THE ORPHANS’ FRIEND. Wednesday, Fcbisiary 7, tS77. Okpiian Asylum, ') Oxford, N. a, ^ Feb. 6tli, .1877. ^ Messrs. W. T. Blackwell S Go.— Bear Sirs ;—After careful in vestigation and due deliberation, 1 lilive decided that the splendid new Remington Sewing Machine, offered bj you to the lady send ing to the Orphan Asylum the largest contribution in monej', is due to the Goldslioro Misses Orphan Aid Society.” The money was sent by a lady for the Soci ety. The Machine should there fore be sent to the Society. There were some reasons for postponing the time of this decis ion ; but I knew that you were in earnest, and that yon would not tolerate any appearance of ti'ifling with a matter of business. The weather was bad; but you made the offer on purpose to for tify the orphans against the sever ity of winter, and you will be glad to learn that we have a good sujiply of blankets, siioes, liats and hoods and shawls, for the 'present winter, and that, with a hundred and ten orphans, the sick-room has been closed three months. With grateful esteem, J. n Mills, Supt. for On the fourth page of this pa per we print the well-known pic ture of Mary and her little lamb. The story is an old one; but no less needful to all orphans. They, like other children, are by nature depraved, and by experience made selfish. It is a great benefit to a child to love a mother and a father and a yard-full of brothers and sisters. Dr. Franklin wisely advised a young man to take a wife out of a bunch of children, because a member of a large family (properly trained) is apt to be more affectionate and less selfish than one who lias been the “all and in all” of her parents. For the same reason motherhood usually improves the tune and temper of a woman. She for gets herself and loves her child, for its own sake. And so Cole ridge was sensible when he said; “A mother is a mother still, The holiest thing alive.” But orphans sometimes feel that nobody loves them, and their temptation is to love nobody. Hence “Silent Sam” sings : “I never say nothing to nobody, And nobody never says nothing to me.” In taking care of themselves, orphans learn to care for them selves alone, and so they frequent ly forget to pray with Words worth ; ' “Give unto me, made lowly wise, The spirit of self-ScTcrifice.” We therefore ask the children to note carefully 'that the lamb loved Mar}’, because Mary loved the lamb; that even the Lord loves those who love him ; and that they must be kind and faithful to others, if they wish others to be kind and faithful to them. AIV IIOKOB.tBf.E ATtO GUACE- FEE BETIKEMEKT. A noble and model man is John Nichols. A few fat offices are obliged to bo distributed, and he retires with all the dignity of an honest and faithful public servant; “ My dati'es as Principal of this'Institution close to-day, after a service of four years. My letiremont froiu tire position has not been voluntary, but has been caused by the politi cal changes in out* State government. I deem ft unnecessary to offer any explanation oia tlie- £'uUject. It is due to myself, however, to state that no complaints, much less charges, have be*n nmde against my admiuistratiun, even by my op})onentSi During tiie time I have been Piiiu-ipal of the Institution, I have formed many pleasant acquaintances amoiig the parents and friends of our pupil-s, find from some of them T have received acts of kindness that will never be forgotten. I DOW surrender the Institution, with all its honors and responsibilities, into the hands of my successor, who is a gentleman of intelli gence, education and energy, and wlio will, I trust, make a more efficient officer than I have been. To the parents and guardians of our jmpils, aud other friends of the Institution, I now introduce Mr. Ilezokiah A. Gudger, the iievv- Iy-C‘lc('ted Principal, and bespeak for liim the same kind feeling, cordial support and on- eouragement that have been extemled to me laring my term of service. Very respectfully, JOHN NICHOLS. Tllli fi>OLLS. Mr. William Brandreth of Sing Sing, N. Y, sent a box of dolls already dressed by Miss Mary Wiltsie. The box arrived on Thursday evening. The girls were in a wonderful glee. After the usual evening services the roll of the girls was called and each ope came forward and select ed a doll. The teachers reserved several for girls soon to come, and three ivere left. Several boys offered to siiell for a doll, and were allowed to do so. Fairley Dickinson obtained it. Tlie remaining two were given to Wesley Patton of Buncombe and to William Tark'nton of Chowan. And now the dolls are sitting about and standing around in the rooms and the children are busy and cheerful. FAESE SXANDAROS. The most merciless critics, the hardest people in the world to please belong to that class of in dividuals “who do not profess to be judges,” quake and tremble when your arbiter thus prefa ces his opinion. Rest assured the most unrivaled dogmatism is to follow, and know most certainly you are weighed in the balance against an amount of conceit that would send a dozen such aspirants as yon down to zero. If this “class” we are now after were as insignificant numerically as they are intellectually, we would let them most severely alone ; but unfortunately for the world, they constitute a large proportion of its population, and to listen