ORPHANS’ FRIEND. Wednesday, May 23. 1877. BEPOKTS BY 'I'lJE TEACIIEKS. The orphans are divided into Four Graded Forms, eacli in charge of a teacher, whose report is printed every fourth week. The highest number is 10; the lowest is 1. Wlien tlie average is below 5, the orphan is liable to be discharged as not “promising,” and therefore excluded by the regulations. This paper contains the report made by the teacher of the FIKST FOBM. Mary Cosby, Barnet Chambers, Maoy Marshall, Williani Tarkinton, 10. Laiirah Bernham, Lizzie Clmnibers, Tan- wood Dickiiisou, Mary Oarris, Joseph Ilalsoy, Edna Lusley, Idzzic Perryi Maggie Bides, Lizzie Starus, Mary Taylor, 9; Laura Beniham, Lizzie Cotton, ^lartha Collins, Bottic Garris, Wesley Patton, Wil liam Pittman, Bell Spry, Mary Turner, 8. Adolphus Bell, Leonidas Parker, Thomas Phillips, 7. Reading.—Laurah Bernham, Mary Coshy, T.iy^ip r’hninbors. Murv Gnrris. Lizzie Cotton, IJzzie Chambers, Mary Garris, Bcttic Garris, Thomas Phillips, Lizzie Perry Maggie Sides, 10. Laurah Bernham, Maoy Marshall, William Pittmam, Bell Spry, William Tarkinton, 9. Martha Collins, Burnet Chamhers, Lin- wood Dickinson, Joseph Halsey, Edna liHS- ley, Tjeonidas ParluT, Lizzie Starus, Mary Taylor, Mary Turner, 8. Adtdphus Bell, Wc§ley Ihjtton, 4. RanclualiUj.—Ijaiirah Bernham, Laura Bernham, Eihina Bell, Etta Bell, Joseph Channing,Lizzie Cotton, Martha Collins, Lin- wood Dickinson, i^lary Garris. Bottle Garris, J;!se])h Halsey, Edna Lasley, Macy Marshall, Wesley Patton, LoonhlaS Parker, Thomas rhilli[)s, Lizzie E^erry,Maggie Sides, Lizzie Starns, Alexander Sorsby, Bell Spry, Mary Taylor, William Tarkinton, Mary Turner, JO Mary Cosby, ‘William Pittman, David Turner, 9. Bm'nct ChamborR, Lizzie Chambers, 8. Atloipbus Bell. 7. Deportment,—Emma Bell, Etta Bell, Jos eph Channing Lizzie Cotton, Leonidas Par- k(‘r, David 'rurner, 10. Mary Coshy, Lizzie Chamhers, 'Mary Gar ris, Joseph Halsey. Edna Lasley, Macy Mar shall. Lizzie Perry, William Pittman, Mag gie Sides. Alexander Sorshy, Bell Spry, Mary Taylor, Mary Thinier. 9. Adolphus Bell, Laur/ih I^cruham, Laura Berliam. Nlai'tl.-a Collins, Bcrnet, Cliamhors, Linwood Dic'.keiisou Wesly Ikittoii, William Tarkinton. 8. Bettlo Garris, Thomas Phillips, Lizzie Btarnx, 0. Attention, to TEorfc.—Laurah Bernham Laura Bernham, Joseph Ciianning, Martha C.dlins, Burnet Chambers, T..iu\vootl Diidiin- pon. Joseph Halsey, Edna LashU'y, William Pittman. >iag£rie Sides, Lizzio Starns, Bid! Spi‘y, Mary Taylor Mary Turner and David Turner, 10. Adolphus Bell, Emma Bell, Lizzio Cotton and Bettii! fraiTis, .'5. Mary Coshy, Mary Garris and Thomas Philij)S, 3. Contributons of corn have been received from Adoiiirimi o, Xe. 149, and would luive been published but we are awaiting imstruction. The Rogues Around Oxford Have been very attentive to tlie property of tlie Orplian Asylum. Dur ing the iir.st year of our operations here a flue fat Cliester sow was stolen; tlien a pig of noble blood and hand some figure was taken away at night. About the first of this month a beau tiful wlute pig, three mouths old and very fat. Was stolen away, and eaten or sold. Two years ago a man took a cow belonging to the Orplian Asylum, penned her alone in a solitary tliieket and kept her concealed until he was betrayed. lie had several times de nied that he knew any tiling about tlie cow; but when she was found, in Ills pen, he claimed