iii^^I^LCOLEY. JR. a/3: Mabrey ifas our visitor on December 13^ 1943^ He has Training of three weeks at Jacksonville, Fla* Upon ‘•ite u® camp, Mabray will take six weeks training as an Aviation Machinist be was glad to get back to Rocky Mount on furlough. fVl , DOZIER; Home on I5 day furlouglt Pvt Dozier was inducted at Fort >0 : »a8 then sent to Florida—to Scott Field, Ill.—Truax Field, Madison, later to Iowa where he entered Schick Gen. Hospital. After being from the hospital, he was sent to "henute Field, Ill, for re- Truax Field, Wise. Watson w^ going to Radio '^^”*® '^®tng, he is doing detail work, waiting for'an Jhiy «"®”t. He expects to get in a Casual Office. Watson says being in the t)ad at all. He works 7 days a week and about five nights. We ' Chjoyed your visit, Watson and hope to see you again quite soon. FLOE.♦ Lt. Floe, of Banana River Naval Station, visited us in back from Rhode Island where he and Mrs. Floe visited ^®^® right by Gordon. He is looking fine, vjlng shares a greater part of this credit with the Navy, Lt. Floe is c!® job as Ships'* Service Officer. Banana River Naval Station commendation from the Admiral for having the best Ship* Service oommenaaTiion rr( Uo S. Navy. ®®8 holidays, Lt, Flos, Hope you will pay us a visit during delayed orders, Ex. was lucky enough to come by to to®^^hatd °^® h^lpplbg out”. We knew better than to ask where his beg for Ex. is ”true to the Navy”, He has made several tripe America, and has covered the foremost comejrs of the E ^®"® without harm. We hope your good luck will >18 8®y about finding a yoimg, beautiful Italian girl? posted as to the progress you makso S^HPUUiEys Rudolph was our visitor 11-17-43. He is non on M, P. th» ?“ Kearney, Nebraska. He likes this much M former guard duty. Rudolph says that M. P, duty off the base Se so prefers his duty on the base. We enjoyed having you you can come again soon. Why not write to us? ROSE George is now a Ist Class Seaman. He is still i[y®J Ocean City, Md. and likes it fine. He is getting anxious to overseas. We are sure you are doing your part on this side, ^ i^on t get too impatient. Write to us soon. ^* Pvt. Wallace was our visitor on II-15-43. After Vfr®*iy8 h?” ®ragg, N. Co , he was transferred to Camp Stewart, Ga. V* I'o n + ^^slo training was plenty tough rattle snakes, alligators— ^la ^^® i^orst is over now—He is a switchboard operator and ^gair,^^®®®”* setup fine. Really, we enjoyed your visit, Hope you can " soon.