THE OllPilANS’ FKIENi). Thu X.—\Vc :nlipt the usual custom -f notifying sul)su'il)on' of the expiration of their fiiih^riptiou, hy piac.iiig a woss mark (X) oil tlioiv pa})or3. So, if y(;u timl tlie mark on your lia'per you uiay kuovv that Uie time you pakl for hiW4 expired, and that, uulc-es you re new the ipapor will bo discoutiniied. We hope none will be olTcijded at having the paper stojiped when they fail to pay u])' as we couhhik puhlirih it ou cri'dit if we would • ami wouldn’t if we could, and we can make n« exeeptloux. When, therefore, you sec the X cm your paper, souii the money for re newal rightaJiUig. OKFIfAI^'’S CSIISIS'fffflAS TSSE'E. BV BATAlil) TAYLOR. Extract. ■■‘itotwithstaiidiDg brotlier itills failed to call to see U8 when he was in this part of the State last, we can show him l)y a liberal contribution that his humane efforts in behalf of the or- ])huns ;u'e not entirely unappre ciated by our community.”—Tois- «-) Transcript. Good for you, brother Ellis, and for the good people of Tois- not and vicinity. Mr. Mills is not here to speak for himself tlirough the FitiESi), in regard to not calling ou you in his recent 1 trip, but we know enough of-tlie j circumstances of his trip to say j that, owing- to the limiUid tiino at his eoinmand in whicli to fill a jweriously arranged prograinnie lioiofe the meeting of tlie Grand- Isjdge, lie was obliged to pass places that lie tvould otherwise iiave taken pleasure in visiting. We hope the good jieople around Toisnot tviil carry out the suggestion in the articlu from which we take the above extract, and that we shall get ‘those peas’ and Other things yet; they will pleasantly viu-y the monotony of turnips during the winter. Ill the acKiiow-ledgment of cash' ikititributionB last -week, is one yf §37.83, thanksgiving collco- lum, M. E. Church at Greensboro, 'i’bis, thougli taken up at tlie M. E. Church, we are informed by 11 friend, was the joint contiibu- tiou. ..of .members of all the churches ol Greensboro, and citiiteiis general] V, ivho at- loiidod the M. E. Church on that day, in accordance with a custom jufevailiug there of holding thanksgiving services alternate!}’ in the diffei-ont churches, by agreement among tlie pastors, on alternate yeare. Ackxowlbdguent.—Our ex- ebaug-es in the sections of the Stale traversed by the Superintendent and his singing band during their recent concert tour, have spoken most kindly of the performances ef the children and of the orphan cause they represented, for which wo wish to tender thanks to one and all It W'ould afford us pleasure to copy the various notices, but they would be too voluiuinons for our columns. two -lyV/u iiavc received coiBn;unica.tions tor publication in tlie from ‘Junior of Ca,stalia, Nasli county, the other from “E. M. W.” of Uur- luun, but as we have not been favored with the names of the wr-itors, the communicatious wiU not bo published. Ihis is a yersal rule among- newspapers, and as there are good reasons tor the rillB, wo shall not depart IVwn it.’ We would have^ published lieth communications if the ivri- ters had given us their names, and will do so yet if the names of the writers are Im-nishsd lu time for our next issue. py“The Books of the Asylum being in lialeigh for the inspection of the coiimiittee of the Grand Lodge on the Orplum Asylum, wo ® , . * ,, K.4- /-.