'file Orphans’ Fi’iend. FKIDAY, AUGUST 24. 1883. “Aly bark is waited to the s'raud r.y breatli divine, And on the helm there rests a hand Other than mine. “One who has known in storra to sail I have on board ; Above the raging of the gale I hear my Lord. “He holds me with the billow’s might— I shall not fall; If sharp, ’tis slio t; ii long, ’tis light; I JO tempers all. “Safe to the land—safe to the land. The end is this : And then with Him gn hand in hand Far into Miss.” Let all y.m. words be 'nil of truth, I.et kindly feelings reign ; I>o good to all, and by your smiles Leave blessings in their train. If Satan seeks by winsome wiles To fill your life with w le, Oh ! heed him not, but turn away, And boldly answer, No! Augusta {Ga.) Chronicle. TECHNICAL TRAINING SCHOOL. Th© report of the Legisla tive Commitee on Technology is an admirable document,and reflects credit upon its authors. It embodies the views of the visiting members of the As • sembly, as graphically out lined in Hon. M* V. Calvin’s correspondence with the Chronicle. The general con clusions are set forth briefly as follows: 1. Technical education for the people is receiving the sanction and encouragement of the greatest minds in the greatest governments on earth. 2. Protection to manufac tures is practically useless un less there can bo found skill ed'labor to establish aad car ry them on; therefore, 3. Technical education is necessary to develop our manufactures, utilize our re sources, and keep our State^-s prestige. We must either ed ucate our own people or im port others who are already educated. 4. Technical education dignifies labor by opening up new and remunerative chan nels for its performance. 6. Technical education af fords the best means for the so lution of our social problem. 9. Technical education tends to dimmish crime, not only by giving trades to stu dents, but in the secondary results; for, by affording the surest means to develop the State’s resources, it will tend to increase wages, cheapen the cost of living, and give employment to the idle and indigent. 7. Technical education is practical education, as distin guished from the mere theo retical. It is adressed direct ly to the wants and necessi ties of man. It comprehends the best means of adding val ue to law material. Its ten dency, therefore, is to stop the drift towards communism and insure subordination to law and order in all classes of our complex population. The committee deduce from these general heads that ‘it is not the problem of higher ed ucation now 80 much that needs to be solved, it is the problem of practical educa tion. It is the question of filling the gap in our State's progress.’ Numerous examples are given of the advantages of such schools to communicate with manufacturing advanta ges. The cost of establishing such a school is too tiivial to cause debate. It would be cheese-paring statesmanship to refuse a moderate appro priation for benefits so vast and profound. From the following para graphs in the report we are led to believe tliat one of our representatives has impressed his well known sentiments upon the committee; Your committee would not see engrafted upon the poliev of the State, even in the dis* tant future, any system that would develop ‘strong-mind edness,’ so-called, in onr love ly women; but coupled with all the refining influences by which it has been the*ambi- tiou and chief glory of ou? people to surround women, your committee earnestly hopes that, in the near future, there will be given to her by this grand old Commonwealth the opportunity to attain to the highest possible places not only in literature, but in art and handicraft, to which she may aspire and of which she may be capable. . It has been well said that honorable and useful employment for women is one of the problems of any high and advancing civiliza tion. Your committee does not urge that this step as to wom en be taken immediately. With an abiding confidence that the school lierein recom mended to be established will have been in oper ation but a few years ere the people will ap preciate the special point here made, your committee contents itself with a sugges tion as to the departments in which our young women may be trained, with honor to the State and with credit and prof it to themselves, namely, in drawing and wood engraving, in phonography, in type writ ing, telegraphy, design etc. Why the women of Geor gia should be kept in the background we do not exact - ly see. Possibly the com mittee desired to have favor able consideration of their re port and feared to handicap it with the recommendation that the female members of the community should have some equality of advantage with the males. No obsta cles should he put in tiieir way to develop their practical tal ents, and no man pretending to honor and respect the sex would do so. While heartily commend ing the committee report, the Chronicle still sticks to its own plan, which does not in the least interfere with the State scheme, but rather aids and encourages it. We again ad vise the manufacturing indus tries of Augusta and vicinity to pool their issues and estab lish a technological school of their own for the benefit of the children of employes. Tlie fund necessary for slich a pur pose would be comparatively small. The good results would be incalculably great. There