J the ORPHANS’ FKIEND. WcdnosduXy ^!pteinl>«i’ 1S75. THK X.—We adopt thl* Ueilal custom of subsiM-ibers «»f the expiration of tlieir ttulVsi'iptioHj piuciiig a Cross mark (X) on their papers.- Soj’if.yoli find the mark on your papet you ituiy kiiow that tlio time you paid for has expired, and tiiat, unless you re- tiew the paper will be discontinued. We hope none will be offended at Inivinfj the paper stopped wiieii they fail to pay up, ilH we couldn’t publish it o!i credit if we would ; and wouldn’t if H‘e tiould, and we can jiiako ito .exeeptious. When, .therefore, y(»u see the X .ou your paper, send the inouey for re newal rijiht aloiijf. CosT)iiBt!TioS;s.—These ha%-e eotrie in heUer since our last is- sjieV-hut it must be remembered THE AHAB’S PBOOF. tiiiit,' owing f'o tlie fact tliat but little'Was ' received for over a moutb previous;' we liad gotten cousideiiibly ' behind- baud, and the' iiiipfovemeht has just etiabled uB.tb catcli up and pay off outi Sfatt'diug liabilities. We are still uiiable to make the necessary ij)reparatiou for winter in the way of shoes and clothing. Fires are also coming into demand, but we have not the means, beyond wliat is necessar}- to pnrcliase meat and bread, to obtain wood. We beg every friend of the Asylum Hot to relax in the effort to procure and send forward bel]); it will be needed -before, we get it; We tliank those friends tltat 'liayo -already responded to our. lappoiils so, liberiilly ; their con tributions were tiniely and help ed niucb to relieve us from the per())exities under wliich we la bored. ... Some v'ears ago a .Frenchman, ivbo like many of his country-, men, had woft' ti liigh rank among, nien of scioiice, yet wlio deiued. tlie Qwd- wlio is the Autltor of .all science, , was crossing the great- Saliara in company with an Arab guide. He noticed, with a sneer, tliat at certain times his guide,, whateyer obstacles raiglit arise, put tliem all aside, and, kneeling; 0.1 tile burning sandSi-calied on.liis God. ; . Day- after day passed, and still the Arab never failed, till at last one evening the philosopher, wlien he ro.se from his knees, ask ed liim, with a contemptuous smile: “How do yon-know there is a God I” The--gai)do fixed his eyes Ori tlie scoffet for a moment, in w'ondei', ■ arid tlien said, solemii- ly.: “How do I know tliere is a God? How do-'I know that a man and not a camel passed my hut'last night; in the darkness? Was ifnot by the print of ids foot in the sand ? Even so,” and he pointed to tlie sun, whose last rays were ffashing over the .lone des ert, “tJiat foot print is not that of a man.” 'tfii, Si, TRICKS OF isFEECH. Notliing is: easier to acquire, P5Ag.—Notwithstnmliiig the rainy, weather ill A injunHl corn. ami cottoii, the ' pea c .ip 8-eiu8 to hareWcip^d iiau»ay:o, and i'lig. from' pr«Heut appearance, au^uneually htr>re rrop will he jiroduced in this aeciioii.— Toitnol Trani^ript. We.are glad to learn that oiir , 'Iroi'Vd'TpieiiHa .about fl'bknot.' have, ■'a'ftiie jiea crop; Now, we failed 'qiliiiost'eritiri.d.y -in raising peas this season and as they are a very healthy aiid nouiishing article (if food we hope to have a. large Goh- • trihiittwii of iieasfrnm that section, a-nd-wc hereby request our good ■ hiotlier of thoyTran.seript .to gdt iis iqi a lot liiiii forward tliem to ns, when the crop ia gathered. If lie' will do so, and wishes bags to ).ut them in we will send him as Ilian V as lie. thinks he.can Jiaye fili- ed, iriiAl.