TIIE OUPIIAXS’ FinEXlX woIik-mi-.i), sc'sitciiiiMT aa, jmti I all! : t!io sUailiv.vH of mid- A KEVEBV. TTiprc’s l)0;inf,v in 1i ’ siaiimcT sTfV, 'Vyia’ii f'riUKlIy Ifom its ocean 1>C(1, Eika a stroiij^ mail refrcslual by sleepy I’Kianllv tlu' anil iipliilsifa.iieatly Anri liieii iK'iijipl the western biUs, At pvellliil'e' so still lie fiia's. Him- lovely iiretbeerrinsoii elolulSj 'I'hat drape bis vislonTess repose. Now liiiigHKl forms rise t'V wty sight; My brain throbs wild, its pulses botnid ; I drink of raiiturous dellgbt.— My .soul'i'ntranO’d, with-sweetest soiliid : Deliobtfiil ineen.se fills the air. Weird mnsie on soft winds go forth ; While we, the ereatnres of His etire, Drink blessings from the singing earth. And now so soft the indonligbt gleams, Tn beauty through the forest bowers, White evt rywlieiy; it.s fairy beams Rest like a maideu’s kiss on Howers ! For one great Rather reigns above, . And one blest hejie to us is given—j If here wo lose tile friemhi 'we love, AVe shall find thein safe in lieaven. THE NEMEEB SEVEN SN T!1E BIBEE. ' On tlic sevonth day Ood ended )n.i work. On the soA-entli month ark touched the-ground. In seven days a dove ivas sent. Abraham jiieadcd seven tiracss for Sodom. Jacob mounied seven days for Josojih. Jacob served seven years for Rar}iel. And vet another seven years Plafn 'f'otii. It might lihvc been morn tti.m Tom once, when lie was'a babe, and had'a father and mofh’ef, some olio to care for him, even if the hadlnit little love for him. After they died—after ho' was turned.'on, the' wid^'hforM tot fight his own way ; to linnger lor food, to yeani for av-mpnthy and ■ liind words,.his name was ‘‘Tom,'’ It was name enough for a waiteta a ragged, hmig'ry'hb)- who receiv ed niorft kicks flian pcuiiies, and who Used to sit‘bn‘*the'post (itfiice Bte])S an dtry' to remember when iUiv one htid sjiokcn a kind word to liim. 'J’lie-b'oy sometlmos wondered and' pondered over thd words “syinpatli'y,” “mercy” and “eiiar- itvft’ lie licitrd jieople use them —the same' ji'e'Oplo who cuffed.' hini about and wore' content to seejbim in rdgs. He thoirghttliC words must mean something way. off—sometluTig ho could not grasp then, but might approach -ndion he liad grown to m.'inV'estato. If Tom’s voice had aadnes.s and cor- , I row in it as hc cried “shine'1” or Noah’s e^ultafio'nnrs' he shouted morm'iig paper 1” n'S'fthlf i-ft the more. Jacob was pursued days’journey by' Laban. A plenty .of seven years and fC famine of seven yeam were fore told in Pharaoh’s dream by seven fat and seven lean . beasts, and seven ears of full and seven oars of blasted coj-n. On the seventh day of the seventh month the cfuldron of Israel fasted seven day's and re mained seven days in their tent. . Evetry seven days the land, rested. Every seventh year the law was read to. the people. ^ , In the destruction of Jericho seven persons hore 'seven jicts seven days. Oii'tho’doventh day they surrmmded the wtdls seven time’s, and at the end of the sever th round the walls tell. Solomon was seven years build ing the temple/ and tasted seven davs at it.s dedicattoiK tn the tabernacle werot seven lamps. , 'J’bo golded candlestick bad seven branches. Naaman washed seven times in the river Jordan. Job’s friends sat with him i?e.A«- en days and seven nights, and| otfered seven bullocks and seven rams for an atonement. Our Savior spok.s Seven tfmes from the cross, on Avbich bo Imng-j seven hours, and after his rasnr- ..j'ection ap]ieared seven times, In. the Revelation rvo read ot seven churches, seven candle sticks, seven stars, seven trumpets, seven plagues, seven tlumders, seven angels, and a seven headed monster.