is a deal of mechanical talent going to waste in Geor gia and South Carolina for the lack of such encouragement. A mombor of the English House of Commons, who had been paying attention to a young lady for a lo ig while, had taken her to attend the House until she was perfectly posted up in its rules. On the last day of the session, as they came out, he bought her a bouquet, saying, “May I offer you my handful of flowers?” Promptly she replied, “I move to amend by omitting all after tlie word hand,” He blusbiugly accepted tlie amend ment, and they adopted it unan imously. Mr. M. Bryan, Vauc0)aro. N. (^, says: “1 useil Brown’s iron Bittci'.s as a tonic and received great Bi'neflt.” A MOTHER OP GOVERNORS. A Portsmouth, N. IL, corres pondent cf the Washington Star relates the following : “When that sturdy Irishwoman to wliom the Sullivan family may well look back with pride, was cross ing the Atlantic, on her way to the new country, and was asked, ‘Why do you come to America?’ she answered, ‘To raise govern- or.s for them,’ little dreaming that she would live to see one of her sons Governor of Massachu setts ; though I am sorry to say the third did not so much honor to his family, and was known as ‘Devil Jim.’ The story goes that soon after John Sullivan rose to be Governor of New Hampshire, he desired to give a grand din ner to a number of distinguished guests. A member of his family at the time was his mother, and, fearing she would not be quite equal to the occasion, he conclu ded it would be best to arrange for her non-appearance at the diimer-table. Approaching the matter as gently as possible he soon succeeded in making the qrack-witted old lady under stand the drift of his diplomatic talk and in convincing himself that ho had miscalculated the pride of the mother of the Sulli • vans. Rising in all the majesty of her Irish wrath, ‘John Sulli van,’ exclaimed the old lady, ‘I have hoed potatoes in the field with the Governor of New Hampshire at my breast, the Governor of Massachusetts by my side, and the devil tugging at my skirts, but never yet have I allow ed one of my sons to bo ashamed of me—order the chaise and send me home*’ Remon strances were of no avail, and home went John Snllivan^s moth er in all the majesty of her righ teous indignation.^"’ WHAT DO THE3f READ? A young man receives a lit* tie book from his pastor’s wife, urging to Christian duty. He is converted, enters tbo ministry, and goes to a west ern tribe of Indians and pro claims the Gospel. Another young man rises from the perusal of the ‘Life of Jesse James,’ and resolves to be mh assassin. He commits a crime kills two officers who attempt to arrest him, and is now in prison awaiting his trial. Though their training in oth er respects was very different, the former having pious pa rents, yet the final resolve that settles the future life work of each, sprung from the character of the two books they had read. In this age of schools and reading, young America will read. The most of our young people are read ers, but what do they read! Shall our free schools arm missionaries with the| sword of the Spirit and bless th(3 world? Or shall they arui assassins with the bowie knife and pistol to destroy human life? Which? Let booksellers and parents beware of putting dangerous weapons into reck less hands; and let tlie good combine in earnest efforts to put moral and religious books into every home that will re ceive them , A Washington paper sketches a gentleman as ono may say to the file, though he is gone. Col. Johnson is dead. He was a fine specimen of a type. Good fam- ily, good society, ample means, with well-filled stables and fox es in the woods, he lived a charm ing life. Rut applejack got the better of him. Next the Cap tain lost his property. The loss sobered him. In his old age he worked out the puzzles in the cliildi’en’s nowspapors. Row he is dead. fie onlan Asylii IS I.OCATED AT OXFORD, the Connty-seat of Granville, forty-five miles North of Raleigh; twelve miles from Henderson on the R. & G. R. R. The Orphan Asylum belongs to (and, of course, is eondiieted according tO; the regulations adopted by) the Grand Lodge of Masons. Its benefits are extended to the most needy orphans, without, ever asking whether their fatliovs were masons or not. Children are received between the ages of eight and twelve, and discharg ed between the ages offourteen and sixteen. The average cash expenses for each orphan is five dollars a month, but the sujn required varies according to the seasons, and does not include what is spent for repairs, furniture and im provement of the premises. The Grand Lodge gives the building and grounds, and $2000 a year. The State gives $5000 a year. For the remainder of its support, and for enlargement, the Or phan Asylum is dependent on volun tary contributions from subordinate Lodges, ehtirches of ail denominations, benevolent societies, and cliaritable in dividuals; and their co-operation is earnestly solicited. EXl’EACTS FROM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND LODGE OP SIASONS: The design of the Orphan Asylun*. shall bo to protect, train and educate in digent and promising orphan children, to be received between the ages of 8 and 12 years, who liave no parents, nor proi>erty, nor near relations able to as sist them. They shall not bo received