pi ORPHANS’ FRIEND. Woilriesilay, Aug^iist 29, ISYT. ORPHAN ENTERTAINMENTS. Wisliing to excite more interest in the proper education of the 3'oung, to explain the design and management of the Orphiin Work, and to visit needy orphans by the way-side, I jjiirpOso t6 go with a chapter of orphans from the Orphan House at Oxford, and giTO FREE ENTERTAINMENTS at the following times and pla'c'e's.: Jaiiiestowji, Weduesday, August 15, itt 7 p. ra. FraiikKiisvillc, Thursda5-, August 10, at 7 p. m. Ashlioro, Friday, August 17, at 7 ui. Troy, Saturda.y, August IS, at 7 p. iii. Albemarle, Monday, August 20, at 7 p. m. Mt. Pleasant, Tuesday, Aug'usi 21, at 7 p. in. Concord, 'Wednesday, August 22, at 7 p. liV. Pioneer Mills, Thursday, August 23, at 7 p. m. _j::::i^Friday, Aitgilst 24-, at 7 p. iiv. Ausonr-illo, Saturday, August 25', at 7 j). m. Ijilesville, Monday, August at 7 p. in. Kockinghain, Tuesday; August 28, at 7 p. 111. Laurel Hill, M'eduesday, August 29iat 7 P' ui. Lanriubiu-g; Thursday, Aiignst 30, at 7 p. ni. Dundarfaeli; Friday; AiigUst 31; at 7 p. m. St. Pauls, Satiirdaj"; Sbpt; 1; at 3 j1. 111. Luiubcrtdii, Mdiidiij', Siipt; 3; at 7 p. 111. Ashpole Church, Tuesday; Sept; 4, at 11 a. m. Fair Bluff, 'Wc.liicsdayj Sept: 5, at p. 111. ■Whitcsville, Thulsday, Sept; 0; at !>• in. Fleiningtoii, Friday; SCpt. 7, at 7 p. 111. Clarktoii, Saturday, Sept. 8; at 7 ]i. iii. Flizabetlitowiij Monday, Sept; 10, at 7 p. in. Aiitiocli Ohiircii; ncaf Prtrkor’s Store, Tuesday; Sept. H, at 11 a; iii. Harrell^ Store, 'Wednesday, Sept. 12, }it 11 a. m: Cliiitoii; Thursday,- Stpt. 13; at 7 1«; in. Newton Grove; Fliday; SOiit; 14; at 11 a. in. Faison, Friday, Sepi. 14, tit 7 p. in. Piiik Hill; Saturday; Sept. 15; at 7 p. ni. Catharine Lake; Monday, Sept. 17; at 11 a. in. Oi'isioW Co; Ho.; Tuesday; Sept; 18, at 7 p. in. Treiitoii,'V\'ediicsday,Sept. 19,at 7 p. in. Kinston, Thusrday, Sept. 20, at 7 p. in. Hookertoii, Friday, Sexit. 21,at 11 a.iii. Snow Hill; Saturday, Sept. 22, at 7 riotifled and there is no interfer ence with the general schedule. The party will need the iisual meals, and food foi three mules. Where there are committees on the Orphan Asylum, they will be relied on to make all needed ar rangements. In the absondo of committees, otlier friends 'are i-e- questod to do'so. A church, ora large hall, should always be pre ferred for the entertainments, that the people may be comfortably seated, and perfect order preserv ed. J. II. Mills, Siipt. TAltTAlS llOKSES. The Tartars begin to exercise their iiifluencc over their horses when they are but eight months old ; they make them carry thei'r children on their backs, and thus they are trained by degrees, till about six years old, when they become peife'ctly amenable and equal to tlie greatest hardships. Niebuhr and other travelers tell us that the Arabian horSes are di vided, into tivo great branches, the Kadisclie and Koclddnv; the descent of tlie former is not knowh; but there 1ms been a writ ten geneology kept of the latter for upwards of two thousand years; the-y are kept solely forr‘- ding, and are in such high esti mation that they can only be ob tained at an enormous cost.— Their origin is said to be derived from King Solomon’s stud. They are capable of sustaining the the greatest fatigue, and can even pass whole days without food; the}' are siiid to be undaun ted in courage against an enemy, and it is told of the noble and faithful creature, that; when wounded and unable to bear his rider any longer, he retires from the figiit and takes him to a place of safety—and sliould his niaster fall to the ground, he never quits his side till he has attracted some One bv his neighing. JKEPORTOF Kon^^tlonS For tEic week endiia^r Aiiyiist 28tBi. ^ , IN CASH. , Paid, $50.03,'Collection in Aiboniarle. “ 32.00,Cdtlection atMt. Plcasiint. “ 25.05, Collection in Asliboro. “ 20.30', Collection in Franklins- . I'ille “ 42.75, Miss Sarali P. Rice. “ 7.08, Collection in Troy. “ 6.50, T.,5V. Binith. “ 0.00, ()rj)fians’ Friend. “ 5.00, eacli, Betliel 8. 