to their carpings over the latest literary novelty, last musical entertainment, or exhibi tion of art, suggests the recreation afforded in Pluto’s region. They know what they like, and if your likes chance to differ, why you are erratic, that is all. But is the standard of merit to be determined by ones’ likes and dislikes? A paragon of a standard ! But these volunteer critics not unfrequently determine an author’s or artist’s popularity with the masses. Of coiuse there are always the think ing few who form their own opinions, but very many are con tent to accept the criticism in the last magazine as unquestionably true. And the mischief they have wrought cannot be briefly summed up. Many a pen has been paralyzed because of the reception of its first efforts, and now “what might have been” is its lonely refrain. Hang the dipper on the nail, Put the top upon the pail. Never soak your dipper. Keen it clean and dry. Do not expose your water to the dust or sun. Keep it nice and cool. Work, -when you see, Rest, when your work is done. Be prompt, active and vigorous in hours assigned to work. Then your conscience will be clear and vour rest will be sweet. At meals, take turkey with skill, In bed, be silent and still. Turkey is a complimentary title for food. We call a child “honey,” knowing that child to be as dif ferent from honey as chalk is from cheese. So turkey is merely a polite term for what is on the table. But do not drop meat, nor spill soup, nor handle any thing ungracefully. You go to bed to sleep, not to talk; therefore close }'OLir eyes and lips and let tlicm ■8ta^’closed. A MOXSBER’S E®V-E. (Translated from the French.) If tl;e soon-forgotten prompt ings of his first sorrows,extorts a feebly cry from jthe frail nurse ling, his mother, with terror, de spair in her heart, sees his thread of life just ready to be clipped; she listens, during the night, to liis quiet breathing; she fears to hasten his awaking by her breath ; she carefully nurtures his frail existence; for his sake she be comes a cliild again ; interpreting his wishes by his cries, she knows how to invent pleasures for his merest whims. When remarkable precociW is developed, his mother, the fore most of all, shapes his language, fixes in his tender memor}’, by short lessons, the sounds of words new to him ; precious and gentle care ! delightful task ! which of ten a mothei’s kisses interrupt! She pursues the round of her salutary training; replies to his questions without ever growing weary, gently reproves and mild ly praises him, cultivates his mind, enriches his heart, and kindles in his eye, still feeble and timid, the healthful torch of reli gion. Sometimes she shortens the evening by a story: the child nestling on his mother, seated by lier feet, lends an attentive, won dering ear, fearing to lose a word of those marvelous tales. Some times the pastoral muse of Gesner presents to the youthful reader his charming moral. Ilis sports are abandoned for these endeared passtimes, and to him, toil is the price of toil. The lists are soon to be entered : fond mother ! that son, the idol of thy heart, steals from thee the larger time for ab sorbing study. Already hours of serious reflection are bringing successes as well as pleasures. At last the great day arrives, when the grave Aristarchus, slug gish monarch of an infuriated people, clearing from his brow its habitual severity, discerns in this young athletic a merited laurel. In silence, an admiring gaze is fixed on the child destined to be his country’s hero. That child is thine. A shout rings out on the air; the hero, borne by a thousand arms, is al* ready on thy bosom ; his triumph is thine, his glory envelopes thee ; and thou art wetting lii:s cro-nm with a mother’s tear. Uncle Al. A A'JGHX SCENE IN AMERICA. (From the French.) The sun had gone down in the west, and the twilight was fading away, as the moon appeared above the tree tops in the eastern horizon. A balmy breeze, as if from Araby the blest, seemed to precede her through the forest as her own refreshing breath. Queen of night she slowly ascended the sky.; now she calmly pursues her azure path, anon pillowing herself on fleecy clouds like the snoiv- crowned peaks ot lofty mountains. These clouds, folding and unfold ing their wings, burst into trans parent zones of satin whiteness, scattered in light flecks of foam, or piled up in the heavens tiers of burnished fleece so soft to the eye, tliat imagination sought to grasp their elastic, velvet folds. The view on earth was no less entrancing. The velveting light of the moon, tinged witli the bine of the sky, gleamed through the opening of the trees, darting its arrowy pencils through the thick armor of profound darkness. The river that flowed by my feet, soon hid from my view in the woods, again suddenly ajjpoaring be spangled with the stars of night reflected from its bosom. In a vast prairie stretching out beyond the river, the moonlight lay qui etly sleeping on the turf. The burcli trees, scattered here and there over the plain, shaken by the breeze, formed floating islands of shadow in a motionless sea of light. Near by, all was the repose of a stilly night, save, now, and then, the tinkle of the falling leaves, the swfift,^flitting of a sud den -R'ind, or the rare and oft suspended bootings of the