™, 01''-I'iin ■Asyi.c.m.—We are.happi' to,be able,to announce that the health of the children here is very good indeed.. At the time of writing tillk paragraph, (Tuesday moniing) we have but (.lie name Oh the sick, list—a lit tle girl—and slie is rapidly im proving. Wediave been remark ably blest ill this respect the pres ent season. A correspondent of the Fay- ettefille Gazette, -Writing from '■ 'Htileigh, speaks as followers of llaleigli’s schools; “Ontside of the Convention, Raleigli' is quiet. St, .Mary’s Sqliool and tlie 'Raleigh Female Sdifiinay have opened under favorable auspices, and Peace In stitute (-one ..of the best female schools in , the Soutk,. „aftd -(veil represented from y'our section) will commence its exercises on the 23d inst., with'better pros- nects.than ever heretofore. Mr Scott, assisted ,by Rev^ J. H. At kinson and J.o)jn. Martin, has also resumed the duties of the Raleigh High School (for boys), with a ■liriglit futore before -him. Ral eigh feels proud of her ^hools. nothing more difficult to lose than a trick of speech and man ner; dnd notliiiig . is more uni versal. - If we look round among oiir friend.s and acquaintances we shall find scarcely one who has not his favorite word, his iierpetr ual formula, Ids automatic action, liis unmeaning gesture—all tricks eanglit probably wlien young, and, by not being corrected then, (text to impos.sibie to abolisli now. Who-,doe.s not'know the familiar I say" as file preface to everj- remark t—and tli6 still niorei,fa- 'niiliar “yoji'know” as'the middle terin 'of C'sery : serttewced Wild, too, in tlie'sC late times, has ncit sufferod from the infliction of “awful” and “jolly”—milestones in the patli.of speecli intei'spersed, wltli even' uglier and more oh trnsive sign,s of folly and corrupt diction-—milestones tliat are for ever turning Up, sliowing , taste and true rCfinameiit have reced ed in tliis liideous race after slang to wliicli our yotltli is given Tlieii tiiere are tlie people wlio perpetrate ejaculations; wlio sa}r. “Goodness!” as a mark of sur prise, and “Good gracious!” wlien surprise is a little mixed witli re probation ; lower in tlie social scale it is “My word!” “Pa tience!”' “Did lever!” and in- dift'erently to all stations, “You don’t say so !” or in a voice of depreciation, “No!” and “Surely not!” To judge by voice and word, tlieso ejaculatory people are always in a state of surprise. Tliey g(3 thr.qng'h the world in unending astonishment; and their appeals to itheir goodness and that indeterminate quantity’ called good gracious are inoessaiit, Tut; SwoKDFi.sH.—The sword- fisli is allied. to the mackerel, which it resembles in form, and. coxTHrimnoKS- TO- the ouphan- A.SYl.tlM KROJtSBl’TlOiliER 13ii TO SEPTE.UlSEUeis'i' ixcnusivE. : -liS’.'t’ASHr-X,rxy-,: 77 .(X),' Coi>,{^t €t»tieordi ^ ’or'Ed ' Wiliiiia^tAu': 43;55V'.C()iu*ck!on'^at.Sstate^viHok^' ’ 'ikv ’ 21.00,' ■ CullooHoft-j*v 20.50,’^rolltHjti.uii;ie xj:- 20iU0;.\\' FyCuyko’b ^llu^tiy» in C^arr -Ivtte , i, 17.0(), Orphans’ Friend.^, iCiOO, Ftfrestville Lodge, thr'^ugh !3 M btoflo. ■• •• •' - 13.&.3, Oongrk’gatioji '■ kt /^Cbapel' Uill, through liovl A. W'. Muuguiji.;^ 11.8.5^ JlelU'rrili 'Kiip^tidiUJ’^h, through - Eov. i X-Uioggai;d,.'[>; - - • 10.00^AVtilluiniiiT Ilidu-L^dge, j|fo,23L 5.00 each, D A Davjai E H I'aas. , 3.50,.GrwiivilleNo.’284..'