11 ■VARPINQ DEPARTMENT REPORTS By " Paul ¥ell8 ¥111 Young and Randolph Sutton toured North Carolina recently observing a new warping machine. ¥e wonder why Will had to go home immediately after his return to the mill. Speculating must be a strenuous job. ¥e are glad to welcome several new members of our department - Jettie Lee Parker, material handler, and Kora Cockrell who is learning to creel. The Warping Department enjoyed a short visit, by Pfc, Melvin Woolard, formerly a quiller helper. , * If you want any first hand news on basketball, ask Pig Holmes and W. T. Barnes of the third shift. Pig seems to have almost become a member of the high school team and Barnes keeps in touch with every phase of the game, Poo Herman Allen comes in sleepy every day. His little boys always wait io play at the wrong time, Herman thinks the little fellow is gaining some of the weie-ht which he is losing, Jessie Williams is on the water wagon. The brew shortage should not be 80 great now, , , •’Crow" Davis seems to have been the mystery man at a certain party given hy a member of the Warping Department, There still seems to be a discussion to his whereabouts that night, MEANDERING THROUGH THE MENDING DEPARTMENT By Alma Lancaster and Ynntus Solmon Mr, Ellis celebrated his birthday February 1st, Like all other ®en he df^s not want his age broadcasted. He stated that he felt like he was only seventeen. There has been a saying or something about that being arsign °f old age, Knox, Mrso Theresia Perdue received a phone call the other evening from her son ^aul Perdue, whom she still believed was cverseas. He is back in the states ^ow after being wounded in action, Here’s hoping he will be home scon. The Mending Department resumed the third shift production after severel "months without menders on the third shift. We know that Stephen Pope is thrilled to have company again. We have not heard of an increase on the first shift yet, hut Lucille ^^rickland and Tillie Coley have new automobiles. Tell us how you do it, girl We were very sorry to lose Frances Winfree, one of our examiners. She now working in Richmond, Virginia. Here’s luck to you, Frances. NEWS FROM THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT By - Ada Olay Hedgepeth We regret that Mr, Lawson is still sick. He returned to the Speight-' ^^one-Bunn Clinic for a few days. He is improving nicely at home now. Bill Williams is back at work after being out a day, the first in seven j^rs. we understand. We’re glad he was not as sick as we thought. Everyone knows about the Safety Campaign that has been held in the mill the past several months, the purpose of which is to avoid accidents, Th'=" ^^her day one of the captains had on his desk, and we all saw them, a number