great credit for having “kept her to her milk.” His impudence was equal to his villainy. DIFFEKE'XICE JW M!LK at Ya- laOES TIMES OF TME D.AY. I’rofessor Boedeker has anal}'- zed tlie milk of a healthy cow at various times of the day, with the view of deterniing the changes in the relative amount of its consti tuents. He found tliat tlie solids of the evening’s milk (13 per cent.) exceeded tliose of tlie morning’s milk 10 percent; wliile tlie water contained in tlie fluid was dimin- islied from 89 per cent, to 86 per cent. Tlie fattv matters gradu ally increase as the day progresses. In the morning they amount to 2.|- per cent; at the noon IJ per cent; and in the evening 5| per cent. Tills fact is important in a practical point of view ; for while 16 ounces of morning’s milk will yield lialf an ounce of butter, about double tliis quantity can be obtained from tlie evening’s milk. The caseine is also increased in the evening’s milk, irom 2^ to 2i|- per cent; but the albumen is diminislied from 44-100’ths per cent, to 31-100’tlis per cent. Su gar is least abundant at midnight, (4| per cent,) and most plenty at noon (4| per cent.) Tlie percen- take of the salt.s undergoes al most no cliange at any time of the day.^—Edinburg Medical Jour nal. —Tlie Charlotte Democrat de nounces as “ humbuggery ” the pi'o- vailing excitement in favor of propa gating fish. A writer in the News proposes to propagate frogs near Xew- herii and drive them to Philadelpliia. He forgets (perliajis he did not know) tliat .Pasquotank liiver raises every year frogs enough to feed an army. They could he canglit, salted and sent by water to Xortliern cities witliout the trouble of “ eoneei'ts and dime parties” by the way. But if concerts must be given, the Camden frogs out- siiig all others. Tliey throw so much life and melody iuto their music. lY MISS FEETTEK-.ME-JIGGS CIIAMBEIC. I overheard tliem talking it over—the Voices wliicli begin to speak in a room the moment it is deserted b3Hiuman beings. Little Flutter-me-jigg had just gone, slamming the door, and declaring lier room to be “the liatefulest, dingiest old place she ever did see!” A big oclio started up indig nantly. “Ever see?” Ever seel” “1 liave,” said the Canary. “I see as plain as dajn I can’t and I won’t sing in a dusty cage and no sugar. Tliat’s wliy she don’t like me!” “xVnd I see,” said the Rose in tiie vase. “I’ve eaten of this wa ter till I’m deatli-sick for a cliange of diet. Of course I’m dull. That’s why she doiqt like me!” “So’ni I,” spit the Fire. “She never gives me a friendly poke. That’s why- she don’t like me!” “She despises us,” said the Cushions, low-spirited, when we simply- want a shaking up, and ive’d be light as anybody-. That’s why- she don’t like us!” “She never thinks of straigh tening us,” said the Table-covers, “so of course she don’t like us!” “Or of dusting us,” said the Brachets, “and so she don’t like us!” “Or of returning us to our places,” said the Chairs, “so slie don’t like us!” “Or polisliing us,” said the Vases, tlie Window-s, andtheMir- rows. “No wonder she don’t like us!” Then the Canary, and the Rose, and the Fire, and the cushions, and tlie Table-covers, and tlie Brackets, and the Chairs, tliey all said in chorus, “No yvonderl no ivonderl No yvonder Mistress Flutter-me-jigg don’t like the looks of her chamber!”