8. Mission ary 'Society, Ain'os 'W. . Calvin, “ 4.02, MocksVille □ Ko. 134. “ 3.20, Wilniingt'on □ No'. 319. “ 2.00, Windfoi’k Mis.si6nary So ciety. “ 1.00, each, W. H.H.Bangle, G. B. Fleetwood. 0.25, cacli, T, J. Sutton, .8. H. Bonner, James Tam. IN KIND. J. B. Hbbgood, 101 lbs. flour. R. Ij. I luiit, 1 bbt. corn, 1 load fruit. Mrs. Hayo.s, 1 calico dress. Mrs. Cox, i calico dress', J. Turner Morelload et Co'.; bleacliiug. A frieiid, cabbage and meal'. bolls The following persoh.s have paid fol- the OhpuAns’ FIIieND for one year: I). Dove; Loveniit Stone, '\¥. R'. Tur ner, T. J. Sutton; Mrs'. M'. F. Sutton, J. (J. Cnliiilier. MAELEABIIATY OF «OLD'. BE FKAKK. Never deceive for the Sake of a foolish jest, or to excite the laugh ter of a few co'mpanionS at the expense of a friend. Be anxious when 3'ou relate anything to tell it just as it occurred. Never vary in the least degree. The reasc n why our fears are So often saluted by false reports is because people in telling real things add a little to them, and as they pass through a dozen mouths the original sto ries are turned into something en tirely different. So when v'on at tempt to tell anything that you have seen with your own Syes; relate it correctly in every par ticular, and as you grow older Jrou will reap the advantages of this course. p. ra. , Greenvilic', Mionday, Sept; 24; at 7 p. Falkland,Tuesday, Sept. 25, at 11 a. lii. Speight’s Bridge,■'\¥odxiesday, S6pt. 26; at 11a. m. Stantoiisbtt-g,Wednesday,’ S6j)t.' 20, at 4 p. m. Pikevillo, Thursday,- Sept. 27, at 11.' a.' m-.' Princeton, Friday, Sept. 28'; at 7 p. m Selma, Saturday, Sept. 29, at 7 p. ra. Sraitlrfleld, Mond-ay,-Oct. 1, at 7 p.-m.' Averasboro, Tuesday, Oct. 2, at 7 p/m. Little',River Academy,t¥eduesday,Oct. 3, at 7 p. m. Lilliugton, Thursday, Oct 4y at 7 p. hi. Haywood, Friday,- Oct, 5, at 7 ji.' in. Holly Springs, Saturday, Oct.- 0, at 7 ]>'• Morrisvilie; Monday,-Oct.-8,- at 7 xi. m,' Itolesvillc, Tuesdiiy, Oct. 9, at 7 p. in. Falls of Nense, Wednesday, Oct.-10,-at 7 XI. ra. These appointmehtS' have beeii made after careful deliberation and extensive correspondence. But friends max' change the times and places, provided L am duly A MOIVSTEK SNAKE. Mr. A. Outerbl-i'dge, Jr., of the Philadelpliia A.ssay Office, has re- centl}' given an example of tlie in finite divisibility of matter by ex hibiting before the Fraliklin In stitute some thin films of gold ob tained by electric deposition up on copper and afterward detach ed. These pieces of gold leaf were transparent, and gave a green color to transmitted light, Mr. Outerbridge has thus pro duced films of gold so thin that one grain of the metal would .eov er nearly four square feet. This is 10,000 times thinner than or dinary Writing paper, and 2,798, 000 of such films together xvould make only one inch in thickness —lieiclsville TimeL Resolutions of the Gi-aud Eo€lge Adopted Dec. 3d, 1875 Resolved, 1. That St. John’s College shall be made an asylum for the protection, training aud educatib'n of indigent Orphan chil dren. 2. That tliis Grand Lodge xvill apprdpiate 8 ■ ' '■ ■annually for that the Support of the Orphan xisylum be a regular order of business in each subordinate Lodge at each communication. 4. All cliurbhes and benevolont organizations are requested to cooperate with us iii tlie orphan work, and collect and, forward contributions througli their own proper officers. Ilei'o are the resolutions; Besotted, That the sincere thanks of this Grand Lodge are hereby tendered to many benev olent ladies and gentlemen, to the ministers (if the gospel, to church es of various denominalions., to Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Good Templars, Friends of Tem perance, and otlier benevolen- societies; whose hearty cobpea- tion and liberal contributions have rendered timely and valua ble assistance in the , work of ameliorating the condition of the orphan children of the State'. , Resotved, That till benevolent societies and individuals are here by cordially invited and request ed to coo)ierate with us in provi ding funds aitd supplies for feed ing clothing, ahd educating indi gent and proinising orphari chil dren, at the Asylum in Oxford. NoytliCai'nliiia, C()unty, Superior Court. Mary J. Wilson, S. 0. Wilson, J. L. Kolly cV: his wife Maty C., • Agaiust John W. Jones, Wil- .'iain SatterBold ami liis wife Martha and Anna Jones. The purpose of this,action is to subject the D* KALEIGII. N. 0. Practice liinitted to the EAK & T.ISIS.K1T 2.