—lixcMnijc. A little boy held a sixiienco near bis eye and said ; “0, moth er! it is bigger than the room f” and when he drew it still nearer, he exclaimed: “Oh, mother! it is bigger than-all ontdoiws !” And just in that waj; the vvorlding hides God, and Ghrist, and judg- m’ent, entirely from view, behind some paltry pleasure, some tii- fling joy, orsomesmall ppasos,sion which h’liall perish with the using, and pass iiwny, with all earth’s justs and glory, in the aiiproadi- ijlgdsN' of (ted aluu.ghty busy' itlir.ftng seemed to notice a. caro. He realized that he” wai standing U]j, .pnglo-handed to bat tle against a . great rvorld, and some times, when thevvorld strack him down the boy crept away in to an alloy to sorrow and grieve that he had Vvef been born. 'i'lioy fpundp bundle of ragis in seven jjupily flail way yesterday morn ing. I’ho old janitor pushed at the bundle with his broom, and growled and niuttpred oyer its be ing left there by some vagrant. The .bundle of nigs Was Tom. The janitor bent over him and pushed at him again, and called to him to rise up and go about bis busiucsi, but the bundle did not move. Tom was de’a'd. One arm ivas thrown around liis'boot box, that it might not be stolen while li® slniiibered—tli'S''other ires^ed.pp bis bi'east,'..fin'a'ers tigh.t- ly'fcTiliciigd.'.as if djiitfi h'ad co/he' Avluje the iiby was” retolvirL.g tci truni- jr.j^n'y on the, une(j>i;il battle bii- ttv9Gn pov'eyey .iind'a_ colli w'orld to-thp bitter g':-.d. TIrU-o .should have been 'fiv!!' lies in tiie, hearts' of those who lifted up. the body . and '?eiit fit away to h'e buried' in., .^.otter’s field, hufthcre was not. They were men, to. ba,jiULe, but fliey couldtimt luiderstaud ho.w it mailp any difference, -to the world wliethordt had one waif -inore or less. They' o'Onhln’t';. fhei the heartaches whichfTom had felt—r his dostieratiou—-his grim despair —his hitter, crushing, every day- sorrows. They' should have at least nncilA'ered their heads as the bodv' was lifted up and said to eabh other : “He was brave'to tight such a battle.” But thoy didnot. Therowouldhave bean on word, no eulogy, had not anoth er waif pa.ssed the door by chance. Ho saw the body, rocoguizod it, and as lie let his box fall to tho flags that he might brush a tear from his eyes, bo whispered : “If tliefc are angels I know Toiur’ll see ’om,|” But no man shall dare to take from or add to the simple, tearful eulogy, ’i’hero will bo a shallow grave, which-will soon sink out of si.glit and memory', and soarco a month rvili ])as3 away before even the lad’s name u’ill bo for gotten by the world—tho rvorld which )>rides. itself on its charity and mercy', and which let poor I'oni stiuid up in hi.s battle for fix'd and raiment and a place to rest his feet : let I'.ini creep olV to nigl'.Ljjeel-Ing in his yoim^' heart that every man’s liaiid was against him lievynise he was a ivaif, a, ra.g- ,ged, Imiigeriug- oi'iilum.