—Wide Awake. For the week ending: May 22d. IN CASH. Paid 52.52, Ladies’ Entertainment iu Oxford. “ .31.90, Collection in Farmington. “ 00.30, Collection in Mock.sville. “ 27.70, Oi'iilians’ Friend. Paid 11..50, AVilmiiigton □ No 319. “ 7..S3, Collection iu Dob.son. “ 5.00, Tho.s. Bolyn, Ilaleigh. “ 3.75, Koeky Hock Churcli. “ 3.00, Bayhoro □, XO. 331. “ 1.00 each, E A y\-il.son (ireein-ille, A Knox, (Irecuville, Alf. Forbes, Oreeiiville, Henry Sliermaii, E C Yellowy, D Sheparil, A L Blow, B' W Brown. “ 52 cts, .J yv Cheek’s silent pleader, Asheville. IN KIND. Sent fiom 1hy Picnic at Kittrell given by the Baptist Sunday- Scliools of Wake h’orest and Franklinton, May- 18th 1877, 1 bucket of I’ro- visions. Congregation at Amis’ Chapel, 15 lbs .soap, 16 bu meal, 3 doz eggs. Miss X. B. Waugh, 6 Towels, 2 shawls, H. C. Ilamiltoii, Lenoir 1 xu'. .shoes, (1. W. Harper, “ 1 “ “ M. V. Moore & Ero. 3, hats. F. yV'eLscnfeld 2, nmhrellas. Mrs. S. W. Perry, Taylorsville, 1, pr. socks. Unknown, 2 lu' stockings, 1 petticoat. 3 bodies, 3 aprons, 0 ])r drawers, 1 niglit-gown,4drcsses, 1 watei'i)roof and one ami a-half yds flaimel. Mrs Dr Lewis, 4 ]ir.s socks, 1 hat. paid The following persons have ' for the Okphans Fkie.nd for one year ; Mrs. Alfred Hargrove, J W McPaiw, T F Eaton, Misses Maggie & Mauil Browu, Miss M. V. Lanier, Mrs. IVin. Branson, Mrs. E. M McAddeii, Airs, daiie Lamb, Jliss Katie Alills, Air. J. L. Finch. J. ll. iW'iJis, jBs^.^Eiieloscdfind $52, 52, xiroceeds of entertainment given at the jAsyluin the lOtli. We also left at the Asylum a nice lot of xU'ovisions. llesx)eetfully‘ Airs. AVji. Biggs. A Point AVell Taken.—The story is told of a clergyman that, after preaching an interesting sermon on the “Recognition of Friends in Heay-en,” lie yvas ac costed by a hearer, who said ; ‘T like that sermon, and I noiv yvisli you ivould preach auotlier on tlie recognition of people in tliis world. I liave been attending your church tliree years, and not five per.sons in the congregation liave so iiuicli as boived to me in that time.”—•Sabbath Becorder. AVliy is is the peacock like the figure 9 I—‘It is nothing, without its tail. AFlien do two and two make more than four?—AVlien they make 22. AVhy is a bank note like a blade of grass?—It matures by falling due (deiv). Why is a man who lets houses likely to have a good many cou sins?—Because lie lias ten-ants. AVhat is tlie difference between an auction and sea-sickness?— The one is the sale of effects, and the other tlie effects of a sail. To yvhat port is a man sailing yvlien he is like an important lov er?—AVhen he is bound to havre. AVhat class of men are always open to conviction?—Those who have violated the layv. Why are troubles like —Because they get nursing. bigger babies? t’y THE AKtTie EXPEOITIOY AKD AEPOHOE. AVho.sehest works are most tram pled on?—A shoemaker’s, because good shoes last longer than bad ones. What trees are those which, when burnt up, are exactly what they were before?—Ashes. AVliy is your shadow like false friends?—Because it stays by j-ou onl}- in sunshine. What is that from yvliich if you take the yvliole, a part will re main?—Wholesome. AVhy does a sailor knoiv there is a man in the moon?