-, ^2.50, 'Auohor!lii&iige,‘'l!i«o. 2tU, tllrhugh ■ ‘jl'E Wh'^6^‘;yilii^ian*of cAtfi'uiittiA'l "2.00 cachj Di'. TalUittf-, of; iliiioapolb, iire. ’ 1.00 each,Saiovfol BoeW, 'Will. ’iVulo«#-..’K4jv.-ilk Bv Boone’f; ;FaH.mo-J[lichar3soni. ^ G-l oouts,,. Isuac-AYi^Ujuns, through, .G W JtiiicB, lioseilale. GO c{‘iit8j3V^ fl^rough. ,0 W joueSj ifpsoJiilo.'. ' 50 ceutSj'M'eiiiiber ^totV Olivit Lifdgo, -Xoiaok' ' ’ S'd ’ ' , ■ iOSjcnts,- S R Eth>oy,:.through':0.-, W -'■•ijouos, Roscti-ale. - '' .-r) -.i; ,, i>l'-;KIKl>.- ■ ■•y.c;''. Mibscs Eliza and for Kick.- , ^ _ ' Frieudii’ Bible aiid ^yiictdiHtrlVutingcoiamlt- ■' tee.f.lPhilHdi’d^hliY, ^24 Bibles, trtiheiit'■ & I’Hal'ni^.i’“' d U Creiishawkl - -• S MThouipflyii.‘‘''V i}\h Allen, - A. 8 B Htone, ** -‘‘.pixtatoes. Rev.'John K HoggHrd.TrthiiMehofrhrBapliiit Church, 6 yds Mitti/neloth, IGyds cjiHir.o, 11 yiiw pants gboi&f, 6'p»iri» socks ‘ I -pr Ktockings . Wm K Averitt ' • TljoiruwE Ayoritt.IQOjl^sflwnPcH, , T,ho.‘f«llowiug‘_p'ef8o^^*har«’pajd foV' ’i^UK, ■0ki*uA?is' F-»ik>ift> toil'Sue 'ysar- from this. date:-' •' -.rk-CR-'; I G -W.IIoirl^lt, Nof.^waa Dahiel, Maj W E Wtsivier, L VVhit|e^, Sidiiuy-^•Lea, Sr.,‘ duo 41 Hinton,. C' S -Lypdb H He\>;ott,..d S Jouos, .James, Warrew, fe Overtnanj Eev John Ollis, D M WaslityurD., Eor six monte i-~MiBs d',A'Simpson, F M Williams. . ■ j • Everyixxl}’ is lovely to some body, and liomely xvomen are loved -the best. is a swift swimmer. The sword is a most formidable blade, con sisting of a strong straight hone, sharp and fiat, projecting howi- zontally from tlie nose,’of xVliich iti»:a prolongation. The sword fish is found in considerable num bers off the island of Martha’s "Viney.ard, coast of Mas.sachnsetts, at this season of the,, year. Its flesh is considered excellent food jiy many persons, and the annual catch is’ quite large. The ordi nary lenglli of the body of the fish at full groYvth i.s fourteen feet, and its sword six feet, or twentj' feet in all. b’n fo a roofut least six feet away fj-a;peiilousfj fe(it..for tin HtliletB iijr;dny,lighbffrw.alked.. along the reqi'sind cltoihered .n,. win- d^w,4n Iho second .story ,qf Lib. tte’s,bul||lipgi adjoining tli^diftfel. In- ,.mt;k.ii'g::,,i'%,,-way in kb (jftid.,, ]u)ld;0.f a pteCp fif:-V.9od.j,loosqly; fj^stened iu.t)ie Ayalli. Snff lt giive’ vyayjjpxBCqntatmg , .tq .; .in&. :ffo(jr,; the,, . fall ..(wt' finttftlgi ;thoroiigUly awaking him:'r ,(lie k-' was ypry,,niineli'.astfittlsll.ed,; a,n^' regaining his test Vegiln a-serles of, investigations , to kinl ll’linre he- vvas. . His garment* .(W'e.re witliput pbekots,. so the.diiid f(q hope of fineling a mathli: He thinks he. was^-niorq: tluttli an lioUt iaii}>4i»gl*i? navy nfit of tliq biiild iug but,he fitiaky; .4|d: R ”!•: p.6ar«liuj);he. hotpjofiipe, .fnglit- eiiing .tlio night,-.clerk a,nd porter almost as badlM.asiIhe: had been hinaself.'. . -Hak ’ diffienlties , .were' not lyet ended,'.'Jwwevqr,, for the door of Iiifeown rooni W-as locked iind. the- 'iey. qn.--the-.-.iJiside,so, assisted fey-! fliftavightc iclofk and otliei-s, .Ita ivas.fonsed.jtoi -.clamber back tlirough tlm window, tiiough u-ot exactly by the route lie took in getting out He didn't n alk again until breakfost time,:!