tor a shorter time than two years. In extraordinary eases the Superintendent may receive children outside the ages specified. Tlie larger ^le shall assist in the ordinary house work, and in making and mending the bed clothes, their o-wn clothes and the clothes of the boys. The larger boys shall assist in the preparation of fuel, the care of the' stock, and the cultivation of the soil. At leastfour religious denominations shall be represented among the offlcRrs of the Asylum, and the representatives of all religious creeds and of all po litical parties .shall be ti-eated alike. The Institution shall be conducted on the cash system, and its operations enlarged or curtailed according to the funds received. Orphan children in the said Asylum shall be fed and clothed, and shall re ceive such preparatory training and education as will prepare them for use ful occupations and for the usual busi ness transactions of life. Resolved, That the sincere thanks of this Grand Lodge are hereby tendered to many benevolent ladies and gen tlemen, to theministers of the Gospel, to churches of various denominations, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Good Templars, Friends of Temperance and other benevolent societies whose hearty co-operation and liberal contributions have rendered timely and valuable as sistance in the great work of ameliora ting the condition of the orphan chil dren of theState. Resolved, That all benevolent soci eties and individuals are hereby cordi ally invited and requested to co-operate with us in providing funds and supplies for feeding, clothing and educating indi gent, and promising orplian children at the Asylum in Oxforci. Resolved, That the Masterof each sub ordinate Lodge appoint a Standing Committee upon raising funds for the Orplian Asylum, and require said com mittee to report in writing each month, and that said reports and the funds re ceived be forwarded monthly to the Superintendent of the Asylum, ajid that the support of the Orphan Asylum be a regular order of business in each subordinate Lodge at each Communi cation. ‘Should deserted children be admit ted?’ was decided in the negative. ‘Should children having step-fathers be admitted?’ was also decided in the negative. ‘Should deformed children be admit ted?’ This was left to the discretion of the Superintendent. When the de formity is of such a character as to re quire extra attention. It was thought imadvisable to admit the parties in the present condition of the Asylum. ‘Should boys learn trades ac the Asy lum?’ Decided m the negative, it be ing impracticable at this time to em ploy skilled mechanics in the various trades, erect suitable work-shops and purciiase necessary tools. ‘Should collecting agents be appoin ted in different parts of the State; and if so, what wages should they receive ?’ This was left to the discretion of the Superintendent: but the meeting ad vised against employing and paying agents. to inquire into thecircumstances and treatment of children alr(;ady diacharg- 9d, and living in their jurisdiction, and use their best efforts to secure good treatment, or the return of tlie chil dren. 3. It shall be the duty every secretary of a Lodge to send the names of the Committee of the Orphan Asyliim to the Orphans’ Friend for publication, In order that persons wishing to em ploy orphans may know the steps to be taken. THE ADOPTION OF ORPHANS. We are always glad to accommodate childless couples who wsli to adopt children as their own ; but greatly prti- prefer that they should come and make their own selections. APPLICATION FOR CHILDREN. Correspondents are requested to read and reg^-ilate applications for children by) tlie followng resolutions of the Grand Lodge of Masons: Resolved, 1. The Superintendent of tlie Orphan Asylum shall not consider any application for an orplian until the same has been ajiproved and endorsed by the Oj[phan Asylum Committee of the Lodge in whose jurisdiction the .applicant resides. 2. It shall be the duty of the said com mittee to make due inquiry int’o the de sirableness of the situation offered be fore endorsing an application; and also HOWCHILDRENARE ADMITTED. Very often tli Superintendent hunts up poor and promising orphans, and informs them of the advantages offereil at the Orphan House, and induces them to return with him. Generally it is best that he shouldsee them before they start. When this is impracticable, a formal application shouldbe made by a friend. Here is one In proper form; N.C 1S8... This is to certify that.....? is an or phan* without estate, sound in body and mind, and years of age. H father died in 18 ; h mother in 18 I being h hereby make application for h ad mission into the Asylum at Oxford. [ also relinquish and convey to the offi cers of the Asylum the management and control of the said orphan till 18 years of age, in order that may be trained and educated according to the regulations prescribed by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. I also promise not to annoy the Orphan Asylum, and not to encourage the said orphan to leave without the approval of the Superintendent Approved by W. M. of The application sitould be sent to tho Superintendent, and he will either go for the children or provide for their transportation.