DECEMBER — 1946 the staff I of, .North Cnr*Uni\. n, . .. .u.iiuu l( V:‘—‘^0 oV a group 01^ the students of the TJniver ^ FT—r sity formed the Committe for,Libera- =N5: 1 10 CENTS PEE COPT I ,Hed «t interval, dnrin„ (h«Uttention of the pcop e °f N"^"' ^ ,,ear by etudenl, of Ornnye oUna the rate ot etarv^hon .vagee Troinifl school in Chapel that ie paid to o-orkers of the l.n.rer- arlb Carnlina. O.O.M. sferfente swppoit tW view Orange Echo is approved 1 £ ^jj^gg groups; for as the ma tpel Bill Merchant8\ jority of the student-body are sons f a standard ad^ rtisenie daughters of these workers, the \ pinch of this low wage scale is keen- Editor-in-Ghief ly felt by the students. Too, a great yrnroRn -- niminm Mmngerlmmr of tli» stH'lents wbo lioid after- ATTIB - Seoretdry flcliool Jobs at the University la hell) out with the family income or to save s MASON p A- £• j 3 Burchette Sports money for a college education find the wages paid them far inadequate REPORTERS A PLEA POP SCHOOL SPIRIT A SELF-HATING SCALE I to meet the demands of the high Alston. Leora atkins j pj-i(ieg of goods. ONES Hattie L. McCauley AtwAteb E Cole , I Carver Ru-ssell Watson [{[MSF.LF HE PMOT Battle S/iFES OTHERS Gloria Mason ^ ^ .CAmor SAVE^^ eping Vp-Jo-Uate the or teachers in English and so- Captain of the Student Patrol dance (dies talk to use and question the ghost of little children; children current topics, we cannot help with broken limbs, with blood be-spat- ■sorvo how few students read tered clothing; children who cry todicals in our library and show plaintively above the noise of thoug betest in natoinal and interna- less, stamping boys and girls, rus ing iffalrs *^* *"'’* "^—~ ‘ j they kni^w-not why to arrive at, they he problems promoting strikes, know not where. ,ultL from strikes affeet us Day nfr-r day-an oM.dent, Death way» How many of us know The (k., ' ■ Is on the job to save the . thi issues settled by the re- littl- -on from that awfu trage- ssions of the foreign ministers 1 dy that never happen.s, but still con 1 we wait till our coal bias are tinues to knit his brow. before we realise the strike is But week after week—cuts I I Neg ill the Atom Bomb have to Jilow lected studies I I I Pleas from e fatl before we awake to its interested ones 1 I Al^. no avail 1 « 4-ft iisf Will the Bilbo Himself he cannot save! cance to usi I of democracy completely en- Bij Ward L. Burnette We have heard of the und spirits in the graveyarrfbut what of our school spirit! Does our school spirit lej^. us to work together! Is i| making if^ cooperative! ' School spirit should be expressed on the school ground, in the classroom, and in all our school activities. Of course there should be friendly com petition among members of the class, hiif In fill!! fill s^ipul^l TYorHing biid gbttl — tliti gbbd tif tlie HtiliHul; Due respect to teachers, and full cooperation with them in trying to train us in various extra-curricular ac tivities are ways in which wo can show school spirit in no better Avny than l?y getting along ^ell; with onfc another. Wo should bo able to speak to one another about habits of forget fulness such as borrowing some one olse’s book and forgetting to return it without any conflict. Recently, the eighty-eight pupils in English and the forty-one pupils in French in answer to a questionnaire submited by the teacher, Mrs. M. D. Turner, listed" as the qualities of the ideal teacher the following character istics: Neatness Knowledge of subject Honesty C'UUIILiluUVPIlOJS Good Manners Good Speech Respectability Sense of humor Dependability Interest iq'/ pupils : 'Ability to understand pupils Patience A DREAM COME TRUE By Sadie Jones and Battle McCauley The Orange County Training School Lunch Room is like a dream come true! Few people can realize how much work has ghne into the making of ihhl lunch room a reality. When we were told on Monday that it would open on Wednesday all of us wondered if mir acles still happened. Well, apparent ly, they do; for the lunch room open ed and has gone on rendering fine service ever since. If we were little girls, we might associate all this with j Hello Folks Santa Claus. The qualities listed for the ideal |rupil hro as follows: Cooperativeness Neatness Cbcdience Good manners Correct speech Respectability Honesty Desire to learn • Self'control Rogulnr attendance :i Ji U Si^ THIRD GRADE NEWS as before we are aroused to the hat there are growing up in Hnited States many enemies of racy as dangerous as those we noteworthy CHANGES By Eosa L. Byrd racy as dangerouH ao ^ j^y nasa xj- jpent countless dolars and lives ^nder our new principal, many im- qaerf provements are going into effect. querT proveiuc»‘'‘’ e.- o - OUBlT, We are much to indiffer- the fi-ri place, the daily eched- the affairs of oar nation andl ,, , mr longer per.ods of - world to look forward to any l^rk. a helping to shape them. An tm- doming aed person cannot hope to par- period m- te even in local aff^rs. Must we periods n-> 8 let somebody else^o onr think- Ual afc th- I yet had ’ Too, tl- here it pinches fight-thirty in the g a shor^l lunch •ihle six dfty-minnto the same time dismis- ; hirty-five. We have not •'Tve rainy da/ schedule. ,w*nlng of the lunch room in" (>aig Hnilding is a good thing This chn’Tc encourages more students When school opened in September, M.a'ny people a part In makingL.r classroom looked ^ them the students of O.C.T.S. are very We made some grateful. The names of some who help- bags for our cloak room. ed are as follows: boys and girls pamted the curtains. We brought potted plnnt.8 Mrs. Susie Couch gave dish towels, windows. Too, forks, and spoons; Mrs. W. N. ^®tlara,| ^ made an aquarium. It has one gold serving tray and platter; Mrs. £jg]r jj^ it. We take care of the fish Kirkland, dish towels and ®P®®"®Mand the plants every day. Mrs. Claudia Bynum, dish towels and glasses; Mrs. Margaret Or^aig, All of us try to keep our room clean „ recent editorial printed in to get a balanced meal with proper ^ ^ ft nWv.UnfrifioTial values. It also encourages towels and glasses; Mrs. Jennie Me Arthur, dish towels and glasses; Mrs. Morris Mason, glasses; and several members of the Eight O^clock Hostess Club through Mrs. Neal dish towels. Other friend generous with flowers for 'Lies. It is through cooperation of this kind that schools develop into fhe pro- . -a ;• and beautiful. To keep our room de corated to suit the season of the year, we paint leaves and other things to represent the time. Cedonia Atwater brought a clock for the wall. From this we are learning to tell the time of day. We have been doing many more interesting tbinp” who like to see beautiful busy