuaily. “ ’ 1 0.'), Ooi'U ‘1 L(.'1 i)y S' E K'>on:h) Trenton •• 1 fit) oiudu Dr Jamw E Rlio le.-i Phihu, A Frien^l ;vt Ridgew-A-y. ^ IN N!NI>. ITpirry Bryant, 1 barrel corn. . A:n. Bible K.ocioty, through Rev. G. II. ‘Wi- h'y, 3 family Bihlo. Rev. U. Fftttereoii, 1 bimliel corn- Mr. of Buiuakube, 1 biitshel wheat. ladtc ilolcciiiibe, 2 busho'ti oiiiouB. B. F. White, 1 b«g ]U)Uitoes, 1 bag Hour. Edward’ii. Jouoa, 40 Ike liour. B. B. Grady, collected at La Grange, 1 bag' Hour. ■ Some-Apoloot and more. Ex- I’L.tN'.tTiON.— In the .iacknovvledg- ment of contributions in kind, in the paper this week, appears an entry of two-.-^oxes received from a lumibor of friends at Harrells- ville ;md Bcthe’hem Cluu’cb, con- tainiiig a variety ot goods, cloth ing dc. Those were received sonie weeks since and would have lieen acknowledged at the time, Imt the list of articles and the do nors was misplaced and has not vet been recovered, so we were compelled to enter tlipni rathei in the aggregate as tlyey appear in the pajjer.' The contributious "were valuable, and we very siiicovely thank the frioitds vyho sent them, iind thgy would have been} ac- kapwledged soonbr but for the " reason above .gjven. Adsext.—The Superin^ndent, Mr. Mills, has been'absent on a trip to Mars Hill ahd the regions ’ round ^bouf for nearly four weeks, which will account for several communications to him not be ing attended to. We expect him to return this or in the early part ofnextweek. Advertising Acoo’gnts.—Dur ing the week tve sii.all prepare ad the accounts due tho Orphans F'riend for advertising. ITe have not done it before for want of time, and only mention the mat ter now as an apology to several ]).arties, who liave reque.stea Ip for not doing it before. We will try to have them ready and i)re- sent them by the last oi tins week. A Practical Answer,—Our Onphans all go tho ’ different Sab bath schools in Oxford. East Sunday the little Indian boy^Joe Stiinding-Dcoa’, wasmskod by his teacher, “Where did O.od [dace Adam iiiid Eve f’ “Id do garden .Eden.” “Wliat'did lie tell them to do!” ■ Hero Joe lumg his head fir some time as if trying to remem ber thet answer, ■then suddenly raising it, be answered, “lie told dem to shut de gate.” Joe had been reprimanded the day before for leaving the gar den gate open at the j^ylum and letting the pigs get in, so, having forgot tlie answer to tho question in his catechism, he thouglit, no doubt, to shut .the gate'’was the most probable in junction given to our first parents. The good book says ifo “must not despise tlie day ot sniall thing’s,” and w’G dent iiiteiiu to do it. If wo did we should de spise OA'er lialf the: day's -in tbo c'alender, and especially the . day we laid the claims oi tho Orpliau Asylum before a collection oi three or four Imudred ])eoplo and got, upon-an average, loss than one cent a-hoad. 'rin-ijH^l! N. L. Sliiuv, from F.. I). .Scull, J. .1 Scull, D. Vt, liocd, >V. E. Dumitoii, T. B. Carter, W. j. Harrell, iirr. N. L. Sb,ia', auil iiieiiiliere of Betlilclieui cbttrcli, 2 lioxeli t-oiitahiiiig goo'ils of various -Imuls, .clotliing, &-C. A. lauidis, Jr., 1 traiib, hat iiuj plume lorE. Sutton. Z. 11. F. Diiwuey, 3 boys’ hats. It. L. iiuut, 2 (ior. roach coiubs. Mrs. Tr. p, Cnovford and fitiior tnembera oi the Baptist churih, Oxford; a great vari ety OI articles for E, .Sutton*. J. .S. Ryau,‘2 complete suits a bey. Noth.—A. I.audis, Jr., tras credited las week with one pfjund of bacon. This was an error overlooked in reading tbe proof. It was written slwuld have btyii printed one piece of bacon. Tho p:. o weighed nearly 20 poun-ls. We received t\vi boxes last i^oeV contain- jnft girls’ clotbiiig, &c., witboiit any mark or jiJttor to denijtf! whoro tlioy camo from or who sent them. Au old mark on one of the boxvs showed that it had once been aeiit to Green ville. Also a paper .box,,CA>iitaiuhig pant goods', socks, &C., without any clue us to who sviit it. Wo wouldjbo glad,tcKqbtain iufor- uiatiou couecruiiig these boxes so as to cuter them properly on tlie record. The following persons have paid for Tim Orphans’ Friend tor one year'from this date: W II Gregory, >1 D'Tanner, Miss Botlio Hargrave, Joseph Waldo, J H Garduor, Uca Mary Boyle, R H