+ nil- “I will give you ten dollars,” said a man to a profane sweas-or, ‘■if you will go. in tlio Village graveyard at An oVjfhari boy, wttli wi-ury fi^i, On Jlivit«naa« evo, alone, bonighki-d, Went tbrttuj^li town I'tona str»tt So stveot. To SUH the tiiiiijtfc'iiug candlt^ li'^btvd lu Uon:a« wlit're baj'py chUiireu moot. Hefure otkeh house lie stood io naavk Tho }.ilea8aiit vaowe that alnmo so faivly ; I’liw sipurk by spark, Till ivU the Uves were blaziuj? raKoly J And sad hkboart wa8, ui the dai’k. Ifo wept; be cliuyioJ Ids bauds aad cried— ‘Ah, evwy ebUJ to-uight roj«i»€8 ; Tiieir Olij jstuiiW preacuis all ditida, Around thoir treus, with worry voltios; But Cbrifitiuus is tome duiiieil. ‘Once wUh uiy sister, kaud io liaud, Al home, b»-w did my Ueo dollj^ht iiio I So other taperf; eliowu so grand; But ail forget me, uoao invite uie, Here, louuly, iu tbn Wrangcr’s land : ‘Win no one let mu io, to BliaiV Thu liijbt—to takc;smiu curm-r n^^li it? Jii alltlHrw bouses oau’t they spare A Rpot wbare I may sit ic (^uiot — A litlie seat amemg them tlikret ‘Will not oaeJbt me iu Ui-ui^ht ? I will not l>€i{ ferf gift ur token; I ouly ask to a»e tlu; aigbt And luiar U*u thanks of others spokou, Aud that will fee my own delight.’ Uo kufKdtcd at uvary door and gate , lie japjied at W4iidow-_pa«o and ehuttar ; But uo oue b«!K'il and ba‘le him wail, Or como till! ‘ Wobiome in !’ to utter ; Their ca,w were dull to oater late. hiach-lather looked with eyes that siuilod Upon iis bap4)y ciiildrtm ouly ; Theu’gifts tboir taothw’s lio.'vrt boguilod To think uf them ; wone saw the louoly, ForgoiUm boy, tiie orphau child. “0, Cbiiot cliild, holy, kind and dear! I liAVC uo fadier liu.l ao uiotlier, Xo fd-'ud save Tuoe, bf give nio cheor, Be ThoB ray help, tliere is uo other, SraK) ail forget me watideiing bore !’ The poor toy rubUod bis bauds so blue, His Idttle liauds the Ixost madechUly ; Ills tattered elwlbos h« «b>»or draw Aud ei'oLcihftd within a ottfucr atilly, Aud and kaew aot what to do. 'riiea BudJealj, tliero shone a light; Albng^the straot, aj^proa^ihiug aoaror, Aiiotlwu- child iu gavmeuta white, 8pako as ha caiu.e—^d ^tukrer,. dearer, Hi* voice made laa*!* in the night : ‘I am the Glirlst; have thou ue fear ! I was acblhi iu uiy pjobalion, And obiidrwH unto tue ari) near, 1 luvarand lio«*d thy aupplioation, Though ikll thfi Fcat forgK thee hero. ‘M.^' aaving word to all I bare, Aud equally to each 'tis given, I bring the pwiuioe of thy care. Here in the siriwt beuoatli the heavoua, As woll lu the ohaiubers there. ‘And Itere, p'lor boy, thy ChrLstiuas-trco WiU I adorn, audiitj make glininer Through all this opeusp>u5e, ft»r thee. That thoao within aliall twinkle dimmer, For bright as Ihuie they oamiot be !’ The Uhihit-ohUd, with hie shining hand, Thou pointod up, aud io 1 tho lustres That sparkled tkwe! He &aw it xtaud, A tree o'l-e'iuug with sitarcy olusters On all its bertaohea, wide aud grand, So fai‘, and yet so uuar I tiio night Was blazing with Uio' tapers splemlov ; What wiis tho wrylian buy’s doUght! How bt'at bis bus.soni, wariu auil tender, Toseelus Olkrbtiiuss-tFtHi so bright! It seemed to him a happy dream ; Then, from the sUirvy brauciios boudiug, The angoU stooped, and through tho gluntn They UghtOvl hliu to poaco uaouding, They foUled hiip iu loyo supreme. The orplum uliild b now n^t rest ; Xo father’s care he noods, nor mother’a, a UUl- qhrist-c.hdd’s holy breast, .rUl that is hero bestowed on others lj.e there forgets i#lmre all is best. twelve o\‘l()ck to ll lo saute oaths voii ‘‘an and swear you have just uttered wUen y are aloue Avitii Uod.'’ “iV^veed,” said tlio man, eas)' way to make ten dollars.” “Well, eome to-morrow and say A'ou have done it, aud you shaU have the im-uoy.” AUduight came. The man went into the graveyard. It was & night of great dai kuesa. As he entered the cemetery not a sound was heard; all was still as death. Then came the goutloinau’s words to his mind. “Alone with (dod !’' rang iu his eai’s. He did ' not dare to utter and oath, hut'lied from the jdacB crying : “^od be meciful to uie a siiuierl” Mrs T 0. Roberts, 1 pai-r stoc-kiugH. , 4-^ bushels wheat. 1, SJ vds jeans, 2 hams jiork and ! sh potatoes. Ill 1 jug of vinegar, 1 bag of dried A L Logai Thos Wuoi bag Ir E M Alh.-o fruit aud itoc.kiiig yarn. Capt Lcuard, 1 Lag of apples and 1 bag oi turuips. Uaknowii friend, I wash stand. Mrs J K Sam.s, i bu potatoes, J bu tiiriiipi- ami I dozen cabbage heads. JOHN 11 HAMS, Hlewnrd M. !I. 0. A. A ^iugiiit8.i’ Jnsver. Tho follosviiig ptrsons have paid fur Ttis Oii’MiANs’' FiMBXoier wbo yfttti' from thi^ date : J. A Pwry—H. R. Kyutiuglmm—P. II (iower—TlioiujisJ. (aill-- Tiioiaas T. I loas- aiits—iohii II nreedluvo—L. tV. Rowe—W. J. Fuiu + m—.Mbs i.,etli() Ja-a—Thouias M. Wayeii—8. V. House. osmss^Mssss/BXKassisoftss^si^ 'i’mjissj't'id ifr UESFi'icT. IVoczjodings of Zion Lw'lgo. Xe. 81, iip ii A New yori Ucrald corres- }ionleiit, writing- from the Black Hills, says: ! A most reiuai'kable stream was] diseovei-ed, aud ajjpj-opviately i named Arapliidioiis Creek, Its, watcj-s suik iuto aud rise from the' eai-th many times iu their joirtiioy ; fi-oui their cirigiual spring to thC; south foj-k of the Cheyeune. A well-known bed extends all the way, shoa-iiig- that in the Wet sea son a tori-eni Hows on the surface ; but at the preseut time not a vestige of the current may be seen fm- miles after it disappeiu-s, until it sudden] \- bubbles up again from the rocks aud rolls ' onward to tho nest point of descent iuto its subteri-ituoaii oliam «l .'■'tr-ai- s of this chiu-acter are so common on the great plains that they are not thought remarkable-; but they lU-e rarely found amotig. moun tains, for -tlie reason tliitt the siib- .stratais usually composed of solid rocL lying not.far beipW:.the sur face, and aflurding uo-jippm for a sub-pa-ssag-e though the sand, it that should happen to oomp"Se the soil. can not give a list of contnbu eek. f hey tvili Afa-aS.S to Swear Alone, tions for this we be given in next issue, The wicked practice of swear ing, which ia so common as to of fend the oar iu every hotel, and almost in every street is often mere bravado. Boys think if sounds manly to be profane and men think it gives force and character to their sayings. Un like most other vices, if is done opetily, and it is intended by the bwearcr lor other people’s ears. ts> SSj^v-6 KiM frpsa I^ov. list i4> Xpv; {JOtbS,. 18^5, • IX CASH. Paid $23.51,- ColWtion at AsbijTillo. “ 22.35, CukouAitdc uf Uuims Rfxjk I^udgi*, .Nu. 267. '■ ' “ 5.00, Culkrtiuu at Mills Civov,. “ 4.00, Maace Ludgio, Nu„203., “ 1.00, O..T. Huruutt. IX RIND. . W C Ramsoy., 8 bushels .wheat, Jubu E Saiiw, 1 “ , Miss'J'llfM-wa Farris, 1 pairsooks,' MIhs MoRio Parris, 1 “ • • “ Mri! H M Chaves, 1 blanket. Mr* A $ Posey, I blanki-t. Mrs M A (sirtsh, 2 bliukets, 21 yk joans. skitis, i yd.x Hen^iy, I sluak. Mj' It C Bftr.kfo-rd, 4 yds jt'a»s aud 5 pair* gl»9*a. . Mii^ 3 2 Lyou, 1 bLngket aud 1 pr stuckiugs. W T iVibertiioa, ydsjcaiis'- C n Millwr, li| yds joaua. 