"CARIMOONT rrws FOR S'rRVTG?? KTO k \ Sidney Blumenthal & COo» TnOo ’^OLo I Rocky Mountp No Co August3 1943 NOo 8 ' THOUGHTS Al^ TCMO-\RCy^‘ a’uQ Is this tomcrrowf Would th&t all of us could ansusro Wa ere all thinking the same tomorrow®=that tomorrow of peeco-oa world of llfop liberty^ and pursuit B^lnesso Yea and we are all confident that Ihe f^nal victory grows nearer each Thore are many pitfalls and disappoi ntraents in our way^obvit we can take Vto T*t today our job Is incompleteo We have statcea a m^esion which wc must oompleta 7 to ■jj. th* fell mankind must realize its benefitRo Jlhlle go'ng alon^ our way, »8 Tee , wb have pensive moBurnta even in the m^clst 6d the rusbo j'n those thoughts ■'''ioei \ our plans for tomorrowo Via can assure oui* tomorrow by tba wpy which we Ui ®ct todayo Our service tbddgc will snaps the nat ire of things to comoo l«et '“’■cur thoughts of today will be manifest in deed'j and actions tomorrowo r>ooc7dwcac« a» e»o oo c»ca ■»«« 040 « yrSTTORS fTiai TiW UNTTT’lt STAT’^ ARiiFD FORCES s lANlJi'TBg Second Lieutenant Ijandon (soon to be First Lieutenant) Jias bsen in for two years and two months1 He was inducted at Fort IJragg and remained there months o He then went to Officers Canlda-.e School at Camp J-iat* Virginia "^t a Second Lleutinants He has been stationed 'n Atlanta, H«,, Meridian, Mias,, Florida, He is the cominanding officer for hie outfit whore they train othar *hlf^ °®®psnl88 6 His work is admlnistrat" ve muinly. He worked up wesrtrer cn the first ®^)re his induction in the army, ^ ORF6 Seainan Crkokmore comploted his boit tialni.rg In seven weeks, and states ^^0 *®“^TTo hard after the firrt four weeks, Vlio mora jcu stay tho more you like o Since there arc eleven boys from Rocky Mount in the same barracks, ho homosioko He states that It is mainly physical training at prenento ranked about twentieth In a group of one hundred anc thirty«eight, Good work®© « Sgto Tnacoe has been In the army for two years and one month© He was V •*^ni»,» Bragg and then sent to Barksdale Field© La© He received his M© p© likes the army fine© * vi'i. Dragg ana Tnen s©r«Ti bu atirK^uaxa if&g ne then went to Shrovport© La© for Mo P© duty at night© Ife ®rs home© He was home on furlough recently for the first tim I mo since September© 1942© Cpl© Barnes has been in the army for two yeare end two monthw© He waa *sForY Bragg and then sent to Ctunp V^heeler, Qa© From 'ihere ho went to For't ® Co© then to Panama© and then oversees © lie »a» hssdud for the South Pacific