- 1; , A at'onnekfnl .CIOcll. , A llar4'Spcll. . Says the.NfiWfQHdaiisRiRlellw ; ,\Yc ..used to, hnVeV^d.tBeigoQd ftlfol',' lei's in K(3vt GVleans. ..Sbpie years ago,, QwJ.Qj^iro.ba]l,. .having had his.stefii^oat^., the yis.id,! re- .pa.i.r).ted,k'sent (a . sigh-painter M paint , her nantd«,9.h -tRs 'dllfo.el- house. - A davYqr.ftwq .after, hC' returiyeil to. 'fin’d tlie' painter 'fin ishing up the,., job, and fliefoj. in six-foot , Tefters, .' stood o'litf Asha.” Kiihliall, rod with rage, collared the pporpalnter,.ihahjed him along, ..the. wharf,, pointed up to letters.. . . T , . “What, does' Vmi meah,, yon scoundrel pajd -^imhali. Dhln’t I tell yon to |)"ut Asia on there ? Dp yon call that Asia? “"Yek I do.|,;- §ld you needn’t be . so (ronglC abofft it. I knoxv hdw’Ao" speihatf'"Ifiell a* (ytttt do," and it' A-a-lWif^ ndntt’ spell Asia, . . A maryqloh.s piece bf itioclian- ism in tlie way of clocka .Is Re- scribed In tlie French joufhalg; It is. an eiglity-jjay instrument, with deal-hoat .e.foapement riiitiilfiiin- iijg power!. It, chiiiies the .quar ters, play.s sixteen tunes,, playk three, tunes e.yery tvyelye hours, 0f .TCni.-play .at'any time required: Tlie handaHd rpund, a.s follows; ,,0,ue .piicp a 'mniite;, oiiq once, hii hour; .9,iie oheo a yi;eek,’ one bnce, ,a..)uoptlq,':,ojig-;‘''p'nd'c;,it year. Ht .sllftws, tli^e nfoph’s age,. the ,ii8iiig. ,^i.dH,etlii!,g Af :the,>un;; thd' fjfire- jpf liigh and IpW " water, half ohb and half flood: . ’Sy a ; beaittifub .contriyaiice there is a part Which represents the vvafeiVi which rises and falls .llftipg.,,^me shipa ,,at ,-lngliT}yidffl’-,tide,jts -they.,, wore ..in motion, ,rqciedjhg j,e*''i'^ these ,dit' tie ships dry, .on the.. sands, The clock sljpiya.tlie liour of the day, day. of .the,,,}yeok, day .of , the month,.mpnfb:.of jlje "year,-.,".and ..in.,the..day ()f,,thc.,-mdpt:h the,fe| is. ..pi-ovlsfon .made .for .the Ibug, i 'ddd: ahijrt.jHqnih*: ;• -if slfowf thb kp-dl-! ac; it strike^ .or. not, as may be- d.esired, and.it 'lias, tliq eqiiation table, - sho.wing ttia. ,,diiie;^pce' of clock and suit ©very day -in the ilitmher of ]iiijlii.s, An., hisretli r Witlt Mtch ..sitggestioits-as he 1. Y see fit to bfieri "liitsutbed, Tliat the Master of each sMthorditlatC Lodge ajqtoiiit a Standing Coniiiiittee itpoit raising jfitpds for tlie Orphan Asylum, ;aiid require,., said- -cDinniittoe. to report In tVi-itiug: each, llionti , ami tliat. said reports and tiio funds, .rqcoived.. be, foranli-ded ■ imjfitkly to the ^.tipefltiteiideiit of itho Aayluin and.Hiiif, tiie. stijiiioi-t qjflie OtTliah Aay.ltini be.A regu= lat'order: of.hltsitiess ijt.eai-li sub ol'dipato Lodge at eaijjt Qottltilil- picatio.hi, .. 4i, Ali.cltUrclie.s amlbeiieyoleiit Orgauizatio.iis, ■ are requested . to coojierate.with d* ih this orjihau work aiid.jto collect and, foraaid ,Q0Pt4’lhti.tiM.tis throiigli their own proper officers: Here are the i-es- olufiOtfS't ' '• -■ - Hvsohedf Tliat the - sincere thanks of tiils Grand Lodge are hereby-tendered to -watiy benev olent ladies and gentlemen, to the nlinistei-a of tlte'gospel, to cliuitili:: eO! of various detiomiliatiaiiSj to OddiFelhiwa, Kiiights of' Rytliias, Good Templars, Frieiid-s t*fiTein= porance; and other benevolent so- (cieties,-whose hearty coiiperatitm and liberal Contributions hare reii- (torod timely and valtlabie assis:: tence in tlie great W-ork of amoli:= orating tlie condition of the Or phaS children of the State. '' Hesolbedf That all henerelent societies and indi viduals are liere- by