0 Wild, 3 gallons luolasseav Mr'aMoDaris, 4 galluua liiulaasoB. , A lioakhavt, 2 “ “ -; T a l^ouly, 2 “ “ and I bu wheat, Mis* M Rovis, 1 pair sooks, E IWlay, 2 busbels wheat. •• J Ii Boborts, 2 bushels wheat. H C Uobovts, J gal mulassus aud;-I pv shoos, W B Wild, 2 gal inulassos, Mrs T 13 Dooly, 16 lbs soap. Miss Folly McDaris, 1 pair pants, Mrs Johu (jfu’rjsou, 1 bushel whwlt. I A Harm, 5 pairs shooa. I V OofBfK), j bushel wheat, W J M Crarrwou, 2 buphela wheat, R K. Fiakeua, I gallon mohksses. . J liobom, 5 bu corh autl 2 gal mobissos, Mrs Xowton Gentry, 16 lb,s soap, ‘ M F Cliutoa, I bu wheat, J T Morgan, 2 gallons ipolasaes. SiUis Williams, 2 M S Roberts, I bushel wheat. Mi-s R A Morgan, 2 gallons iuolasso.s, .MRs S K Williams, ^ gallon mojasacs, q Morgaii, 2 gallons molaaaes. F iv{ Williams, 2gallouB lufihusaos. 4 X Mrvrgau, 2 gallons uiolassos, A X llobersou, 1 gallon molaasos. Hiram i*hiliips, 6i gallons luolasses, ' Tenic t'lintou, 1 pair sioekiugs, idiiigs ^he ih-atli thefr W. M.,“Bko. S,jliON ]• Kfeosca, w!ii> dspwted this Ui’e Oat. 21st. i.375. ViOLKUi-iA.s, Pealh ha-s ostablishcd his oi.- jift'c, and lUo decree 1):4S gtiae forth that nl: become siibjiiSU ihenjof, aud whorea.' ‘viio evwlastftig 0-od iu the executiou ot that dsuj-Me hath wkeii froui us ogr rc'spoetwd slid ostoeuied W. M., Bug. SiuoiJit K. FouxcR, .And witii Uis iuiseoii hand Btriekdu IVoni onr '- sstouished V**'U, hu-j who, as the light Si the ou-ft, has for many jenrs shed his genim rays upoB the luiujonio pavonieut, traced de- feigias uj)«ii {Ills U'eusal btfiu'd, set the ‘rafl ♦ work aud giten titem prypitf iaatraetions ha their hiboj-. But Ueath sought a aubjeet, the grave a vi'iiin, oferulty auiirjf, and our Mas ter UasRueu lakcii. We are bareU. of a- friond^ couiiaellor and guide, and left fii glooui ami sorrow to uavolon; yet not witlmut hope, for deaUi Jialb baeg depuyod of ite atiug, the ;irave ahorn of U« Fietoi'y, aud the bow oi pnmiibf' si'.^a tlie haaveus, npoii widab we huitg OUT hopt?, and .tueiddy l»ow”iu^, cry with reveroutial owe, ‘‘Thy wifi, 0 Gtol, be doue. ’ Tlte -efore, lies-^'cd. That iu the dsalli of lu'other K-ooure tlio Xjodgo. has lost a ffutld'iil aud olli- fieut officer, one that held tire gavel with an i.npai'tial liaud, eiviff striving to uiako tho la bor ot ibe (’.raft harmoaieus and pleasant, ♦b-is cauaiug them to realize liow gaoJ aud h>w ])leasaiJt it is for lirothren to dwell to- gofher hi vujiiy. 2. That soctNty lias l«t oao of its beat iBember.-i, the ,4#;itiiy a pure and CHithinl inag- iatrato, 1 » riilalivos a Ubo frioud, and tho oi- pbaned son a U.ud and imlnlgwiit fatlmr. а. 'Dial* wo deplore and mourn the loss of our brother, we would sot f(¥x#t tho i-bild tlittt wau HO d«?ar to him, but toador to tho bt)jeavr.d our te idercst sympatlsy »ndtbat .•kre liud jirotectiou known Motions, aud coinmeud him to the tare wf that I'wng, who say« 'I wii bo a fatliw’ la tlie fathejilcss.’ 4. 'Diat these iircxsaediugii he xju-OHd umni tho minutes of the Lodge, copy fiii-uished the son of I'm {!oi‘ea«ed, auj iu tohey of our respect we wear the usual bajgo cf inotiruing hif lliirty days. б. Oriltu’gd to be sent to tlio OiU'HAnb’ for pnbliaution. BEXJ. BROUK, JR CALVIN KOONCE. ^ Com. THOS. d. WlIi't'AKRR. mii tliiit siiitl reports and tlift umds received t,e fornftrded montlilv to tlio Siiperinteiideirt of the AB3’lum and tliht tlie support )f tho Orpbnu Asylum he a regu-. lat- order of business iu each sub- orlinate Lodge at each Commu- iiicatiou. 4, All chui’clies and benevolent organizations are utrinested to .