—'Detroit I'robS. _____ ■««B 'WSEL TAKE CAKE OF YOB', Biy SON.” ’ A gentleman walking alon.g- oiio of the streets of Phlladelplu.a, 'tvas accosted by a boy who plead ed fur a penny. The g-eiitic.nau was at-first ii'icUued to send him away, but sometbui,g iu the boy’s look forbade that, so he iisl'ied: “What do you want to do wiih the jienuy 1” “Buy bread, sir,” was promptly- answered. “ILiveyou bad notliing to eat to-day.” “Nothing, sir.” “Hoy, are you telling me the truth f’ asked the genllinan, now thoroughly interested in the boy.” “Yes, sir; fatlier is deiMl.” “Where is yrour mother ?” “8ho died last night. Oomo with me and I'll show whore my mother is.” Taking the hand of tho boy, -the gentleman followed his guide down a narrow alley, and stojiped before a inisorablo place which the'boy called home. Pushing open the door, bo iminted to his dead mother and esid : “There is my mother, sir,” “Who was with yourmother -H-hon she died,” asked the gentler, man, deeply moved. “Nobody but roe, sir;” “Hid your mother say' anything before sfie dic'd ?” “Yes, air ;. sift! said, 'Ood will' take care of you, my' son.” Sooner tb-an this dying mother bad dar-ed to bops, God had hon ored her faith by sending to her son one whose heart was touched with tendere.st pity for his' condi tion. The gei'.tieroan ,Ava.s a Oiu'istian to whom God had en trusted m-dch of this world’s good.s, and the orjilian waa kindly' cared ■for by him. God in hi.s wmd is.c:illed the helper of tho fathorloss. He has ai'.id that nonei'tif thath that trust iin Him shall he. desohite, and it is safe to inast iu his promises. ,4 MS-NT T«liS!J!MJSEE5r.S. A hint to,.grumblers.—“1^ hat a iioisv AvOrlif this is.!” croaked an old’frog, ;ia he squatfcd'ou the margi’i of the 'pond. “I)d, you hear’thoso g'eeso', hpw they, soreair. andlus,s? What do th'jy do it for.!’.’ ‘Oil just to amuiic 'tli,en\s'elvpa'!’ answerod.a little field mouse. “Presently' ato sh:ill liavc the OAvl’s hooting; what is that for “If.’.s the .'inusic they like the best,”,said the mouse. “.Vnd those grasshoppers ; th'ey oan’t go homo without grinding imd ehirping ; ivliy do. they do that?”. ■ . “(>, they arc so happy they can’t helji’it!” said tho mouse! “You find e.xcuses for all. I believe you don’t uiidoista.nd music, BO Vou 'like the hidooiis uoi^fOs.” ' “Well, friend, to be honest with ydti,’ said the mouse, ‘I don't greatly admire any of them ; but they are all sweet in my oars compared with the constant crOaKirig of a frog.”—-Appl-es oj Obld. ' A lady- took hor younger bretUor, a little bov three or four y'oavs old, to clmrch. The preacher' ivas an earnest man, and spoke very' loud, Huring the sor’mou, ijlio saiv thy little fel low in tears, and asked what wa,s the matter with him. He sobbed out, “That ii'.aa is I',oIlen:ig at Tlie Boston Globe, iu speaking of John B Gough, gives the fol lowing Sjimmary -ot the enormous amount of tal'c that has been done by'that man Up to December dl last Mr. Gougli had delivered his'lectiu'G.on ‘Loudon’ 2;!8 timcs ; on “London,by Night,” ’23 times on “liero and There in Groat Britain,” 75 ti.aies ; on ‘EloVpien'cc and Grators,’ 210 times ; .ou '“Pe culiar Peoplp,” 281 times; .liu “Fact and Fiction,” !)4 times; on “Habit,” 147 (I'.iiues; .on ‘,Curios!