—Because he has been to sea. Much interest has been awak ened ill England, since the return of the Alert and the Discovery of tlie Arctic Expedition, and in the relative power and endurance of sailors who were total abstainers and those yvho ivere moderate drinkers. The facts, as given in the London Times, are decided ly in favor of the total abstainers, both as to ability to endure fatigue and the intense cold and to resist tlie scurv}' from yvliich those yvho took their allotted rations of rum and beer nearly all suffered. One Good Templar, yvho got along yvell yvhile*Iie observed liis total abstinance pledge, yvas over-per suaded while on a prolonged sledging journey-, and took grog and then suffered with the rest. The Times says that Dr. Golan, the senior medical officer on board the Alert, speaks very favorably of total abstinence as exhibited during the expedition, and adds tliat liis forthcoming report yvill possess much interest: Tliat alcoliol neither promotes yvarmth nor gives increased poyv- er of endurance has already been yvell established by scientific in vestigation. But every such experience as tliat of the Arctic sailors gives added and valuable confirmation of the yvisdom and safety of total abstinence.—School Journal. The Register for 1877. THE BALEIGH BEGISTEB will prove itself to be one of the cheapest and best newspapers in the State. It will be printed upon large type, and no effort will be lacking to make every department of standard excellence, so as to command the SUPPORT, CONFIDENCE AND APPROVAL of the best classes of the community, without regard to politics. The news of the day will be carefully col lected and given in such from as to keep the render lully posted in every particular. Mr. J. C L. HARRIS has! editorial con trol of THE REOISTEH, and every subject of interest and importance AA‘ill receive attention from his pen, THE REGISTER will advocate the cause of the Republican party, and will give the administrasiou of I^residont Hayes a cordial support so long as the principles as laid down iu the platform of 1876, in iho letter of aceeptanco of Gov. Hayes, and iu the inaugural address of the President, are faithfully adhered to. and an honest and persistent effort is made to carry them out. The Registkii Avill be liberal in its views, and will endeavor to be just to all men. Its approval or condemnation of measures and men will not be given or withheld ON ACCOUNT OF POLITICS. Not being the organ of any man or men, The Rrgister expects nor desires any support other than such as it may merit as a public journal. Its publication isj purely a business enterprise, and Avill bo conducted strictly upon business principles. THE REGISTER will bo issued Semi-weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays, and the Weekly on every Tuesday. TERMS: Semi Weekly, single copy, one year, $3.00 “ * “ “ six month, 2.00 ten copies, one year, each, 2 50 “ twenty' “ “ “ 2 00 Weekly—single copy, one year, 1 50 “ “ “ six month, 1 00 “ “ three inontlis, 50 “ clubs of twenty, one year, each, 1 00 Invariably iu advance. Postage paid at this office. Advertisements isserted at the regular rates, 10 lines of Bourgeois to the square. (See advertising rates.) W. M. BROWN, Publisher and I’roprictor. JOB WORK PROMPTLY —PRINTED AT THE— REGISTER JOB OFFICE. Address, THE REOISTER, BALEIGH, N. 0. KALEIGII & GASTON liAILliOAD. AIAIL TRAIN. MAIL TRAINS MOVING NORTH. On and after Monday, May 7, 1877, trains on tlie lialeigh &. Gaston Railroad wiii run daily (Sunday excepted) as follows .