Everett. II Brown, W K Gladsou, J A Turpiu, Muster Tom Tisdale, W II Brown, Mi.'is Beulali A Bell, J 1 tordi E M Hicks, B W Spiimau. For sis months:—T II Pritchard, W W Gai'duer. For five months :—F Boyle. For four mouths :—W Wa tts. A 5?EBlTliE TOAWWKAISIiK. A General oiliec!’, who was in early life much adilicted to ]U’0- faiui oatlis, dated iiis Tcformation to the niemorablo check he re ceived from a Scotch clergyman. Vvlien he was lieutonaiit, and set tled iit Nowcaslle, he got involved in 11 brawl with some of tho Ion - est in the jinblic street, smil (lie altercation was carried on b)' tho parties rvitli abundtincc ot im pious language. Tlio clergyman p.uising bi', was shocked with tho profanity,' and stepiiing into the ci’Otvd 'AUtli ills cane upfifled, thus addressed one of the' leiid-ers ot the rabhle; “0, John, John! wi’.at is this I hear t yen only a poor collier boy, and swearing’ like’ any lord in 'tlie land ! () John! liave you im fear ot what wilt be come of }’OU! It may do very well for this gallant'gentleman (pointing to; the . lieutenant) to bang am! swear as lie 'ploa-ses; but you—you, JoiiiV, it is not tor you," ortho like of you, to lake in vain.tho name of Iliin in whom you live and have your being I” Tiion turning to tho lieutenant, “You’ll excuse this poor man, sir ; for he is an ignorant body, and kens nae better.” The youug ot ticer shrank away in confusion, unable topngke any reply. Next dav ho vraited oil the ininister, i alicl thanked hiiii sincerely for his woll-tiii)ed reproof, and was ever ] after an example ot correctness ot lang’ua-ge. Tho Bible is noiv jirinted in no fewer than two, liundrod and ton 1 inguages. In 1834 it was prin ted in only fifty. Forty years a.'jO they were .wont to drink lilood from human skulls in Fij —now 43,0(‘0 children attiiid Sunday School.—Thirty ye.ars ago tiiore were but six known native Christians in China, and until tho Elgin treaty, in 1860, were missionaries allowed to enter the country. There are now 200, missionaries, exclusive of native pastors settled; in tlyo empire. Frm lUc Pr©ccc«l8si‘?8ol tlie Orand Lodge. ‘‘Tlie flesigHY of the oi’phfiB Asy- lum sliall bo to jn’otect, train and educate indigent and pfomisimg orphan children, to bo roceivetl between the ago of six and t,wolve, who have no.parents, nor proper ty nor near relatives able to as.sist tliem. They, shall not be receiv ed for a shorter time than two years. In extraordinaty cases the Superintendent may rociiye chil dren outside the ages specified. inm ibcr of pupils, etc., togcthel' will! such sumvestioiis as lie may . tr' "" sce fit to O'lCi. ^‘Resolved, I’hat tbo M.astoi’ of ' each subonlinatoLodge apj-ointtt .■% Standing Cmiunittee upon inisiiig funds for the Orphan Asylum, s and reip.iiro said comniittee to r.niort in writing each month, and that said i’e],oi’ts and tUjj I'unds received he forwarded monthlv to the Superintondoutef ihe Asa'him and tliat the supjioit of the Orphan Asj lum be a rogiw lar order of business in cacb sub ordimite Lodge at each Commu nication. 4. All cliuvches and benevolent oi’ganizalions are retiucsted to cooperate with ns in the oi’iihan work and to collect tiiid forward (tontriimiions tlirongh their own pro),ier cflicors. Here ai’C the rts' elutions: Ih-solved, Tliat the sincere thanks of this Grand Lodge are liereby tendered to many benev olent ladies and gentlemen, to the minisiOi’s of the gospel, to church es of various denominatians, to Odd Fellows, Knigliis of Pythias, Good Templars, Friends of Tern* pei-ance, and other benevolent _ao- cioties, whoso' hearty cooperation and liberal contributions have ren dered timely luid v.iluablo assis- tence hi the great work of ameli orating the condition of the or children of tlieiStata, llesolvcd; That all liefiov^lont s.icietios and individuals are here by cordiall inyvited and requeat- dd to cooperate with us in provi ding funds and supplies for feed ing clothing, and educatmg indi gent and promising orphans chil dren, at the Asylum in Oxford. G- N E w Advebtlsement;—Wo would refer-the re.ader to the da- vertisement of Messrs. George AJIen &Co., of Newbern, dealers in hardware, machinery &c. This is an old established and reliable house and does a very large bus iness throughout the eastern and middle parts of the State. SsAKESKiN . Shoes.