- tv,”,'J8 rimes; on ‘Gircumstauces,’ 185 times ; ou “Will It Pay ?’* 145 times; on “Now and Then,” DG times; ou “Teuipesance,” troui June ,. 18GI, to December 51, last, G58 times. He has delivered over 7'.4tlff locture.s and sijooches in hi.s life. In his work as ten.-. p-;)rauce, orator an,I lectuor he hivs. traveled 402,000, miles. He has. lectured iu Philadelphia lOH times, iu New Y'oik 504times, and in Boston 58G times.” OuAS.S Pl.AKTEO I)Y Gp,.\s.suoi>- I'KBS.—A curious fact connected with tliegr.'w.shoppers reign in Wc'- tern M'i'ssoiiri is, that wherever isastures have beau ,d.e.stroyod l)y' the iusecls,'n'ow’vr.riSties ofgfe.ss, which nsver before have 'been seen in tliti localities, luive sprung- up. The principal species is a green buneh-'grass of luxuriant growth, covering ground forui- ly yielding nothing but bluog'i-ass. ■Cattle'eat the now species with aviditv. It is conjectured tliat the .seed wa,s brouglit to the re gion ai'.d deposited liy tho grass- lispper 'swarm which laiil their eggs tliora last fall. Some defi nite exj)lanatiou df the phenome non would be very interesting since it is not known where the grass originally- grew, or what may be exjjocted of it, if its growth continues, iu the future. The grassooppcis may jiroio a bleasing yet.—Selected. Miss Luck w'as pronounced tho best aiid roost - expeditious cook at the late Cincinuati . Fair. The facts upon which the aw.ard was made wore as follows; In thirty rsH-nutes fiiiss Luck cix'ked, and ’cooked well, jiotatoes, chick en, portw-iiou.so stoa.k, tomatoes and corn, and made coffee, tea, pie ;md bi.scuit, and set tho tabic in the neatest style. Lucky dog ho Avho places Miss Lucky at the head of his “kitchen cabinet.” Jiiianotr,'2'oi], ]i. \y. DimifI, E. H. Hicks, WTt. Kcc. 3T!. Ofi'rc,-rn—,Jco5 'f ..ttixittini, .Tiicl t.iif- tiii, I) .\! M .Justice. rjerett, eei—\V n Uoui's, F At Mciiiiu'vs,, R tv liijK'iinil, E C -Vlliui, .4 Slicriiiau. Lchaixut, Xo'. 007.—It. Suiimiersctt, Win. Atci'i'kt, W. S. Frill.k MeGormiek, CCS, .V. D.ilrvuipic' Nutiiaii Dim .mill, W O T!mniiis. Lenoir. CSS, licuju S {JriiJy, .Julttj S liizzcll, H 1! I’tiktTr, Jitim II .-VUlriJ-c, Jacub I* Iltii'pcr. l['tci'tt..'ujii SiO, Xo'.'iuiv.i 1.. Slia'V, itattliew lirturcr, tVm E. Feel.' ItiMntrec, S4S.- -.Vllcii .lultiistnn, ttaimicJ (tuiucclcy, Will D '^ckcr, W Musir- Icy, E ;\1 I'iunian, ilciiry F ISroukii. Xrnrhjij Hy S4'), J E \Vc.X, T Fmwrs, E llubi>a. Gnttiti'ba Lodge, Xo. S4S,—li. I’. Ricnbantt J. N. I.uiiu, 1>. W. Raiiisiuir. Shiloh, S.'O, W. H. Oi'cgury, Rev E. Hines, T. .1. Fittani. Xarmington, Sit.').—t.. li. Hunt, VV Gt ' .lolui,.',.!,', W. F, Furclics. C7;t.