Howeirerj, being a M, Po is xiot quite so difficult now aa in the beginning according to Sgto Inscoe. Catch another Jeep going our way* Albertc we ®’^3oy the visits of our service men and vroffisn* JOHK To LEE; Pvto Lee of Canip Fannin, Texes visited Caromount in ®^Jly Mayo John was inducted at Ft* Bragg in Kov€®ber, 19^3°^ ilrffiy to agree with him for he has gained 20 pounds and is *'tit as a fiddle «. the Infantry Lee says a hike of 35 Biliks is not at all unueualr. The 'tret such hike was completed with no soldier falling by the way™ which is f good reoordc Most of his outfit are Sorth Qarolinlons, A few Mexicans p the outfit ooBipletely confuse the Sargeont with their Spanish Ohattero :• wears the medal for rifle marksmanship« Texas being entirely too far Horth Carolinaj Lae says he will gladly return it to the Indians^ • He J^8 reporting to Ft, Meade, Md, after hie furlough, Lee is now a "proud rPA" and of course, he received an emergency furlough to visit his heir, ®®e our way again, Pa, JESSE^O, PRIDGEN; Papa “Red" Pridgen paid us a visit while home to his respect to his new son, William Clyde Pridgen, as of April ^3* Ji' 6®*^ was really beaming when he aiinounoed this to us. He is with Army Air *?^oe8 at Albuquerque, Kew Mexico as ari air plane mechanic. He likes the Array The defense ribbon for service before Pearl Harbor and a good conduct gibbon shine brightly on hie uniform, Sgt, Pridgen entered the Army in July 1941„ We hope his furloughs will be ordered more frequently for "Red WILBUR Dc WILLIAMS; Wilbur visited Caromount recently on a furlough f um Camp Carson, Colorado, The Army is doing fine for Wilbur evidently he has g'aiped considerable weight and is looking fine. In spite of this, ;Ubur was gla,d'to be rel«avecl of Aimsy chores and duties, Wilbur was en tertained at sevbral parties at home. From Colorado t.o North Carolina in : long trip and Pvt, Williams was getting rather ir/rpatient and anxious to ^®o^Rocky Mount, We are glad of an opportunity to see him and we hope Tier furlough will be in order soon. I *###*« * SJI ^ * « » « » » NEWS FROM MSN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE h^^PANlEL E, BORE; Pfe, Bone writes from St, Jacksonj S, C, where he la 6*^ sTat’ioned, Den says, "It was really swell to get back In the barracks those Tennessee Maneuvera", Everyone in Daris division has been ptting u^loughs and we surely hope that Dane’s furlough will be next on the list, IfcjMES A, BO'VDEN? Sgt, Bowden writes from somewhere in India, He states ft ^ he has been transfersd from the Airdrome Squadrom to the Air Transpoxs H?'**nTand and libes It fine. This transfer has enabled him to get an aerial Of some of the Terrain in India and he says that "I have had a chance ft! ^ly over some beautiful country and some that was plenty rugged , we ^ith Bowden that it must have been a wonderful experience. Brown wrote to uo from Fort Crook, As stated her letter. Kebr, where Margaret brown; ■ sgt„ - . ^ v 1 ^ W&8 tenjporarilly stationed. As stated her letter, she I’sceived her lur^ and you will notice paid us a visit while on furlough. She was at Crook for special training and has later been, transfersd to Fort Ogle"- Georgia,