—Tho Win- chostcr (Ky.) Journal says : _ Wo saw in this town a nice pair of shoes, the vamps of which were made of rattlesnake'hide, and the quarters of chickensnake hide. Also several snakes hides neatly tanned, and three foot long and eight inolios wide. They belong ed to J. FI. Henderson, who lives on “Big Coon,” in Jackson coun ty, Ala. Ho makes a specialty o'f catching all kinds of snakes, rattlesgakes in particular, and, without injurying or killing them, takes of their hides. These he tans in about two months, and then makes into shoos. He used a wood, which grows in the mountains, to “iiiesincrixe tlie snakes. A poor man with an empty purse' came one diiy to Michael Feneberg, the, godly pastor of Seeg, in Bavaria, and bogged three crowns that he might finish his jurnoy. It was all the money F’encberg had, but as ho besought him so earnestly in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus he gave it. Immediately after ho found him.self in great outward need, and 'seping no way of relief die prayed, saying ; “Lord, I lent Thee three crawns; Thou hast not yet returned thorn, and Thou liiiowost hoiv I need them. Lord, I pray Thee give them back.” Tho same day a -niossonger brought a money-letter, which Gossner, his assistant, reached over to Feneberg, saying: “Here, father, is what you expended.” The letter containo 200 thalers (about $190), which the poor traveller had begged from a rich num for the vicar, and tho child like old man, in joyful amazement, cried out: “Ah, dear Lord, one dare ask nothing of Tlieo, for straightway Thou makest one feel so ashamed. Resolutions of llie Grand Lodge. Adopted Deo 3d, 1872. liesolved, 1. d’hat St. John’s College sliall be made an asy lum for the protection, training and education of indigent orphan children. 2. Tliat this Grand Lodge will appropriate 8 annually for the support of tho institution ; but will not assume any additional E 0 li G E ALLEN iHlO., ’ 22 (£• 24 VoUock Street, ' MEWBEnM,-^. C., dealers IN'- . Geaeral Hardware, Agricultiiral Implements, Bookwalter Steam Engines for Ginning Cotton. BIGELO W: EBOBI 0 T# SS IIOKSF POWER. Cfrttoii Oil!*; Colton I’rosses, Cotton Phiutorgy IIoimvA’ovi-oi’S, Ciclor Mills, ThreshoriJ, CaiTiagc Mittcrkil. HnniftB. Walter A. WtiutVb Mciwei's and Koaporsj Liiiio, Land Flaster, Gvia- uo», Bone Dust; Grass’ Seed, Clover Seed, Lnecrue; Im- provo'd Cot ton Seedy SADRLEKY, axes, H0ES, SHOV* ’ ELS, &€#, dtC. PLOW ifflANUFACTURERSt. Our stoelc einlnaees tli9 tampion, th« Stonewall, Wiley, DickaoBj i^Heur nolia Cotton Blow.^^tlie Celebrated AUU» Plow, and niany-'otbP'i^Improved Plows. n^Send for dliustpated'Cataiogii'e. Fer" sonal attent ii>u' givoa to orders. GEO. AEEEM & CO.,- pecuniai”v responsibilty. 3. That this Grand Lodge elect a Supei’intondent who shall couti’ol the institution and solicit con tributions for its support from’ all classes of our peopilo. 4. That orphan children in tlifi said Asylum shall bo fed and clothed,'and shall receive such preparatory training and edu cation as ivill prepare them for useful occupations and for the usual business transactions of life. Alopfed Dec 5th 1872 : Besolved, Tliat the Snperinten dent of the said Orphan Asylum sli.all rcpiort each at Annual Com munication an account of his offi cial acts, receipts, disbiu’senieu-ts, cJ ■ 1' CHOWAH BAPTIST FEMALE [NSTITUTE, MPIvFREESBOSO, ». C.y IS ONE OT THE €f1A>9tMt jlA tNfItOCfLtf THE SOUTH. Itsmo’ans ofinstnictforr fife ami'.'raany ample* Its course of study and methods of iiistruc-- tiwii are tho resivU of urore than twenty years eaniost effort, under BuIwtanUally the same; administration to atUcMi the greatest practical ofMcioncy. _. Charges, per session of ntne moBtos^—* Board and Lit-orary tuition, Latin sntVFreweb hiekuTcd, $158. Ornamcirtal hriHicbes, by the best leaelrors,. on tefrns. Next scssiori begins first Wednesday in Ofi toher. A- MCDOWELL, Fresident. 34-4t _ eTw. o w¥m,-. DENTAL SOBW ’ OXExA'MiL’* Nv G. OFFKTL AT HIS RHSIDEUCE- Siieeia] attention given to rejdacing fall and puniiil suits of teotli on g.iU, "A tej. ioig9tlil875—;.33t

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