cordiall iiiyvdted and request ed to coflperate with its in provl- diitg'ifmids and supplies for feed-* ing clothing, and educating iildi:: gent and promising orphans chil dren, at the Asylum iti Oftfold. what dbes’i'F sjillfl'F’ ResolHtion# .eir the Grand tjddg« Sleep 'Walking Extraordinary .Cumbm’Hind. The Gumberl;^^ OH*) -^^ws of the 9t'h,., ; has, .the.. following: On -Tuesday night.,Mr.., ..S-. S- Sniith,-a, yp.Hiig maB .fojoni, Bed,:,, ford, . .Pennsylvania, . retired;,: tp. rest ifo Weir’s, -hotel, and,an early ■ lionf, yesterday ..-nio.rnihg found. bims,olf.onifhe;fl(X)r;,~|.n; aiy adjoining building, ,but.,,entireiy, unable to.divine how he gofthere” An examination of the premises;, however, suggested the maniiei:- tff his transfei- from, -one,. building to another, about as follows : • He got out-of his' bed,; went :to the window, climhod out and stepped Adopted Dec sd,- is'lS. itesolved, 1. That St. Jolm’i .College sh.ali.jbe, made.an. aay- lum for the protection, training and education of .indigent orphan children. ■ I ., . , . : 2,; That this Grand,Lodge will appropriate annually for the support of the institution ; but will not assume any additional pecuniary respohsibilty, 3. That this Grand Lodge elect a Superintendentwho shall coiitrol the institution .and solicit coti- tribuSons for its support from all classes of our people. 4. That orphan children in the said Asylum shall be fed and clothed, and shall receive such preparatory training . aijd edu cation as ndll. .propare thein for useful j orccupatiohs and for the usual , bujsmess transactions of life., Aiopled Deo 5fh 1872,: Resolved,- That the; $hperiijten dent of the said Orphan Asylum shall report each at Annual C'om- munication an account of his offi- ..(iiiil acts, receipts, disfeuxsements. ^ E 6 IS 8 e'A u h e n & cd.-, “ 2g.(f 24 Poitock Sired, IIeWbErN, ]¥,"Cs,-; bEAkfiEs’lS: .. . Hefiei'al fi&rdwkr#, Agricttlturai I&pleiiieiitSj fidokwdtgf Steam EiigiifeS for .Ginning Ofittoii. BtfetlEtiW EKGINEIB, FR«i?l « -T# , . IS HpitSF POWER. ; CGtiftti Giite; Cottofi f’rcgftW, Huree Pori'crs, Cider '.Matferiai/ 'Walter A. Wood’s Moweft’stlrf tiime, Laiid Pla»tjf/ (Jiia- i' flOk,' Grass' ’..Seetl, ClGY'Of SetJ,' Lneerue; Iin- Jifovod Cot-' ton Soedrf AXE», fAfoy; PAOW MANtiFAeTtfSEIS, Ofir stock . embraces the ChaTnjl)9f>A,- th«f Stivticwali, Wilej|G Afteir, aM Sfag- holi'a • CNrtttyn pKi*ff; th6’ -Ce^tlbrated Arias Plow, and many ob^ liiytfored’ P^o’wfi’.- 5^"Send fat CatalogiW’.- Per sonal attent io* gJxeb to of4ef&.- CfOsy " anB-WRER*, sf. c. 37- ciidWAii umi FififAtEi WSTlTO !iftTRFREEeB^FiO> N.- tf.-f 'f iv.- t;.y 10 c»p (ff -iiii cfLiyfbrt ttisiiti: itf tiii eotri'H.- tte.mdatts instruction a/e u^Wrifalfy. afi'rt'[\fo^ Itif COWST? of nyetlAids’ f/f n?t (n in ti'ott aWlke i*AStr?t (n inoft'fbafn y'dars^ eaffi^st effort, under mibstatrtlafly the' siime’ ailniini'slfatfon,’ fo- afttafti fliC g?ejrt6s£ f^ra’(^t!iba^ efBdeney. . ' , r Ghar^oSf sessJo# o/.nfee mOlitlha— Bowpf# JMcfitfy ffli't-ioft', Latii\' nilti' Fi'eneh tDcfurfed', ■ O'niametital hfancheS', by the^Mst teachers, on reasonable fephnsv ; Next session begins first WecfeicBday iW'Qo tober. A. SlCDOWELL,' ^*’r'eb^dehl’. 34-4 E. W. O WE M, DENTAL #»;£0IIL Rx C owir. If . c . OftlCR A* Sis EESfliiESCE. SpftVial atfontiitfi' aTi4 settS'df- tcetli'ciy g-iM-. aih-pl'o: rtilv- bcr. ; .; . : a'ug 9th IS75.-:::.33*