screech- owl ; while in the distance -were occasionally heard, the solemn thunders of the Niagara which, in the lonely night, are repeated from solitude to solitude, dying away amid the peaceful forest. The sublimity, the startling solemnity of this picture, no mor tal tongue could tell. The loveliest European night can .give no just conception ol its beauty. In our cultivated fields, imagination plumes its wings, to meet at everv turn the abode of many ; but in these unpeopled realms, thought revels in an ocean of forests, roams on tlie shores of vast lakes, stoops over the Cataract’s abyss, and, as I may say, finds itself alone with God. Uncle Al. THE CHRIST'S AN CATACOME. The Christian Catacomb breathes the calm air of a biessed immor- talit}’. Every space on the wall bears on its front the mark of this hope; as witness the constant repetition of the inscription : In Face ! Sometimes it is explained by the added words, In Bco vivia, or by an unmistakable symbol, such as the cruciform anchor, in dicating the invincible nature of Christian hope; or Noah’s dove bearing the green olive branch, the type of a soul tliathas landed on the eternal shore. Among all these inscriptions, perhaps the most eloquent in its brief simplic ity is one preserved in the Vati can Museum, Tcreniianus vivit— Tcrentianus lives. Faith in the absolute certainty of the soul’s endless life has never shaped it self in briefer, simpler form. The word cemetery, wliicii is of Chris tian origin, expresses the same assurance. It signifies “the place of common slumber,” and reminds us of Christ’s sublime utterance over the tomb of His disciple at Bethany, “Our friend Lazarus sleepeth.” The entire phenomena of Christian sepultuie set asidethose ideas of metempsychosis so much in favor at that epoch. They witness to the indestructiblo na ture of the human personality as destined to live again in its com pleteness. Here we may discover the profound reason why the Christian, after the example of the Jewish Church, refuses to sanction the burning of the dead. “We may at the same time,” says the Apologist Atheuagoras, “hold the dogma of the resurrection, and destroy the body as if it were not to be raised.” We will not here discuss the philosophic beai'ing of this opinion, but will content our selves with recording it. The early Christians had yet another motive for refusing to lend them selves to pagan rites in this res pect. The} wished as much as possible to Follow the example of tlieir Lord. Hence they adopted as their type the mode of sepul ture described in the fourth Gos pel. They wished, like Him they loved, to be ■wrapped in a wind ing sheet and buried in the eartli. The Catacomb seems to me to be a funeral cave, very similar to tliat in which Joseph of Arimathea laid the remains of the Ci'ucified. —E. (h Fressense. D.4NGEROES SOAP. The public is cautioned bv the Scientific American against tlie of dangerous soaps. It says: We have remarked of late the introduction into the market, under high-sounding name, of various strong potash combina tions, intended for laundry and cleansing purposes. One of these preparations, which appears to contain more caustic potash tlian any other ingredent, lately caused the death of a child who accidentally eat some of it; and we have found the same stuff strong enough to remove old hard paint from wood work when merely wetted by the same and alloived to rest thereon for perhaps an hour or two. We advise our readers to let such preparations severely aloiu-j they are ruinous to clothes, and, except to cleanse kitchen floors and other greasesoaked places, should not be used Even tlie ordinary low grade soaps are heavily cliarged with soda and impurities, which the manufacturers say, they are obliged to add in order to liold their own with fraudulent dealers who adulterate still more licavi- Iv; and these soaps are also high- desfriictiva to fabrics. It is much better economy to purchase a good quality, even a a superior quality, of white soa|) for household purposes, for the extra cos^ of the soap will, in the end, be more than saved in tlie lessened \ve:«' of clothes or oil clotlis, and of paint. It is hardly necessary to add that strong alkali soaps should never be used on the skin, as their effects is corrosive and harmful. The object of using soap for the toilet is simply to overcome the natural oil which exudes from tbo body, and render it possible for the w'ater to combine therewith, and a very little of the soap is am ple for this purpose.—Youth's Com]}anion. —One of the Big Trees of Cal ifornia is now on exhibition in the city of New York, at th.e cor ner of Broadway and Ninth St It is a section, cut several feet above the ground, the heart taken out and the bark, wfith a portion of the wood, left attached. The section is 16 feet high and 67 feet in circumference. The tree is said to have been 3,000 years old. It is a fine specimen of this giant tree of the forest. Commodore Vanderbilt -R'a'S once asked what was the secret of his success in business. “SecretP he replied; “there is no secret about it. All yon have to do is to attend to your business and go ahead.” At another time he said, “The secret of my success is this —I never tell what I am going t® do till I have done it.” It costs more to avenge than to forgive. ■■mmt dm