■,o()l)erato with us in the orphan •vork and to collect and forsvai’d contj-ibutions tliroueh li ir own proper cfficei'S, Here are Ute reso olulions : UesoUed, lltrt llte sincere thanks of this Grand Lodg-e are hereby tendered to many benev olent ladies and gentlemen, to the ministers of the gospol, to chur ito os of viu'ioiis deuominatiaiis, to 0 Id Ee!lo\vs, Eniglits of Pythias, Good 'I’emplarg, Friends of Tem- porajiee, and othca-benevolent so cial ies, wliose hearty cooperati( h and liberal cont.ihiitions have reu-' dered timely and valuable assist tauco k) the great wory of amoli; orating tho condition of tho or., phan chihb’on of the State, llesolmd, That all benevolent .societies and individuals are here by cordially invited and request ed to ooiiperate with us iu provi^ ding funds and supjdiea for feed ing- clothing, .and odiicatiug indi gent and promh-iug orpliau ebil- dren, at the A.sylum in Uxffird. J1) VMi TlSJiMBNTS. POEI-BY, Augustus At hhs (Jd sHuid ja, With a large sttude ofOt'oaei-iufiiUid Dry GottdSj Audi uMc all who buy, To fdill lu and u-y If they call tlud miy goods ehotvppi- tlum goodtJ I d(> not luteud My money to spend For gtfwds just to lie on aiy akelves, I don’t em'o to “blow” ’em But have only to *h jw 'em ' Aitd I thiuk they will speak for tlioisselvep, 46- - ' A. LANDIS, JIA November, 1875; Ol' tiko Umssd JLt>dge* Adoi;ted Dec 3d, 187.5. llesolvcd, 1. That-St. John’s College shall be' made an asy lum for the pj’oteotion, training and education of ludigeut orhpaii cliildren. 2. ’] hat tliis Qaaud Lodge -vrill appropriate $ aiuuiall} lor FeTHoU* buyin,g Dry Goods, lietidy w»d« Clotbluij, Boots kJid Shoes, 4tf-., la Oxford, tibould mnejjjher that COOPES a WIUIAMS arfi Rading in low prioos. A spleudid aaftopt moni of NEW GODD3. TERMfi CASH. 44v t’4>1ftPS3-a£ & WIIjILIAMS. 1^. W. O W K N, DENTAL SURGEON, OXFORW. I¥. C. OFFICE AT IHlS REHIDENOE Hppcial attention givfu to rejilapiug full and lartial sotte of tooth ou goh|, tdlyty op inbr ivug Ifth Wi l.SStf the support of the histi-tutiou ; but will not assume any additional pecuniar}^ respoiiBibuty. 3. That thi.s Grand l.odge elect a Superintendent vvlioshaJl control the institution and solicit cor.- (ributions for its support from all classes of oui- people, 4. That orphan childron in tho said Asylum siiall be fed and clorh'-'d, and t-hdl receive such preparatory training and edii- oatioji as will prepare them for useful occupations and for tho usual business transactions ol’ life. Adopted Doc 5th 1872 : liesolml, That tho Superinten dent of tho said Orphan Asylum shall report at each Annual Com- municiitiou an aocoftnt of his ofS- oial acts, receipts, disbursements, mimboi- of pupils, &c, tugetlier with such suggestions as ho may see fit to offer. “Hesoived, That the Ma.ster of each subordinate Lodge appoint a Standing Committee upon raising funds for tho Oi'pliau Asylum, aud require said committee to report in writing each mouth. Q. H 0 U G E A I. L K N & (’0., 22 £ U Polhch Street, MEWBSJIl.rf, w. c., DRALKIiS IN Genaral Hardware, Agricultura Implements, Bookwalter Steam Engines for Ginning Cotton, B|«E,|.OW EBTGini'ES, FliOH 9 T« 15 HOMSP POWER. C*tton Gjtis; Cotton Fres.'^evS, Cotton Flanteraj llorse Fowei's, Cider Mills, 'Diresher^, Carriage Material, Fuia|)8, \Y«ltcf A- W ood’b Mower* and Reaporai Liui«, Laad Fluster, Gna= nofl, Bono DuBtj Graa^ So«(l, Cloypi'Seed, Luooriie; line proved Cut- top Hoed; AX¥1S, II SHOTa FLS, 3;€*, &C. PLOW lAlfGFACTUHEHS, Our stock cuibrattes the Cbainpiou, tb« Stpnownll, Wiley, Diekapp, Allen, and Mag nolia Cotton Flow; tho Celebrated Atlas Flow, and many other Iwiproved Flows. S'f‘*8uud for iliiistnfted (-latalogue. Peri* souul attoution given to orders. ALil^JdW & CO., NEWBEBIlh SfyS r