-fin no ease should a community take up a collection to send a man with the elmdren, nor send the children before the Superintendent has been consulted. ACTION OF EPISCOPAL CONVEN- TION. Re-solutlon adopted by the last an nual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at Winston, May 13, 1880: “Resolved, That this Convention does heartily approve the efforts of tho Oxford Asylum to alleviate the suffer ings and to proride for the welfare of the helpless orphans of Nortli Caroli na; andthatwe commend to the imita tion of all, the exfonple ol this spirit of active charity and benefb enoe on the part of the Masonic fraternity ii tho i fullllling the Apostolic injunction to re member the poor.” ACTION OP THE N, C. CONFER ENCE. On motion of Rev. J. R. Brooks, the following resolutions were adopted at the Annual Conference held at Dur ham, in 1881. “The Committee to whom was refer red the communication ofhisExccllcD- cy^ov. Jarvis, bringing to our notice and commending to our favor, the Ox ford Orphan Asylum, recommend the adoption of the following resolutions r 1. That we reiterate our oft-repeated expression of sympathy with this noble charity, and heartily commend it to the liberal support of all our people. 2. That our pastors are hereby re quested to take a collection in all their congregations at such time during the ensuing Conference year as they may think most appropriate and best, and to forward the same to the Superinten dent of the Asylum. 3. That the Recording Stewards of our several pastoral charges are reques- tkd to report to our Anuual conference the omounts collected under the head of “For the Orphan Asylum.’ JnoR. Brooks, \ E. A. Tates, t Committee. ACTION OP PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD. Repcirit’''ns adopted by the Synod of North Carolina in session at Ral eigh, N. 0., November l-3tb. -ISSO: “Whereas the Oxford Orphan Asylum of North Carolina is a purely benev olent instilution, and is doing great ;ood for the needy Orphans of our Itate, therefore, Besolved, That we approve "of its purposes and suggest that the congre gations within our bounds take up at their own convenience an annual col lection in behalf of that institution and forward the same collected, in connection with any articlesof food and raiment which may ^be oontrrbn- ted, to the Superintendent. ACTION OP BAPTIST STATE CQ N- VENTION. At the Baptist State Convention, lield In Goldsboro, November 17th, 1880, the following resolution was adopted: Whereas, We feel a deep interest in the work of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, and believe It is doing an ines timable amount of good; and Whereas, We believe that the Bap tist people of the State will feel it to be not only a duty, but a privilege, to con tribute regularly to Its support; there fore Resolved, That all our pastors aie hci-eby earnestly requested to take up a eollection at each of their churches at least once a year in behalf of this great and important work. Elder F. H. Ivey submitted the fo’- loving resolution, which was adopted at the Convention held in Winston in 1881: “Resolved, That this Convention feels an undiminishod interest in the work of Liie Orphan Asylum: and that w'e repe,at, with earnestness and emphasis, the rccommen dationtoall our pastors to take up at least one collection during the’year In. aid ol the Oxford Orphan Asylum, mwsmi These Goods are sold under an That they are the Finest and I^UIUUT goods upon the markets They ARB FREE from ORUMm* CHEMICALS of any Idad; They consist of the Pinett Tirlftf at Purest Rice-Paper mMt. OUR SALES EXCEED.^.,..^ of ALL leading manofactorice cenfafaMd. None Genuine wiffiout the tndMMlk of the BULL. Take no I. T. BLACKWELL SCOl Sole Manufacturers- OurbMi»N.C» THE ORPHANS'FRIEMfl Organ of the Orphan Asylum at Ox h-rd, and of the Grand Lodge of J’n- sons in North Carolina.) IS published every wednesda i* A r One Dollar a Tear. It is designed to promote the tainment, instruction and intere As. ct THE YOUNC ■ especially those deprived of tho beuc-* fits of parental and scholastic trHii\i\ g-. It also seeks to increase the growth of the prosperous by suggestir:.®' proper objects of charity andtney).ju>. nels of benevolence, in order that tiioy may, by doing good to others, eniai y,‘y their own hearts and extend the horb zonof their human sympathies, ns tboy ascend to a higher plane of fihrisi.iali observation. Address ORPHANS’ FRIEND, Oxford, N (.1, J. W. DENMARK. EDWARDS, BROUaHTCN ife, J.W.IIEIIIIIARK4eO., No. 2, Recorder Building, Raleigh, N. C., BooksellersJaud Stationers. Full line School, Law, Rellgioue and Misoellaneons Plain and Fancy Stationery, Bhmk Books, &c. BOOKS REx\SONABLE ANDREUABLE The Valley Mutual Life Association of Virgmia. For particulars address GEORGE 0, JORDAN, State Agent, No, 6, Mahler Building, Raleigh, N.O ON mE ASSESSMENT lAND HESERVE FUND PLAN. One Thousand Dollars Will cost upon an average as follows; At 21 years of age, $6.25, At 30 years of age, $7.20. At 40 years of age, $9.50. At 50 years of age, $12.50. At 60 years of age, $20.00. BB'’OnIy three thousand dollars written on one risk. C. D. H. FORT, M. D. SURGEON DENTIST, OXFORD, N. C. I have permanently locatel In tlie town of Oxford, N. C., and rospcetful- iy toiider my services to the citizens of tho place and surrounding country no on the most reasonable and satlrfactorr enns. Office over Qrandy * '