—J. W. Couutdl, J. IlanKiix, I-'lcltrCMi. Wctc XficnaotJ ;iI4, .Saiiiiict WiinjuiiK, Julia Jaciibs, \V M Spence. JeruetCleoi, Sl.fi—Jultii U Davis, GciiE RiU-n- luirjt, 'niiiiir.asM llysacue MirttiimoUkeel, IKS—S' S Baer, J C McCUind FhgoUrdUc;- :80, A S HeiJe, W M, B B SeJbcrjy, S \V, ami Geur;;c F McN'eill, J \V. , .W. Moririh, U D., J \V l'u',ceH, J U Fb4 lip,I, vy F Hi ins. "Tlil-roRPl'j-YNS’ tTHENi>, riibliahed at the Orphan Anplttm, OXFORD, N. c. Price, $1.00 iv ypar, c.ViAH, pos'Ugp pro- paiil hiwti. AiiVKUTlftEilK>fl*8 inAfM'tfd. ;il 10 fPiiM a- lirip tor tir.'t iii.si'iti'Vi ami .3 a lino for coiitimiMiw. At-joit wvfht wor.U uuke a U'liP. 'ri\s* pajHT i.H Ui(> >lfie’cr> of iho iiirtfitiikioii witlioiit oxtr.i o.tnjUMiiHtion ; ami of tho-work of i>riiitiii;t; it Id donti Uy tho ()r[i!\;Uis. AU th>; nf'tl pfoJiUt (jo.U) thu of iin AAyhun. Wo ji.k pvery piwciit subdfriV.or to got at U*utt oud tpiUtim*! iitni* tho m-'cl- iii^' i>f tltt» Ciraii'l f. dI; ”, but one upod not bo con.dhli'ri'tl tin* limit. Aiig-iNt ifitby I -75. T. H. LYi)N,..ni- K. [»AI.nV. U. H. I.Yt)??. {Lnl-e of “IMh;/ ■') LYON, D.VLHY VA\, MANTPACTURK.HS OF THE # 4 “AHOiaA PFKF/’ T0.5SA Durfiam, N. Solicitftl—.\j.joiit.'' waiito!- A3>i>w2iiiS.V«l ii'o'MOxEa.iioii »4' S!ie.' Gsi-aiid to fi'siiso €•'>11- ior S!p.> 0|>52a«i AsyUt Ani^richn Georeje Lofhje, No 17—Dr l’ D (';kin|ibtdt, MtiddryO. W. SpciictT. Duv-i(‘., 01>, Tlii'iiiiiS J. Piigli, Jo-Hopli Cotlftii, Goo. A. Tally. Hiram, ,40.-1. C. P. Littlo, T W Ilbvkft, A. ir. Winston. Concorii' iy^, W 0 Lmvis, John'W Cotton Josoph P. Stotlond Neck, 08, A. II. Hill, W' H. Whl- iijoro, G. L. Hyiinin. Uiujlc, 71—Jiinms H Gattw, -Clnu-los C Tayori R $trayboni. (}rr, l()4-^J F Randolph, T J Ounnalt, Rich ard Or.anoor. i'Hnton, 107, X. M. Roaii, J. C. Griffith, C Watson. St. Mlxins Lodtfc, No. 114—Ed. MeQnoon, Clinion, No. 124.—Thos. '.Viiitf, R Y Yaihro, G. Baker,' J. G. Kin:'. H. 4'. Pitnnui and Xt'iJl 'rownsond. iJff. Lebanon, No. l\7.—.Tamos W Lanoastcr, A. .1. Brown, S. B. Wtitors. Tnscarora, 122, M B .Jonc.s, W S Gratidy, W R Turner. Franklin, lOi). Win. M. Thompson, F B Haco, B Lowcnhor^c Alt. Fncv'jtj, 140—J B Floyd, H Ilaloy, W E Bullofk. RDleariUe, 156, G H Horton, I H Scarl>oro, A R Young. Buffalo Lodfif., 172.—A. A. ^lalvor, A A Harrington. B. G. Colo, A. M. udioi and R. M. Brown.in rmi/. 1!H, AD Fhirw dm.l; P A fh.ri-i i, R Onb g:i ir:i)it(‘-'d \fu-'’id7t'j—Il-'T M. A. MKA.MSs MAXrFAG’rrRERS OF BEAMS’ DURHAM BOOT AND SHOE POLISH, Warrantcif to excel all otliere, or monojf Refunded. Tho only Blacking that will polish on oiiod snrfitoo. It is giuirantt.'otl to prosorve lo.nthor antlyiako it jiluint, votpiiring lass quantity and rimo to pvivdiu‘0 a porfoot gloss than any other, 'tljf) brush to he aiipliiHl-immodiatoly after put ting on tho lUaoking. A jiorfoct glosa from tins will ni>t soil (•von white clotlios. Wo giiarautoo it as rojiroRontofl, and as for ])at- roinigo, strictly on its merits. II. A. REAMS & CO., Manufacturers, Durham, N. C. This'Trlackuig is recommend edin the high- ■(\‘fit temiR, after trial, hy Gco. F. Brown, .1 Howitrd Warner,. New Yoru; tlie Pri'-iiient :uhI, Prole.ssiirs of Wake Ff>re.'t i'ollege ; and a liirge ridnihur 'of gentlemen in iiml around Darliam, whose•c’ertitiioiites^ liave been fur nished the .Mamifactiirera. Or lei’s selieiied iuid ’'roTiiptIv filled. Marcii ill'), j-Nr), * ‘ y-i4

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