-, ly 1. W. © W Id DENTAL SURGEON, OXFOStlS. IV. C. OFFICE .AT III.S liKSIDENCE. Special attention given to rejilacing fall and partial setts of teetli on gold, silver nr rubber. SUHSCKIBE FOR THE EDUCATIOML Y^EEELY, and keep yourself inh nnofl on educational matters. The age of ilic old monthly “ jour nal of education ” has passed, find a new era has dawned. 'IJio educational ncicupii-per is now in demand; educational topics are at tracting the public attention more in these days than ever before; new bool;s, new metliods, and new theories are demanding the attention of teachers more frequently than once a month, and no toaelicr who intends to keep up with.the times can afibrd to be with out the WeeRly. TEliMS OF SUBSCniFTIOX $2.50 81.50 82 0) 81.25 $ \ .50 81 00 estate of Win. Jones to the payment of the ie idaintiffs. The defend- suin of 8 to the jib ants are required to answer oi; demur to the complaint wjthin.thp next term of the Super ior Court of said county, to be held at the Court House in Hoxboro. on the 5th Monday after the ftr.st Monday of.Sopt., 1877. Witness J. J. Lansdeli, Clerk of onr said, at lioxboro, this 9tli day of August 1877. 3>'R. J. J; LANSDELL, C. S. C. j^K. mcisAKO aa. LEwas, (Late Pfofe.ssor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Savanah Medical College,) Practice limited to the To single subscribers, I year, - To “ . “ six months. In clubs of five, 1 year, In •' “ six months, - In “ of ten or more, 1 year, - In “ “ “ “ six months. To new subscribers, three montlis oh trial, 50 S. R. AVINCHELL & CO., , I’ublishers, 170 Clark Street, Chicjigo, Ill. Eastern office in charge of Prof. Edward Johnson, 34 Oxford St., Lynn, Mass. 5;IS'^‘'Send fifteen cents for a copy of the In stitute Song Rudget, containing 48 pages of music and wordes, numbering 5G jiieces, and five full page illustrations, bandsou.ely bound in cardinal red. 32-tf. T Iff E JP E 1> E II 13 E >fewspapcr, Rockingiiam, N. C., takes advertisements at lower rates tlian any other Weekly. Subsci'iption $2.00 a year. The Register-for 1877. THE RALEIGH REGISTER BYE AND BAR, RALEIGH, N, C. Refers to the State Medical Society and to the Georgia Medical Society. 33-ly Q_ 13 T X Iff S3 SI S3 S T . THE RALEIGH NEWS. OAIt-Y, one year, - wi3Ejh:ly, ou(i ye.-ir, - S5.00 1.00 Postal Card for Sample Copy. Address THE RALEIGH NEWS, 33-tf. Kaleigb, N. C. Irrtclligenoe was received hero yes fcerday, from a reliable source, to tUe elfect that a mon.ster snake was killed near a irlaco called Beasley Hole, a short distance from' BurgaW; Pender county, on Thursday last. His sn'ake- shto is suitiioscd to bo a sxreeies of the anaconda, being about tbirty feet in length and larger aroimd the middle tiian a man’s body. 'W'lieii discovered and killed he was in the act of swal-_ lowing a yearling deer, about one-half of whiclkhad disapxiearcd in his cai>a- cious mouth. This, we acknowledge, is a prodigious snake .story for these irarts, but stranger things have hap pened, and Mr, I. H. Brown, Register of Deeds in Pender, who brings the news, tliough he did not see the snake, seems to liave no doubt of its correct ness.—Wilmington Star. BOA'S- AK» GJRI.S. "We have on hand about a dozen boys and gh'ls, small and spright ly, just such a.s childless couples' might properly adopt. Persons’’ wisliiug to adopt children are invited to come am^see them, or correspond with us. tf the support of the institution ; but will not aaSume any additional pecuniary responsibility 3. That this Grand Lodge elect a Shperintendent who shall con trol the institution aud solicit contributions for its support from all claSs'eS of our people. 