IS PAM5LIKG RSF0RTSH3 GATHSH Kg^S FROM THg FOUR IKS CARQUQgliT DIVISIOH S&S. Seen An Addition To The Storeroom Contributed by Ray Barnhill Ij) this Is the way It was told to us.—It seems there was a cat niain office the other day. After the oat caused some trouble to t fa^lrer aex of the office force, Mrs, Thorp called Shorty Hamrick transport Fells to eafer eurroundines. (Jqqi Shorty, thinking of the mice that had gathered in the storeroom, ’’Uh to wage total war on them In the same way that hie Uncle Ssm is doing Ms Rate on the other side of the bl^ pond. So, Shorty goes forth to gei 8t4v.P‘^®^8lve weapon, the cat. Haying stationed it in the storeroom, ha about his cat. Oh, it was the best cat syer^-according to after exploring the storeroom, meandered baok to the fro'ot ''hrled up at Shorty’s feet, thinking that he, Shorty, was his protector. a very quiet hour or two with everything peaceful and thinking thing was well in hand, Shorty (through the storeroom window) Bill Williams in boastful praise of his cat. After hearing much M from Shorty, Bill Willieme spotted a mouse. "There’s one Shorty,” Set *; “Rut your cat on him? ‘/hereupon, Shorty awakens the cat. "Go Jhs > Shorty said. The ost stretches and yawns, turns around end sees Up and then lets out a terrible soream, and sailed into Shorty’s Covering his face with dirty paws. we went to know ie, what has become of the bravest and beet. 3ua the ^wner? world, and what are the ciaiase and explanations of Shorty, once S^ERKINC the CAROMOUjiT OFFICE—Wahsb Edwards and Others ® ®l8h to announce the "bleased event" which occurred on the ranch a few days ago. Mr. Suessauth’s prize sow is now the proud eight pigs. That is one way to get meat without points, instinct is also knookins* on the door of Mr. Lawson’s ? ^®U8e, He has aorae new hen nests which were designed for egg prcducti bo “ prise hen haa had a call from the little fellow with the' arrows and refuses to produce her quote of eggs, Mr. Lawson a ^ half bushel basket, hoping that this close confinement will rimp on her determination to set. ^oriaan McKinnon I3 recovering nicely after hax»-lng undergone an -tomy i> Park yiew hospital recently. who cooperates very patriotically in ‘’The Share the Side Qns carries d bevy of young ladies to and from woTi^;,arrived at the -ay *ith Hp3tic;:S on,hie cheek, so we heuy.\ Quillen, you .'JOLP^;