"CAROMOONT NT??*S PCR STRVTCR MRN i WOMRH* Sidney Blumenthal ft Coap Inco I *^0 Rooky Uouuitg Na Co July^ 1943 HO^ 7 GOOD HRWSi home front ie elated over the good newe we receive from the war front over are proud of the aocompliihments of the American soldiere^ aailore, and Op th^a Compare the relatively short period of tine In which we have been preparing f " ®onfliot Oftlth the long years of regimentation!, war production, and ballyhooing laj. Countries e and now compare the results o This comparison will reveal a kapg ^^aole to beholdo The Allied Nations were preparing for peace lo these many •aoa World VSar lo For that same reasono our understanding and interpretation of Oopj^ this war should exhibit a profound and comprehensive policy benefiting ell T i ^eutenint Colonel Philip 0» Cochran, Uo So Army Air Corps, just back from the frorrt made this statement in the New York Timeso "I want to say that our kids. If® are just kind of automatically wonderfulo Just through our own way of (>at something that makes them superior fighterso They don®t have to be In- have it hammered in for months or years, the way the Germans or the 6VIOC ^0 tne masterful training and the untiring efforts of the mfficers and foct **®**®®**”*^ "the training centers on Uo S, soilo We are therefore mindful of that men and women who yet expend their energy toward this same goal in the ^ naval camps here in Uo So, although not on the fighting front, are reaping P»’«lBe8 Such good nems lights the way for uso VTe know that this fine record may be Of American fighting men and women go, 1 *‘*5 They also carry this American way of life to thft peoples of all nations *'®port8 indicate that these peoples like Ito they go to protedt the American VTSTTORS FROM THR UNTTRD STATRS ARMRD FORCHSg A/C Bo Carl Horton was home recently and visited the mill while here. k to remember him as Laboratory Assistant, and a good one tooo He returned Station at Bunker Hill, Ind, where he bad been for the last three (3) L^Hy ®*’® he has had training in ground school navl.gatlon and radio and has cosqpleted hours In flying timeo Prior to this, ho bad bis Pre-Flight training at ha® Worth Carollnao While at Bunker Hill, be was selected as a Cadet Officer* *'«ce1ved that he Is now in Florida* ® ®galn sooHn We hope that you will have an opportunity