• Leaves Raleigh JO.OO a. m. Arrives at Weldon 3.00 p.m. MAIL TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. Leaves Weldon 11..50 a. m Arrives at Raleigh - - 4.55 p.m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh ... 5.00 a. nt Arrives at Weldon - - - 4.J0 p. m. Leaves Weldon - - - (5.00 a in Arrives at Raleigh - - . c.(jo p ^ RALEIGH & AUGUSTA AIR-LINE. On and after Thursday, March 29, 1877 trains on this road will run .ts follows ; PASSENGER TRAIN Will run Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays as follows: Leave Raleigh at - - - 5.00 p.m. Arrive at Cameron - - - 8.05 p. ui. Leave Cameron, - - . (J.oo a. m. Arrive at Raleigh. - - - 9.34 a. m, MIXED TRAIMS Runs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ; Train leaves Raleigh - - LOO p.m. Arrives at Cameron - - . 6.20 p. m. Leaves Cameron - - - 6.00 a. m. Arrives at Raleigh - - » 11.20 a. m. JNO. C. WINDER, Superintendent.. SEABOARD & ROANOKE RAIL ROAD. Portsmouth, Va., May 4 1877. CIIAIVdE OF SCIiEDlJI.F. On and after Monday May 7th, trains will run as follows: LEAVE PORTSMOUTH DAILY (EX CEPT SUNDAYS): Mail train at 7 a. m* No. ] Freight train at 10 30 a. m* No. 2 Freight train at 8 a. la Tuesdays aud Fridays at at 8 a. m, ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAYS); Mail train at 6.20 p. m. No. 1 Freight train at 2.30 p. m. No. 2 Freight Train Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays... .at 12.40 p m. t^Mail Train will stop only at Suffolk, Franklin, Newsom’s, Boykin’s, Margarotts- ville and Seaboard. Freight Trains have a passenger car at tached, and will stop at stations for passen gers. Mail Train connects at Woldon with the Mail Trains of the Wilmington &, Woldon, and Raleigh & Gaston Railroads. And on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at Franklin, with steamer for Edenton. Plymouth, aud Landings on Black water and Chowan rivers. Freight received daily, except Sundays, from 8 a. m.to 4 m. E. G. GHIO, Supt. of Transportation. WILMINGTON .teWELDON RAIL ROAD €IlAl\'OE OF SCHEDULE, On and after Juno 1st passenger trains on the ‘Wilmington and Weddon Railroad will run as follows: MAIL TRAINS. Leave Union Depot daily at 7.35 a in. Arrive at Goldsboro 11.50 a m “ Rocky Mount 2.00 p m “ Weldon 3.50 p m. Leave Weldon daily ,at 9.50 a m. Arrive at Rocky Mount 11.35 a m. “ Goldsboro 1.37 p in. “ Uuion Depot 6.05 p m. EXPRESS TRAIN AND THROUGH FREIGHT TRAINS. Leave Union Depot daily at 5. p m. Arrive at Goldsboro 31.40 a m. “ Rocky Mount 2.50 am, “ Weldon 6.00a m. Leave Weldon daily 7.0O p. m. Arrive at Rocky Mount 9.30 p. m, “ Goldsboro 12.50 a. m, “ Uuion Depot 6.30 a. m. Mail Trains make close connection at Wel don for all points North via Bay Lino and Aoquia Creek routes. Express Trains connect only with Acquia Creek route. I3*“Pullman’s Palace Sleeping Cars on this Train. Freight Trains M’ill leave Wilmington tri weekly at 5.00 a. m., and arrive at 1.40 p. m. JOHN DIVINE, General Stiperintendcnf B ERKSHIRE PIGS, OF PURE BLOOD, AND THE BEST FAMILIES EVER IMPORTED TO THE UNITED STATES. Entitled to entry in the American Berkshire Record. Constantly for sale. Prices at 10 weeks old, delivered to Express, $10 each, Reliable pedigrees lurnished. T. W. HARRIS, l-6in p. Pittsboro, N. C. i'i E. W. O W E W, DENTAL SURGEON, OXFORD. N. C. OFFICE AT HIS KESIDENCE. Special attention given to replacing full and partial setts of teeth on gold, silver or rubber.

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