4. That oi-pha:n' childfei'i in the said Asylum shall receive such preparatory training and educa tion’ as will prepare them for use ful occupations and for the' us'u'al business transactions of life. Adopted Dec. 5th 1875: Resolved, Tliat the Superinten dent of the said Orphan Asylum shall j-eport at each Annual Com munication an account of his official acts, receipts,- disburse ment, number of pupils, &,g. together with such suggestions as he may see fit to offer. “Resofoed, That the'Master of each subordinate.Lodge appoint a Standing Committee upon raising funds'for the Orphan Asylum, and feqbiro said Committee to report in w'riting each month, and that said reports and the funds recei THOMASVILIE FEMALE COLLEGE, DAVIDSON CO., N. C. Tho 21st aniuifil session begins the Il.ast Wednesday iei Aiigttst. ved he forwarded monthly to the That this Institution offers superior educa tional advantages is fully established by its steadily increasiug patronage the past three years. Some of these advantages are its po euliarly quiet and healthful location, the ha bitual, enthusiasm in' study of its pupils, care ful attention to their manners, inorals, health aud comfort ; a full corps of tried and earnest teachers, an extensive and carefully-arranged course of study, diplomas.for selected studies aud for an English course suited to pupils limited in tiin.e or means,, one .fo.r the full course, and especially greatly reduced rates. For catalogue address H. W. REINHART, 31-8t Principal. CIIOWANi BAPTIST FEMALE INSTITUTE . Murfreesboro, N. C. The next session will begin first Wednes day in October. For catalogues giving full information, address, A. McDowell, pres. 28-]2t will prove itself to be one of the cheapest and best newspapers in tho State. It will bo printed upon largo type, and no effort v^ ill bo lacking to make every dopartmeht of standard excellence, so as to coimnaud tho SUPPORT, CONFIDENCE AND APPROVAL p)f tlie best classes of the community, without regard to politics^ The news of the day will be carefully col lected and given in such from as to keep tho render fully posted in every particular. Mr. J. C. L. HARRIS has cditoiial con trol of THE MECJISTEK, and every subject of interest and importauco will receive attention from his pen, THE REGISTER will advocate tlie cause of tho Republican party, and will give the administrasiou of President Hayes a cordial support so long as the principles as laid down in the platform of 1870, in the letter of acceptance of Gov. n^^yos, and in the inaugural address of tho President, are faithfully adliered to, and an honest and persistent effort is made to carry them out. The Register will be liberal in its views, and will endeavor to he just to all men. Its approval or cQudemnation of measures and men will not be given of withhold ON ACCOUNT OF POLITICS. Not being the .organ of any man or men, The Register expects nor desires any support other than such as it may merit as a jiuhlic journal. Its publication is| purely a business enterprise, and will be conducted strietly upon business principles. THB RBGISTBR O II IV IV I € II O X. S, -PRACTICAL- BOOK & JOB PRINTER. Supei'iuteudent of the Asylum and pci-'loo. Cor. Fayettevilie and Hargett Sts., RALEIGH, N. C. S^Book and Job Printing of every de scription executed in tho very best style of the art. Books, Pamphlets, Circulars, Let ter Head.s, Note Heads, Bill Heals, Envel opes, Cards, Tags, Statements, Hand Bills, sic., at New York prices. Legal Blanks SI 23- will he issued Semi-weekly on Tuesdays aud PR-idays, aud tho Weekly on every Tuesday. TERMS: Semi Weekly, single copy, one year, “ “ “ six month, ten copies, one year, each, “ twenty “ “ ‘‘ Weekly—single copy, one year, “ “ “ six month, “ ” three mouths, “ clubs of twenty, one year, each, 1 00 Invariably in advance. Postage paid at this office. Advertisements isserted at the regular rates, U) lines of Bourgeois to the square. (See advertising rates.) W. M. BROWN, Publisher aud Projirietor. Address, THi: STER, $3.00 2.00 2 50 2 00 1 50 1 00 50 liALEIGll, N. a I: UB